Stevens Society Brochure - United Way of Portage County

Tina Peters
Marg Coker-Nelson
Stevens Society Co-Chairs
Leaders in Giving
United Way of Portage County
1100 Centerpoint Drive #302
Stevens Point, WI 54481
United Way of Portage County initiated the Stevens
Society in 1984 to recognize leadership level donors
of $500 or more in a given year.
• Helping Portage County rise above challenges to
reach its full potential.
• Focused on Education, Income, Health, and Community Basics.
• Provides an umbrella of protection to our community’s most vulnerable populations.
• Resources are aligned with the greatest needs.
• Community residents, not staff, make decisions
on how funds are allocated and monitor program
• Every donation has a broad impact; each one
• 99% of the money raised here stays here.
• Everyone has something to
The dedicated work of
the various United Way
programs is in line with
my goal of not only helping
others now, but also providing the tools for them
to help themselves for
the rest of their lives.
Kim Angell
United Way of Portage County works to advance
the common good by focusing on the building
blocks for a good life — Education, Income, Health,
and Community Basics.
United Way recruits the people and organizations
who bring the passion, expertise and resources
needed to get things done. We invite you to be a
part of the change by giving and volunteering.
We’re committed to learning more about people’s
aspirations and what kind of community they want
to live in. This is important work, creating the
framework for making community decisions and
convening the community in a shared purpose.
The Stevens Society roster on the following
pages is broken down into different giving levels.
They include:
Diamond…......$5,000 - $9,999
Platinum…......$2,500 - $4,999
Silver…..................$750 - $999
Bronze…................$500 - $749
Following the roster of Stevens Society members,
learn more about how you can continue your
Stevens Society gift in perpetuity with a planned
gift to the United Way Endowment.
Our community’s top philanthropists are
working for long-term solutions in our area.
These individuals are not only role models,
but their gifts of $10,000 or more per year
mean a significant investment in a better
quality of life for individuals and families in
Portage County. Our Tocqueville Society has
seven members who collectively contributed
$107,470 to the 2013 campaign.
Den & Linda Brown
*Additionally, two donors
wish to remain anonymous.
Marg Coker-Nelson
Mark & Julia Fenlon
Mark & Lynn Hackl
Chuck & Vikki Nason
Richard & Barbara Pavelski
Don & Tina Peters
Steven & Jeanne Regnier
Dan & Linda Revai
John & Joan Seramur
Marcia Tepp & Gary Hetzer
Mark & Mary Trautschold
Jim & Debbie Weishan
Bob & Mary Berard
Tim Copps
Pete & Laura McPartland
John & Patty Noel
Dale & Annette Schuh
Bob & Kim Spoerl
David & Cindy Worth
Alexis de Tocqueville was a French aristocrat
who admired the voluntary spirit of American
society. His observations
formed the 1835 work
“Democracy in America,”
a detailed study of
American society, culture
and politics.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Perhaps his most important observation was that Americans helped
one another in times of need. He recognized,
applauded and immortalized the volunteer
spirit that lives in an American’s heart.
Today, more than ever, we need leaders to
step up and become Tocqueville Society
members. Your annual gift of $10,000 or
more to United Way of Portage County will
set an example for others to follow.
I give at the Stevens Society
level because everyone
deserves the opportunity to
have a good life, which
includes a quality education,
income to support a family,
and good health.
Chuck Nason
Gregg & Kay Aiken
Dr. Ryan & Erin Andrews
Lorraine Avery
David & Amy Bakken
Jeff & Joan Budelier
Jim & Nancy Canales
London & Timmy Cooper
Fred Eichmiller
Ken & Meg Erler
Jim & Sherri Fetherston
Walt & Cindy Footit
Jim & Brenda Frank
Joe & Marcia Fritzsche
Dean & Sandy Hagness
David E. & Anne Hartman
Tom & Julie Herzog
Mark Hilliker & Angie Heuck
Wei Huang & Christine Fung
John & Molly Hyland
Connie Janowski
Brad & Pam Johnson
Joe & Cindy Kinsella
Pete & Jeri Kopecko
James & Tammy Koziol
Andrew Lind
Jeff & Debbi Martin
Scott & Jennifer Miller
Mary & Ray Nass
Joe & Pat Okray
Don & Judi Olson
Mary Patoka & David Onan
Michelle & Chris Peariso
Dennis & Sharon Peterson
Ginny Roman
Edward & Carol Sanders
Lizz & Steve Schneider
Mary Senefeld
Jim & Renae Sheibley
Jerry & Gwen Stanford
Sue Wilcox
Tom & Wendy Williams
Todd & Jennifer Williams
Mike & Jill Williams
Rick & Carmella Wittmann
Dan & Connie Wuest
Mike & Pam Zimmer
*Additionally, 5 donors wish
to remain anonymous.
Floy Anderson
Sherry Anderson
Phil G. Arnold
Brian & Janet Asplin
Jason & Stacy Bach
Doug & Trisha Ballweg
Kristin & Jake Barnes
Dan & Jody Beighley
Brant & Jill Bergeron
Sue & Lee Beveridge
Brett & Jackie Beversdorf
Dale Bikowski
Michael & Sara Bilbrey
Jason & Jenny Blenker
Joe & Liz Blonigen
Mark Boccio
Bill & Cindy Brandl
Bob & Linda Brandt
David & Sharon Bruha
Daniel & Nancy Burns
Tom & Patti Cahill
Carl & Judith Carlson
Shana & Ken Carlson
Charmaine & Kevin Check
Mark & Nancy Coffeen
Travis Colby
Bob & Nancy Cooper
Mike Copps
Fred & Penny Copps
Brad & Jenny Corbett
John Crandall
Dr. Michael & Sandra Curtis
Trina Daniels, MD &
Jonathan Daniels
Tom & Kathy Davies
Dave & Paula Derksen
Jim & Barb DeWeerd
Robert & Marguerite Dietrich
Marco & Judith Dotti
Scott & Carrie Dreger
Patty & Tom Dreier
Jason & Stacey Duellman
Ron & Michele Dufresne
Carmen Dumitrescu-Mihaly
Bob & Sandy Dzikoski
Thane & Denise Eckrote
Bill & Betty Ellis
Peter & Dorea Engebretson
Stephen Faber &
Jackie Meyers
Janet & Terence Fagan
Bill & Megan Ferro
Craig Fields
Thomas & Sandra Finn
Mary Lou Fleischauer
Tom & Sharon Flugaur
Ted & Rose Francsis
Dan & Kelly Frank
Andria & Neil Frederickson
Dave & Jean Fredrickson
Barbara Friedrich
Shane Frostman
Vinnie Garth
Pamela Gartmann
Patty Glennon
Jodi Glodowski
Val & Dolores Glytas
Dr. Roger J. Gollon
John & Jennifer Gundersen
Terri & Tim Hahn
Jeff & Diane Hamilton
Fred & Lori Hebblewhite
Dana Schwartzman &
Gary Hegewald
David & Yong Hendrickson
Susan & David Henry
John & Jeanne Herder
Donna Ginzl & Brian Hicks
William Hinner
Matt & Nicki Hintz
We give to United Way because we
strongly believe in giving back to the
community and believe United Way
provides the best value to get the
funds where they are most needed.
Ryan, Erin, Josh, Riley, and Ellie Andrews
2013 United Way Campaign Drive Chair Family
Bernard & Mitzi Hlavac
James & Siu-Lin Hom
Michael & Caryn Hurst
John & Cara Irwin
Scott & Debra Jackson
Robert & Cheryl Jean
Pamela Jewell
Ian & Laurie Journeaux
Dan & Darci Jurgella
Bret & Kathy Kastein
James & Windy Kauth
Gary & Sandra Kawleski
Tim & RaNae Kelly
Paul & Sue Koehl
Susan Konopacky
Dan Koosmann
Mark & Kelly Kovatch
Teri & Jerry Koziczkowski
Daniel & Beth Kraeger
David & Ann Kramer
Fred & Mary Kreul
Wayne & Beth Krolikowski
Wendy & Tom Kumm
Mark & Lindie Landin
Kevin & Bobbie Lang
Pete & Jane Laux
William & Valerie Le Grande
Mike & Nancy Lensmire
Jeff & Celeste Lutgen
Beverly Mancl
Dave & Julie Marie
Jim & Cathy Martin
Jim & Karin McDonald
Kelly McGinty
David McHone
Alice & Gerard McKenna
Julie & Chris Meadows
Tim & Alison Messar
Scott & Sharon Metskas
Daniel Michalak
Jason & Sara Millar
Scott & Carla Miskowski
Mike & Sara Mitchell
Ed & Susan Morganroth
Jay & Mary Anne Morris
Doug & Judy Munsey
Greg & Donna Mykisen
Lisa & Brent Nelson
Mary Ann Nigbor
Sean & Carri Nimm
Tim & Angie Noble
Joan & Storm North
Brad & Jan Northcraft
John & Jill Norton
Phil & Maureen Noteboom
Jennifer Olle
Michael & Connie Onan
Christopher Palmer
Mark & Joey Patrick
Dr. & Mrs. Bernie L. Patterson
Justus F. Paul
Allen & Kristi Pennebecker
David & Renee Peterson
Sandy & Jeff Peterson
Karl & Donna Petz
Mark Phillippi & Jacki Stroik
Doug & Anita Polzin
James & Marianne Potter
Joseph & Elizabeth Provancha
Pam & Ray Przybelski
Michelle & Luke Przybylski
Ron & Jullie Purkapile
Donika & Gent Rakacolli
Becky Reimer
Wendy Rheinschmidt
Rich & Amy Riggs
Elisha Robinson
Jeanette Rogers
Mark & Tracey Roland
David Rosenthal & Renee
Denny Rosenthal
Dave & Roseann Rosin
Dave & Nancy Ross
Dan & Terri Rossiter
Maureen Ruth &
Ted Hesemann
Pete & Catherine Sanderson
Jeffrey D. Sanner
Fay F. Saydjari
Ken & JoAnn Scheidt
Team Schierl
Ted & Joan Schlafke
Mike & Marsha Schneeberger
Lori & Roger Schneider
Fred & Cathy Schroeckenthaler
Todd & Deanna Schroeder
Jim & Martha Schuh
Wayne & Shannon Semmerling
Sanjaya Senanayake
Karen & Gary Shurbert
Tom & Shirley Skillman
Gary & Judy Slowinski
Michael & Claudia Smith
Nick & Dianne Somers
Bill & Julie Stagner
Jennifer & Scott Steuck
Tom & Gail Stout
Mark & Cindy Strojny
Shad & Patricia Struble
Mark Sullivan
Pat & Larry Svaton
Mary & Bob Taylor
Dawn & Michael Thayer
Michael & Karen Thielman
Judith & Ronal Thies
Curt & Liz Thompson
Dan & Barb Tuen
Steven & Nancy Underbakke
Daniel & Sandra Van Asten
Angie & Brady Vetrone
Evan & Jean Volm
Wachsmuth Family
Randy & Pat Wesenberg
Jeff & Katie Willoughby
Mark & Julie Wood
Gary & Lisa Wunrow
Greg & Shannon Zdroik
*Additionally, 28 donors
wish to remain anonymous.
I am a firm believer in pay it forward. It’s
a concept everybody should embrace.
I was helped when I had nothing, and
if I can pay it forward to someone else,
that’s what keeps the world moving.
Pam Jewell
2013 United Way Board of Directors President
Scott & Laura Adamski
Rod & Tammy Andersen
Sanjana Aleti &
Sridhar Kandagatla
Ross Alff
Steve & Sue Allen
Terry & DeAnne Anderson
Jason & Elizabeth Anderson
Matt & Kim Angell
Ed & Penny Bancker
Betsy Barlow
Joel & Kim Basala
Roger & Gretchen Beyer
Fred & Patrice Boehm
Bob & Sandy Bonifas
Kurt & Ann Boson
Ronald & Carrie Brock
Suzanne & Chad Carroll
William Cherek
Ed & Jill Clemens
Michael & Lisa Cloud
Donald (Lucky) &
Cheryl Copps
Kim & Shannon Crabb
Darrin & Monica Davisson
Nadine & Tim Davy
Dewery & Kim Deuel
Michael & Terri Donlan
Amy & Mark Eddy
Paula Erickson
Steve & Denise Etrheim
Lisa & Tony Falduto
Richard & Krystal Ferg
Rick & Lesa Flugaur
Eric & Karrie Fugina
Bruce & Becky Georgenson
Russell & Barbara Golla
Marcus & Amy Haemmerle
Sabine & Brian Hale
Jerold Harter, MD &
Susan Girod, MD
Kay & Jerry Haupert
Lewis & Elaine Higginbotham
Jay & Shelly Johnson
Stephen & Carole Johnson
Trevor & Melissa Johnson
Jim & Denise Kieffer
Joe & Crystal Kirschling
Jeremy Kleifgen & Ann Leahy
Julie & Paul Kliegl
Robert & Margaret Konkol
Lori & Tom Krostag
Lisa & Scott Krueger
Jim & Pat Laabs
Dave & Mary Lamken
Scott & Lisa Lange
Roger & Ruth Lepak
Dr. E. George & Phyllis May
Dave & Mae Nachman
Gerald & Mary O’Brien
Mark & Patti Olinyk
Jon & Beth Olsen
Keaven Olson
Lisa & Tom Patterson
Steven Pederson
David Peeters
Kathy & Mike Pezewski
Torren Pies &
Ellen Schroeder Pies
Jack & Cynny Porter
Melissa Potocki
Brian Radzinski
Randy & Lori Ramczyk
Todd & Carol Rave
Marcia M. Richter
Scott & Anne Rifleman
Peggy & David Root
Nick & Kelly Saeger
Dennis Schenk
Tom & Linda Schmenk
Mark & Jan Seiler
Jim & Sue Shulfer
Ronald & Paula Skrenes
Eric & Lisa Smetana
Stephanie Smith
Scott & Sheila Soulsby
Greg & Marti Sowka
Diana & Patrick Steffen
Charlie & Rae Stevens
Sharon Stratton
Dan & Lisa Strizel
Peggy Shannon-Sullivan
Troy & Gina Tepp
Steven & Tracie Ter Maat
John Todd & Terri Konkol
John & Mary Tomazin
Carol & BJ Welling
Attila J. Weninger
Becci Wiegand &
Marv Van Kekerix
Bruce & Stacie Woboril
Louis & Avis Wysocki
Russell & Diane Wysocki
Andrew & Raina Zanow
Jim & Peg Zwicker
*Additionally, 19 donors
wish to remain anonymous.
I give to the United Way because it uses a
successful formula: efficiency + donations
used for local needs + programs that help
the most vulnerable + it addresses root
causes of problems = a better community
for us all.
Ron Skrenes
2013 United Way Tina Peters
Dedicated Service Award Winner
Paul & Patti Adamski
The Alexander Family
Cindy & Kyle Alexander
Terry Anderson
Alanna Anderson
Jim & Sue Anderson
Rachel Appicelli
Christine & Mark Arend
Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Bach
Carl Bangora
Deb Bartkowiak
Scot & Dena Barton
Mary & Richard Behm
Dean Benjamin
Carmen & Keith Berg
Paul & Sue Bergh
John & Marilyn Bernd
Nick Schultz & Bill Berry
Thomas Bertz
Ted & Paulette Bessen
Christine & Christopher Lockery
Doug and Trina Bierman
Jason & Jennifer Bilbrey
Victoria & John Billings
Dave & Joan Bisone
Judy Bond
Mary Boris
Lisa Bourget
Jameson & Jennifer Bowling
Sherry B. Boyce
Andrew & Judy Braun
Don & Maryanne Broderick
Matthew & Maureen Bronson
David & Kathy Bryer
Kathy Buatti
Ingrid & Marty Burkhardt
Craig & Holly Busse
James Butler & Cathryn Eckberg
Michael & Cynthia Buttke
Jonathon Carroll
Frank & Dianne Cegielski
Arthur & Barbara Ceplina
Carl Chase
Curt & Jessyca Christianson
Tim Cisewski
Jack & Kathy Ciula
Daniel Clements
Cole Corrigan
Sam & Lisa Crockett
Susan & Tim Crotteau
Clare & Kevin Cullen
David Curtin
Jason & Meghann Czech
Sherry Daven
George Davidson
Tom & Carol Davis
Scott & Kim Debilzen
Lori Dehlinger
Bob & Jackie Demski
Bob & Beth Derezinski
Brenda & Dave Diamond
I’m fortunate and lucky to live in such
a great community where people help
people. I give because I know that hand
in hand we help each other.
Margaret Spatula
2013 Campaign Coordinator of the Year
Jacob Dickerson
Cheri Dimick
Mark & Kathleen Dodge
Nancy Dodson
Matthew Domaszek
Rockford Dominick
Jay & Tracy Dorrler
Joe & Kris Dragan
Rob & Kala Durall
Timothy & Jacqueline Durigan
Burdette Eagon
Betty S. Eckberg
Debbie Edgerton
Annie Fahy
Dale & Amy Felckowski
Frances & Kenneth Felckowski
Jerry L. & Lucy Ferkey
James & Kristine Firminhac
Susan Fish
Jeanne Fisher
Tom & Sherri Flaker
John & Denise Fournier
Jennifer & Ryan Fox
Bradley Franz
Richard Frausto
Jeff Frese
Richard Furseth
Jon & Rachael Gadbois
Ralph & Marian Gagas
John & Carol Gardner
Nicholas Garigliano
Margaret & James Gast
Jon & Jennifer Gause
Dave & Robyn Gibson
Scott & Carla Glinski
Al & Colleen Glodowski
Charles & Nancy Glodowski
Rob & Sue Glodowski
Jason & Lisa Glodowski
Nicole Golla
Jered & April Gosse
John & Marilyn Gosz
Timothy & Rachel Gottlieb
Eric & Stacy Grajkowski
Glenn & Sandy Gregg
Joan Gresens
Wayne & Jill Groshek
Joe & Cathy Gruber
Thomas R. & Marit Guse
Paul & Sarah Gwidt
Douglas & Erin Hahn
Leanne Halder
Linda & Paul Hammerschmidt
Rick & Libby Hanaway
Mark & Cathy Hardt
Larry & Cheryl Harlow
Don & Karen Hassler
Johnny E. Hastings
A.J. & Sara Hawley
Craig Hazledine
Aaron & Jessica Heckel
Michael Heier
Joanne Heins
Scott & Lisa Hellberg
Christopher & Monica Hellweg
Melanie Hendricks
Tom & Carol Henke
Robert Hermes
Laura Heuer
Lani Hildebrandt
Luke & Sara Hilgers
Michael Hinchcliffe
Lisa Holbrook
Sean Holland
Daniel Hoover
Timothy Hopper &
Jacquelyn Paulson
Jay & Kristen Hoyord
Charlie & Heather Hoyord
Anna-Lisa Hunter
Myles & Susan Hurlburt
Sandy & Jeff Huser
Mark & Karen Ilten
Nick & Stephanie Inman
Randy & Carolyn Iwanski
Brent Jacobson
Jacob & Michelle Jahnke
Rhody & Sharon Jakusz
Michael & Cynthia Jakusz
Josh & Alissa Jandrain
Judie Janquart
Leanne Jansen
Dr. Joseph & Charlene Jarabek
Todd & Becky Jirous
Terri Jonas
Michelle Jones
Karen Jones
Amanda & Jon Jordan
Jane Jost
Liz Kammer
Rob & Cheri Karch
Robert Kearns
Arlin Keck
Sharyn Kedrowski
Mary Grace Keene
Gene & Nancy Kemmeter
Mark & Christine Kienbaum
Cynthia Kinn Kievet
Cindy King
Paul Klapatauskas
Ronald Klein
Brian & Dawn Klesmith
John & Janet Kloc
Paula L. Kluck
Steve Knez
Robert J. Knowlton
John Kohler
Pete & Jackie Koppa
Joe & Becky Korte
Scott Kosinski
Sandi Kowalski
James, Sue & Luke Kozisek
Diane Kranig
David & Donna Krommenacker
Mike & Bonnie Krueger
Todd & Mary Kuckkahn
Jason Kurszewski
Jon & Jody Kusmider
Don & Margie LaBarge
Lloyd & Diedre Lacasse
The Ladick Family
Chin-Feng D. Lai
Steven Landwehr
Dale & Jean Lange
Marlene Laskowski-Fawley
& John Fawley
Jim & Marilyn Laudon
Dr. & Mrs. G. R. Leach
Maureen A. Leahy
Mark & Cheryl Leatherman
John & Kathy Leek
Joe & Terri Leek
Rob & Mary Lynn Lemerond
Brian Lepper
Suzi & Kevin Limberg
Gail Lindner
John Llewellyn
Eric Lokken
Becky & Marty Loy
James Lundberg
Jason & Carol Ann Lussenden
Melissa MacDonald
Glen & Lee Magyera
Tom & Kim Mains
Kevin Malloy
Joe & Wendy Mangal
Tom & Mary Marks
Gregory Marsicek
Micki Martin
David and Nancy Martin
Neil & Hollie Masanz
Thomas Mason
Brian Mathey
Randy Matsche
Gretchen Mattner
Judith McAllister
Patrick & Carolyn McGinley
Sally McGinty & Marc Violante
Karen McKnight
Shannon McLarnan
Sheila Meddaugh
Misty Mertz
Brent & Trina Meyer
Barb Miller
Jenna Mixer
Andy & Trisha Montalbano
Barb Montoya
Nancy Newell Moore
Sandra Mork
Jennifer & Paul Morrison
Bob & Mary Mosier
Steve & Laurie Moyer
Ryan & Crysty Mroczenski
Dave & Carol Mueller
Paul & Katherine Munck
K B & Jenifer Napruszewski
Marlene Narel
Janell & Mike Nelson
Lynn Nelson
Michael & Stephanie Nerdahl
Jeff & Shannon Netzinger
Joshua Newkirk
Jim & Karen Noonan
Eric & Erin Olson
Mike & Barb Olson
Mike & Valerie O’Meara
Wayne & Patti Orthwein
Jarod Overesch
Scott & Jennifer Page
Rick Palmenton
Todd & Shelley Patoka
Mary Patten
John & Carole Paulson
Cassandra Paulson
Stephanie Perry
Julie H. Peterson
Jayne Petruska
John & Judy Piccanotto
Keith & Kristi Pilger
Brian & Terri Pinter
Fred & Betty Pionek
Paul & Cynthia Piotrowski
David C. & Cathie Plaisance
Ron Polum
Butch & Colleen Pomeroy
Jim & Carrie Portzen
David & Mary Powell
John & Gail Prais
David & Pauline Pray
Gary & Gail Pucci
Kathy & Pat Raflik
Gary & Laurie Ramczyk
Sharon Ramczyk
John & Petti Reichert
James & Karen Reidinger
Todd & Laurie Reilly
Kevin Reimer
Rachel Renner
Maureen Domask &
Mark Repinski
Marie & Chris Richards
Mike Richmond
Jeff & Sherri Rindfleisch
Jamie Ritzer
Eric & Kelly Rodriguez
Helen M. Roman
Shawna Romatowski
Nathan & Kayla Rombalski
Rona Rossier-Abel
Rick & Sharon Rothman
Mark & Nadine Rusch
Dan & Jean-Ann Rusch
Brad & Tori Rutta
Chris & Mary Sadler
John Sadloske
Ken & Kathy Sadogierski
Patrick Safo
Ruth Salzmann
Robert & Nancy Sander
Scott & Debbie Sauer
Duke & Jill Schlagenhaft
Peggy Schleizer
Jessica Schmidt
Mark Schmitz
Richard Schneider
John & Cheri Schneider
Tom & Nancy Schneider
Evan Schreiner
Sam & Mary Schroeder
Lora Schultz
Stephanie Seavers
Robert & Ann Shannon
Amy Schilling-Roberts
Craig & Julie Shuler
Keith and Leah Shulfer
J. Thomas & Dorit Sievwright
Roger Skrzeczkoski, Jr.
Lou & Beth Slezak
Carroll Smith
Leigh & Beth Smith
Chris Sobczak
Jeff Sojka
Wade & Jacqueline Solberg
Jeff & Kathy Sommers
Nicholas & Tanya Sondelski
Margaret Spatula
Chris St. Martin
Marc & Tracey Stalter
Beverly Staniak
Chad & Mary Jo Steckel
Jeff Steinweber
Pete & Patty Engelbert
Eric & Sheryl Stiles
Teresa & Gary Stoltenberg
Chad & Sue Strehlow
Brian & Kris Strigel
Jason Stroik
Shaun & Maggie Sullivan
Derek & Kimberly Sutliff
Rachel & Dan Swedberg
Candace Taylor
Steve & Deb Teske
Matthew Thieleke
Loren & Karen Thompson
Richard & Yvonne Thompson
Pete & Dawn Thrun
Jerry & Kathy Trachte
Adrian Omernick &
Marcy Trebe
Lori Trzebiatowski
Bonnie & Brian Trzebiatowski
Nick & Gina Trzebiatowski
Michael Trzebiatowski
Darrell & Laura Trzebiatowski
Rachelle Turzinski
Jagadish Uriti
Mark & Sue Van Dreel
Janie Van Maastricht
Jean Vande Laarschot
Jon & Annette Vandehey
Bob & Denise VanDen Heuvel
John & Lisa Vann
Rosemary & Jack Varney
Evan Vaughan
Tim & Sue Volland
James & Lynette Voss
Mark Wadina, MD
Brian & Cheryl Wagner
Phyllis Wandrey
Eric & Tonya Wangen
Todd Warnke
Patti & Thomas Weidman
Russ & Shelly Weis
Lawrence & Julia Weiser
We give to United Way because
we know our donation, along with
others, makes a positive change
in Portage County.
JR and Heather Wynne
Allan & Sandra Wendland
Drs. Thomas & Tara
Jennings Westrick
Tom & Mary Whittington
Geri Wiegert
Craig Wilkins & Kristin Plaski
Kirk & Jacquie Willie
Samantha R. Williams
Ranee Williams
Bob & Mary Williams
Scott & Carie Winn
David & Betsy Wise
Samantha & Michael Wittman
Keith & Anita Wiza
Brandon & Nicole Wojtalewicz
Linda Wolloch
Patricia Woods
Ron & Karen Worzalla
Craig Woyak
JR & Heather Wynne
Francis & Harriet Wysocki
Gary & Elizabeth Wysocki
Jim & Sharon Wysocki
Craig & Dayleen Yoerger
Michael Scot Young
Dean & Angella Zagrzebski
Allen & Janet Zander
Jake & Kristen Zastrow
Ruth Zelhofer
David Zhu
John & Beth Ziereis
Doreen Zimmerman
Robert Zueger
*Additionally, 95 donors
wish to remain anonymous.
Workforce campaigns help propel leadership
giving. A thank you is extended to these
companies for leading by example!
Adventure 212........................................................................1
Advocates For Developmentally Disabled
Community Partners...........................................................1
AECOM Technical Services, Inc...............................................2
Aging & Disability Resource Center
of Portage County...............................................................2
Alzheimer’s Association of Greater WI....................................1
Ameriprise Financial...............................................................5
AnchorBank - Stevens Point Branch........................................2
Anderson O’Brien Bertz, Skrenes & Golla.............................17
Associated Bank...................................................................48
Bannach Elementary...............................................................2
Ben Franklin Junior High School..............................................1
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Portage County............................1
Blenker Companies, Inc..........................................................3
Bliss Educational Service Center.............................................2
BMO Harris Bank....................................................................5
Boys & Girls Club of Portage County.......................................1
CAP Services, Inc..................................................................11
Capitol Insurance Companies.................................................1
Central City Credit Union - Point/Plover..................................4
Central WI Management Services, LLC....................................1
Cherek, Pucci & Quick, S.C.....................................................1
CliftonLarsonAllen LLP............................................................3
Community Care of Central Wisconsin....................................4
Community Industries Corporation.........................................2
Construcks, Inc.......................................................................1
Cooper Dental.........................................................................1
Crystal Finishing Systems.......................................................1
Delta Dental Of Wisconsin....................................................56
Dental Health Center, S.C........................................................1
Diagnostic & Treatment Center...............................................1
Donaldson Company, Inc......................................................12
Dr. Stephen Faber - D.D.S........................................................1
Driven Technologies...............................................................1
Ellis Stone Construction Company, Inc...................................4
EO Johnson Office Technologies.............................................1
ERCO Worldwide.....................................................................4
Excellence Dental....................................................................1
Felker Brothers.......................................................................1
Furniture & Appliance Mart.....................................................1
Gamber-Johnson, LLC..............................................................1
General Beer-Northeast, Inc....................................................1
Girl Scouts of Northwestern Great Lakes................................1
Glen A Magyera D.D.S., S.C.....................................................1
Greenheck Fan Corp................................................................1
Herrschners, Inc......................................................................1
Hom Family Dentistry..............................................................1
Idea Associates.......................................................................1
International Bank Of Amherst...............................................2
Intevation Food Group.............................................................3
Jacobson Legal Group.............................................................1
James C. Noonan, Atty at Law.................................................1
JHL Digital Direct.....................................................................4
Jim Laabs Music......................................................................1
Johnson Financial Group.........................................................1
Kawleski Trucking Co..............................................................1
Ki Mobility..............................................................................2
Len Dudas Motors...................................................................1
Liberty Mutual.........................................................................2
Madison Elementary...............................................................1
Mark Toyota Scion..................................................................3
McDill Elementary...................................................................3
McKinley Elementary..............................................................5
Meals On Wheels Home Delivered Meals................................2
Mid-State Technical College...................................................6
Midstate Truck Service, Inc.....................................................1
Midwest Hardware Association...............................................2
Ministry Health Care.............................................................77
Mitchell’s Hilltop Pub & Grill..................................................1
NAPA Distribution Center........................................................3
Nationwide Financial Services, Inc..........................................1
Neenah Paper - Whiting Mill.................................................12
NewPage - Stevens Point Mill...............................................15
NewPage Corporation.............................................................7
Noel Group, LLC......................................................................9
Notable Impressions...............................................................1
Paramount Farms, Inc.............................................................2
Pineries Bank..........................................................................2
PJ Jacobs Junior High School...................................................3
Plover Family Dental Care.......................................................1
Plover River Farms Alliance.....................................................1
Plover Whiting Elementary......................................................2
Pointe Precision, Inc.............................................................10
Portage County Annex............................................................2
Portage County Business Council...........................................1
Portage County Health & Human Services..............................3
Portage County Health Care Center.........................................2
Portage County Library...........................................................2
Recycled Office Env/Emmons Bus Interiors.............................5
Regnier Consulting Group.......................................................3
River Cities Bank.....................................................................4
Roosevelt Elementary.............................................................4
Sentry Insurance.................................................................364
Skyward, Inc.........................................................................24
SPAN Publishing, Inc..............................................................1
Spectra Print Corporation.......................................................1
St. Stanislaus School..............................................................1
State of Wisconsin Court System Circuit Courts......................1
Steel King Industries..............................................................2
Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools......................................2
Stevens Point Area Senior High..............................................7
Stevens Point Police Department............................................1
Stevens Point Street Department............................................1
Swiss Re.................................................................................1
Team Schierl Companies.........................................................1
The Boldt Company - WRV......................................................1
The Memory Market................................................................1
Thomas W. Stout, CPA, S.C.....................................................1
Tomorrow River School District...............................................1
Travel Guard, Inc...................................................................16
United Way of Portage County................................................5
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.................................18
UWSP Retirees........................................................................1
Washington Elementary..........................................................2
We Energies............................................................................1
Welling Kitchen & Bath...........................................................1
Wisconsin Department Of Transportation...............................1
Wisconsin Public Service........................................................4
WoodTrust Bank.....................................................................1
Worth Company......................................................................4
Wysocki Family of Companies...............................................18
2014 celebrates the 30-year anniversary of the Stevens Society,
United Way of Portage County’s
leadership giving program.
The Stevens Society formed
in 1984 under the leadership
of Don Peters and Jim Ford.
Stevens Society members are
leadership level donors of $500
or more in a given year.
Since its inception, Tina Peters,
Don’s wife, has chaired the
Stevens Society for the majority
of the past 30 years, with the
help of many other individuals
including current co-chair Marg
2013 marked the first year
Stevens Society contributors
exceeded the $1
million threshold
for a single year
from 935 generous donors.
Giving back at the Stevens
Society level is a way to
achieve tangible results
in an effort to develop a
stronger community. We
give back to help advance
the common good for
Don and Tina Peters
Don Peters
Tina Peters
Most of us give time, talents, and money to
charitable organizations during our lives because
it makes a difference for someone else. We
experience the joy that comes from giving to an
organization that puts into action our values and
priorities. Through a legacy gift, you can make a
difference — now and forever. Through the United
Way Endowment, United Way of Portage County
offers more ways to make a lasting and valuable
contribution to the future of the community.
The United Way Endowment exists to accommodate the wishes of people who make
planned gifts to United Way of Portage County.
A planned gift is a deferred gift, meaning it is
arranged now and fulfilled later, often according to bequests in wills. Participation in the
Endowment will enable donors to continue their
tradition of caring and prepares United Way to
address the pressing issues yet to come.
Donors also receive satisfaction in supporting the causes they care deeply about, receive
immediate and future tax benefits, benefit the
entire community, and become an example for
others to follow. This act of giving to United
Way provides the intangible reward of knowing
lives and the conditions in the community will
continue to be improved.
United Way of Portage County is dedicated to
finding the most efficient, personally satisfying and financially advantageous method for
each donor to make his or her contribution.
Your legal or financial advisor can guide you in
choosing a gift that fulfills your needs, provides
maximum tax benefits, and does the most good
for others. Giving options include bequests,
securities, gifts of property, life income gifts,
life insurance, and cash gifts.
How will you be remembered?
In 2012, United Way of Portage County started using the earnings from the Endowment
for community projects that align with United
Way’s areas of emphasis: Education, Income,
Health, and Community Basics. $5,400 was
allocated to Ignite, United Way’s emerging
leaders group, to build a Born Learning Trail
at Mead Park in Stevens Point.
In 2013, the United Way Endowment
Committee and Board approved funding of
$2,500 for United Way of Portage County’s
first-ever No Child’s Wet Behind Community
Diaper Drive to purchase diapers and $5,000
for Project Fresh Start to purchase school
supplies. Both the diapers and school supplies were distributed to the community’s
most vulnerable populations as a way to fill
an identified need in Portage County.
The United Way Endowment has received
gifts from or memorials honoring the
following individuals:
Lorraine Avery
Andy Risberg*
Marg Coker-Nelson
Leo Sniadajewski*
Joan Joerns*
Kelly Wojcik*
Margaret Krake*
Edie Kraus*
Sherry McHone*
-Additionally, there are
Stu Nelson*
individuals in the comJim Nigbor*
munity who have signed a
Ida Olson*
letter of intent to include
United Way in their estate
Don & Tina Peters
Susan Radant*
For more information on investing in the United Way
Endowment, visit; or contact
(715) 341-6740 or [email protected].
Your gift has a direct impact on our community.
United Way invests in four critical issue areas:
Education, Income, Health and Community
Basics, the building blocks for a good quality
of life.
Prepare our children for
success in school and life
Advance opportunities
for people to maintain
independent living and
move people toward
financial stability
Improve the mental and
physical health of people
in Portage County
Ensuring people’s basic
needs of food, shelter,
safety and community
connections are met
Special thanks to Spectra Print for
print sponsorship of the Stevens
Society Book.