House Bill 5: Plan Your Future March 2014 LISD HB5: Plan Your Future What is House Bill 5? House Bill 5 (HB5) connects your child’s education with college and a meaningful career Our Goal A Diploma that Opens Doors Your Goal LISD HB5: Plan Your Future What Does HB 5 Change? Reduces the number of STAAR end-ofcourse exams required to graduate, from 15 to 5 Allows your child’s diploma to tell his or her story - with “Endorsements” and “Performance Acknowledgements” Creates a personalized learning plan in line with your child’s career interest and goals LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Who Do These Changes Affect? Mandated for all incoming 9th grade students in 20142015 and optional for current high school students LISD HB5: Plan Your Future HB5: Part of a Bigger Message Changes in Testing Graduations Programs Endorsements Personal Graduation Plans Plan Your Future LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Changes in Testing Reduced STAAR end-of-course exams required to graduate from 15 to 5 5 Required End-of-Course Exams: Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology & US History Elimination of 15% rule (which tied EOCs to GPAs) and cumulative score requirement LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Graduations Programs Foundation Plan Foundation Plan with Endorsements Distinguished Level of Achievement LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Current Graduation Plans Minimum High School Program (MHSP) (22 Credits) Recommended High School Program (RHSP) (26 Credits) Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) (26 Credits) LISD HB5: Plan Your Future New Graduation Plans Foundation High School Program (FHSP) (22 Credits) FHSP with Endorsements (26 Credits) Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA) (26 Credits) *See Resources slide for Side by Side Comparison Chart link LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Foundation Requirements English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Four credits English I English II English III Advanced English Course Three credits Algebra I Geometry Advanced Mathematics Course Three credits Biology IPC or Advanced Science Course Advanced Science Course Three credits U.S. History U.S. Government (one-half credit) Economics (one-half credit) World Geography or World History Or Combined World Geography/ World History (course not developed yet) LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Foundation Requirements ~continued Physical Education One credit Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Two credits in the same language Fine Arts One credit Electives Five credits or Computer programming language LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA) FHSP with Endorsement including Algebra II Eligible for 4-year Texas public universities, Automatic Admission if DLA and Top 10% (except UT Austin, top 7%) LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Why is Algebra II Required? Helps = students score higher on the math portions of the SAT and ACT Makes a student eligible for Top 10% admission to Texas colleges/universities Not taking Algebra II can severely limit a student’s college experience LISD HB5: Plan Your Future A New Way to Display Accomplishments on Diplomas Performance Acknowledgement A student may earn a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance: in a dual credit course in bilingualism and bi-literacy on an AP test on the PSAT, the ACT-Plan, the SAT, or the ACT for earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How will Colleges Recognize the FHSP/Endorsements/DLA? Current data is not available on how colleges will recognize Endorsements in the future or if students will be admitted to certain majors beyond college admissions criteria Colleges will continue to evaluate transcripts for the types of courses taken and grades earned along with test scores and the academic résumé LISD Endorsements A Plan for Your Future HB5: Plan Your Future LISD HB5: Plan Your Future What Is an Endorsement? A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: Curriculum requirements for an endorsement A total of 4 credits in Math A total of 4 credits in Science 2 additional electives LISD HB5: Plan Your Future STEM A coherent sequence or series of courses selected from one of the following: •CTE courses with a final course from the STEM career cluster •Computer science •Mathematics (to include Algebra II) •Science (to include Chemistry and Physics) •A combination of no more than two of the categories listed above LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Business & Industry A coherent sequence or series of courses selected from one of the following: •CTE courses with a final course from one of the following Career Clusters: −Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources −Architecture & Construction −Arts, Audio/Video, Technology & Communications −Business Management & Administration −Finance −Hospitality & Tourism −Information Technology −Manufacturing −Marketing −Transportation, or Distribution & Logistics •The following English electives: public speaking, debate, advanced broadcast journalism, including newspaper and yearbook •Technology applications •A combination of credits from the categories listed above LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Arts & Humanities A coherent sequence or series of courses selected from one of the following: • Social studies • The same language in Languages Other Than English (LOTE) • Two levels in each of two languages in LOTE • American Sign Language (ASL) • Courses from one or two categories (art, dance, music, and theater) in fine arts • English electives that are not part of Business & Industry LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Public Service A coherent sequence or series of courses selected from one of the following: •CTE courses with a final course from one of the following Career Clusters: −Education & Training −Government and Public Administration −Health Science −Human Services −Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Multidisciplinary A coherent sequence or series of courses selected from one of the following: •Four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education without remediation from within one endorsement area or among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence •Four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and Chemistry and/or Physics •Four credits in AP or dual credit selected from English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Economics, LOTE, or Fine Arts LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Personal Graduation Plan LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Students Will Develop a Personalized Plan Middle school students will complete a career-interest inventory in an online platform called XAP Choices Students may access XAP at school and from home to develop a career interest profile and explore career fields and colleges based on their goals. LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Will Students Develop a Personalized Plan? Eighth Grade students (Spring 2014) will review their career assessment results with a counselor or school administrator to develop a personal graduation plan Parents will review and sign a copy student’s personal graduation plan LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Will Students Develop a Personalized Plan? In ninth grade (starting in 2014-2015), a school counselor or school administrator will review a student’s personal graduation plan – including endorsement and distinguished level of achievement – with the student and his or her parents LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Will Students Develop a Personalized Plan? Students will continue to update the 4-year plan every year, along with Course Registration (*subject to LISD course offerings) Students will have the opportunity to change endorsements but need to make sure endorsement requirements are able to be met LISD Topics of Discussion How You Can Help Your Child Succeed HB5: Plan Your Future LISD HB5: Plan Your Future HB5 Requires All of Us to Work Together for Students’ Success Engaged parents Engaged students Informed guidance counselors Collaborative teachers and school support staff LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Can I Help My Child Make an Informed Decision? Review information on Endorsements and visit school websites to see which programs are offered at your child’s school or at a school he/she wishes to attend Meet with your child’s teacher/counselor LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Can I Prepare My Child for College and Career in Elementary? Schedule parent-teacher conferences on a regular basis Read with your child and encourage your child to read on his/her own Know the STAAR testing schedule Make sure you child arrives at school on time and well-rested LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Can I Prepare My Child for College and Career in Middle School? Maintain a strong relationship with your child – talk frequently Encourage your child to take challenging classes, such as Pre-AP or Honors courses Make attendance a top priority Set a daily routine Explore XAP with your child LISD HB5: Plan Your Future How Can I Prepare My Child for College and Career in High School? Be sure they keep their grades up Monitor their performance and help them request tutoring if needed Meet with your child’s counselor Encourage her to take AP, Honors, and dual credit courses and exams Be sure they attend school regularly LISD HB5: Plan Your Future Resources for Families TEA HB 5 Update Side by Side Graduation Program Comparison Chart Back to Slide 9
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