Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference Y. Guan and H. Liao, eds. Studying the Reasons for Delay and Cost Escalation in Construction Projects: The Case of Iran Abstract ID: Hamed Samarghandi Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada, S7N 5A7 [email protected] Seyed Mohammad Moosavi Tabatabaei Tabuck Construction Co. Ltd., Tehran, Iran Pouria Taabayan Idea Group, Tehran, Iran Email: [email protected] Ahmad MirHashemi ICT Organization of The City of Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran Abstract Construction projects act as a major driving force for a country’s economic development. However, in Iran, numerous construction activities face delays that are uncalled for. Undesirable delays impose excessive costs on top of the initial expenditure estimates and become a primary reason for loss of trust between owner and contractor. Identifying the delay causing factors and determining their role and contribution to delays is extremely important in reducing delays and eliminating redundant expenditures. In order to identify delay factors, an open questionnaire is designed and surveys are conducted with consultants and engineers, contractors, owners, and experienced construction professionals. In order to determine the importance of the myriad of delay factors revealed through these interviews, a closed questionnaire is designed and filled out by 200 owners and contractors. A statistical model is designed to effectively analyze the results obtained by the closed questionnaires. Finally, regression models are developed to determine the amount of delay and excessive costs to be expected, in case the delay factors are not remedied. Such regression models prove to be very effective in revising the contracts and initial estimates. Keywords: Construction projects, Delay, Statistical Analysis, Regression, Iran 1. Introduction Construction is among the most flourishing business sectors in Iran. Construction projects absorb immense investments and play an important role as a major driving force in the growth of several other sectors in the economy, including but not limited to mining and natural resources extraction, transportation and logistics, insurance, consultation and management, and even education and training. Although project management and planning techniques have progressed significantly during the past decade, and use of these techniques is very popular among Iranian companies, especially construction contractors, delays in construction projects in Iran are very common. These delays further contribute to the inaccuracy of initial time and cost estimates. Consequently, profitable projects often turn into costly and money-losing contracts. This is undesirable for both the owner and the contractor, and reduces the trust that should exist between contractors and owners for future projects. For instance, direct costs (not including lost opportunity costs) of delays in provincially funded construction projects in Iran in the year 2000 alone is evaluated as 575 million USD [1]. In construction terminology, delay is defined as the extension of some part of a project beyond the original plan due to unanticipated circumstances [2]. Companies would be able to avoid or minimize these delays if major contributing factors were identified and planned for in a timely manner. In this research, these factors are identified, and their importance and contribution to the lateness of a typical project is measured. Accordingly, by applying the Pareto principle [3], contractors could focus on major delay factors in order to reduce costs and eliminate or minimize delays. To perform this analysis, a statistical model based on multinomial distribution is developed. This model categorizes several delay factors under four main headings: 1) owner defects, 2) contractor defects, 3) consultant defects, and 4) law, regulation, and other general defects. In order to provide more insight into the estimated probabilities, confidence intervals are also provided for each point estimator. Moreover, regression analyses are performed to provide contractors and owners with approximation methods that enable them to re-evaluate the initial time and cost estimates according to present delay factors. Statistical tests are conducted to verify robustness of the developed models. The developed model can be easily adapted for similar studies in other countries or environments; moreover, the results of this paper are very helpful for project managers and regulatory bodies if they want to minimize or eliminate delays in construction projects. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a literature review and highlights the contribution of this study. The developed statistical model is explained in Section 3. Methodology of the research as well as the identified delay factors are described in Section 4. This section also calculates point and interval estimates for each identified delay factor. Discussions and regression analyses are included in section 5. Conclusions and directions for future research are summarized in Section 6. 2. Literature Review The importance of construction projects, frequency of delayed projects, and direct and indirect costs associated with such delays have inspired many researchers. The literature is rich with studies that have identified different delay factors and the risks associated with them under different assumptions. Table 1 lists the research that has identified the reasons for delay of construction projects in developing countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. A review of the literature reveals that: 1. Although similarities exist between different studies, each study looks at the construction delay issue according to the influential parameters and factors of the environment where the research is conducted. 2. Development of robust statistical models and testing different research hypotheses arising from the research is almost non-existent. 3. There are almost no studies to determine the reasons for delay in construction projects in Iran. In terms of contribution, this paper constructs a statistical model in order to measure the amount of contribution of each delay factor; point and interval estimations of each factor are provided. Regression analysis is performed to provide a guideline for both owners and contractors to revise their initial time and budget proposal. Citation [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Table 1 – Studies on the reasons for delay in construction projects Country Major Causes of Delay Financial difficulties Jordan Change orders Owner interference Inadequate contractor experience Jordan Financing and payments Labor productivity Slow decision making Change orders Weather and site conditions Jordan Late deliveries Economic conditions Libya and UK Several delay factors for each country are identified Insufficient coordination Libya Ineffective communication Citation Country [9] Saudi Arabia [10] Saudi Arabia [11] Hong Kong [12] India [13] India [14] UAE [15] UAE [16] Turkey Major Causes of Delay Financial difficulties Delay in obtaining permits Slow preparation and approval of shop drawings Late contractor payments Change orders Human resources Poor workmanship Project scope Complexity Environmental factors Management attributes Client’s interference Inefficient construction planning Several factors, categorized as excusable and nonexcusable Several factors including change order, ineffective communication, etc. Slow preparation Lack of early planning Ineffective decision making Human resources Poor management Low productivity Several factors including ineffective communication, conflicts between contractor and owner, etc. 3. Statistical Model Multinomial probability distribution is an extension to binomial distribution. Multinomial distribution models the probability of success in n independent Bernoulli experiments. In this paper multinomial distribution is selected to estimate the probability of occurrence of each delay factor. In other words, occurrence of a specific delay factor in a late construction project is considered a success, and the probability of this success is calculated. According to multinomial distribution, if the probability of occurrence of f ( x1 , , xk ; n, p1 , n! p1 x1 x1 ! xk ! 0 X i ,1 i k k is pi ( p i 1 i 1 ), then: , pk ) Pr( X 1 x1 ,X 2 x2 ,..., X k xk ) k pk xk when xi n (1) i 1 otherwise Section 4 of this paper describes a questionnaire which is utilized for sampling and determining pi ,1 i k . Section 4 introduces 36 delay factors, extracted from the literature review and several interviews with industry experts. A questionnaire is designed with 36 polar or yes-no questions. A respondent would select yes for a specific question if that particular delay factor was present in his/her recently delayed project. Suppose that this questionnaire is filled by n respondents. Therefore, (2) provides an unbiased estimator for parameter pi : n pˆ i In (2), x i 1 n i ; n is the number of respondents (2) xi 1 if a specific respondent selects yes for i th delay factors, and it is zero otherwise. Moreover, for n 30 n Z x n. p i 1 i i ~ N (0,1) n. pi .(1 pi ) (3) As a result: Pr( z Z z ) 1 2 (4) 2 Z in (4) by its value obtained in (3), and solving the resulting equation for pi , a Therefore, by replacing 100(1 )% confidence interval for pi can be developed: pˆ i z . 2 pˆ i (1 pˆ i ) pˆ (1 pˆ i ) pi pˆ i z . i n n 2 (5) In this paper, the above multinomial distribution function is utilized for the delay factors under each of the major categories. As a result, four different multinomial distributions are introduced in section 4. Formally, assume that: kj Pˆj pˆ i ; j 1,2,3,4 (6) i 1 Note that the values of k 36 pˆ i 1 and i 1 larger kj pˆ i i 1 pˆ i are not normalized to form a multinomial function for category j ; in other words, 1 . Therefore, the value of Pˆj ; j 1,2,3,4 is directly dependent on the value of k j (a k j means a larger Pˆ j ). In order to remove the effect of the value of k j in the value of Pˆ j , these values should 36 : kj be multiplied by 36 Pˆj ,k j Pˆj . ; j 1,2,3,4 kj (7) 4 In order to have a multinomial distribution between major categories, one should make certain that Pˆ j 1 Therefore, values of Pˆj ,k j ( N ) Pˆj ,k j 4 Pˆj,k j j ,k j 1. Pˆ j ,k j should be normalized. Therefore: ; j 1,2,3,4 (8) j 1 Once Pˆj ,k j ; j 1,2,3,4 and pˆ i ;1 i k j ; j 1,2,3,4 are normalized based on the above equations, they are ˆi ) unbiased point estimators of the parameters of the probability distributions to which they belong ( E ( p pi ; i , E ( Pˆj ,k j ) Pj ,k j ; j ). In order to normalize pˆ i ;1 i jk so that they form a multinomial probability distribution for major category pˆ i ,k j ( N ) pˆ i ;1 i n; j 1,2,3,4 kj pˆ w1 j that consists of k j delay factors, an equation similar to (8) is formulated: w The next section lists the identified delay factors and their corresponding probabilities. (9) 4. Delay Factors and Statistical Analyses Identifying the delay factors in construction projects is the first step toward developing a reliable statistical model. In order to accurately identify such factors, several interviews were conducted with owners, contractors, consultants, industry experts, and regulatory bodies. Results of these interviews were carefully discussed and compared with similar studies available in the literature. Accordingly, several delay factors in construction projects were identified and categorized under four main classes: 1) owner defects, 2) contractor defects, 3) consultant defects, and 4) law, regulation, and other general defects. Based on the identified delay factors, a questionnaire was designed. An accompanying fishbone diagram was used to visualize the delay factors and their root causes for interviewees. According to the described probability model, respondents were asked if they had experienced lateness in one of their recent construction projects. In case of a positive answer, the respondents were asked to determine which delay factors contributed to this lateness. Respondents were also asked to report the initial proposed price and timeline as well as the final price and actual timeline. Results of these questionnaires were further used in data analysis and model development. It is worthwhile to mention that in Iran, the approval and execution of construction projects, especially government funded construction projects, are governed by complicated regulations; owners, contractors, and consultants have to follow procedures that are enacted to ensure successful completion of the projects. Major steps that the involved parties should follow include: owner performs feasibility studies; owner selects the consultant; consultant prepares the initial plans; consultant prepares the executive plans; owner selects a contractor (this is done through public call for bids with its own set regulations for government projects); contractor signs the contract, consigns trust and security funds, and takes over the construction site; contractor starts the construction and submits progress reports on a regular basis; contractor submits official documents to consultant and owner to report the completion of the project; consultant and owner investigate and validate completion of the project; at this point trust funds are released and final payments are made to the consultant and contractors. However, many involved parties believe that these regulations are outdated and should be considered as a contributing delay factor. Table 2 verifies authenticity of such claims. To learn more about the laws and regulations in the Iranian construction environment, please refer to [17]. The questionnaire was filled out by 200 respondents active in the Iranian construction industry. Out of the 200 collected questionnaires, 86 were identified as suitable for further investigation. Table 2 summarizes the delay factors and their corresponding point and interval estimates. Based on the probabilities assigned to the delay factors, it is possible to calculate probabilities for the four major categories of Table 2. First, one should calculate the values of k1 12 i 1 i 1 Pˆj ; j 1,2,3,4 based on (6). Therefore: Pˆ1 Owner defects pˆ i pˆ i 0.52 0.44 ... 0.69 7.804 Pˆ2 Contractor defects 3.291 (10) Pˆ3 Consultant defects 5.979 Pˆ4 Other defects 4.577 The next step is to remove the effect of the value of k j ; j 1,2,3,4 by (7): 36 36 Pˆ1,k Pˆ1 . 7.804 23.412 k1 12 1 36 Pˆ2,k 3.291 14.81 8 36 Pˆ3,k 5.979 21.524 10 36 Pˆ4,k 4.577 27.462 6 2 3 4 (11) Table 2 – Defects, Delay Factors, and Corresponding Estimates Number 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Delay Factors Owner Defects Lack of attention to the feasibility studies and improper location planning Lack of knowledge about different defined execution models Delay in obtaining permits Inefficient budgeting schedule Incomplete drawings and plans Ineffective change order communication Delay in transferring construction site Improper selection of contractors based on quantitative and qualitative factors Ineffective site management Too many change orders Lack of attention to inflation Lack of knowledge about regulations Contractor Defects Inaccurate budgeting and resource planning Using low quality material and inadequate equipment Human resources issues such as hiring inexperienced technical staff Ineffective project planning Adherence to outdated construction methods Inaccurate pricing and bidding Lack of knowledge about regulations Weak cash flow Consultant Defects Lack of accuracy in reviewing feasibility studies Mistakes in technical documents Inaccuracies in technical drawings such as electrical or mechanical drawings Tardiness in preparing change orders Inaccurate first drafts that cause confusion Ineffective project planning Delay in updating project status Having too many unforeseen items in cost lists Assigning inexperienced personnel to supervisory duties Lack of executive experience Law, Regulation, and Other General Defects Outdated standard mandatory terms in contracts Outdated standard mandatory items in cost lists Financial difficulties stemming from governmental budgeting Lack of attention of government authorities to inflation Outdated bidding procedures Extreme weather and environmental conditions Finally, these values should be normalized based on (8): 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Limit Limit Point Estimate 0.014 0.0079 0.013 0.047 0.028 0.023 0.023 0.029 0.014 0.021 0.051 0.029 0.12 0.1067 0.118 0.182 0.149 0.139 0.14 0.15 0.121 0.136 0.188 0.15 0.067 0.057 0.066 0.115 0.089 0.081 0.081 0.089 0.069 0.078 0.119 0.089 0.129 0.012 0.024 0.004 0.068 0.079 0.051 0.093 0.302 0.115 0.139 0.095 0.215 0.232 0.189 0.253 0.217 0.064 0.081 0.049 0.141 0.155 0.12 0.173 0.027 0.053 0.028 0.035 0.065 0.017 0.041 0.04 0.025 0.037 0.146 0.192 0.147 0.16 0.211 0.127 0.172 0.17 0.142 0.165 0.087 0.123 0.088 0.097 0.138 0.072 0.106 0.105 0.083 0.101 0.101 0.105 0.103 0.093 0.068 0.057 0.265 0.271 0.268 0.253 0.216 0.2 0.183 0.188 0.185 0.173 0.142 0.129 Pˆ1,k ( N ) 1 Pˆ1,k Pˆj ,k j 1 Pˆ2,k 2(N ) 1 4 23.412 23.412 14.81 21.524 27.462 0.27 j 0.17 (12) Pˆ3,k ( N ) 0.25 3 Pˆ4,k 4(N ) 0.31 5. Discussion and Results According to (12), the contribution of owner defects to delays is 27%, the contribution of contractor defects to delays is 17%, and so on. Table 2 makes it possible to perform a Pareto analysis on the delay factors. For instance, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 1.11, and 1.12 contribute to more than 50% of the owner defects. Hence, by resolving budgeting issues, having complete and accurate drawings, properly selecting contractors by both qualitative and quantitative factors, considering inflation in bidding wars, and familiarizing the owners with regulations, it is possible to reduce owners’ defects by more than 50%. In the case of the contractor defects, more than 60% of the contribution comes from inaccurate budgeting and resource planning, resisting modern construction methods, inaccuracy in bidding, and weak cash flow. In the case of consultants, more than 57% of delay stemmed from inaccurate technical documents, inaccurate first drafts, delays in updating project status, inaccurate cost lists, and lack of executive vision. Similarly, outdated standard contract terms and cost lists, along with government budgeting flaws, contribute to more than 55% of delayed projects. 5.1 Selecting Contractors Selecting contractors has been traditionally based solely on the prices offered by the bidders. However, today, when it comes to selecting a contractor, many owners do not consider the price as the single selection criterion; instead they pay attention to a combination of several parameters such as price, reputation of the bidders, history of previous projects, major construction quality indicators, prepared drawings, suggested construction methods, etc. As a result, nowadays selecting a contractor is not a straightforward procedure performed by sorting the bids based on the offered price; moreover, there is rarely a bidder that can dominate the rest of the bidders in all of the relevant criteria. Therefore, owners sometimes fail to select the best contractor as the final winner of the bid. Moreover, government corporations have to adhere to a set of regulations that obliges them to select the contractor that offers the lowest price. In other words, regulations require government corporations to disregard all the important criteria mentioned above and select a contractor only by the offered price. This issue contributes to more than 8% of the delayed projects and is identified in item 1.8 in Table 2. 5.2 Lack of Attention to Inflation Lack of attention to inflation is among the most important delay factors. In Table 2, this factor is indicated as 1.11 for owners with probability of 0.119; 2.6 for contractors with probability of 0.155; and 4.4 for law, regulation, and other general defects with probability of 0.173. Government authorities have enacted certain rules to compensate owners and contractors when higher than normal inflation results in a spike in construction costs and reduces the forecast profits. However, these rules do not fully compensate the contractor for elevated costs and cause dissatisfaction (item 4.4). On the other hand, bidders do not pay attention to inflation rate and construction costs throughout the life cycle of the project when they estimate the project costs (item 2.6), which results in inaccurate bidding, and frustration and delay during the lifespan of the project. Owners also do not pay full attention to the reported inflation rates in the bids since a lower inflation rate in the bid translates into a less expensive project. Therefore, owners disregard the true inflation rates during the bidding procedure, which results in disputes and costly legal actions between owners and contractors during the project life cycle (item 1.11). 5.3 Outdated Standard Mandatory Items in Cost Lists Government authorities publish a standard list of construction items and materials on an annual basis. According to regulations, this list must be used by owners and contractors as a basis for estimating project costs. However, the published lists do not always consist of the new construction materials and innovative items that are introduced to the market. This results in inaccurate cost estimates and disagreements between owners and contractors when selecting construction materials. This issue is indicated under item 4.2 in Table 2 (outdated standard mandatory items in cost lists), and contributes to more than 18% of the delays in construction projects. Item 4.2 further contributes to item 3.8 under consultant defects with more than 10% probability (too many unforeseen items in cost lists), and item 2.6 under contractor defects with 15.5% probability (inaccurate pricing and bidding). 5.4 Projects Owned by Government Construction projects are defined by government for a variety of reasons. Once government defines all the construction projects it intends to launch during a certain fiscal year, a budget approval request is sent to the parliament. Time span and budgets for these construction projects are decided on mainly because of political considerations and without enough attention to the accompanying feasibility studies. Once the project is enacted by parliament and a budget is assigned to it, the government calls for tenders; at this point, consultants and contractors scrutinize the timelines and the assigned budgets. If they conclude that the assigned budget and enacted timelines are not realistic, the government sends revision requests to the parliament. This inefficient procedure is responsible for more than 18% of the delays under law, regulation, and other general defects, and is presented as 4.3, financial difficulties stemming from governmental budgeting. The above discussion reveals that high interaction exists between different delay factors. Ineffective regulations result in improper supervisory and executive procedures that further contribute to delays and disputes. Governmental regulatory bodies are recommended to find prompt and effective resolutions to these problems. Valuable data with regard to the initial cost estimates and proposed timelines as well as final costs and actual timelines for several construction projects were gathered by the closed questionnaire. Section 5.5 conducts a number of regressions using these figures. Final Length 5.5 Regression Analysis Results of the regression analyses makes it possible for owners, consultants, and contractors to revise their initial proposals in terms of cost and length, if a causal relationship between initial and final proposals exists. This analysis is performed on the reported initial and final length and cost, obtained from the questionnaires. Figure 1 depicts the relationship between the initial and final project length. Figure 2 illustrates the relation between the initial and final project cost. Both of these figures verify that there is a high degree of linear relationship between these variables. In both figures, the horizontal axis belongs to initial estimates and the vertical axis belongs to actuals. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Initial Length 25 30 35 Figure 1 – Initial Vs. Final Length of Projects For the case of length of projects, the regression line is: y 5.804 1.076 x (13) Where x is the number of initial months in the first proposal and y is the actual length of project in months. In other words, for any proposed length, one should expect that the actual timeline would take 5.8 months more than the initial proposal. Table 3 provides the results of the goodness of the regression test at a 95% confidence level. The reported p value is 0.000 for the regression coefficient and 0.001 for regression constant. Thus, one can conclude that the regression line is significant. The last two columns of this table present a 95% confidence interval for the coefficient and intercept values. Similarly, a regression line can be generated for project costs: y 113,762.9 1,470 x (14) 7,000,000.00 Final Cost 6,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 Initial Cost Figure 2 – Initial Vs. Final Cost of Projects x is the initial cost in thousands of USD and y is the actual cost of the project in USD. Table 4 presents the results of the goodness of the regression test at the 95% confidence level. Once again, the resulting p values Here, conclude a significant regression line in the selected confidence level. Table 3 – Results Goodness of Regression Test for Length of Projects Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients 95% Confidence Interval for B Coefficients t Sig. Std. Upper B Beta Lower Bound Error Bound Constant 5.804 1.719 3.377 0.001 2.377 9.231 0.747 VAR1 1.076 0.114 9.477 0 0.85 1.302 Results of the reported regression analyses are extremely important for owners, contractors, and consultants if they wish to reduce project tardiness and propose a more accurate cost structure for a construction project. Constant VAR1 Table 4 – Results Goodness of Regression Test for Project Costs Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients 95% Confidence Interval for B Coefficients t Sig. Std. Upper B Beta Lower Bound Error Bound 113,762.90 25.902 3.074 0.003 39,964.29 187,561.43 0.974 1,470 0.028 36.133 0.000 1,388.57 1,550.00 6. Conclusions This paper studied the reasons for delay in construction projects and selects Iran, as a developing country with several ongoing construction projects, for the case study. Since construction projects are usually capital intensive and act as a driving force for the whole economy of a country, reducing delays and the costs arising from such delays is very important. Although one can list a large number of studies about the reasons of delay for different countries in the Middle East and North Africa, there are almost no similar studies for Iran. In this paper, an open questionnaire was used along with an extensive literature review to identify the reasons for delays in construction projects. Several interviews with owners, active contractors, consultants, and other experts were conducted accordingly. Afterward, a closed questionnaire was developed and filled out by 200 respondents; out of the 200 questionnaires, 86 had the appropriate characteristics and were chosen for further analysis. A multinomial probability model was developed to estimate the amount of contribution of each delay factor in a delayed construction project. Point and interval estimates were then reported. The delay factors and their interactions with each other were further discussed. Pareto analysis of the reported factors provided a deep insight into the best places to start if one wishes to reduce delays. Moreover, regression analysis was performed to provide more insight for owners, contractors, and consultants about the differences between initial and final estimates of a typical construction project in terms of both length and cost. Regression analysis provides a baseline for project managers and cost estimators, should they aim to reduce inaccuracies in terms of project length and cost. Finally, it can be noted that a significant amount of delay stems from regulations, outdated standard contract terms, and lack of planning by government authorities. Therefore, a future research direction can be focusing on and resolving any of these delay factors. 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