EURO AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON TELEMATICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Conferencia Euro-Americana de Telemática y Sistemas de Información) PROFILE Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems. 1. Name - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems 2. Steering Committee Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Carlos Ferraz, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil Eduardo Carrillo, Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Colombia Eva Mª Méndez. U. Carlos III Madrid, Spain Gisela T. de Clunie, Technological University of Panama, Panama Ismail Khalil Ibrahim. U. Johannes Kepler, Austria J. Javier Samper Zapater , University of Valencia, Spain (President) Joaquim Arnaldo Martins, University of Aveiro, Portugal Justo Carracedo, U. Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Leila M. de Almeida e Silva, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Miroslav Svitek, Czech Technical University (CVUT) in Prague, Czech Republic Narciso Cerpa. Universidad. de Talca, Chile Patricio Serendero, University of Algarve, UALG, Portugal Rogerio P. Nascimento, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil (Scientific Director) Tomas Zelinka, Czech Technical University (CVUT) in Prague, Czech Republic 3. Scientific Committee Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Alexis Tejedor - Technological University of Panama, Panama Carlos A. G. Ferraz - Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil. Carlos Medina - Technological University of Panama, Panama César Collazos - University of Cauca, Colombia Christian Trefftz - Grand Valley University, USA Clifton Clunie - Technological University of Panama, Panama Diego Andr Acosta Ortiz - Politechnical University of Madrid, Spain Edilayne Meneses Salgueiro - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil 2 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Edilberto Hall - Technological University of Panama, Panama Eduardo Carrillo Zambrano - Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Colombia Edward David Moreno - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Emilia Perez Belleboni - Politechnical University of Madrid, Spain Emmanouil Dramitinos - INRIA/LIP, France Eric Pardede - La Trobe University Ernesto Lam - Technological University of Panama, Panama Eva Mª Méndez - University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain Flávia Santoro - Uni-Rio - Brazil Florina Almenarez Mendoza - University Carlos III Madrid - Spain Gabriele Kotsis - University Johannes Kepler, Austria Gisela T. de Clunie - Technological University of Panama, Panama Henrique Gil - ESE, Politechnical Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal Henrique Nou Schneider - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Humberto Alvarez - Technological University of Panama, Panama Ian Douglas - Florida State University, USA Ignacio Chang - Technological University of Panama, Panama Javier Jesús Gutiérrez Rodríguez - University of Sevilla, Spain Jesus G. Boticario - UNED, Spain Joao Benedito dos Santos Junior - Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Joao Cardoso - University of Porto/FEUP, Portugal Joaquim Arnaldo Martins - University of Aveiro, Portugal Joaquim Sousa - University of Aveiro, Portugal Jose Aguilar Jose - University of the Andes, Venezuela Jose J. Samper - University of Valencia, Spain José Luis Villa - Technological University Bolivar, Colombia José Neuman de Souza - Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil José-Luis González-Sánchez - University of Extremadura, Spain Julio Rodríguez - Technological University of Panama, Panama Karl Ernst Ambrosch Laurence T. Yang - St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Leila Maciel de Almeida e Silva - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Loïc Martínez Normand - Technical University of Madrid, Spain Luis M. B. Gouveia - University fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal Maria Augusta Nunes - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Maria Helena Braz - Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal Maria Jose Escalona - University of Seville, Spain 3 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Masatoshi Arikawa - University of Tokyo, Japan Milton Mendes - UFERSA Rural Federal University of the Semi-Arid, Brazil Mirko Novak Olga Santos - University of Distance Education , Spain Pedro Isaias - Universidade Aberta, Portugal Ramfis Miguelena - Technological University of Panama, Panama Renata Araujo - Uni-Rio - Brazil Ricardo Salgueiro - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Roberto Garcia - University of Lleida Rogerio P C do Nascimento - Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Brazil Rosa Costa - Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil Rosa Gil - University of Lleida, Spain Rosa Viccari - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Santiago Felici - University of Valencia, Spain Sean Siqueira - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Senol Zafer - Erdogan Maltepe University Sérgio Crespo - UNISINOS, Brazil Sergio F. Ochoa - University of Chile, Chile Silvana Vanesa Aciar - San Juan National University, Argentina Tarcísio Rocha - Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Brazil Tom Shih - Purdue University Vera Maria B. Werneck - Rio de Janeiro State University- Brazil Vicente Luque-Centeno - University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain Victor Malyshkin - Russian Academy of Sciences Wojciech Cellary - Poznan University of Economics, Poland Zheng da Wu - University of Bond, Australia 4 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, The following table reflects the diversity of nationalities of the committee: Country Count Argentina 1 Austria 2 Brazil 16 Canada 2 Colombia 7 Congo 1 Czech Republic 2 Ecuador 1 Germany 1 Greece 1 India 1 Japan 1 Panama 4 Poland 1 Portugal 6 Russian Federation 1 Spain 28 United States 2 Venezuela 1 5 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, 4. Presentation and history, including topics of interest The last conferences were organised in Chile (2014), Spain (2012) Panama (2010), Czech Rep (2009), Brazil(2008), Portugal(2007) and Colombia(2006). EATIS conferences have the goal of promoting the academic and research collaboration among European and the American continent universities. In this way, provide state-of-the-art discussions that can motivate key research directions to young researchers and new research groups. EATIS conferences Information are being promoted Systems. EATIS conferences by have been - Euro American Association organized with technical on Telematics cooperation of a lot and of institutions as: the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia), Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil), Technological University of Panama (Panama) , Catholic University of Colombia and its Faculty of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso through the Escuela de Ingeniería Informática, Colombian Society of Computer Sciences (SCo2), ACM SIGAPP, IEEE sections WIE, IEEE Colombia (IEEE Communications Society Colombia Chapter), IEEE Spain Joint Chapter on SP+COM, ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes), RITSI (Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros Técnicos y Superiores de Informática), Grupo Prisma, ESAM Tecnología, Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros en Informática de la Comunidad Valenciana(COIICV), Delegación de Alumnos de la UPV (DAUPV) , Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Concejalía de Innovación, Sociedad de la Información, Proyectos Emprendedores y Juventud ), cátedra de Telefónica- Universitat de València etc. Thanks to the technical cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP) and ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) , most of its accepted papers heabe been published in the ACM Digital Library. Furthermore, due to EATIS was Technically Co-Sponsored (TCS) by IEEE (IEEE conference database.), some conference proceedings have been published by IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 6 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Authors of the best 20/30 % papers are invited to submit extended papers, which will be further peerreviewed for potential inclusion in special issues of the some international journals: Journal of Mobile Multimedia (JMM), International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC), Revista Colombiana de Computación (RCC), International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), and IEEE Latin America Transactions. New Web Opportunities to increase Digital Citizenship aims, Government, but are e-Health, not limited e-Learning, to, the e-Culture production and of scientific e-Entertainment work (local, around e-Inclusion, regional, national eand international), Web Semantic, and Web 2.0 communities, contents and technologies. Submitted papers hopefully should deal with issues about transversal services and applications such as Convergence Digital, Electronic, Mobile and Ubiquitous Applications. They should be oriented towards community and cultural enhancement, to build knowledge and skills for work, to improve work quality, citizenship participation as well as consumer choice. encourages the use of Information System (IS) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), allowing citizens a better participation at various levels of government and public services, as well as the ethics component in the use of services and technologies related to IS and ICT. Besides occasionally, the conferences include, specially, a new issue which is concentrated in the subject of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This topic refers to efforts to add information and communications technology to transport infrastructure and vehicles in an effort to manage factors that typically are at odds with each other, such as vehicles, loads, and routes to improve safety, avoid congestions and reduce travel times, and fuel consumption. 7 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, Topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Relationship between the Web Architecture and other computational areas Web-based Systems Distributed Systems Mobile Computing and Applications Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Networks Web Technologies and Society And traditional discussed areas 1. e-transport - specifically "Intelligent Transport Systems" 2. e-energy production and distribution 3. e-health care 4. e-government 5. e-learning 5. Conferences webpage and e-mail contact URL: Contact: [email protected] / [email protected] 8 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, 6. Historical Statistics of the Conferences. submited papers accepted full papers accepted short papers invited papers approved full papers key note speakers venue attendees 55 138 112 80 102 27 51 25 35 37 12 24 22 15 13 4 10 10 12 10 49% 37% 22% 44% 36% 2 40 3 120 3 280 2 50 6 221 9 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, 95 42 64 17 25 12 10 44% 1 27%% 3 180 2 80 6. Historical Key Note Speakers. COLOMBIA (2006) • Dr. Gabriele Kotsis • Dr. Mark Baker R.I.P • Dr. Gregorio Martin • Shadi Abou-Zahra • Ignacio Boixo • Dr. Juan D. Velasquez Portugal (2007) • Dr. Carlos Ferraz • Dr. Torsten Braun • Dr. José Tribolet BRAZIL (2008) • Dr. Ismail Khalil Ibrahim • Dr. Patrício Serendero CZECH REPUBLIC (2009) • Dr. Thomas Zellinka • Dr. Miroslav Sviteck PANAMA (2010) • Dr. Fernando Machuca • Dr. Miroslav Svitek 10 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems, • Dr. Sergio Crespo • Dr. César A. Collazos • Dr. Juan C. García Díaz • Dr. Pablo Guillén SPAIN (2012) • Dr. Tomas Zelinka • Dr. Reinhard Pfliegl • Eng. Robert H’obbes’ Zakon CHILE (2014) • Dr. Jose Javier Samper Zapater • Dr. Dorian Gorgan • (invited paper) Dr. Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero 11 - Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems,
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