Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program PRE-APPLICATION for 2015-2016 Academic Year Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Answer ALL of the questions from the sections below in English. INCOMPLETE applications will NOT be considered. Provide a certified copy of the last three years official transcript of school grades. Provide a birth certificate. Provide an official high school registration form. Provide a current passport-size photo. Applicants can submit the application online to [email protected], deliver it in person to AMIDEAST Tunis or Sousse, send it through the school, or mail the application to the following address as follows: YES Program 2015 AMIDEAST – Tunis 22 rue Al Amine Al Abassi Cite Jardins – 1002 Tunis Tel: 71.145.745 Fax: 71.145.701 STUDENT DATA Last Name: _______________________________ First Name: ________________________________ Sex: Male Female Date of birth: / / City of birth: Day Month Year Country of Birth: ______________________________________________________________________ Citizenship: __________________________________________________________________________ Are you a U.S. citizen? YES NO Do you have legal permanent residence status (green card) for the U.S., hold a U.S. residency visa or have a green card application currently pending? Yes No Does your father or mother hold a U.S. employment visa or have an application for legal permanent residence status (green card) currently pending? YES NO Do you have a Tunisian Passport? YES NO Permanent Address: __________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip Code: ___________________________ Country: ___________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________________________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________ 1 PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT The YES Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and/or physical impairment. Please describe any physical impairment you might have, including any special equipment or medical treatment you require. FAMILY DETAILS Father’s Data: Last Name: ________________________ First Name: ________________________ Occupation: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Data: Last Name: ________________________ First Name: ________________________ Occupation: __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Family Details: Student lives with: Both Parents Mother Only Other Please give more details if you answered ‘other’: Parents are: Married Father Only Divorced Family Members: Relation to you Full Name Gender Age Current Occupation* Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 2 Member 5 Member 6 *If student, please mention which grade. Please attach a separate document if you need more space Do you have a family member who participated in the YES program? YES NO If yes, please provide the Full Name: _________________________________________________ Did you participate in the English Access Microscholarship Program? YES Teachers Name: ________ NO EDUCATION School Name: ______________________________________________________________________ School Director’s Name: ______________________________________________________________ School Address: _____________________________________________________________________ School Telephone: ____________________________________ Type of School: PUBLIC PRIVATE Student’s Current grade level: ___________________________________________________________ Student’s Last year’s Grade Average ______________________________________________________ Number of Years of English Study: _______________________________________________________ Last year’s English Grade Average________________________________________________________ INTERESTS AND HOBBIES – To be completed by student List all school and extracurricular activities and hobbies in which you have participated. Start with the most recent: Activity Number of Hours/Week Month/Year Started Month/Year Ended 3 Have you received any awards, or do you have any outstanding achievements in the activities listed above? Name of Award/Achievement: ___________________________________________________________________ Reason for receiving award: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date received: ___________________________________________________________________ Are there any activities you would especially like to pursue or learn while being an exchange student in the U.S.? FUTURE PLANS Do you intend to continue your education upon completion of secondary school? YES NO If yes, please provide where _________________________________________________ What do you intend to study? What are your career plans? HOW DID YOU LEARN ABOUT THE Kennedy-Lugar YES SCHOLARSHIP? (Check ALL that apply) Radio Ad: (if yes, which one(s)?) _________________________________________________ School Newspaper: (if yes, which one(s)?) _______________________________________________ Facebook TV Show: (if yes, which one(s)?) _________________________________________________ Previous YES student(s) Website Ad: (if yes, which one(s)?) _______________________________________________ AMIDEAST Website YES Program Brochure/Application U.S. Embassy Website Other (please describe): ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 SHORT ESSAYS Please answer the following question on a separate sheet of paper. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer - only information that will help us to understand you better as an individual. Please answer the following questions thoroughly (Write a minimum of 200 words for each question). 1. Why do you want to participate in the YES program? 2. What are the problems or challenges (other than language) that you think you might encounter while in the US. What would you do to solve and overcome them? Parent’s Consent— To be completed and signed by parents. My son/daughter has my permission to apply for, and to participate in the YES Program administered by AMIDEAST. . ابنتي لتقديم طلب والمشاركة في برنامج منح التي تديرها االمديست/اوافق بمشاركة ابني Parent/Guardian’s signature: Date: DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS DIRECTLY TO AMIDEAST TUNIS/SOUSSE IS December 12th, 2014 5
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