Morphologic changes and sedimentary budgets along a Mediterranean coastline with a sand spit: case of the littoral fringe Sidi Ali El Mekki–Gammarth (NE Tunisia) Hanen Saïdi, Radhia Souissi, Mourad Louati & Fouad Zargouni Rendiconti Lincei SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI ISSN 2037-4631 Volume 25 Number 3 Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393-401 DOI 10.1007/s12210-014-0314-0 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at”. 1 23 Author's personal copy Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 DOI 10.1007/s12210-014-0314-0 Morphologic changes and sedimentary budgets along a Mediterranean coastline with a sand spit: case of the littoral fringe Sidi Ali El Mekki–Gammarth (NE Tunisia) Hanen Saı¨di • Radhia Souissi • Mourad Louati Fouad Zargouni • Received: 16 January 2014 / Accepted: 24 June 2014 / Published online: 17 July 2014 Ó Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 2014 Abstract Morphological changes and both surface and volume budgets along the Mediterranean coastline Sidi Ali El Mekki–Gammarth which is located at the western fringe of the Gulf of Tunis (NE Tunisia) are studied, over the 1887–2010 period, by ancient minute of bathymetry and aerial photographs treated using digital photogrammetric methods and GIS tools. The accretion areas are located upstream the fishing port of Ghar El Melh which interrupts alongshore sediment transport (0.22–0.66 ± 0.21 m/year, i.e., 21,309 ± 1,113 m2/year, i.e., 106,546 ± 5,565 m3/ year) and around the recent mouth of the Medjerda River because of fluvial deposits and accumulation of sediment transported by drift currents (2.35–3.35 ± 0.21 m/year, i.e., 4,956 ± 1,050 m2/year, i.e., 24,780 ± 5,250 m3/ year). The erosion areas are situated downstream the fishing port of Ghar El Melh (-4.32 to 0.9 ± 0.21 m/year, i.e., -4,822 ± 1,232 m2/year, i.e., -24,114 ± 6,163 m3/year), around the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River which was abandoned and deprived from fluvial sediment supply (-15.44 to -4.55 ± 0.21 m/year, i.e., -4,499 ± 264 m2/ year, i.e., -22,495 ± 1,323 m3/year). The eroded sediments are displaced to the south giving rise to the sand spit H. Saı¨di (&) M. Louati F. Zargouni Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Campus University, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia e-mail: [email protected] M. Louati e-mail: [email protected] F. Zargouni e-mail: [email protected] R. Souissi National Institute of Research and Chemical and Physical Analysis, Sidi Thabet, Tunisia e-mail: [email protected] of Kalaˆat El Andalous. Coastline retreated also along the Raoued–Gammarth sector which lost sediments by SE– NW drift currents (-0.75 to -0.23 ± 0.21 m/year, i.e., -3,765 ± 1,113 m2/year, i.e., -18,828 ± 5,565 m3/year). The alongshore distribution of accretion/erosion patterns lead to divide the studied coastline into three littoral cells limited by natural boundaries: (a) Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki— the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River, (b) from the ancient to the recent mouth of the Medjerda river, and (c) the recent mouth of the Medjerda River–Cap Gammarth. Keywords Coastline Erosion Accretion Littoral cell Sand spit Gulf of Tunis Tunisia 1 Introduction Coastal areas are in continuous evolution (Bird 2000) that can be due to hydrodynamic parameters, mainly waves and tidal currents, and to various anthropic actions (Losada et al. 1991; Viles and Spencer 1995; Lorenzo et al. 2007). Coastal processes attract the attention of the scientific community (Raynal et al. 2009) mainly over the last decade (Allard et al. 2008). Extensive morpho-hydrodynamical surveys must be planned to characterize the processes that control the morphodynamics of coastal sedimentary systems (Barusseau et al. 1996). Being part of the Mediterranean Tunisian coastlines, the Gulf of Tunis which is situated in the North-East of Tunisia, consists of various deposition landforms, such as sand spits, deltas and tombolos. It has been the subject of numerous research works (Nouri 1979; Nouri and Paskoff 1980; Sliti 1984; Kouki 1984; Bouhafa 1985; Oueslati 1993, 1994, 2004; Zeggaf-Tahri 1993, 1999; El Arrim 1996; Saı¨di 2004,2013; 123 Author's personal copy 394 Louati and Zargouni 2009, 2013; Saı¨di et al. 2010, 2012a, 2013). Its western coastline is characterized by the sand spit of Kalaˆat El Andalous which consists of a stretch of beach extending in the long-shore direction (Komar et al. 2001; Kentaro et al. 2010). The present work aims to study the coastline evolution of the western littoral fringe situated between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth for the determination of erosion/accretion areas and the coastal compartmentalization into littoral cells. It aims also to present principal factors that control coastal morphologic changes. 2 Presentation of the studied area The coastal area situated between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth is a part of the western coastline of the Gulf of Tunis which is located in NE Tunisia. It is bordered Fig. 1 Location map of the studied area 123 Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 by the cliff of Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki to the North-East and by the cliff of Cap Gammarth to the South-East (Fig. 1). Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki constitutes the extension of Jebel Nadhour and a point of separation between a rocky coastline to the north and a sand beach to the south. This beach separates the lagoon of Ghar El Melh from the Gulf of Tunis and extends up to the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River. From this mouth to Cap Gammarth, the coastline has a concave form. The studied area is a microtidal coastline with tide amplitudes of about 35 cm (Oueslati 1993). Monthly statistics of waves’ characteristics during the period 2002–2004 (Table 1) show that the dominant waves’ directions in the Gulf of Tunis are from North, North-East, and North-West (Fig. 2). They have heights of 1–3 m. Author's personal copy Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 Table 1 Occurrence (%) of waves in the Gulf of Tunis on the basis of their directions and their heights, during the period 2002–2004 (Gasdaoui 2005; Saı¨di 2013) Height (m) 395 Direction W NNW NW 1 0.45 0.45 5.84 4.04 12.12 1.8 5.98 0.89 4.64 36.22 2 6.44 0 9.43 7.63 8.83 2.84 3.44 0 2.84 41.46 3 1.2 0 4.94 5.39 2.39 0 2.39 0 0.3 16.61 4 0.9 0 0 0.45 1.64 0 0.3 0 0 3.29 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.15 0 0 0.150 6 0.15 0 0 0 0.15 0 0 0 0 0.3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0.6 8 0 0 0 0 0.15 0 0 Total (%) 9.13 0.45 0.89 7.78 0 N 0 20.21 17.51 NE 25.15 E 4.64 SE 13.02 S SW Total (%) 0.15 98.9 Fig. 2 Occurrence (%) of waves in the Gulf of Tunis on the basis on their direction (a) and their height (b), during the period 2002–2004 (Saı¨di et al. 2013) Dominant waves in the studied area come from the North-Eastern sector (Saı¨di 2013). Their characteristics are deducted using bibliographic data and empirical formulas (Table 2). According to Saı¨di (2013) and Saı¨di et al. (2013), the NE dominant waves generate two opposite drift currents responsible for alongshore sediment transport: from Sidi Ali El Mekki to the recent mouth of the Medjerda River and from Cap Gammarth to this mouth (Fig. 3). The hydrographic regime of the coastline between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth is controlled by the Medjerda River which represents the most important river in Tunisia. In 1953, an emissary was built on it, in Henchir Tobbias, to reduce effects of floods. It led to the formation of a new artificial bed and the displacement of the mouth of the Medjerda River from Foum El Oued, near Utique, to Kalaˆat El Andalous. Many dams were built on the Medjerda River and its tributaries: Melle`gue, Beni M’tir, Kasseb Sidi Salem, Lakhmess, Bou Hardma, and Siliana. Currently, dams suffer from decrease of their capacity due to the infilling processes. The Medjerda River coastal plain was affected by many floods such as those of March 1973 and of January–February 2003 (Zahar and Benzarti 2008). Along the studied coastline, three ports were constructed: the port of Ghar El Melh which was built between 1975 and 1980 and which has a protective dike 1,037 m long and two protective groins upstream, the fishing port of Kalaˆat El Andalous which was built in 1995 and which presently suffers from infilling process that makes it nonfunctional (Guide des ports de peˆche 2007) and the new pleasure port of Gammarth which is under construction in 2010. This port, which is a part of a great project named ‘‘The Bay of Gammarth’’, consists in making a marina in the touristic zone of Gammarth (http:// 3 Methodology The evolution of the coastline situated between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth was studied using aerial photographs having a scale of 1:25,000 and taken in 1974, 2000, and 123 Author's personal copy 396 Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 Table 2 Characteristics of the NE dominant waves along the coastline Sidi Ali El Mekki–Gammarth (Saı¨di 2013) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Pb (m) = 1.5H0 ad (°) (El T(s) = n ? H0, n = 4.5 in the H0 Hb (m) = 1.3H0 L0 (m) = T gPd (m) (Mignot 1988a) (Mignot 1988a) Arrim Mediterranean Sea (Mignot 1988a) (CERC 1984) 1996) Ha (m) Hs (m) = 1.6Hm (Mignot 1988a) 1 1.3 1.55 05 5.5 21.43 1.76 2.83 2 2.6 3.1 05 6.5 35.82 3 4 3.9 5.2 4.65 6.2 05 05 7.5 8.5 50.62 66.25 6 7.8 9.3 05 10.5 100.24 H0 height in the deep sea, L0 wavelength in the deep sea, T period, Hb height of breaking waves, Pb breaking depth, ad incidence angle of breaking waves, Ha average height of all waves, Hs significant height Fig. 3 Alongshore sediment transports between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth (Saı¨di 2013; Saı¨di et al. 2013) 2010 and from an ancient minute of bathymetry taken in 1887 (the map 4,250 (1/61,750) which covered the area between Cap Farina and Cap Carthage). The georeferencing was done using digital photogrammetric methods. The global error of mapping is about ±12 m for aerial photographs taken in two different dates. According to SHOM (2004), the error of mapping near the shoreline for the minute of the ancient bathymetry is ±20 m. So, the global error of mapping between the ancient minute (1887) and aerial photographs is ±26 m. The correct positions of coastlines were identified by the use of stereoscopy. The variations of the coastline are analyzed from 32 cross-shore profiles. The distances of coastline retreat or advance, as well as the surface lost or gained, were calculated using the software Arc-GIS. Volumes gained and lost by the coastline were estimated by applying the formula of CERC (1984): The closure depth is the underwater depth from which the sedimentary movements are reduced (Hallermeir 1981). The formula which is the most used for determining the closure depth is the formula of Birkemeier (1985): Pf = 1.57. Hso (Hso: annual significant wave heigh). Thus, the closure depth in the Gulf of Tunis is about -5 m. The surface and the volume budgets are, respectively, the difference between the surface and the volume gained and those which are lost by the beach. Q ¼ Dy Pf 1. Q volume gained and lost, Dy coastline variations (areas), Pf closure depth. 123 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Coastline evolution The coastline evolution was studied during three periods: 1887–1974 during which the mouth of the Mejerda River was displaced from Foum El Oued to Kalaˆat El Andalous because of the formation of a new artificial Author's personal copy Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 397 Table 3 Coastline rates and sedimentary budgets between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth, during the period 1887–2010 Littoral sectors Cap SAM–upstream P.Gh.M Downstream P.Gh.M Downstream the P.Gh.M–upstream the AMM AMM Sand spit of KA Downstream the sand spit of KA RMM Downstream the RMM–Raoued Raoued–Cap Gammarth Period Coastline rates (m/year) Surface budget (m2/year) Volume budget (m3/year) 0 1887–1974 -0.736 to 0.782 ± 0.29 0 1974–2000 -2.308 to -0.923 ± 0.46 0 0 2000–2010 2.4 to 6.7 ± 1.2 21,309 ± 6360 106,546 ± 31,800 1887–2010 0.22 to 0.66 ± 0.21 21,309 ± 1,113 106,546 ± 5,565 1887–1974 -1.23 to 1.2 ± 0.29 -873 ± 356 -4,365 ± 1,783 1974–2000 -7.19 to 9.57 ± 0.46 634 ± 567 3,171 ± 2,835 2000–2010 -23.8 to 4.5 ± 1.2 -7,976 ± 1,476 -39,880 ± 7,380 1887–2010 -4.32 to 0.9 ± 0.21 -1,131 ± 258 1887–1974 2.64 to 2.79 ± 0.29 6,490 ± 1,702 1974–2000 -12. 61 to 3.77 ± 0.46 -49,969 ± 2,706 -249,849 ± 13,530 2000–2010 1887–2010 4.7 to 6.9 ± 1.2 -4.55 to 3.05 ± 0.21 14,131 ± 7,044 -4,822 ± 1,232 70,658 ± 35,220 -24,114 ± 6,163 -5,659 ± 1,291 32,453 ± 8,511 1887–1974 -1.01 to -13.94 ± 0.29 -11,386 ± 365 -56,930 ± 1,827 1974–2000 -12.61 to 3.79 ± 0.46 22,062 ± 580 110,312 ± 2,904 2000–2010 -16.2 to -12 ± 1.2 -13,643 ± 1,512 -68,217 ± 7,560 1887–2010 -15.44 to -4.55 ± 0.21 -4,499 ± 264 -22,495 ± 1,323 1887–1974 -13.94 to 2.04 ± 0.138 7,995 ± 1,522 39,975 ± 7,612 1974–2000 -20.15 to 1.73 ± 0.46 -17,071 ± 2,420 -85,356 ± 12,101 2000–2010 -16.2 to 2.6 ± 1.2 39,316 ± 6,300 196,580 ± 31,500 1887–2010 -0.67 to 0.92 ± 0.21 1887–1974 -1.11 to 1.19 ± 0.29 5,242 ± 1,102 3,922 ± 1,870 26,214 ± 5,512 19,612 ± 9,352 1974–2000 1.31 to 5.96 ± 0.46 18,439 ± 2,973 92,199 ± 14,867 2000–2010 4.6 to 5 ± 1.2 15,245 ± 7,740 76,228 ± 38,700 1887–2010 1.44 to 2.36 ± 0.21 1887–1974 4.75 to 7.63 ± 0.29 7,911 ± 1,354 8,300 ± 1,450 39,559 ± 6,772 41,503 ± 7,250 1974–2000 -9.04 to -2.73 ± 0.46 -4,329 ± 2,305 -21,646 ± 11,525 2000–2010 1887–2010 -1.7 to 2.8 ± 1.2 2.35 to 3.35 ± 0.21 0 0 1887–1974 0.23 to 0.55 ± 0.29 2,585 ± 2,465 12,927 ± 12,325 1974–2000 -1.27 to 2.38 ± 0.46 14,134 ± 3,918 70,671 ± 19,592 19,486 ± 10,200 97,431 ± 51,000 2000–2010 1.4 to 5.2 ± 1.2 1887–2010 0.1 to 0.87 ± 0.21 1887–1974 4,956 ± 1,050 24,780 ± 5,250 6,400 ± 1,785 32,003 ± 8,925 -0.79 to -0.23 ± 0.29 -2,409 ± 1,537 -12,049 ± 7,685 1974–2000 -3.5 to -1.11 ± 0.46 -22,319 ± 2,443 -111,595 ± 12,216 2000–2010 4.2 to 7.2 ± 1.2 32,678 ± 6,360 163,393 ± 31,800 1887–2010 -0.75 to -0.23 ± 0.21 -3,765 ± 1,113 -18,828 ± 5,565 SAM Sidi Ali El Mekki, P.Gh.M port of Ghar El Melh, AMM ancient mouth of the Medjerda River, KA Kalaˆat El Andalous, RMM recent mouth of the Medjerda 2. 3. bed after the construction of the emissary of Henchir Tobbias in 1953 and after the flood that occurred in 1973; 1974–2000 when the fishing port of Ghar El Melh was built between 1975 and 1980; 2000–2010 which presented recent coastline changes especially after the flood of the Medjerda River in 2003. From 1887 to 1974 (Table 3; Fig. 4), the coastline retreated from Sidi Ali El Mekki to Ghar El Melh (-1.23 to -0.73 ± 0.29 m/year) and from Raoued to Gammarth (-0.79 to -0.48 ± 0.29 m/year). The main erosion area is around the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River (-13.94 to -1.01 ± 0.29 m/year) where the surface lost was about -11,386 ± 365 m2/year (i.e., -56,930 ± 1,827 m3/year). During this period, the coastline advanced mainly around the recent mouth of the Medjerda River (4.75–7.63 ± 0.29 m/year) to gain an area of 8,300 ± 1,450 m2/year (i.e., 41,503 ± 7,250 m3/year). 123 Author's personal copy 398 Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 Fig. 4 Coastline evolution (m/year) between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth, during the period 1887–2010 Fig. 5 Surface and volume budgets between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth, during the period 1887–2010 Erosion and accretion areas which were, respectively, in the ancient and the recent mouth of the Medjerda River were due to the displacement of the mouth of the River, from Foum El Oued, near Utique, to Kalaˆat El Andalous after the construction of the emissary of Henchir Tobbias in 1953, to reduce the impact of floods and exactly after the inundation of the Medjerda River in 1973. Thus, sediments carried by the Medjerda River were accumulated in the recent mouth. A sand spit having an alongshore direction was formed downstream the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River. It had an area of about 695,571 m2. Sediments which were, normally, accumulated at the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River moved to the south by NE–SW drift currents giving rise to this sand spit which is named as the sand spit of Kalaˆat El Andalous. Thus, the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River enriched this sand spit of sediments (Oueslati 2004; Saı¨di 2013). Between 1974 and 2000, coastline evolution was characterized essentially by an important retreat downstream the fishing port of Ghar El Melh which was built between 1975 and 1980 (-12.61 to -7.19 ± 0.46 m/year). Erosion is due to drift currents which deprived the area located downstream this structure from sediments. During this period, the sand spit of Kalaˆat El Andalous migrated to the shoreline and lost an area of -17,071 ± 2,420 m2/year. From 2000 to 2010, the coastline advanced upstream the fishing port of Ghar El Melh (2.4–6.7 ± 1.2 m/year). The area gained was 21,309 ± 6,360 m2/year (i.e., 3 106,546 ± 31,800 m /year). At the other hand, the coastline retreated downstream this port to lose an area of -7,976 ± 1,476 m2/year (i.e., -39,880 ± 7,380 m3/year). It is the case of the majority of harbors which block and perturb alongshore sediment transport (Paskoff 1994; Oueslati 2004; Anfuso et al. 2007). Accretion was observed between the recent mouth of the Medjerda River and Cap Gammarth (1.4–7.2 ± 1.2 m/ year). The gain of area was 52,164 ± 16,560 m2/year (i.e., 260,824 ± 82,800 m3/year). The coastline advance is due sediment supply by the Medjerda River mainly after the flood of January–February 2003 and by sediment transported by drift currents. In this period, the sand spit of Kalaˆat El Andalous migrated to the coastline and became increasingly tapered. Alongshore distribution of erosion/accretion patterns lead to coastal compartmentalization (Anfuso et al. 2011, 2013) into littoral cells which are defined as basic units and self-contained segments (Inman and Frautschy 1966; Carter 1988) confined by natural barriers or human-made structures (Lowry and Carter 1982). According to Rijn (2010), alongshore cell boundaries are classified into three types: 123 – – – fixed absolute boundaries like cliffs, long jetties, deep inlets, canyons, navigation channels, long harbors, heavy protective structures (breakwaters, groins); fixed partial boundaries; bypassing or periodic throughput of sediments (soft rock/compound cliff type headlands and shallow inlets); transient partial boundaries which have a more diffusive character and have limited stability (spits, sand banks, shallow channels, short headlands, short breakwaters). Author's personal copy Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 Each littoral cell exists as a distinct entity with little or no sediment transport between cells (Patsch and Griggs 2006). Cell and subcell boundaries can be defined by identification of discontinuities in rate or direction of sediment transport (Rijn 2010). Thus, the surface and volume budgets during the period 1887–2010 and the alongshore distribution of erosion/ accretion sectors, between Sidi Ali El Mekki and 399 Gammarth, (Fig. 5) lead to divide this sector, from north to south, into three littoral cells (Fig. 6): – – – the first cell is limited by Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki and the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River; the second cell is enclosed between the two mouths of the Medjerda River (the ancient and the recent mouths); the third cell is enclosed between the recent mouth of the Medjerda River and Cap Gammarth. Fig. 6 Alongshore distribution of littoral cells between Sidi Ali El Mekki and Gammarth 123 Author's personal copy 400 5 Conclusion The study of coastline evolution between Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki and Cap Gammarth as well as the estimation of surface and volume budgets, over a period of 123 years, from 1887 to 2010, lead to localize erosion and accretion areas. During the period 1887–2010, the coastline advanced from Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki to the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River and around the recent mouth of this river, from Kalaˆat El Andalous to Raoued. It retreated downstream the fishing port of Ghar El Melh, around the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River and from Raoued to Cap Gammarth. On the basis of the alongshore distribution of the accretion/erosion patterns, from north to south, the coastline Sidi Ali El Mekki–Gammarth is divided into three littoral cells: (a) Cap Sidi Ali El Mekki—the ancient mouth of the Medjerda River, (b) the ancient mouth—the recent mouth of the Medjerda River, and (c) the recent mouth of the Medjerda River-Cap Gammarth. The beach responses in these littoral cells are controlled by natural parameters; in particular, the drift currents generated by the North-East dominant waves and which are responsible for alongshore sediment transports (from Sidi Ali El Mekki to the recent mouth of the Medjerda River and from Cap Gammarth to this mouth) and the floods of the Medjerda River (notably in 1973 and in 2003). The various human actions participated in the coastline status. The fishing port of Ghar El Melh interrupted the sediment transport in the first cell giving rise to unbalance in sediment distribution along it: accretion upstream the port and erosion downstream. The construction of the emissary of Henchir Tobbias (in 1953) and the flood of the Medjerda River in 1973 caused the displacement of the mouth of the Medjerda from Foum El Oued to Kalaˆat El Andalous. The abandoned mouth became deprived of sediment supply and was eroded. Lost sediments were transported by drift currents to the south giving rise to the elongated sand spit of Kalaˆat El Andalous which became increasingly close to the coastline. The recent mouth of the Medjerda River is an accretion area. It receives both fluvial sediments and those transported by drift currents. Thus, the present work shows that the accretion/erosion areas along a coastline are the result of both natural and anthropogenic actions such as the interruption of alongshore sediment transport by ports and displacement of the mouth of an important river as well as the sediment supply by rivers and drift currents. It presents a coastline compartmentalization into littoral cells on the basis of the alongshore distribution of the accretion/erosion patterns. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the members of the Office of Topography and Cadastre of Tunis (Tunisia) for their 123 Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei (2014) 25:393–401 help in the treatment of the minute of bathymetry and the aerial photographs. References Allard J, Bertin X, Chaumillon E, Pouget F (2008) Sand spit rhythmic development: a potential record of wave climate variations? Arc¸ay Spit, western coast of France. 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