May 2014 - Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board

Mary Fix Catholic School
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Learning and Living
Through God
486 Paisley Blvd. West
Mississauga, Ontario L5B 2M4
(905)270-3140 Fax: (905)270-3475
May 2014
Principal, A. Milanetti
Secretary, M. Kivell
Pastor, St. Catherine of Siena
Fr. Lando (905)272-1454
Trustee, B. Iannicca
Beatitudes for Mothers
Blessed are mothers ...who did without for us, they will be rewarded.
Blessed are mothers ... who lost sleep when we were sick, they will find rest.
Blessed are mothers...who taught us how to pray, they will share God's kingdom.
Blessed are mothers...who comforted us, they shall be comforted.
Blessed are mothers ...who taught us right from wrong, they will know justice.
Blessed are mothers...who shared with us the meaning of peace, they shall know peace.
Blessed are mothers...who taught us the importance of loving .
Superintendent, D. Amaral
School Council Chairs:
R. Galluzzo & A. Orme
Dates to Remember
May 2
Intermed. Heads Up
May 4-10 Catholic Education Wk
May 8
Spring Concert
May 10 First Communion
May 11 Mother’s Day
May 12 WTK Night
During the week of May 4 to 9, 2014 Mary Fix Catholic School and the Dufferin Peel
Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. Our Catholic Graduate
Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that
underpin Catholic education. The theme for this year is: Catholic Education: Serving in
the Love of Christ
May 14 School Council 7 p.m.
Our Catholic schools are places of growth. Small kindergarten students grow into being
teenagers; grade nine students grow into young adults. We all grow both in age and we
hope, wisdom. Growth is natural and expected in the plant and animal world. As Catholics we are expected to grow in faith. What exactly that means will differ from person to
person and ultimately, growth in faith is a personal matter between us and God. We can
nurture our faith through prayer and knowledge and our living in a vibrant Catholic community. That is how we grow together. Community is part of who we are as Catholics.
May 26-Jun 6 EQAO
There are five sub-themes, one for each day of Catholic Education Week and they are
aimed at helping staff and students to reflect more fully on what Serving in the Love of
Christ asks of them.
Day 1: Serve with faithfulness
Day 4: Serve with justice
Day 2: Serve with humility
Day 5: Serve with joy
Day 3: Serve with compassion
May 19
Victoria Day (No School)
May 21-22 Rosary
May 21 Dental Screening
May 23 Confirmation Retreat
May 27Feast Day School Mass
May 29 Confirmation
June 9 P.A. Day
June 15 Father’s Day
June 18-19 Rosary
June 18 Gr 1-3 to African Lion
June 24 Graduation/End of
Year Mass
June 25 Graduation Luncheon
& Ceremony
Catholic Education Week is marked by special activities at all grade levels, including
prayer celebrations and service activities. I invite you to visit our school during this spe- June 25 Report Cards Home
cial week and to participate in any of our activities as we celebrate Catholic Education June 27 Last Day of School
Week 2014 . Please Join us for our Spring Concert on May 8.
Sept 2 First Day of 14/15
A. Milanetti, Principal
School Year
Page 2
May is the Month of Mary
Our Catholic tradition is to set aside
the month of May as a time to honour
Our Blessed Mother. Our statue of Our
Lady will be in the front hall and we will
celebrate our “Crowning of Mary” at
our school mass in honour of our
patron saint, Mary of the Visitation on
Tuesday, May 27th at 9:30 a.m. All
are invited.
Volunteer Tea
Immediately following the Mass we
invite all our wonderful volunteers to
join us for tea and treats in the library.
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
The virtue of acceptance describes our
ability to look at the attitudes and
actions of those around us and then
just stop and consider without judging
them. The virtue of acceptance means
that we look beyond what we see - a
person’s colour, ethnic background,
religion, age, gender, sexual
orientation - and see a person created
and loved by God. Please join us for
our Virtue Assembly presented by Mr.
Cartwright’s class on Friday, May 30th
at 10:30 a.m.
Butterfly Garden & Front
Flowerbeds—Help Wanted
The Mary Fix EcoTeam, led by Mrs.
Nucci, is looking for volunteers to help
give the Butterfly and our front
flowerbeds a makeover. If you have
a green thumb, a set of gardening
tools or just some time to spare,
please contact the office. We need
your help to design and plant the
gardens so that they will attract
butterflies and make the front of our
school look beautiful!
God Bless our Grade 2 students
who will receive the Sacrament of First
Holy Communion on May 10th . Thank
you to Mrs. Senra, Ms. Porco, Mrs.
Buhajczyk, the Grade 2 parents & the
Parish for preparing the students.
Special thanks to Mrs. Speziale and
Mrs. Blank for their hard work with the
First Communion banners
EQAO for Grades 3 & 6
Parents of Grade 3 and Grade 6
students are advised that EQAO
testing will take place from May 26
through June 6. The EQAO website
( provides many
resources for both parents and
teachers. In order to facilitate testing,
please ensure that no medical appointments are booked during this time.
God Bless our Grade 8 students
who will receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation on Thursday, May 29th at
How Can you Help Your Child with
7 p.m. . Thank you to Mr. Chornous,
Ms. Buhajczyk & the Parish for
Talk with your child about the purpose
preparing the students.
of EQAO testing and reduce the
anxiety related to any type of testing
situation. Encourage him/her to try his/
her best. You should also be sure that
your child has enough sleep, eats a
nutritious breakfast and is well
hydrated. It is important if your child is
in grade 3 or 6 that they be in full
Celebrating Virtues
attendance and on time during the
This month, Mary Fix will celebrate the testing period.
virtue of Acceptance.
One of the great wonders of the world
we live in is that no two people are
exactly alike. We may share biological
families or national identity or cultural
and ethnic identity but we all very
unique and distinct creations. God
breaks the mold every time! And that
is a fantastic fact of life!
School Council News
On April 24th School Council presented Brain Gym, a seminar that showed
us how the brain functions under
stress and why the body responds
the way it does. This informative
presentation taught adults and children different techniques to help us
improve our focus and eliminate
stress. We’d like to thank the Mary
Fix community and our trustee, Mr.
Bruno Iannicca for joining us at our
Pro-Grant event.
We’d also like to thank you for participating in our Spring Fundraiser—
orders are scheduled to arrive before
Mother’s Day and proceeds will go
towards purchasing additional
SMARTBOARD technology for our
School Council sponsors the planting
of the butterfly garden and the purchase of the butterflies each year.
The Eco Team needs help with the
butterfly garden and the front flowerbeds if you have some time to offer.
Thank you for your continuing support, please join us at our next Council Meeting on May 14 at 7:00 pm in
the library.
Your School Council
Page 3
Kindergarten Registration
Scholastic Book Fair
What better way to promote
We will continue to accept registrations reading to our students than by
for Full Day Kindergarten for the 2014/ supporting this literary event.
2015 School Year. Please contact the
Mary Fix office or check out the webWe invite your entire family to
site to find information on registering
participate by purchasing the
your 4 or 5 year old for Kindergarten.
latest and greatest in children’s
Registration paperwork is available at books. Did you know that for
the office.
every $10 you spend at the Fair
up to $6 comes directly back to
our school? Your support of this
vital literary event is key in helping us obtain new books and
resources for our library.
You’ll find hundreds of quality
books at our Book Fair with a
On Monday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m. we wide assortment for all reading
will be holding our ‘Welcome to Kinder- levels. Your child will be bringing
home a Book Fair flyer that progarten’ (WTK) evening. This is an invides a preview of only a FEW of
formative evening for new Kindergarthe many books available.
ten students and their parents.
past, this special offer is valid
only when $25.00 is spent in a
single purchase. It will not be
applied to multiple purchases
totaling $25.00.
Don’t forget to mark the Book
Fair dates on your calendar!
We look forward to seeing you
during our Scholastic Book Fair
and thank you, in advance, for
supporting this great literary
fundraiser. Mostly, thank you for
believing in books and the importance reading has on your
child’s future.
Welcome to Kindergarten Night
Our Welcome to Kindergarten even- The flyer will also contain a speing will be held on Monday, May
cial Family Event Draw ballot
12th from 6:00—7:30 p.m.
that parents can deposit during
the Book Fair. You could win
$50 in books – $25 for your family PLUS $25 for your child’s
Again this year we will be offering a special gift for purchases
greater than $25.00. As in the
Book Fair Times
1-3:30 pm—Preview
All day*
12-6 p.m.*
* Closed during Sick Kids’ walk &
Closed during the Spring Concert
4th Annual Hats Off 2 KIDZ Walk-a-thon
Schools in Mississauga South, Mississauga North and throughout Dufferin Peel will be participating
in the 4th Annual Walk-a-thon in support of Hats Off 2 Kidz, Leukemia Research at Sick Kids Hospital on
Wednesday, May 7th, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Schools will walk in their area simultaneously. Hats off 2 Kidz is a charitable organization in the support of
Leukemia Research for the Hospital for Sick Children and the Sick Kids Foundations. To date Hats Off 2 Kidz
has raised over $ 700,000.00.
On Event Day, the children are asked to wear blue and white, with a baseball cap. Volunteers are
welcome, please let your child’s teacher know if you are able to accompany the students.
We invite all members of our school communities to come and take a walk with us on this very
special day.
We are kids walking for KIDZ.
“Today, we can give a child a reason to smile, tomorrow!”
Mary Fix Catholic School Newsletter
Page 4
Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools participate in first ever Province-Wide
Mass for Catholic Education Week – May 7
The safety of all children and staff
must be considered as paramount at
all times when dropping students off at
Schools and parishes across the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board will host many special events and activities during the week of May 49, as students, staff, and the community celebrate Catholic Education Week.
The number of serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the front of
the school and in the Kiss and Ride
area during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles parking and
leaving the vehicle unattended, parking
and pulling out of no parking zones,
parking in bus lanes, to name a few.
It is imperative that all parents and
guardians who drive their children to
school adhere to the traffic circulation
plan and comply with the traffic and
parking signage on the site. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow the
direction of staff managing the traffic
circulation on the school site.
Thank you for your consideration and
co-operation with this important matter.
“Catholic Education Week provides an excellent opportunity for students,
staff, trustees and the wider community to reflect on the many contributions
Catholic schools make in our communities,” says John B. Kostoff, director of
education. “Our Catholic schools have, and continue to uphold, a strong tradition of excellence that is rooted in achievement, faith and service. We are
a learning community that nurtures caring, inclusive and faith-filled learning
environments that recognize and respond to the unique needs and talents of
each student.”
“We encourage parents and guardians to take extra notice of their child’s
accomplishments and to fully participate in the events and activities planned
for their school communities throughout the week,” adds John B. Kostoff.
The highlight of this year’s celebration will be the first ever Province-wide
Mass for Catholic Education on May 7. This event is organized by the Catholic Board Council of the Ontario Student Trustee Association. The mass will
celebrate youth leadership, demonstrate Catholic students’ message of
pride and demonstrate the strength and unity of Catholic students across the
This year’s theme is Serving in the Love of Christ. All community members,
especially parents, guardians and families, are invited to participate in the
events and activities planned for their school communities throughout the
week. A flyer came home detailing the week’s activities. Please contact the office if you require further information and don’t forget to join
us for our Spring Concert on Thursday, May the 8th!
Make Sure Your School Support Designation is English Separate (Catholic)
It’s a powerful message in support of Catholic education
On October 27, you will cast your vote for Catholic school trustee in the Municipal elections. Make your vote count,
by ensuring you are registered as an English Separate school supporter.
When you designate yourself as an English Separate school supporter, you help foster a strong political voice,
through your elected representative (Trustee), in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education for the young people in
our province.
To verify that you are registered as an English Separate school supporter:
Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
Check your Voter Information Card received by mail during the month of May
We can help you register or change your direction of school support. Contact the Admissions Department at 905-890
-0708 ext. 24512.
St. Catherine of Siena Parish May 2014
May 2nd
The Blessed Sacrament will be
exposed all day in Church. Come
and spend some time with Jesus.
We have two new saints!
St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII
O Saint John Paul, grant us your blessing from Heaven’s
window! Bless the Church which you have loved, served and
guided, encouraging her to walk the roads of the world, so to
carry Jesus to everyone, and everyone to Jesus. Bless the
youth, who have been your great passion. Guide them so that
they may dream again, raise their eyes on high and find the
light that illumines the meaning of all life here below. Bless
all families, Saint John Paul, with your prayer, protect the
family and each life which blooms in the family. Pray for the
whole world, still marked by tensions, war and injustice. You
have fought against war by summoning dialogue and by
sowing love; pray for us, so that we may be tireless sowers of
peace. O Saint John Paul, from Heaven’s window, where we
see you alongside Mary, make the blessing of God come down
upon us. Amen.
2014 Parish Campaign is underway.
Please be generous. “You can work wonders.”
Mother’s Day
Dinner and Dance at 6:30pm on May 10th. For tickets call
905-270-6672. The Youth of our parish will be selling roses
after all Masses, May 11th. Please support their activities.
Weekend May 2nd - 4th
Plan to participate in the
weekend festivities celebrating
our patron St. Catherine of
Siena beginning Saturday
evening with Mass at 6pm
followed by a presentation by
the Youth and refreshments in
the main hall. Sunday begins
with Mass at 1pm presided by
our Scalabrinian Provincial
Superior, Fr. Matthew Didone,
followed by a Procession and
Parish Registration
All parishioners new and
existing are asked to complete
a registration form to update
the Parish data.
Please check the church
website for further details
Tips for Walking Safely to School
Walking is fun, but you need to be safe while doing it. Follow these tips to make sure you get
to and from school without any problems.
Walk together
Younger children should always walk with an adult. Tell your parents that walking is great
exercise and a nice way to spend time together.
If your parents say that you can walk to school on your own, remember these tips:
• Walk with a friend when possible.
• Ask your parents to help you pick a safe route to school; one that avoids dangers.
• Stick to the route you picked with your parents. Don’t let friends talk you into shortcuts
that are more dangerous.
• When you are near the street, don’t push, shove, or chase each other.
• Never hitchhike or take rides from people not arranged by your parents.
• Talk to your parents and teacher about any bullying that may happen during your walk.
Be seen
Remember, drivers may not be able to see you well. Always wear bright-colored clothes and if
it is dark or hard to see, carry flashlights or wear reflective gear.
Look for traffic
Watch out for cars and trucks at every driveway and intersection on your walk to school. Look
for drivers in parked cars. They may be getting ready to move.
Cross the street safely
1. Stop at the curb or edge of the street.
2. Look left, right, left and behind you and in front of you for traffic.
3. Wait until no traffic is coming and begin crossing.
4. Keep looking for traffic until you have finished crossing.
5. Walk, don’t run across the street.
Obey traffic signs, signals and adult school crossing guards
For more resources and information on Safe Routes to School, please visit the National Center for Safe Routes to School Web site at
Volume 8
Web Resources:
Primary and
Ontario Educational Resource
Bank? Try
A number from 0 to 1 that shows how
likely it is that an event will happen.
Intermediate: Coin Tossing
Family Math Activities K-3
 Let your child hear you doing math – use language like: sometimes,
never, always, certain, likely, unlikely, impossible, predict, fair
Talk about the weather as you pick out clothes together: “It is
predicted to be (cold, rainy, sunny) tomorrow, what do we need to get
Play games, any games! Roll dice, play BINGO or even “Go Fish”. Talk
about chance and strategy!
Probability from 4-6
Try playing “Rock, Paper, Scissors?”
Ask questions:
Will it or Won’t it Happen?
What are the chances?
Do you think it is fair?
Probability Grades 7 - 8
Talk about the probability of something happening in the real world.
Lotto 649 Odds: Jackpot Winner, 5 out of 6 numbers, 3 out of 6 numbers...
Roll Up the Rim to Win: Probability of winning a car, a $100 gift card...
The probability of the Leafs winning the Stanley Cup
Using the statistics from the Blue Jays: probability of a hit in an upcoming game if they had 45
bats in a previous game (batting .275 at that point in the season)
Elementary Program Team
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board - Adult and Continuing Education
June 29 - July 23, 2014
Various ESL Sites (July only)
St. Gabriel Adult
Learning Centre
July 2 - July 18, 2014
Explore Italy!
Amalfi Coast
Brian J. Fleming Adult
Learning Centre
In partnership with Calabria
International Tours
July and August
July 2 - July 16, 2014
Ottawa, Montreal & New York
Join us for upcoming
Information Meetings
April 8, 2014 or April 22, 2014
40 Matheson Blvd. West
Room 301 - 6:30 p.m.
In partnership with EduTravel
Grade 7 & 8
St. Edmund Campion
St. Marguerite d’Youville
St. Thomas Aquinas
Good Shepherd
Our Lady of Fatima
St. Ursula
Open to
High School Students only
Grades 9 to 12
Brunella Trinca
for additional information
Holy Cross
Metropolitan Andrei
St. Faustina
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Gertrude
July 2 - July 24, 2014
Boston, New York,
Philadelphia & Washington
Father Michael Goetz
Loyola Catholic S.S.
St. Joan of Arc
St. Joseph
St. Marcellinus
Join us for upcoming
Information Meetings
April 8, 2014 or April 22, 2014
40 Matheson Blvd. West
Room 301 - 6:30 p.m.
In partnership with EduTravel
ESL Non-Credit
Robert F Hall Catholic S.S.
Grades 9 to 12
July 2 - July 29, 2014
July & August 2014
905-891-9263 ext. 37988
[email protected]
Grades SK to 6
July 7 - July 25, 2014
St. Nicholas
St. Angela Merici,
Guardian Angels
Ven. Michael J. McGivney
Lester B. Pearson Catholic
Father Daniel Zanon, St. Alfred
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Gerard, St. Gregory
St. Simon Stock
St. Timothy
St. Andrew
Please contact us:
870 Queen St. West
Suite 100
Mississauga, ON
L5H 4G1
Telephone: 905-891-9263
Fax: 905-271-9060
Summer Literacy Camp 2014
Mark your calendar!
A Literacy Reinforcement and Enhancement Program for Students
SK through Grade Six
Oral Language:
Listening and Speaking
Fluency, Motivation, Comprehension
Text Forms and the Traits of Writing
Writing Process
(Retelling and Proficient Reader
Foundational Skills:
Phonemic Awareness, Letter Sound
Identification, Concepts about Print,
Hearing and Recording Sounds in Words,
High Frequency Words
Friday Fun Days!
Spelling/ Phonics/ Working with Words/
Grammar / Vocabulary Development
Reader’s Theatre
Literacy experiences
Literacy Camp provides a fun and innovative environment for learners!
Small group and individual attention for students
Balanced literacy curriculum with lessons planned for your child’s individual learning needs
Registration is available only through teacher referral.
Dates: Monday July 7th – Friday July 25th
Days: Weekdays
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
$300 for full 3-week session
Father Daniel Zanon
450 Hillcrest Ave.
St. Alfred
3341 Havenwood Dr.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
3345 Escada Dr.
St. Gerard
1300 McBride Ave.
St. Gregory
1075 Swinbourne Dr.
St. Simon Stock
6440 Lisgar Dr.
St. Timothy
2214 Cliff Rd.
St. Angela Merici
83 Edenbrook Hill Dr.
Lester B. Pearson
140 Howden Blvd.
Guardian Angels
62 Heatherdale Dr.
Ven. Michael J. McGivney 450 Fernforest Dr.
St. Nicholas
120 Harvest Moon Drive
St. Andrew
50 Meadow Drive
Registration forms are available at
all Dufferin-Peel Elementary Schools after March Break.
For registration information please call 905-891-9263 ext. 0
Offered by the Department of Adult and Continuing Education
Registration Forms to be submitted to school by June 6, 2014.
The Ontario Association
of Parents in Catholic Education
In association with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
MAY 23 - 24, 2014
“Parental Influence on student well-being and Catholic Education”
Mass Celebrant:
His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins
Conference & AGM
Philip Pocock C.S.S.
4555 Tomken Road,
Networking Reception,
Mass & Gala Dinner
Toronto Marriot Hotel
901 Dixon Rd, Toronto
Register online at
May 2014
The Virtue for the month of May is Acceptance
Let us now pray for the virtue of acceptance—the strength to trust that God is at work in
everyone’s life despite what we think. Amen
4 Catholic Education 5 Serve with
Week Begins:
6 Serve with Humility
7 Serve with
2 Intermediate
Heads Up
8 Serve with Justice
1:30 -Spring Concert
9 Serve with Joy
10 First Communion
11 a.m. at Church
Serving in the
Light of Christ
Catholic Education Week
12 Welcome to
Kindergarten Night
6:00 p.m. at School
19 Victoria Day
(no school today)
14 7 p.m. School
22 Eco Team Gardening Day—
Butterfly Garden
& Front Flowerbeds
23 Confirmation
Retreat (Grade 8)
24 OAPCE at Philip
Pocock School—
Performance by
Mrs. Patten’s Class
Council mtg in the
library—all are
21 Dental Screening,
JK, SK & Grade 2
27 Mary of the
Philip Pocock School
29 7 pm Confirmation 30
Visitation Mass 9:30
EQAO—grade 3 & 6