Lucrative opportunities for 2014 & beyond 2nd Edition Investing in Turkey Forum 15 April 2014 Ashurst Headquarters, London Official Host Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsors RE Supporting Partners InternationalProjectFinance Association Chairman’s Welcoming Note Chris Gaunt Chairman BCCT - British Chamber of Commerce in Turkey Turkey has a challenging 2014 ahead which will require a strong nerve and patience. This event will bring together leading speakers with the experience, knowledge and know how to help investors remain focused on Turkey as an investment destination. 2nd Investing in Turkey Forum will also allow speakers to share their thinking on why Turkey is such a lucrative option for investors and how to deal with any immediate concerns. Turkey will face both political and economic challenges in the short term but I firmly believe, based on Turkey's resilient fundamentals, dynamic demographics and regional business networks, the medium and long term prospects are still positive with considerable headroom for growth. 2014 Turkey Events 4th Turkey Private Equity & Venture Capital Summit 12th June 2014, Istanbul 6th Turkey Energy Congress 16-17 September 2014, Istanbul 3rd PPP in Turkey Forum 26-27 November 2014, Ankara Background & Overview With Europe and the Middle East still dealing with the tail end of the recent economic downturn, Turkey's economic performance has seemingly bucked the trend. Turkey has proven resilient to the global recession, posting strong and stable economic growth in a number of sectors helping it develop into one of the strongest economies in the region. Turkey has also been labelled a ‘MINT’ country, a group of countries that look set to be the next economic giants. Ways to register: Online: New transportation, health and energy projects reflect only a fraction of the investment opportunities currently on offer. Hot areas in the Turkish market also include Healthcare PPP, Real estate and the privatisation of transportation and ports which have drawn interest from key market players and multilateral institutions alike. Whilst local financing exists, foreign direct investment is increasingly sought to increase efficiency and match Turkey’s fast growing GDP. Phone: +44 (0) 207 275 8020 Thus investors, especially long-term investors, have become increasingly drawn to Turkey by the continued prospect of growth fuelled by a well educated and thriving young population. Project Manager: Our 2014 Investing in Turkey Forum will outline key investment opportunities in Turkey, including Infrastructure (Energy and PPP) and Private Equity. These discussions will also highlight significant challenges and obstacles facing investors, sponsors and operators. The panel of speakers will include regional and international experts, able to offer best practice solutions to the specific challenges. [email protected] Business Development Executives [email protected] [email protected] . Ltd nts Eve Joining our 2014 forum in London will provide you with an opportunity to meet key industry stakeholders, find out about upcoming projects and receive answers to your questions about the Turkish market. Email: [email protected] 2nd PPP in Turkey Forum (Ankara, Nov 2013) 08:30 Registration and coffee Official Host 08:55 Chairman’s welcoming address Christopher Gaunt, Chairman, British Chamber of Commerce Turkey 09:00 Ashurst welcoming address Ben Tidswell, Managing Partner, Ashurst, United Kingdom 09:05 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey welcoming address HE Ambassador Ahmet Ünal Çeviköz, Embassy of the Republic of Turkey 09:20 Turkey’s New Development Plan: Investment Strategies and PPPs Ministry of Development (invited) 09:30 Presentation: Overview of the Turkish economy and investment climate - What kind of advantages does turkey have compared to other EM countries? - New regulation and market advances - Which particular sectors are Turkey looking to grow in the short-medium term? Ahmet Iplikci, Senior Advisor to the Turkish Prime Minister's Office, United Kingdom 09:50 Panel discussion: Overview of Turkish economy and investment climate Turkey has been labelled a ‘MINT’ country, a group of countries that look set to be the next economic giants. - From BRIC's to MINT, why Turkey? - Investing in Turkey from a foreign investor’s perspective - Investment via the capital markets - Examining current prospects; Is medium and long term perspective still positive despite the short term difficulties? - The stability of currency, cost of borrowing, availability of funding in the market - Incentives for FDI e.g. tax exemptions Murat Ulgen, Managing Director/Chief Economist, HSBC Holdings, United Kingdom Ahmet Iplikci, Senior Advisor, ISPAT, United Kingdom Kanat Emiroglu, Chairman of the Board, Global Energy, Turkey Jennifer Schneck, Partner, Ashurst, United Kingdom 10:40 Networking Coffee Break Ways to register: Online: 11:10 Case Study: Hospital PPPs - What are the main differences between PPPs in the Turkish market and International markets - Lessons learnt: perspective of a sponsor - Bidding & contract structures - PPP project pipeline Huseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA Group, Turkey Phone: 11:25 Panel Discussion: Challenges for PPPs in Turkey - Are current hospital PPPs a bankable option? How can they be supported? - What is the stumbling block in financing Turkish Transport PPPs? Moderator: Franco Vigliano, Partner, Ashurst, Italy Panellists: Matthew Jordan Tank, Head of Infrastructure Policy, EBRD, UK Peter Aurich, Managing Director/Heaf of Turkey Infrastructure, UniCredit, Austria Huseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA Group, Turkey Tylor Hartwell, Asst. General Manager, SMBC, United Kingdom Fabrizio Baicchi, Director, Infrastructure & Energy, Citigroup Global Markets, United Kingdom [email protected] 12:30 Networking Lunch Break +44 (0) 207 275 8020 Email: Project Manager: [email protected] Business Development Executives [email protected] [email protected] 13:30 Case Study: Gebze-Izmir Motorway PPP project (Largest ever infrastructure project in Turkey's history - $6.5bn) Kerim Kemahli, CFO, Nurol Holding, Turkey 13:45 Presentation: MIGA in Turkey: experience and potential - How can the MIGA product benefit the parties involved in a project? - Existing case studies - What activities would be of interest to MIGA? Carlo Bongianni, Sector Manager/Infrastructure, MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency), United States 14:00 Panel Discussion: Infrastructure opportunities for Turkey - What are the key conditions to attract interest from reputable investors/contractors? - Islamic Finance & Infrastructure bonds: Growing needs for new financing options in the market - Possibility of refinancing through infrastructure bonds Moderator: Patrick Boyle, Partner, Ashurst, United Kingdom Panellists: Gokhan Tezcan, Director, RBS Global Banking and Market, United Kingdom Mansur Mannan, Exec. Director, Dar Capital Limited, United Kingdom Kerim Kemahli, CFO, Nurol Holding, Turkey Adam Nancarrow, Senior Vice President, Macquarie Bank, United Kingdom Mike Turnbull, Managing Director/Head of Infrastructure Financing, Merrill Lynch, United Kingdom 15:00 Networking break 15:40 Presentation: Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities in Turkey Serhan Suzer, CEO, EkoRE, Turkey 16:00 Panel Discussion: Does Turkey have the potential to become an Energy hub? - Current market overview - Incentives & opportunities for Renewable Energy Moderator: Serra Basoglu Gurkaynak, Partner, Mehmet Gun & Partners, Turkey Panellists: Martin Ewald, Head of Investment Strategy, Allianz Global Investors, Germany Stefanos Douroudakis, COO, Saran-Entec Holding, Turkey/Greece Teymur Abasguliyev, CFO, SOCAR, Turkey 16:45 Chairman's closing remarks Christopher Gaunt, British Chamber of Commerce Turkey 16:50 Networking Cocktail Reception - hosted by ASHURST 2014 Turkey Events 4th Turkey Private Equity & Venture Capital Summit 12th June 2014, Istanbul 6th Turkey Energy Congress 16-17 September 2014, Istanbul 3rd PPP in Turkey Forum 26-27 November 2014, Ankara Terms and Conditions: Registration form: 2nd Investing in Turkey 2014 Registration Process: - Due to the exclusive nature of this high-level forum and the limited seats available, we will be running an application process for attendance. - Applications are welcome from all professionals and organisations, although there are limited seats left available for international law firms (there are no current restrictions for Turkish-based law firms). - Once you have completed and returned your registration our event team will provide you with a confirmation email outlining your successful registration for the event. YES! Please register me for 1 / 2 place(s) Early Bird Registration - £490 + VAT* (Offer expires 27 February 2014) Registration - £590 + VAT* (Available from 28 February - subject to availability) Promotional Code / VIP Code Thank you for choosing to attend this E.E.L. Events Ltd. Conference. We look forward to welcoming you! Easy ways to register: Email: [email protected] Fax: + 44 (0) 207 681 2889 Name 1 Name 2 Job Title Job Title Company Company Email Email Telephone Telephone VAT / Company Number Website Fax number How did you hear about this event? PAYMENT DETAILS VENUE: Ashurst Headquarters Broadwalk House 5 Appold Street London EC2A 2HA UK Please charge my debit/credit card Payment by Debit/Credit card is via online payment, please visit: PLEASE NOTE: Credit card payments will incur an additional 5.6% processing charge, applied by the credit card services provider. This is NOT applicable should you choose to pay by invoice, bank transfer or cheque. � Cancellations: Cancellation received in writing before and on 15 January 2014 will be subject to a service charge of £250 per a delegate. The service charge is completely non-refundable and non creditable. The full conference fee remains payable after 15 January 2014 and is non refundable. No refunds, part refunds or alternative offers shall be made. Non-payment or nonattendance does not constitute cancellation. Substitutions are welcome at any time, and are subject to an administration fee of 10% of the total invoice. Payments: Please note that all payments to E.E.L. Events Ltd. are payable in Pound Sterling (GBP), should your organisation need to organise a payment via another currency, please ensure that there are enough funds to cover the delegate rate, any payments that are less than the agreed price will be invoiced the remaining balance. Nature of business / business sector � Accommodation and Travel: The registration fee does not include hotel accommodation and travel. All Invoices are due for payment within 7 days of receipt of invoice. Any invoice outstanding beyond this period will be subject to surcharge of 15% plus VAT to recover the collection costs incurred. This surcharge together with all other charges and legal fees incurred will be the responsibility of the customer and will be legally enforceable. By submitting this form you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of this conference contract. This agreement is governed by English Law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts in London. However, E.E.L. Events Ltd. only is entitled to waive this right and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in which the Client's office is located. Country Post Code Discounts: Where more than one discount is applicable, delegates can only make use of one discount per each delegate registered. Special offers cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, unless stated. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organiser or for any other reason to change the content or timing of the agenda, speakers or venue, which is subject to change without notice. In the unlikely event that an event is cancelled, E.E.L. Events Ltd. shall endeavour to reschedule, but will not be liable for any costs incurred by delegates in connection with their attendance. Address City *Registration Fee: *Registration fee together with service charges includes attendance at all sessions, documentation, access to speakers’ presentations, brochures, refreshments, lunch and entry to social functions, cocktail receptions and gala dinners when organised. A 10% service charge and VAT (20%) will be added to all conference fees. This is inclusive of programme materials, refreshments and cocktail reception. Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within 7 days from receipt of invoice. All bookings carry cancellation liability (as defined below) immediately after a sales contract has been received by E.E.L. Events Ltd. Satellite navigation users please use EC2A 2DA Please send me an invoice Payment by Invoice: (Payment terms are strictly 7 days and Invoice No. must be quoted) Contact person in the Accounts Department: __________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ *PLEASE NOTE: A 10% service charge and VAT (20%) will be added to all conference fees. This is inclusive of programme materials, luncheon/meals, refreshments, cocktail reception and gala dinners when organised. . Ltd nts Eve Easy ways to register: Online: Email: [email protected] Fax: + 44 (0) 207 681 2889 2nd Investing in Turkey Forum 15 April 2014 Ashurst Headquarters, London
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