exkluzív ajándékanyagod thanksgiving day

Karácsony mellett a Thanksgiving Day egyértelműen a második legnagyobb ünnep az
USA-ban. Így én is úgy gondoltam, hogy illik hoznom Neked egy nagy ajándékanyagot erre a
napra. Tudod egyébként, hogy mik az ajándékanyagokkal kapcsolatban a leggyakoribb
kérdések, amiket kapunk?
A TOP3 leggyakoribb kérdés a GO! ajándékanyagokról
Ugye nem küldtök majd 1 év múlva valami nagy számlát?
Nem. A GO! ajándékanyagok teljesen ingyenesek. Ez az én ajándékom a számodra, akár
vásároltál már tőlünk, akár nem. Én komolyan gondolom, hogy megtanulj angolul. Ha már
rendelkezel termékkel, kapsz különleges extra anyagokat is.
Ez a tanfolyamotok?
Nem. A Nyelvipercek.hu-n találsz egy teljes online angol tanfolyamot kezdőtől felsőfokig, több
mint 360 videó magyarázattal a nyelvtan tanulásához, illetve szókincsfejlesztő tanfolyammal,
beszédfejlesztő tanfolyammal is. Ezeket a tanfolyamainkat választják azok, akik komolyan
gondolják, hogy meg akarnak tanulni angolul.
Az ingyenes anyagokkal megtanulok angolul?
Nem. Én még nem láttam olyan ingyenes anyagot sehol, amivel igen. A mi ingyenes
anyagaink kiemelkedő terjedelműek és minőségűek, de ezeket desszertként küldjük,
ingyenes anyaggal nem laksz teljesen jól. Míg 1-1 ajándékanyag fejlesztését pár nap alatt
végezzük el, addig a nagy tanfolyamok megjelenését minimum 6-12 hónap fejlesztés előzi
meg. Azokkal viszont „kulcsrakészen“ megtanulsz angolul.
Thanksgiving ajándékanyag linkek:
alapfokú szöveg és szószedet:
középfokú szöveg és szószedet:
felsőfokú szöveg és szószedet:
Jó tanulást!
Fekete Gábor
Many people believe that Thanksgiving Day is a US holiday, but
Canadians celebrate it, too.
After the autumn harvest, people were really thankful for the
food they got.
When the Pilgrim Fathers arrived in Massachusetts in 1620,
winter was very cold and a lot of people were sick. They were
hungry and many of them died.
The new land was different from England and fruit and
vegetables were unknown. There were a lot of pumpkins, potatoes, corn and they could find turkey instead of
chicken. American Indians showed them what to cook and the Puritans were very happy. They learned to
make pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce and roast turkey. They are typical Thanksgiving food.
Many people don't know that the date of this festival isn't the same in the United States and in Canada. The
pilgrims' ship arrived at the northern coasts earlier, and winter comes a few weeks earlier in the north.
So in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October. But in the USA it's on the 4
Thursday of November and it's almost as important as Christmas. This is the time for Americans to take a long
weekend and go skiing.
Thanksgiving - Hálaadás
celebrate - ünnepel
autumn harvest - őszi betakarítás
thankful for sg - hálás valamiért
Pilgrim Fathers - Alapító Atyák
a lot of - sok
people - emberek
sick - beteg
different from - különbözik valamitől
unknown - ismeretlen
pumpkin - dísztök
corn - kukorica
turkey - pulyka
instead of sg - valami helyett
show - megmutat
Puritan - Puritán
learn - tanul
cranberry sauce - áfonyaszósz
roast turkey - pulykasült
the same - ugyanaz
arrive - érkezik
northern coast - északi part
a few - néhány
second - második
almost - majdnem
important - fontos
take a long weekend hosszúhétvégére megy
I. Match the adjectives with a suitable noun. (Párosítsd a mellékneveket a megfelelő főnévvel!)
1. Pilgrim
A coasts
2. cold
B turkey
3. roast
C Fathers
4. northern
D winters
II. Answer the questions. (Válaszolj a kérdésekre!)
A When did the Pilgrims arrive in Massachusetts?
B What were the problems there?
C How did the Indians help?
D What is the date of Thanksgiving in the USA?
III. Complete the sentences with one word only. (Egészítsd ki egy szóval a mondatokat!)
A The land in America was ………….from the English land.
B The Indians grew potatoes, pumpkin and …………..
C Canadians celebrate this festival on the ………….Monday of October.
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
A in 1620
B cold, hunger and illnesses
C showed them what to cook
D on the 4th Thursday of November
A different
B corn
C second
The majority of people consider Thanksgiving to be a US holiday, although it's also celebrated in Canada.
The festival has some religious, cultural and also historical roots.
Traditionally, after the autumn harvest, people wished to express their thanks for the food the land gave them.
When the Puritan Pilgrim Fathers arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620, they had to face some serious
illnesses, like tuberculosis. Some of them returned to England the following spring to escape from the cold
winter, death and starvation.
The first Thanksgiving was possibly held in Plymouth or somewhere on the East Coast. Another problem they
had to learn was how to cultivate the land, which was different from that which they had cultivated in England
Native American Indians were familiar with the indigenous fruit and vegetables and helped the newcomers to
prepare food from potatoes, corn, pumpkin and turkey. As a result, pumpkin pie, potato wedges, cranberry
salsa, cornbread with bacon and of course, oven-roasted turkey are still served on tables during this holiday. At
that time Puritans were really grateful for these dishes.
Did you know that the date of Thanksgiving in the USA differs from that in Canada? The reason for this may lie in
the fact that the Mayflower, the ship on which the pilgrims arrived in America, reached the Northern coasts of
Canada earlier; moreover, winter sets in there several weeks earlier.
Thanksgiving falls on the 2 Monday of October in Canada and on the 4 Thursday of November in the United
States. t's a good occasion for families to get together or go skiing somewhere in the mountains, and it's almost
as big a festival as Christmas.
Thanksgiving -Hálaadás
majority - többség
consider - vél
religious - vallásos
roots - gyökerek
traditionally - hagyományosan
harvest -betakarítás
express - kifejez
Pilgrim Fathers - Alapító Atyák
face - szembenéz
tuberculosis - tüdőgyulladás
the following - a következő
escape - elmenekül
starvation - éhezés
cultivate - megművel
indigenious - őshonos
newcomer - újonnan érkezett
prepare - elkészít
as a result - ezért
potato wedges - sültkrumpli
oven-roasted - sütőben sült
cornbread - kukoricakenyér
grateful for sg - hálás valamiért
differ - különbözik
lie in - benne rejlik
moreover - sőt
several - számos
occasion - alkalom
get together - összegyűlik
I. Find synonyms for the following words in the text
A think
B sources
C a few
D next
II. Decide if the sentences are true or false
A Thanksgiving has some cultural elements as well.
B The native American Indians didn't grow any vegetables when the Pilgrims arrived.
C This festival takes places on a different day in the US than in Canada.
D Winter is colder on the east coast than in the rest of the mainland.
E Traditionally, those dishes that are mainly served on festival tables are the ones that remind people of
the first crops the Puritans left in the old world.
III. Gap-filling. Fill in the sentences with a missing word.
A The Puritans were really ……………….for the dishes the native Indians helped them to prepare.
B The first Thanksgiving was ………………..held in Plymouth, Massechusetts.
C In Canada winter ……….in a few weeks earlier.
D It's a good occasion for families to get ……………or go skiing somewhere int he mountains.
E 'The Mayflower' …………on the coast of Canada a few weeks earlier.
A consider
B roots
C several
D the following
A True
B False
C True
D False
E False
A grateful
B possibly
C sets
D together
E arrived
Very few people are aware of the fact that Thanksgiving is not solely celebrated in the USA, but in Canada as
well. The history of this tradition dates back hundreds of years. Based on autumn harvest traditions, people
wished to express their gratitude for all the food the land produced.
The first Puritan Pilgrim Fathers arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 aboard the Mayflower. They had
numerous problems to cope with, such as tuberculosis and other illnesses, death, cold and famine.
As remembered, the first Thanksgiving Day was held either in Plymouth or somewhere near the Eastern
coast, retaining Puritan traditions.
The American soil differed from that of England and, furthermore, the Puritans were not familiar with the new
flora and fauna. The native Indians helped them and taught them how to cultivate the land, grow crops, fruit
and vegetables and breed animals. Potatoes, corn, pumpkin and turkey were the primary ingredients for
preparing festivity dishes. As a result, a regular menu developed for this occasion among other things will
including wedged potatoes, cranberry salsa, pumpkin pie, cornbread with bacon and naturally, oven-roasted
turkey. Consequently, the Puritans were extremely grateful to the Indians for these dishes.
What is the underlying reason for the different celebration dates in the USA and Canada?
Firstly, a plausible explanation might be the earlier onset of winter in Canada, which means Thanksgiving is
brought forward by a few weeks. Secondly, perhaps because the Mayflower reached the Canadian coast
several weeks earlier than the US coast. So, that's why it falls on the second Monday of October in Canada,
whereas it falls on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
How do Americans benefit from this extended holiday, whose importance borders on that of Christmas? They
spend most of the time with the family, going skiing to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, or alternatively, they
might carve a turkey with friends.
aware of - tudatában van
solely - kizárólag
dates back - visszanyúlik (időben)
gratitude - hála
aboard - fedélzeten
cope with sg - megbirkózni
famine - éhség
retain - megőriz
soil - talaj
familiar - ismerős
flora and fauna - növények és
cultivate - megművel
breed - tenyészt
primary - elsődleges
ingredients - összetevők
develop - alakul, fejlődik
wedged potatoes - sültkrumpli
consequently - következésképpen
grateful - hálás
underlying - alapvető
plausible - kézenfekvő
explanation - magyarázat
onset - kezdet
extended - bővített, hosszú
border - határ
alternatively - lehetőség szerint
carve - szel, darabol, vág, farag
I. Finish the sentences with a maximum of 8 words.
A The Puritans, …………..in 1620, had to face numerous problems.
B Traditionally, Thanksgiving incorporated …………………….elements.
C The different celebration dates in the US and Canada can be explained ………………
D Some of the Puritans returned back to England………………………
II. Find expressions with similar meanings in the text.
A the beginning of a season
B hunger
C as another option
D lengthy
E make use of sg
F included
G as a consequence
H slice ( verb)
I only
III. Answer the questions using the words given.
A What dishes can be found on a festival table?
B What is the historical background of ' Thanksgiving' ?
C How can you describe the problems of the first winter of 1620.
D Why is it celebrated earlier in Canada?
A arriving in Plymouth aboard the 'Mayflower'
B cultural, historical and religious
C the fact that the ‘Mayflower’ reached the
D escaping from the difficulties this way
A onset
B famine
C alternatively
D extended
E benefit
F incorporated
G consequently
H carve
I solely
A The traditional menu consists of pumpkin pie, cornbread with bacon, cranberry salsa and wedged
B The Puritans were extremely grateful for the food.
C It was characterized by famine, cold and illnesses.
D Because of the earlier onset of winter there.