WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 MATERNITY SERVICES GUIDELINE Missed Appointments - Did not attend (DNA) APPROVING COMMITTEE(S) EFFECTIVE FROM DISTRIBUTION RELATED DOCUMENTS STANDARDS OWNER AUTHOR/FURTHER INFORMATION SUPERCEDED DOCUMENTS REVIEW DUE KEYWORDS CONSULTATION INTRANET LOCATION(S) Page 1 of 11 Barts Health Maternity Date 11th April Improvement approved: 2014 Board 24th April 2014 All staff in the maternity service Intranet Booking guideline, Obstetric Ultrasound guideline CNST Clinical Risk Management Standards for Maternity Service (2013-14) (Criterion 4.2) Sandra Reading, Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Governance for Women’s Health. Debbie Twyman, Lead Midwife for Low Risk, Whipps Cross University Hospital Missed Appointments, Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust (2010) Antenatal Care Booking and Missed Appointment Guidelines, (2010) Barts and the London NHS Trust Maternity Booking and Missed Appointments Guideline, (2011) Newham University Hospital NHS Trust April 2017 Antenatal, missed appointments and DNA. http://rl1vmsps02/BHFileshare/Shared%20Doc uments/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2F BHFileshare%2FShared%20Documents%2FAll %20Trust%2FLocal%20Policies%20and%20Pr ocedures%2FWomen%27s%2FBH%20Women %27s%20CAG%20new%20policies&InitialTabI d=Ribbon%2EDocument&VisibilityContext=WS STabPersistence Maternity Improvement Board Denise McEneaney - Consultant Midwife. Royal London Hospital. Barts and the London unit (BLT) Margaret Keenan - Clinical Lead Midwife for Antenatal Services. Mr. M. Hogg - Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Newham University Hospital unit (NUH) Whipps Cross University Hospital (WX) External Partner(s) Page 2 of 11 Sonia Jabke - Clinical Lead Midwife for Antenatal Services. Mr. R. Maplethorpe -Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Mr. Gupta - Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Debbie Twyman - Clinical Lead Midwife for Antenatal Services. Not applicable SCOPE OF APPLICATION AND EXEMPTIONS WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Page 3 of 11 Included in policy: For the groups listed below, failure to follow the policy may result in investigation and management action which may include formal action in line with the Trust's disciplinary or capability procedures for Trust employees, and other action in relation to organisations contracted to the Trust, which may result in the termination of a contract, assignment, placement, secondment or honorary arrangement. All Trust staff, working within or for the maternity service in whatever capacity All agency staff, students midwives, student nurses and doctors in training working within the maternity service Exempted from policy: The following groups are exempt from this policy Non-maternity staff WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION AND AIMS OF POLICY Responsibilities of relevant staff group 2 FOLLOW UP OF WOMEN WHO FAIL TO ATTEND A CONSULTANT ANTENATAL CLINIC APPOINTMENT 5 5 5 3 FOLLOW UP OF WOMEN WHO FAIL TO ACCESS MIDWIFERY CARE DURING THE ANTENATAL PERIOD 6 Responsibilities 6 Objectives 6 Process 7 Documentation 7 4 MISSED ANTENATAL ULTRASOUND APPOINTMENTS 8 5 MISSED ANTENATAL DAY ASSESSMENT UNIT APPOINTMENTS (DAU) 8 6 MONITORING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS POLICY 7 REFERENCES Appendix 1: Antenatal Non-Attenders Flow Chart Appendix 2: Change Log Appendix 3 – Impact assessments Page 4 of 11 9 9 10 11 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 MISSED APPOINTMENTS 1 INTRODUCTION AND AIMS OF POLICY 1.1 Saving Mothers Lives (CEMACH 2007) identifies that around 20% of women who died from direct or indirect causes missed more than four routine antenatal appointments, did not seek care at all or actively concealed their pregnancies. This delay denied them the opportunities that early maternity care provides for mother, baby and family. 1.2 This guideline includes guidance on action to be taken when women fail to keep any antenatal appointment in any care setting. Women who fail to attend their appointments require follow up to ensure they are offered appropriate care. 1.3 Midwives have a responsibility to ensure that services are accessible to women in the local community that women and their families are aware of the services available to them and that women who do not attend for appropriate care are followed up and given every reasonable opportunity to receive midwifery care. 1.4 All midwives / health professionals should be aware: The increased risk to women and their pregnancy of frequent nonattendance for midwifery care. The relevant guidelines and for appropriate follow up of non-attendees. 1.5 Non attendance of antenatal appointments has a strong correlation with poor maternal and neonatal outcomes. It is essential that a proactive and innovative approach is taken by all maternity staff to support early and regular contact with maternity services. Women will usually attend if they understand the reason for the appointment and at a time that is manageable to them. 1.6 All women booking for maternity care at Bart’s Health who fail to attend for antenatal appointments will be contacted either by phone or letter by a midwife or clerical support to investigate their non attendance. Responsibilities of relevant staff group It is the responsibility of all staff groups to document when a woman fails to attend any appointment during the antenatal period, detailing the type of appointment missed. 2 FOLLOW UP OF WOMEN WHO FAIL TO ATTEND A CONSULTANT ANTENATAL CLINIC APPOINTMENT 2.1 Women who fail to attend a Consultant Obstetrician’s Antenatal Clinic appointment should be followed up to ensure they are offered appropriate care. Non-attendance is a known risk factor for poor outcomes. 2.2 All booked appointments should be recorded on the electronic booking system. Page 5 of 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 2.3 All case notes should be available at the time of the appointment. 2.4 At the end of the clinic women who have not attended need to be followed up by a midwife. Before further appointments are sent out all written or electronic records need to be checked to establish any possible reason for the nonattendance e.g. miscarriage, delivery, transfer to another hospital or change of address. A new appointment should be sent out at the next available designated consultant appointment. 2.5 After a second consecutive non-attendance the notes/records and alert register are checked and confirmation of the woman’s contact details should be obtained from the General Practitioner’s (GP’s) surgery. If there is no obvious reason for the non-attendance then a follow-up of non-attendance form is sent out to the woman’s community midwife to contact and visit the woman to ascertain the reason for non-attendance and take appropriate action and arrange further appointment as required. The community midwife should return the completed non-attendance form to the antenatal clinic within 14 working days. Antenatal clinic midwives will update their records and hospital notes with this information. 3 FOLLOW UP OF WOMEN WHO FAIL TO ACCESS MIDWIFERY CARE DURING THE ANTENATAL PERIOD Responsibilities 3.1 Midwives are responsible for ensuring that services are accessible to women in the local community; that women and their families are aware of the services available to them, and that women who do not attend for appropriate care are followed up and given every reasonable opportunity to receive midwifery care. All midwives must provide care that is safe and effective for women and their families. 3.2 All women who do not attend a midwifery appointment are followed up to ensure appropriate midwifery care has been/will be received. 3.3 All women who are not at home for an agreed visit will be followed up to ensure appropriate care has been/will be received. 3.4 All women will be made aware of the importance of antenatal and postnatal care for the health and wellbeing of themselves and their babies. Objectives 3.5 Midwives will be aware of the increased risk to women and their babies of frequent non-attendance for midwifery care. 3.6 Midwives should be aware of the guidelines for appropriate follow up of nonattendees. 3.7 Midwives should offer women reasonable access to midwifery care in the community. Page 6 of 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 3.8 Midwives should ensure that women who do not present for care are identified, clear records kept and alternative access to care offered. 3.9 Where a woman is identified as not accessing appropriate midwifery care, midwives should communicate with all relevant agencies, (GP, Hospital, Midwives, Midwifery supervisors, Health Visitors, Child Protection team, Social Services). Process If a woman fails to make herself available for an initial booking appointment: 3.10 Midwives should review records, contact GP or hospital to confirm that the pregnancy is still ongoing. Check if address correct. If the woman has preschool/school age children, midwives should liaise with health visitor and/or school nurse. 3.11 Midwives should contact the woman and arrange an alternative appointment. 3.12 Where telephone contact cannot be made a further appointment should be sent by post. 3.13 If a women fails to be available for a second appointment a further letter should be sent encouraging the women to contact the midwives. 3.14 If a woman fails to contact the midwives, the midwife responsible for coordinating her care should arrange to visit the woman’s home and offer to discuss when it would be appropriate for her to complete the booking process. 3.15 If the named midwife fails to gain access at this point, she should: contact the woman’s GP explaining her concerns; contact the Community Team Leader to inform of concerns; discuss the case with her Supervisor of Midwives; refer the woman to the consultant obstetric unit. 3.16 Midwives should keep accurate records of contacts made and appointments offered within the community midwife team office. Copies of letters should be included in a woman’s hospital notes. 3.17 If a woman fails to make herself available for subsequent antenatal care the above actions should be repeated. 3.18 The case should be discussed with the relevant specialist midwife. Documentation 3.19 Good communication is vital between the multidisciplinary team to ensure everyone involved is aware that the woman is not accessing antenatal care. Each time a woman fails to attend an antenatal appointment, the midwife involved in the care is responsible for ensuring that this is documented in the maternal records. A Missed Appointment Proforma should be completed for each appointment missed. Page 7 of 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 4 4.1 MISSED ANTENATAL ULTRASOUND APPOINTMENTS If any obstetric ultrasound appointment is missed, midwife sonographer or midwife working in the antenatal clinic (ANC) will investigate to see if the woman has: miscarried given birth or is a hospital inpatient moved out of area or is still registered with the same GP has an appointment elsewhere or has changed her appointment 4.2 If none of the above is applicable the midwife sonographer/antenatal clinic midwife will contact the woman by telephone or send a further appointment by letter. 4.3 If a woman does not attend an ultrasound department appointment the sonographer informs the Antenatal Clinic, and the antenatal clinic midwife will contact the woman as above. 4.4 All missed appointments and actions taken should be documented in the hospital maternal records. 5 MISSED ANTENATAL DAY ASSESSMENT UNIT APPOINTMENTS (DAU) 5.1 If any woman fails to attend a DAU appointment the midwife running the DAU is responsible for contacting the woman and rearranging the appointment. 5.2 If the woman needs to be reviewed the same day and the DAU midwife is unable to make contact within working hours, the Delivery Suite co-ordinator must be informed and follow up arranged. This should be documented in the DAU diary. 5.3 If contact with the woman is not possible the midwife in DAU will need to inform original referrer to follow up. 5.4 All missed appointments and actions taken should be documented in the hospital notes. Page 8 of 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 6 MONITORING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THIS POLICY Issue being monitored Monitoring method Responsibility Frequency Reviewed by and actions arising followed up by Process for ensuring that Audit any women who miss any type of antenatal appointment are followed up including the responsibilities of health care professionals Lead Midwife for Low Risk Annual Women’s Quality, Assurance and Safety Committee Documentation of the Audit follow up process for women who miss any type of antenatal appointment including the fact that the women are seen. Lead Midwife for Low Risk Annual Women’s Quality, Assurance and Safety Committee 7 REFERENCES Confidential Enquiry into Maternity and Child Health, (CEMACH) (2007). Saving Mother’s Lives 2003-2005. Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD) (1997-1999 & 2000-2002). Why Mothers Die. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2009) Record Keeping: Guidance for Nurses and midwives, Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available at www.nmc-uk.org Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2010) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available at www.nmc-uk.org Page 9 of 11 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Appendix 1: Antenatal Non-Attenders Flow Chart DNA Hospital Midwife / Consultant/Ultrasound Appointment DNA Community Midwife Appointment Check written and electronic records to confirm still pregnant, not delivered or transferred to other hospital or changed address. Confirm woman still pregnant via GP and hospital and check correct address Contact woman to arrange further appointment via phone or letter Send repeat appointment and contact Community Midwife by letter 2nd Consecutive DNA Send further letter encouraging the woman to contact the midwives If a woman fails to contact midwives. Midwife to arrange a home visit. Page 10 of 11 Check notes/electronic system as before. Contact GPs surgery to confirm contact details and check if any reason for DNA Check electronic system for any changes, send non-attender letter to community midwife to contact/visit woman. (Letter to be returned within 14 working days in order to update records) WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Appendix 2: Change Log Change Log – Maternity Service Risk Management Strategy Substantive changes since previous version Reason for Change Author & Group(s) approving change(s) New Policy Merger of three policies Debbie Twyman, Lead Midwife for Low Risk – Whipps Cross University Hospital and Maternity Improvement Board Appendix 3 – Impact assessments Equalities impact checklist - must be completed for all new policies Microsoft Word 97 2003 Document Organisational impact checklist - must be completed for all new policies Microsoft Word 97 2003 Document Page 11 of 11
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