November 2014 Volume 18, Issue 2 SEATA Newsletter NEWS FROM DISTRICT DRECTOR, MARYBETH HORODYSKI I hope this letter finds you enjoying the Fall season and cooler weather. It is an honor to serve the members of SEATA and the NATA. The past few months have been busy ones for many SEATA and NATA committees. SEATA members have been extremely busy helping move our profession forward through their efforts in committee work. Continued on Page 6 INSIDE THIS ISSUE NEWS FROM PRESIDENT, JIM MACKIE NATA Membership Renewal.....2 Call for Nominations……………...3 Greetings Fellow Athletic Trainers, Membership Survey Winners …3 Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your SEATA President for another term. I trust that I can bring a positive energy in service to you and our great profession. What is accomplished within SEATA would not be possible without the great number of you who volunteer as officers, committee chairs or members, and who just serve in whatever capacity needed. We are continually evolving as a profession with our public visibility and value as an AT, with our legislators, the future course of higher education and so much more. Things are changing, so I would implore you to be a part of the change and make your concerns and desires known. You have a voice State Association News…………..4 Committee Contacts……………..10 Committee News ………………....11 SEATA Election Report ….........13 Leadership Directory …………...16 SEATA Student Symposium ….17 NATA Update ……………………...18 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST Celebrating 40+ Years of NATA Membership SEATA Leadership Directory Dates to Remember One comment on our survey was that SEATA is just "a good ole boy network", which may or not be true or just be a perception of some, which translates into one's reality. Membership Update Calendar Continued on Page 7 1 Renew by December 31st to be entered to win these amazing prizes! . By now you should have received an email reminder from the NATA encouraging you to renew your membership for 2015. There are many benefits to being an NATA member and a new option with renewal this year is the ability to prepay your convention registration fees. You also have the ability to pay your membership fees using the easy installment plan option. Five payments — Renew by October 14, 2014 Four payments — Renew by November 14, 2014 Three payments — Renew by December 14, 2014 Two payments — Renew by January 14, 2015 All payments must be received by midnight (CST) February 15, 2015, to avoid being suspended. Grand Prize (1) Free 2015 convention registration including airfare (up to $500) and lodging (at hotel of NATA’s choosing up to 3 nights). *** (1) Free 2015 convention registration including airfare (up to $500). *** (5) Free 2015 convention registration. *** (5)Free NATA Webinar *** (5) Free 1 Year Subscription to Sports Health 2 SEATA HALL OF FAME Call for Nominations—Class of 2015 Do you know of a colleague who should be recognized for their outstanding contribution to the profession as a SEATA member? The Southeast Athletic Trainers Association Hall of Fame honors those members who have distinguished themselves through personal sacrifice, consummate professionalism and exceptional contributions. Service to SEATA is the primary consideration and reflects a lifetime of selfless devotion to the association through volunteer service, leadership, advocacy and professional activities. Minimum eligibility requirements include 15 years working or living in District IX and at least 20 years of servicing their profession. The nomination period for the 2015 SEATA Hall of Fame will close November 15, 2014. Go to for more information and to submit nominations for the SEATA Hall of Fame. For any questions regarding this process, contact Bob Nevil at [email protected] or by calling 423-622-6200. Thank you for completing the SEATA Strategic Planning Survey Congratulations Grand Prize Winner - Ashley Armbruster (FL) Free Registration to 2015 SEATA CSMM in Atlanta State Winners of $25 Gift Card AL—Kurtis Freund GA—Steve Patterson LA—Crystal Nelson FL—Sam Wichael KY—A.J. Stadelmeyer MS—Scott Belham TN—Andrew Gibson 3 3 FLORIDA NEWS Officer Elections ATAF is currently holding an election for the offices of President, Vice-President and Secretary; Regional Representative positions are also on the ballot for West Coast, Central Florida, and South 1 representatives. Eligible voters are asked to cast their ballot from November 1 –30, 2014, for these offices; click on the icon to the left to cast your vote. Attendee Housing Opens 11/3/14 Attendee Registration * Opens 3/2/15 * Take Advantage of the opportunity to PREPAY Convention Registration when you Renew your NATA Membership!! SEATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Nomination Deadline is Nov. 15, 2014 4 KENTUCKY NEWS CONGRATULATIONS TO AWARD WINNERS Keith Webster KATS Hall of Fame Danny Haas KATS Award of Merit Kristian Rigsby KATS Scholarship Recipient Dr. Doug Black KATS Sportsmedicine Person of the Year 5 5 Aaron Sciascia KATS Clinic AT of the Year Jim Madaleno KATS College AT of the Year News from Director Horodyski Continued from page 1 The members of the SEATA Executive Board should be commended for the work they have been completing. They have worked diligently this year to help enhance SEATA and our profession. I encourage you to review the information contained in SEATA Board meeting minutes located on the SEATA website. Please accept my sincere appreciation and thanks to all SEATA who have served on state, district or national committees this year. Below I will provide exciting information about activities occurring in our profession. The NATA strategic plan was reviewed by the NATA Board of Directors (BOD). The plan has three main focus areas: advocacy, engagement, and development. All strategic objectives will be aligned within the focus areas. The NFL and NATA secondary school initiative is moving forward with great success. It is anticipated that even more secondary schools will be included in the program next year. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) developed a document titled Management of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries Clinical Practice Guidelines which was endorsed by the NATA BOD. Sandra Shultz, PhD, ATC, FACSM, FNATA represented the NATA on the writing group. The future of the profession is very bright and is going global. NATA President Thornton attended the WFATT meeting earlier this Fall. A new agreement between the BOC and the Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association (CATA) and Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy Ireland (ARTI) has been established. NATA President Jim Thornton put together a task force to develop a response to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) rule on durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS). The final outcome of the task force was a strong letter to the CMS addressing the skill set of ATs and the ability of ATs to perform these activities. The NATA also worked with partner organizations, including physician organizations, to include ATs in their responses to the CMS. Legislators are being recruited to sign a letter to the CMS. The NPI and Safe Sports School Award Contests were a great success. District IX was very active in the contests; however, District III took home top honors in both contests. SEATA will be rolling out a new logo. The SEATA Board approved a program to assist secondary schools with finances to apply for the Safe Sports School Award. Look for more information in future correspondence and on the SEATA website. I would like to continue to encourage all SEATA members to make sure they have completed several items. Have you obtained a NPI number? Getting a NPI number is free and can be completed easily online. Please make sure you notify the NATA national office and the BOC if you move and change your address or email address. Do you know an athletic trainer who should be receiving a SEATA Award? Please take a moment to go to the SEATA website and nominate your colleagues. I am challenging all former award winners in SEATA to nominate at least one member for an award. Again, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you, MaryBeth MaryBeth Horodyski, EdD, LAT, ATC, FNATA Vice-President and District IX Director National Athletic Trainers’ Association 6 News from President Mackie Continued from Page 1 In all honesty, though many of the past good ole boys are responsible for where we may be at today and for building a strong foundation long before our states became more relevant, their passion and concern laid a foundation for our future. The good news is there is an exciting new group of young professionals and members with so much to offer. I'm very encouraged by the energy portrayed by our Student Senate, the Young Professionals Committee, and younger and new leadership that are eager to share their ideas. We are not a stagnant organization, but one that is evolving and seeking for new ways to grow and provide for our membership. Your input on the Strategic Plan survey is valuable and will be strongly considered as we create a living roadmap for the next five years. Thank you for those who participated in our two recent surveys related to our strategic plan & annual members meeting. The Executive Board values your input and will work to incorporate your ideas into our future planning. Congratulations to Ashley Armbruster, the winner of a free registration to our March Clinical Symposium. She actually resides in another district now due to a recent job change, but her roots are in SEATA and she is planning to attend. The Athletic Training Student Symposium will be upon us in February and again we hope to have a record setting attendance along with continued creative programing. New co-chairs Pattie Tripp & Karen Lew along with R.T. Floyd are preparing another outstanding program. The Quiz Bowl will be in high gear and an exciting time for all the participants. As we come upon the 40th anniversary of SEATA, please join us to celebrate and educate. We are excited to announce that four Education Based Presentations (EBP) are being considered by the BOC for presentation at our annual Clinical Symposium, March 12-15, 2015 in Atlanta, GA at the Crown Plaza Ravinia. These are valuable as by the end of 2015 we must complete 10 EBP’s to maintain certification. Thank you to our new EBP coordinator Aaron Sciascia for his leadership. Our CEU value per dollar is outstanding, as well as our dynamic educational program organized by Co-Chairs Brady Tripp & Shelly Linens. By the time registration opens you will see a new look to our website. R.T. Floyd, Donna Wesley, Aaron Sciascia, Tim McLane and others have worked tirelessly to complete this task. Your SEATA Executive Board has recently implemented new technology tools to help us better communicate and become more efficient—all which benefit our membership. We hope you’ll see the results along the way. In closing, I encourage you to continue to participate and engage in your profession. I recently saw a video with former NATA President Ken Falb who said athletic trainers were really “those who really enjoy sharing their love and compassion with others”. We have a great membership and group of professionals with passion and energy to help others—continue in that spirit. In the immortal words of President John Kennedy (paraphrased for our purpose) "Ask not what your profession can do for you, ask what you can do for your profession”. Yours in Good Health, Jim Mackie, President 7 CELEBRATING 40 + Years of NATA Membership Kenny Howard (AL) 66 Ronald Ribaric (FL) 47 Richard Morsch (FL) 64 Turner Blackburn (GA) 47 Carl Williams (LA) 64 C. Steven Yates (FL) 47 Jerry Rhea (GA) 58 Robert Barton (KY) 47 Lindsy McLean (TN) 56 Kenneth Carson (FL) 47 Fred Kelly (FL) 55 Walter McCombs (KY) 46 Robert Lundy (FL) 55 Richard Martin (FL) 46 Chester Przylucki (FL) 54 Doug May (TN) 46 Anthony Jonaitis (FL) 54 Dave Pursley (GA) 46 Roger Long (KY) 52 Junior Wade (FL) 45 Steve Moore (TN) 52 Robert Goodwin (LA) 45 Bill Barry (TN) 51 Mark Hanak (GA) 45 John Redgren (TN) 51 Steven Heckler (FL) 45 Leroy Mullins (MS) 51 Gary Reinholtz (FL) 45 George Camp (TN) 51 Al Green (FL) 45 Ernest Golin (FL) 50 Mayfield Armstrong (LA) 44 David Bailey (AL) 50 Bill Edwards (KY) 44 Donald Lowe (GA) 50 Wayne Kendrick (AL) 44 Anthony Bartirome (FL) 50 James Murphy (LA) 44 John Anderson (AL) 50 James Gallaspy (MS) 44 Jerry Robertson (TN) 50 Larry Starr (FL) 50 Joseph O’Toole (GA) 49 Kenneth Wolfert (FL) 49 Chris Patrick (FL) 49 William McDonald (AL) 48 Jack McNeeley (FL) 48 James Shoop (GA) 48 Stephen Bartlett (TN) 47 8 CELEBRATING 40 + Years of NATA Membership Scott Anderson (FL) 43 Patricia Mattson (GA) 41 John Kovaleski (AL) 43 Daniel Eppelheimer (FL) 41 Jerry Carter (FL) 43 William Knott (GA) 41 George Davies (GA) 43 Terry Malone (KY) 41 David Green (KY) 43 Barry Weinberg (FL) 41 James Mackie (FL) 43 Kenneth Wright (AL) 41 Karen Toburen (FL) 43 Kenneth Schields (FL) 41 Robert Nevil (TN) 43 William McCarthy (FL) 41 Edward Smith, Jr. (FL) 43 Lisa Marsh (FL) 40 M. Thomas Craig (FL) 42 James Madaleno (KY) 40 Mark Farnsworth (FL) 42 Ronald Richardson (AL) 40 Thomas Baker (AL) 42 Randy Deere (KY) 40 Roger Harbour (FL) 42 John Sullivan (GA) 40 Robert Ferguson (AL) 42 Douglas Merrifield (TN) 40 Karen Atkins (FL) 42 Robert T Floyd (AL) 40 Harold Henderson (FL) 42 Ed Dobrzykowski (KY) 40 Leonard Weber (KY) 42 Donna Robertson (FL) 40 Jack Mansfield (TN) 42 William Coughlin (FL) 40 Thomas Cooper (FL) 42 Roger Mosure (FL) 40 Geoffry Haines (FL) 41 Frank Grimaldi (FL) 40 Scott White (GA) 41 Keith Webster (KY) 40 MEMBERSHIP Ronald Walter (FL) 41 Chris Smith (FL) 40 LEADERSHIP Michael Sabatelle (GA) 41 David Giardina (LA) 40 PROFESSIONALISM Arthur McGuffin (KY) 41 Cynthia Elyea-Firmani (FL) 40 Michael Wilkinson (MS) 41 Frank Walters (FL) 40 Pamela Herriford (KY) 41 Timothy Kocher (FL) 40 Jerry May (KY) 41 Deloss Brubaker (GA) 40 Jeffrey Cooper (FL) 41 Joseph Webb (FL) 40 T H A N K Y O U FOR YOUR COMMITMENT & SERVICE 9 NATA & SEATA COMMITTEE CONTACTS Committee on Professional Advancement (COPA) Dr. J C Andersen Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE) Dr. Marisa Colston Tyler Hamilton College/University Athletic Trainers Committee (CUATC) John Barrett EC College /University Athletic Training Students’ Committee Dr. Amanda Benson Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee (EDAC) Dr. Kysha Harriell Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) Jerry Stevens Public Relations Dr. Kristan Yates NATA Foundation Dr. Pattie Tripp Secondary Schools Athletic Trainers’ Committee (SSATC) Chris Snoddy NATAPAC Mike Wilkinson SEATA Communication Donna Wesley Young Professionals Committee (YPC) Ashley Morgan SEATA Elections Gerard White Executive Committee for Education (ECE) Dr. Gianluca del Rossi Post Professional Education Committee (PPEC) Dr. Gary Wilkerson Professional Education Committee (PEC) Dr. Kristen Schellhase SEATA Annual Symposium Oversight Committee David Green SEATA Athletic Training Educator’s Conference Dr. E. ‘Bud” Cooper SEATA Executive Committee Jim Mackie SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium Dr. Pattie Tripp Karen Lew Dr. R.T. Floyd SEATA Hall of Fame Bob Nevil SEATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Dr. Amanda Benson SEATA History & Archives John Anderson SEATA Honors & Awards Crandall Woodson SEATA Research & Education Dr. Shelley Linens Dr. Brady Tripp SEATA Scholarship Dr. Gianluca del Rossi SEATA Finance Tim McLane SEATA Corporate Sponsorship Rich Frazee SEATA Quiz Bowl Dr. Eric Fuchs SEATA Student Senate Kelley Henderson 10 10 SEATA SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE DR. GIANLUCA DEL ROSSI The SEATA Scholarship Committee invites applications for its 2014-2015 scholarships, which are established to preserve the memory and accomplishments of deceased members of SEATA and to perpetuate the standards of excellence exemplified by athletic trainers. These awards serve to recognize and promote both high achievement and professionalism in athletic training. Starting November 10th, the SEATA Scholarship Committee will be accepting applications for nine available scholarships. Three undergraduate and three graduate scholarships are available to full time students pursuing a degree in athletic training. The basic criteria to be considered include a GPA of ‘B’ or above and the intent to make athletic training their primary means of livelihood. In addition, District 9 members who presently have a dependent enrolled as a junior or senior in an accredited college or university are eligible for three family scholarships. To apply for a Family scholarship, the dependent need not be majoring in Athletic Training. Additional details related to each of the scholarships can be found at http:// All potential candidates are asked to visit the SEATA website and complete the online application. The deadline for all scholarships is 5:00PM on January 7th, 2015. 11 PUBLIC RELATIONS DR. KRISTAN YATES NATA initially launched its #ATsAre awareness campaign back in June, when convention attendees were asked to complete the phrase “Athletic trainers are ____” on a whiteboard. Recently, the #ATsAre campaign officially became a contest, and settled into its digital home at the NATA 2015 convention website. ATs and AT students are encouraged to submit their word (or words) as often as they’d like through Nov. 14. Three winners will be selected to receive awesome prizes, one of which is a free trip to the NATA 2015 convention! Read more about the #ATsAre contest in this week’s Range of Motion newsletter, and see examples from members on the convention website. #ATs Are… Ciara Taylor, MS, ATC, LAT Birmingham, Alabama NATA member for 11 years Athletic trainers are: CREATIVE SEATA Honors & Awards Nominations due by January 1, 2015 12 SEATA Election Results President Jim Mackie 100% GAC JERRY STEVENS Governmental Affairs is finalizing the distribution of over $500,000 to state associations in an effort to assist with their legislative efforts. The NATA Board of Directors continues to support states in their effort to promote Athletic Training through legislation for improving the profession and promoting patient health and safety. It is only because of your membership in the NATA, that we can continue to make these legislative grants possible. Thank you! Treasurer Tim McLane 100% By-Laws Change SSATC Approval YES—93% NO—7% ****** Valid Votes Cast 75 Eligible Voters 4,271 Voting Percentage 1.76 % CHRIS SNODDY Does Your School Practice Safe Sports? The SEATA Executive Board recently allocated money in the budget to provide financial assistance to secondary schools that wish to apply for the Safe Sports School Awards. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting opportunity. The Safe Sports School Awards are given to schools that meet particular standards and criteria of NATA's Safe Sports School Award program. These standards and criteria are based off of the Position Improvement Guide created by NATA's Secondary School Athletic Trainers' Committee. Visit our website to learn more, or contact me for any additional information or questions. 13 13 THANK YOU TO OUR DIRECTOR’S PARTNER: Young Professionals’ Committee—YPC ASHLEY MORGAN National Distinction Award PR The National Distinction Award is the Young Professionals’ Committee highest honor, recognizing one young professional athletic trainer each year that has made an immediate and definitive impact on the athletic training profession at the national, district and/or state level. If you know a young professional (35 yrs or younger at time of nomination) that embodies the ideas, goals and mission of NATA and the Young Professionals’ Committee by demonstrating the highest level of service, professionalism and competence then nominate them by December 1st! For specific award eligibility and criteria visit the National Distinction Award website. 14 30th Annual Athletic Training Student Symposium The SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium will be held February 5-7, 2015, at the Crown Plaza Ravinia Hotel in Atlanta, GA. Karen Lew, MEd, LAT, ATC of the University of West Florida and Patricia Tripp, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS of the University of Florida are the Foundations Workshop Coordinators. R.T. Floyd, EdD, LAT, ATC of the University of West Alabama is the Competencies in Athletic Training Director. Registration for the symposium will open November 1, 2014. We encourage everyone to register early as space is limited. New this year, we created an agenda for Tracks A and B to meet the educational needs of students not intending to sit for the BOC examination this year (vs. 1st year or 2nd year AT student designation). We enhanced the content in both tracks to better reflect the current educational requirements and include evidence based practice recommendations for athletic training. Students interested in presenting research - we revised the research component of the programming for 2015! Ms. Karen Stanton, MS, LAT, ATC from Auburn University will lead the research process; however, abstract submission will occur online beginning on Monday, October 27th. This year, SEATA has implemented an abstract submission fee of $5, paid as part of the online process. Students may select from the following submission categories: Original Research – ORAL, Original Research – POSTER, Clinical Case Report – ORAL, or Clinical Case Report – POSTER. The abstract format remains the same from 2014, but the process and presentation structure changed. The abstract submission deadline is Friday, November 14th – students will receive notification on or before December 19 th regarding presentation status. Additional information and instructions available on the submission website Student Symposium Abstract Submission. Please visit Student Symposium Registration beginning November 1st to review additional details (including preliminary agenda), SEATA Quiz Bowl and registration information for the 30th Annual SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium. Hotel reservations will again go through Connections – we will provide additional information on the website. 15 SEATA Leadership Directory District Director MaryBeth Horodyski ALABAMA President John Morr SEATA President Jim Mackie FLORIDA President Bob Hammons SEATA Vice-President David Green GEORGIA President Diane King SEATA Secretary Donna Wesley KENTUCKY President Rob Ullery SEATA Treasurer Tim McLane LOUISIANA President Gerard White SEATA Parliamentarian Chuck Kimmel MISSISSIPPI President Jeff Bryant SEATA Webmaster RT Floyd TENNESSEE President Scott Byrd 30th Annual SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium Feb. 5-7, 2015 Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA 40th Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting March 13-15, 2015 Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta, GA 16 SEATA Update Membership As of October 24, 2014 ACTIVE Certified Regular 3809 3809 Associate 77 77 Retired Certified 81 81 Honorary 28 28 Non-Member NON-MEMBER 2464 TOTAL 2464 Student Undergrad 821 821 Student Graduate 91 91 Student Certified 118 118 Career Starter Cert 335 335 TOTAL 5360 2464 7824 Regularly update your NATA Membership Profile. This helps us ensure that you continue to get SEATA and NATA communications. 17 NATA News Presidential Election The results of our presidential election are finalized, and Scott Sailor, EdD, ATC, has been voted by the membership to be our next president. He will take office in June 2015. Our sincere thanks to Russ Richardson, EdD, ATC, for his willingness to serve the association and to all the members who engaged in the voting process. We caught up with Sailor shortly after he received the big news from President Jim Thornton, MA, ATC, CES, while he was walking in the parking lot at Fresno State University. When we asked him how it feels to be elected NATA president, he said: "It feels amazing! It probably hasn’t completely hit me yet. As a young athletic trainer, I remember being in an elevator with two past presidents and not having the nerve to introduce myself because I had so much admiration for them. I can’t even believe that I will be one of those people." Sailor had this message for his fellow athletic trainers who supported him through his campaign and took the time to vote: "I appreciate the support of our members, and I’m honored to have an opportunity to serve them." Look for a full profile of Sailor in your November NATA News! Read more about his campaign platform in this previous blog post. Posted by Jordan Grantham ([email protected]) 18 Calendar Nov. 1 Registration Opens for 30th Annual Athletic Training Student Symposium, Quiz Bowl, and Corporate Partnership Program Nov. 3 NATA Convention Housing Opens Nov. 3 NATA Foundation Scholarship Application Submission Opens SEATA Scholarship Committee begins accepting Applications Nov. 10 Nov. 14 DEADLINE for ATSS Abstract Submission Nov. 14 Nov. 15 DEADLINE to renew NATA Membership - 4 Installments DEADLINE for SEATA Hall of Fame & Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Nominations DEADLINE for Free Communications Program Abstracts DEADLINE for Young Professionals’ Committee (YPC) National Distinction Award Nominations Nov. 15 Dec. 1 Dec. 14 DEADLINE to renew NATA Membership—3 Installments Dec. 15 DEADLINE for Professional Development Excellence Award Nominations Dec. 16 DEADLINE for Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator Award Nominations DEADLINE for NATA Membership Renewal DEADLINE for SEATA Honors & Awards Nominations Dec. 31 Jan. 1 SEATA’S VISION We will be recognized as the professional healthcare association of choice for certified athletic trainers who provide expertise in the areas of prevention, recognition, evaluation, immediate care, rehabilitation and reconditioning of injury and illness, healthcare administration and professional development and responsibility in the practice of athletic training. MISSION STATEMENT We are committed to enhance the quality of healthcare provided by certified athletic trainers and to advance the athletic training profession. In recognition of this commitment, we will strive to deliver these services through costeffective, high quality comprehensive programs and care in the communities we serve. SERVICE EDUCATION ADVANCEMENT TEAMWORK ADVOCACY 19
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