Cub Scout Day Camp 2014 Adult Volunteer Orientation Today’s Agenda 9:30 – 11:00 Day Camp Orientation 11:00 – 11:30 Space Derby (Time permitting) 11:30 – 12:30 Classroom YPT If you have a current (within 2 years of June 13, 2014) Classroom YPT certification your are free to go at 11:30. Please scan and email a copy of your card to [email protected]. If you cannot produce your card, you must retake the course. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 2 Tuesday, June 10th – Friday, June 13th Opening Ceremony - 3:00 pm Closing Ceremony - 8:00 pm Camp Staff: Arrive by 2:30 Den Walkers: Arrive by 2:45 Sienna Plantation LDS Church 8333 Scanlan Trace East Missouri City, TX 77479 Twitter: @twdaycamp Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 3 What is Cub Scout Day Camp? • The camp theme for 2014 is “Search Explore Discover” featuring Cubs Scouts in Space. • 4 days of “fun with a purpose!” • A safe place for boys to go and enjoy the activities they do • The scouts are divided into “dens” based on their rank – Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos 1s & Webelos 2s • They are led during their time at camp by a “Den Walker” • At camp, they will rotate thru several activity areas. These areas are: – – – – Sports Archery and BB Ranges Program activities (crafts, learning, rank requirements) Way too much fun to list it all! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 4 Who’s involved in camp? Key Staff Cub Scouts Plans and runs the camp and all activities Why we’re here Den Walkers/Tiger Partners Tots and Siblings Any adult in a Day Camp Den Program Volunteers Helping hands at Activity Stations Junior Staff Non-adult volunteers at Camp Children of full time volunteers not in the Scouting program Parents of Scouts Trusting us with their kiddos and will be patient when dropping off and picking up!!! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 5 General Camp Staff Qualifications and Training Standards ( SQ-401, SQ-402) • • • • • All Camp Staff, paid and volunteers are registered members of the BSA. All Camp personnel ( Employees, Volunteers etc. ) will receive a letter of agreement with the written job description and Camp Staff Manual before starting to work on day camp. The complete, approved uniform is worm by the camp staff during formal ceremonies such as evening meals, campfires etc. The Camp has a staff organization chart and policy specifying minimum staff requirements which will be part of the Camp Staff Manual. • The State of Texas requires that all staff have a letter of reference, and applicable training certificates. Background checks for all adults in camp except visitors and exhibitors. • • • • • • All Camp Staff Members are to complete Camp Staff Orientation prior to the day camp. All Camp Staff Members are to complete Classroom Youth Protection Training as mandated by the State of Texas. Standards AO-804 Camper Security and AO-805 Emergency Procedures to be discussed during Staff Orientation. Fifty percent of the Day Camp staff to be trained First Aid certified by American Red Cross CPR/AED ( Tentative Date for TW District is 5/17 during PM Hours). Online Weather Hazard training (valid for 2 years) at Online Unlawful Harassment Prevention by Third Party provider, details will be sent to all Staff Members via email. All Staff to receive minimum of 8 hours of training before the start of day camp. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 6 Day Camp Registration • Early Registration ends May 1st – Cost doubles to $130 on May 2nd • Only newly registered Scouts may register at the $65 rate after May 1st, and only with approval of the Camp Director • Registration is all online! – Still need to turn in a front/back copy of your insurance card for each participant, noting the participant’s name and Pack number on the copy – Adults need to turn in a copy of Classroom YPT certificate if not taking the class at one of our sessions this year • Tot Lot is reserved for children of full time volunteers only Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 7 Contact Information If there is a true emergency situation where a parent has an urgent need to contact a family member at camp, they can call the numbers below. Absences should be reported to your Pack Representative, who will contact Susan Driever as necessary. Abraham Kurien, Camp Director (832) 632-2330 Elizabeth White, Program Director (713) 256-0979 Susan Driever, Camp Registrar (832) 287-7113 Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 8 Junior Staff Reporting Instructions • Tuesday only! – Orientation meeting at 2:00pm • Report to the Registration area and sign in • Get assigned to an area • Report to assigned area and help as needed. • Wednesday through Friday – Sign in at Registration by 2:30 pm and report to your Session Leader or Den Walker no later than 2:45pm Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 9 Parking Arrangements Staff & Volunteers • The church parking lot will be filled first, then overflow parking on the street. • Park legally, make sure boys are extremely careful in parking areas. • Short Term Parking Spaces are only to be used by non-volunteers of Day Camp and may only be occupied for 15 minutes or less. – Some reasons could be: • • • Dropping off medication to First Aid Coming early to pick up your Scout If you arrive at camp after the session has started, please walk your Scout in to the Registration desk Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 10 Arrival Procedures • Park in the appropriate area • Everyone must report immediately to Registration to be scanned in • Report to your Den or Station – DO NOT leave kids unattended • SIGN IN siblings to an adult at the Tot Lot area • Take medications to First Aid Station • Junior Staff should report to their assigned area after being scanned in Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 11 Dismissal Procedures • Everyone will be dismissed after closing ceremonies in the Pavilion • SIGN OUT siblings to an adult at the Tot Lot area – Be sure your group is not left unattended while you retrieve your Tot Lot children • Be sure all members of your Den/Pack Carpools are accounted for • Report to Registration to be scanned out • Den Walkers must turn in daily rotation attendance sheets as they are scanned out of camp • Do not leave a Scout unattended and waiting for a ride. Carpools are encouraged at the Pack level to make arrival and dismissal as smooth as possible Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 12 Q&A Questions about material just covered Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 13 What Everyone Should Bring • Small bag or backpack containing: – – – – Sunscreen Extra Pair of socks Rain Poncho Dinner in gallon Ziploc bag with name and Pack number on it • Please no sodas, carbonated or caffeinated drinks for kids • NO GLASS BOTTLES! – Dinner bag will be placed in a cooler provided by your Pack upon arrival at camp. • OPTIONAL: minimal money for the Trading Post Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 14 What Everyone Should Wear • Sunscreen and insect repellant applied at home • Hat • Day Camp Shirt and name tag • Shorts or swim trunks • Closed Toe Shoes – No sandals, ‘swim shoes’, Crocs or closed toe sandals • Please dress modestly Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 15 Extra Items Volunteers Should Bring • Personal craft items for free time (pens, pencils, markers, crayons, paper – don’t forget the Sharpie!) • Clip board • Wagon • Hand wipes/sanitizer • Trash bags and extra gallon Ziploc bags • A pocket full of simple games, songs or skits to occupy the boys during down time • What a great time to practice the Scout Law with a game! • Patience, enthusiasm, a positive attitude and a smile! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 16 What Packs must provide • A Pack representative who will attend day camp all 4 days – Organizes carpools, collects insurance and YPT cards – Reports daily to Registration any absences or late arrivals • Enough coolers for all participant’s dinner bags and a thermometer for each cooler – Texas State Law requires that coolers maintain a temperature of 41°F or below – Tip: freeze a gallon container and supplement with ice – Coolers will be checked by state inspectors Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 17 Items Forbidden at Camp • Knives – Scouts will lose the knife and it will be held at Registration to be returned only to the parent. • • • • Weapons of any kind Flammable materials Alcohol or drugs Electronic devices – Games (PSP’s, iTouch’s, etc.); Music players (Radios, iPods, CD Players, etc.); Communications (Cell phones or other IM devices) • Camp chairs for boys in Dens • Bad attitudes Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 18 Cell Phone Policy • No youth participants may have a cell phone at camp. Any phones or electronics that appear in the hands of a child will be held at Registration until that child is scanned out for the day. • Adults: Please keep cell phone use to a minimum. Do not take pictures or post pictures on social websites of children other than your own without permission of the child’s parent. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 19 Q&A Questions about material just covered Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 20 Den Walker Responsibilities • The first Den Walker from each pack to arrive will pick up the Pack’s bag. Inside will be each den’s folder that will contain the daily schedule, rotation attendance tracking sheet, bull’s eye tracking sheet, free popsicle tracker, camp map, camp emergency procedures and contact numbers, and any other information we need to get out. • An air horn will be blown to notify everyone to the end of each session. • An air horn will be blown again to notify everyone to the beginning of the next session. • Once all Scouts are dismissed the last Den Walker for each pack should turn in the pack’s bag to the registrar. Do NOT take it home. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 21 Den Walker Responsibilities • Take attendance of your den at each station throughout the day, making note if a boy leaves early or misses a rotation for any reason. – Turn in as a Pack when being scanned out each night. • Assist at each rotation with the activities being presented as needed. Manage the boys you’re responsible for and help keep them on task. • Make sure each boy has a buddy at all times and switch up buddy pairs each day • Pick up your Tot Lot children before dinner and before closing ceremonies each night. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 22 Den Walker Responsibilities on the Ranges • • • • • • Maintain order among the boys not on the firing line. Keep track of the boys who have shot and those who have not. Take boys to the restroom before coming to the range. Boys who are dismissed from the firing line to use the restroom will forfeit their turn If you have a Scout with special needs, a den walker may accompany them to the firing line as long as there is another leader to watch the rest of the den. Tiger Cub Partners will accompany their Scouts on the line. All other adults should remain outside the range with the waiting scouts. Record each bull’s eye on the back your boys’ camp shirts with a marker and make a note in your den’s bull’s eye tracker in your program packet. Help make sure the boys (and adults) follow all instructions from the Rangemasters. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 23 Disciplinary Guidelines for Den Walkers • • • • • • If a camper is disruptive, a first infraction will result in verbal warning. The second infraction will result in a timeout session with Camp Staff. The third infraction will result in a phone call made to the camper’s parent, and the camper will be sent home for the remainder of the day. If a camper approaches another camper in a manner meant to cause harm in the form of hitting, kicking, biting, tripping, etc., the first infraction will result in a phone call to the camper’s parent, and he will be sent home for the remainder of the day. The camper will only be allowed back the next day with a parent escort for remainder of camp. A second infraction will result in dismissal from the remainder of the camp, and a referral letter will be sent to the local Scouting office as well as the corresponding Pack Cubmaster and the Charter Representative. There will be no refund of any fees for boys sent home. Please communicate this policy to all parents who have a child in your den prior to camp Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 24 Q&A Questions about material just covered Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 25 Camp Security • Paperwork: – Lots of it, but it’s almost all online! • Need proof of insurance for all and YPT Cards for adults – If we do not have paperwork on the Scout or adult, and if they aren’t in the official day camp t-shirt then THEY DO NOT BELONG AT THE CAMP – Camp Staff needs to know who is on premises at all times – Camp Staff needs to know where everyone is at all times The reason for all of these rules is simply Safety!! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 26 Camp Security • • • • • • Day Camp Staff and Junior Staff will wear red shirts Scouts will wear orange shirts. Siblings will wear orange shirts. All Den Walkers will wear green shirts. Official and current Day Camp shirts must be worn by all Shirts, name tags and water bottles will be distributed to Pack Coordinators ONLY on May 29th @ 6:00 PM at Sienna LDS Church. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 27 Camp Security • Visitors are discouraged at Day Camp and are limited to 30 minutes in camp. Those who wish to stay longer should register as a Volunteer. – All visitors must sign in at Registration to receive a Visitor name tag and safety vest. – Name tags and safety vests must be worn and displayed at all times while at Day Camp • Any visitor without a name tag must be approached by two adults and asked to state their business – – – – They will be escorted to Registration If they refuse, do not argue or fight with them Notify the Camp Director immediately Keep them in sight until Day Camp staff member arrives Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 28 Arriving Late / Leaving Early • Please contact your Pack Representative – Pack Representatives should contact Susan Driever (832-287-7113) • Late Arrivals / Early Dismissals – EVERYONE arriving late or leaving early must sign in/sign out at Registration – Parents will need to send a note with their Scout to give to Registration in the morning if they are leaving early that day. Registration will be sure the Den Walker is notified and will have the child ready at the time the parent comes to pick them up at Registration. – An Authorized Adult (18 years or older) must check in with Registration before signing a boy into or removing a boy from Day Camp. This is a BSA policy, please help us enforce it! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 29 Child Accountability Procedures • If a registered Cub Scout, Sibling, or Junior Staff will not be at Day Camp, you must contact your Pack representative – Pack Representative will let Registration know • Junior Staff must sign in each afternoon and out each evening at their assigned area • Program volunteers please check in with your Program Leader each day • If any child or station volunteer does not check in, the Day Camp staff will contact the adults on the Day Camp Registration Form Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 30 Camp Safety • The safety of our Cub Scouts is the most important goal that we have • Buddy System: – Whenever a boy leaves the den with permission of the Den Walker during the day, he must be accompanied by a buddy – Den Walkers assign buddies during the first day of camp – Boys found without buddies will be escorted to Registration by a staff member – Siblings will also use the buddy system • Key Staff will have radios (at Archery/BB range, Registration, Tot Lot, Sports, First Aid, Trading Post) Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 31 Q&A Questions about material just covered Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 32 Hydration • Water coolers will be provided throughout camp and will be replenished all day long. • Make it a habit to have everyone drink as they walk between stations and keep tabs on boys to be sure they empty their water bottles several times through the day. • Once you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated! • No potty breaks? Drink more water! • Did we mention DRINK WATER!?!? Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 33 Restroom Policies • Separate restrooms will be provided for youth and adults and will be clearly marked. • At NO TIME should an adult be in a restroom area with a child • Separate male and female restrooms will be clearly marked Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 34 First Aid and Health • The First Aid Station location will be easily visible • The First Aid Station is operated by a leader with proper medical training • All medical forms will be on file at the First Aid Station • Medicines must be in their original containers when dropped off at the First Aid Station with the Scout’s name/pack and dosing instructions. • No self-administration of medications without supervision at First Aid Station will be allowed. • Epipens and inhalers needed for immediate use may be carried by Scouts, but require written permission from the Camp Medical Officer • Designated vehicle for emergency transportation will be parked near the First Aid Station • Directions to the local hospital are posted in the vehicle Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 35 Injuries or Health Crisis • If a child suffers an injury or health crisis, Day Camp Staff at the rotation area will be notified immediately • Day Camp Staff will notify the First Aid station and the Camp Director • If we have to close a station, the dens at that station will go back to the Den Areas • The Camp Medic will decide what action to take • First Aid is administered by the Camp Medic – In life-threatening emergencies, the Day Camp Staff may administer immediate first aid Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 36 Severe Weather Procedures • It is possible that it will rain/storm during Day Camp • Activities will continue during light drizzle or rain – Carry your ponchos in the den wagon • During Heavy Rain/Storm/Lightning: – – – – – One long air horn blast will be sounded over camp Calmly take your den inside the main church building Remain calm and reassure your Den that all is under control A headcount must be performed to ensure everyone is accounted for Camp Director will indicate ‘all clear’ status and resumption of activities or will inform Den Walkers of further safety instructions • If a sudden storm/lightning pops up: • Seek shelter within the nearest building • Not under the pavilion! Indoors! • Do not touch metal poles Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 37 Severe Weather Procedures • Camp will be canceled if we are under a severe weather watch or warning with notification by 1 PM at the latest. All camp closures and cancelations will be posted on the website, Facebook, Twitter, and via text alert. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 38 Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 39 Lost Child/Emergency Procedures • Emergency Procedure Notification: • • • • – 3 Blasts of Air Horn over loudspeakers Den Walkers must tally their boys on arrival at each station If a Cub Scout is unaccounted for, immediately contact the Day Camp Staff at that station The staff will immediately contact the Camp Director Backtrack Procedure: – Staff, not the Den Walker, will try to backtrack from the station to previous activity to attempt to locate unaccounted child – Den Walkers must stay with the Den – If this fails, then Camp Director will implement ‘Lost Child’ procedure Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 40 Lost Child/Emergency Procedures • If ‘Lost Child’ procedure is implemented, everyone will be called back to the Pavilion or Tot Lot – Trading Post will be closed – All Day Camp stations will be closed immediately – All entrance doors will be closed except the main entrance doors • Den Walkers must tally the boys by name on a sheet of paper and turn it in to the Camp Director – No Scout will leave the Den Area except to the bathroom (w/ buddy) after being counted. Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 41 Lost Child/Emergency Procedures • Adults will be stationed at every exit • Two adults will be stationed at each bathroom • Day Camp staff and selected individuals will implement the search procedure • Once everyone is accounted for, Camp Director will reopen Day Camp • If a Cub Scout or sibling is unaccounted for after the search procedure, the Fort Bend County Police will be notified – All individuals will remain in the Pavilion or Tot Lot – Unaccounted child’s parents will be notified – Sam Houston Area Council Scout Executive will be notified • An emergency drill will occur during the week Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 42 Sexual Harassment • Sexual Harassment in any form will not be tolerated at Day Camp. – Sexual harassment can be unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, or physical touching of a sexual nature. Simple teasing, offhand comments or isolated incidents may not be considered sexual harassment. • Additional considerations: – Sexual harassment can occur whether the harasser is female or male. You do not have to be of the opposite sex. – It is best for you to directly inform the harasser that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop. – Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 43 Questions ???? Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 44 Cub Scout Service Project • At each Day Camp, Scouts “Do a Good Turn” • This year, we are helping out Friends of the Library, by donating gently used, age-appropriate books, CDs and DVDs that can be resold at the FOTL book sale – The vast majority of proceeds from book sales are used to fund children’s programming, especially over the summer • We will be collecting items all week • A volunteer coordinator is needed for this job! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 45 Questions ???? Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 46 Have a Great Day Camp! Cub Scout Day Camp Orientation 47
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