April2014 - Walnut Creek Private School

Walnut Creek Private School
APRIL 2014
End of Year Programs
Monday Evening, May 12th
6:15 pm
Templeton 1st Grade &
Schmidt 2nd Grade Classes
7:15 pm
Zinecker 3rd & 4th Grade Classes
Kindergarten Graduation
Monday Evening, May 19th 6:30 pm
Walnut Creek Private School Gym
Tuesday, June 3rd
Odyssey Yellow
9:00 am In The Gallery
Wednesday, June 4th
Odyssey Green & Odyssey Orange
9:00 am In The Gym
Thursday, June 5th
Odyssey Purple & Odyssey Pink
9:00 am In The Gym
Friday, May 23rd
For All Kindergarten & Primary Classes
Friday, June 6th
Odyssey Academic Classes End
Parents ... please remember to notify
t h e s c h o o l o ff i c e w h e n y o u r c h i l d h a s a
contagious illness, such as strep, chicken
pox, or pink eye. A child must be fever free
for a full 24 hours before returning to class.
Also, please call the office if your
child has been exposed to ringworm,
head lice, etc. Thank you for your help.
we all
to be
During this busy time of year,
have spring fever. Even so, it is
for snacks and water bottles
brought for your child daily.
Be sure to check the “Due Date”on
each month’s lunch menu. Returning your
child’s order on time helps us have fewer
missed orders and less order mistakes.
Please come by the Business Office to
pay any May Extended Care or Field Trip
charges before the last day of school.
Report Cards will be available in the
Business Office at the end of the school year.
Please stop by the office to get your child’s
report card and pay your final
balance. Thank you for sharing
y o u r c h i l d w i t h u s t h i s y e a r.
For those who have registered
f o r t h e 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 s c h o o l y e a r,
material fees will be billed
before the end of May. Look for
statements to come home. Payment may
be made in full, or half by June 1 and the
remaining half by July 1.
Thanks to everyone who helped with
GrandFriends’ Days. Next be watching for
information about our Easter Parties.
Bugs and nature are also a big part
of our Spring curriculum. While our
a n d o t h e r c r e e p y,
beginning April 14th. Make sure you
check the classroom bulletin boards for
more information.
Kindergartners have been working
on our economic unit. We made, sold, and
bought crafts at our Kindergarten Mall
the end of March. Lots of friends had their
h a i r a n d n a i l s d o n e . We
especially enjoyed giving
Mrs. Morgan a make over!
We were so excited to have
11 o f o u r f r i e n d s f o r o u r
first Read-A-Thon in March!!
So we’re planning another
one for April 30th from
6 - 7 p m . I t ’s c o m e a n d
g o s o p u t i t o n y o u r c a l e n d a r s n o w.
Watch for
2012-2013 WCPS Yearbooks
To Come Home In May
If you haven’t reserved your copy
Copies may still be purchased
for $15.00 each in the office.
Next we will begin studying creepy
crawly insects. Then we will have our Annual
Easter Egg Hunt just before Good Friday
Holiday, April 18th. Happy Easter Everyone!
I don’t believe I’m going to say this but ...
Kindergarten Graduation and End Of School
Program will be May 19th at 6:30 pm on the
WCPS playground. Plans are being
finalized now and will come home soon.
Don’t miss anything!
The weeks following Spring Break
always seem to fly by.
Many special events are quickly
approaching s o p l e a s e p a y c l o s e a t t e n t i o n
to notes coming home.
By the time
you read this, we
will be ready to
take our ITBS (Iowa
Test of Basic Skills)
This test will gauge our curriculum against
others nationally.
We e n j o y e d o u r S o l a r S y s t e m U n i t
and our field trip to the Planetarium.
We will now move on to insects and plants.
Your children have learned over 120
s p e c i a l s o u n d s t h i s y e a r. K e e p r e a d i n g !
In math we are continuing to count
money, greater than and less than, and we
are finding information that is not needed to
solve word problems. Way to go First Grade!
Our Annual Science Fair will be the week
of April 29th. Be sure to ask your student
about this special project.
Starting at 8:30 - Don’t Be Late!
Schedules Posted In Classrooms
Dress in Uniform For Class Pictures
Wednesday, April 2
Kindergarten Graduation, Individual & Class Pictures
Thursday, April 3
Individual & Class Pictures
Ody Orange, Ody Purple, Ody Yellow & 2nd Grade
Friday, April 4
Individual & Class Pictures
Ody Pink, Ody Green, 1st Grade & 3rd/4th Grade
Time is flying by in Second Grade! We have
been busy learning new and exciting things
like the Underground Railroad, quilt
patterns, multiplication, and sea life.
In Math, we are working hard on
subtraction with thousands and will incorporate
timed multiplication tests to help us get
ready for Third Grade.
In Language, we are learning about
verbs, adjectives, and nouns. We are trying to use
homonyms, antonyms, and synonyms in our
writing and are becoming editors by proofreading
our work.
In Science, we are wrapping up our unit on
Ocean Life with a trip to Sea Life Aquarium and
will move on to
animal classification,
invertebrates and
In Social Studies,
we will be working
on a mini state report.
And, of course, we will celebrate Easter
b y h a v i n g a n E a s t e r e g g h u n t a n d p a r t y.
Don’t miss ANY of the fun learning!
We are in the final quarter of the school year and
what a whirlwind it will be. We have Spring Pictures
and preparations for science fair, end of the year
programs, and more. I look forward to all of these
activities while keeping in mind that there is still
work to be done in the classroom.
3rd Grade
In Math, we will learn about fractions, mixed
numbers, geometric shapes, and averaging.
In Language Arts, we are diagramming
subjects and verbs in sentences and practicing proper
word usage and writing good paragraphs.
In Reading, we have enjoyed getting into the
new novel Frindle by Andrew Clements. We continue
to analyze characters and discuss
cause and effect relationships in
the events of the story.
In Science, we are learning
about the earth’s landforms and
discussing how the earth changes.
After the unit on the earth, we
will discuss soils and conservation practices as well as the earth’s natural resources.
In History, we have just about completed our
study of important Americans during the Civil War
like Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee,
Clara Barton, and Jefferson Davis. Next, we will learn
about Louisa May Alcott, Booker T. Washington, George
Washington Carver, and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
4th Grade
In Math, we continue with the study of fractions. We will then learn and practice graphs and charts,
temperature and metric liquid measurements, decimal
numbers and values, scale drawings, and making change.
In Language Arts, we continue to learn about
and discuss the parts of speech, sentence diagramming,
and continue practicing capitalization, punctuation,
and word usage.
In Science, we will continue with the study of
space and the solar system. We will also review and
discuss the requirements for the upcoming science fair
project and the presentation of their use
of the scientific process.
In Texas History we learn about
the cattle industry, the railroads, and
the oil boom. We then continue with
a brief study of a more modern Texas
from 1980 onward.
With all of these end of the year
activities just around the corner, please remember
to check student binders regularly for notes regarding
the upcoming activities.
April 18th
All 9-Month AND Odyssey Classes
Have a wonderful Holiday!
Check with your child’s teacher for Easter Egg Hunt and Party Plans
We h a v e b e e n l e a r n i n g q u i t e a b i t ! !
* Odyssey and Kindergarten had fun with
“comida” (food) and are now working
on transportation.
* 1st and 2nd Grades finished their food
unit. They did a great job! Currently they are
learning “school things”.
* Our Third Graders are
mastering adjectives
and opposites. They
will soon start working on action verbs.
* 4th Grade practiced the verb “estar” with
new vocabulary related to home things. Next,
we will study “posesivos”.
Remember to encourage practice!
~ Drumm
Hello again WCPS Athletes!
Spring is here and we’re looking forward
to taking our lessons and games outside! We’ve
been working on motor skills and movement,
cooperating with others and coordination abilities.
We are also Line Dancing! This is a
great form of aerobic
exercise and is also
helping with memorization
that grows from mastering a dance. Each class is
d a n c i n g t o a d i ff e r e n t s o n g s w h i c h w i l l b e
performed on the stage in May during the
WCPS Talent Show! Stay tuned for more details...
The students have done a Fantastic
Job of demonstrating all of the qualities
n e c e s s a r y t o b e c o m e S U P E R S TA R S i n P. E .
Our most recent “SuperStar PE Award winners
are: Olivia Helleck (Jan.) and Victoria Orgeron
(Feb.), Kindergarten; Eryn Murphy (Jan.) and
Annabelle Rodrigues (Feb.), 1st Grade; Thomas
Helleck (Jan.) and Lucy Barber (Feb.), 2nd Grade;
MacKenzie Flocke (Jan.) and Itohan Omo (Feb. ),
3rd Grade; and Rowanna Baker (Jan.) and
Bryan Le (Feb.) 4th Grade.
Congratulations to all of the All Stars!!!
We’re proud of you. Coach Flocke
May 5th - 9th, 2014
We Love Our Teachers!
Kindergarten & Primary
R e h e a r s a l s f o r o u r E n d - o f - t h e - Ye a r
Programs on May 12th are going really well!
Ye a r a f t e r y e a r I ’ m a m a z e d a t h o w g r e a t
the kids sound and also how much enthusiasm
they show. I will send a letter
home to all the parents with
more detailed info soon.
Kindergarten Graduation, is
End-of-Year Program and will
be on Monday, May 19th, at 6:30
on the Playground. It will be a great evening!
D o n ’t m i s s a n y t h i n g , M r. We i d e m a n n
Preschool and Odyssey
Our theme for the month of April is
“ M u s i c I s E v e r y w h e r e ” . We ’ l l b e l e a r n i n g
simple music notes and preparing for
t h e E n d O f Ye a r P r o g r a m s . Wa t c h f o r
invitations to come home soon. The students
are really enjoying the song selection and
I hope you enjoy it too! M s . E r i c a
This has been a very busy month as we
have explored paint mixing using watercolors,
o i l p a s t e l s , a n d d i ff e r e n t t y p e s o f c o l l a g e s .
I hope everyone will make it to
Open House and have a chance to see the
wonderful works of art displayed in The Gallery.
O u r p ain tin g o n can v as h as b eg u n . Th is
teaches color mixing and
patience!! This is our Grand
Finale for the year. The students
will be working very hard the
next few weeks perfecting
their masterpieces. All of
the paint mixing and application
skills we have learned all
year will be very helpful.
With patience, and diligence their paintings should
turn out great!
Don’t forget to stop by during
Open House on April 8th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm
f o r o u r Ye a r E n d S c h o o l A r t S h o w ! T h i s
will showcase one piece f r o m e a c h a r t i s t .
Thanks so much for all of your support
of the Art Program. I have been blessed to be
able to share and receive so many creative ideas
from such a wonderful group of kids. Thanks for
your help and contribution, Mrs. Rines
During the month of April we will be studying
Jesus’ last days on earth. We will start
with His ride into Jerusalem and end
it with His resurrection. I hope all of
you have a blessed Easter.
God Bless, Mrs. Carson
We will continue to learn more about
the miracles of Jesus and Zacchaeus, the Wee
Little Man.
Easter Week we will have the Last Supper
(flat bread and juice) and talk about how Jesus
met with His disciples as a group for the last
time on earth.
We will then learn more about Jesus’
resurrection and the miracles that followed.
The children are awesome!
Blessings, Mrs. Morgan
The School year is flying by!!!
First Grade has studied the Prodigal
Son and learned about forgiveness. Most
recently we learned what shepherds do and
that Jesus called himself the Good Shepherd.
Next we begin preparing for Easter by
learning about Nicodemus!
Second Grade finished up our study
o f J o s e p h a n d m o v e d o n t o M o s e s . We ’ v e
learned how Moses’ mother protected his life
and how later on God spoke to him through
a burning bush that didn’t burn up! Next we begin
our Easter studies by learning about Jesus washing
the feet of His disciples.
Third Grade finished a lengthy study
of the Ten Commandments and moved onto
learn about the Israelites time in the wilderness.
We discovered that Israel failed to trust God and
couldn’t stop their grumbling and complaining.
The result was 40 years of wandering in the desert!
We’ll begin our Easter studies soon by looking
at verses in the Gospel of John where Jesus
plainly states that He is in fact God!
Fourth Grade has been learning about the
first two kings in Israel: Saul
and Davis. Saul began well but
disobeyed God and lost God’s
blessing. He even tried to kill
David multiple times. Through
our study of Davis we’ve
learned about the value
of friendship and what friends
do for each other. We’ll begin our Easter studies
s o o n b y l o o k i n g a t s o m e O l d Te s t a m e n t
prophecies about Christ and their fulfillment
in the New Testament. We’ll move on to read
the gospel accounts of the crucifixion
and resurrection.
Tuesday, April 22nd
& Thursday, May 15th
$2.00 each
Be watching for envelopes to come home.
Classes Offered for Fall 2014
Odyssey Preschool & Pre-K
2 Year Olds,
3 Year Olds, &
4 Year Olds
Check In The Office for Options
- Don’t Be Left Out Some Classes are Filling Fast.
Morning Classes 8:30 - 12:00
Full Day Classes 8:30 - 2:00
1st Grade Classes 8:15 - 2:30
2nd Grade Classes 8:15 - 2:30
3rd Grade Classes 8:15 - 2:45
4th Grade Classes 8:15 - 2:45
5th Grade Classes 8:15 - 2:45
Registration Packets Are Available In The Office
Kindergarten Graduation & Program
Monday, May 19th, 6:30 p.m.
Walnut Creek Private School Gym
1751 N. Walnut Creek Dr.
Reception To Follow In The Gallery
Walnut Creek Private School participates in the Read To Succeed Reading Program sponsored by 6-Flags Over Texas.
Each year students read at least 300 minutes, while recording book titles, authors, dates and reading times.
We are proud to announce those who completed the program and earned an award of a one-day ticket to 6-Flags.
Mrs. Underwood’s
Mrs. Templeton’s
First Grade
Spring is here and we are spending
as much time as possible outside!
As it still is a little cool at times, please
make sure your child has a jacket to wear if
necessary. Don’t forget we do take our water
bottles to the playground every day, especially
now that the weather is warmer.
We ’ v e h a d m a n y s t u d e n t s
without a water bottle in the
afternoon, so please make sure
they are remembering to
bring them!
Check our information
board weekly to see upcoming Science Projects
and movies. We have some fun ones planned
for the last couple months of school.
We hope every has had a great year.
God Bless, Ms. Lewis & Ms. Carson
This month in gymnastics we will be
learning some challenging skills.Good work!
For more information, please call (469)585-9510.
Mrs. Schmidt’s
Second Grade
Mrs. Zinecker’s
Third & Fourth Grade
BOOK FAIR - April 25th - May 2nd
In The Gallery
The Box Top Collection Program has been
a success again this year. Please keep clipping
a n d p u t t i n g t h e m i n t h e P i n k B o x To p s
boxes throughout the year (even summer).
Thanks to you, we’ve collected over 4500 so
f a r t h i s y e a r ! ! ! ! We ’ l l c a s h t h e m i n s o o n
through the “Shop and Earn” online ordering.
Look For Information Soon
May 5th - 9th
If you would like to help with the PTO
a c t i v i t i e s , p l e a s e v o l u n t e e r . We r e a l l y
need your help next year with so many
of our regulars moving on to other schools. It
is a great way to be involved with your child’s
school. Contact Micah Lewis in the Business Office.
glimpse of what your
kiddos are doing during the day with Soccer
Shots, check out this link from Soccer
Shots Southeast County: “Stronger
Youth. Beyond The Game” at
“http://youtu.be/6fCy0bEuFxU” .
We’re not just playing soccer
- we are developing kids!
3rd 9-Weeks Attendance
Mrs. Templeton’s 1st Grade
Our exciting Parks Program
and Summer Season for
ages 2-6 years will start soon. Go to
“ h t t p s : / / s e t a r r a n t c o u n t r y. s o c c e r s h o r t . o r g ”
to find a location near you.
For more information or to sign up
c o n t a c t S e a n Wi l l i a m s a t 8 1 7 - 3 1 3 - 1 2 7 3 o r
[email protected]. Summer Program flyers
are available at WCPS in the office.
Thank you, Coach Sean
Kindergarten & Primary
M o t h e r ’s D a y Te a
M a y 9 t h , 2 014
Mrs. Underwood’s Kindergarten
Aidan Makayla
Kyle Christopher
Mrs. Schmidt’s 2nd Grade
Lily B Lilianne
Michael Patrick
Mrs. Zinecker’s 3rd/4th Grade
3rd Grade Ty Itohan
4th Grade William
Almost Perfect
Mrs. Underwood’s Kindergarten
Victoria Nolan
Olivia Haydon
Daisy Watch for More Details Soon
Enrollment forms and brochures are
available at the front desk in the office.
Call Beth Cannon at 817- 473-7870 with questions.
Mrs. Templeton’s 1st Grade
Lauren Josh
Kate Diamond
Mrs. Schmidt’s 2nd Grade
Mrs. Zinecker’s 3rd/4th Grade
3rd Grade Brooklynn MacKenzie
4th Grade Rowanna Bryan
--- Be Sure To Register Soon ---
Arts & Crafts
Lunch & Recess
Educational Activities
Kid’s Full Day Camp
Monday through Friday
6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
June, July, & August
Completed K to 4th Grade
Field Trips
Computers & Fun
Organized Games & Gym
ALL Summer Programs Are Open To Siblings, Friends, and The General Public.
See Office for Registration and Information.
Odyssey Parents NOTE:
If you are planning to pull your child for the Summer and return in the Fall,
you need to enroll NOW so your child’s space can be held.
See the Business Office for Details and Forms.
by Mrs. Templeton’s 1st Grade
Spring Fever is I get sick hard. I lay down on
the couch and watch tv. My face looks red. My
mom gives me soup. Sean has hard Fever. Mom
gives me water. I do not Like it.
by Sean
Spring fever is a big fever. When I have it I sleep. and I
look Weird. mom gives me milk. a docter might tell me to
drink. I go drink 10 driks of Water and I don’t like it!
by Adrian
Spring Fever is when your sinuses act up. I sneeze and
cough. I lay down and watch tv. My mom takes care of me.
You have a fever. I took some medicine. I do not like it.
by McKayla
Spring fever is when you are sneezing and you hav a fever.
when you have it you get very sick. What I wold do is go
hyper and jump all over the place. You look sick. My mom
gives me medicine. Stay in bed for three days. I do not like
it. by Lauren
Spring fever is wen yuo hav a bad bad fevere. it does not
feel good. the worst of all is the medicine. I look like a
monster. my mom and dad tak me to the doctor or the
hospitoll. youd have to tak grooss medcen eat healthy fod
and go to bed. Nooooooo!! I don’t like it. by Anna
Spring Fever is when your sneezing you’r
nose is tickly. When you have it you’r sinuses
akt up and you do not fell good. When I have
spring fever I watch tv and I stay home.
When I have spring fever I look lik I do not
fell good. My mom give’s me medicine and
says rest your body. The docter might say ceep her away
from polen. I get rid of it be cause I stay away from polen.
P.S and I do not like it! by Katherine
Spring Fever is when you get sick in Spring. When you
have it you cough. What you do is take your medicine. I
kind of look like a red boxer. They let me watch t.v. and
let me eat healthy food. How I would get of it I would take
medicine evryday intil I get better. And I do not
like it. by Josh
Spring Fever is wen you are sick. Wen you have
Spring Fever you tell your mom. Wen you hav Spring
Fever you cof and sneez. You will look red if you have the
Spring Fever. My mom will help me feel beter. My Doctor
might say I don’t feel good. I get rid of it by taking medicine. I do not like it. by Diamond
Spring fever is when your sick. and your eys get iche. you
look red when you got Spring Fever. your dad will give you
soup. you have to stay in bed. I like it. by Eryn
You Are Invited
to Attend Walnut Creek Private School
Annual Spring Open House
Tuesday, April 8th
5:30 -7:00 pm
Tour the Campus,
Visit Classrooms, Meet Teachers &
View The Annual Student Art Show