Lesson 1: Basic Expressions for Medical Interview 医療面接での での基本的 基本的な 英語表現」」 「医療面接 での 基本的 な英語表現 ロールプレイ::医療面接 ロールプレイ 1. What can we do for you today? 2. Could you try to give me details about the pain? 3. In what situations have you felt it? 4. Is there anything that you do that brings on the pain or relieves it? 5. Could you describe the pain? 6. Do you feel the pain only in one specific area? Would you be able to point to where it hurts exactly? 7. Do you only feel the pain in your chest? Or does it seem to travel to other parts of your body? 8. How severe is it? Do you feel like you can’t stand it? 9. How long does the pain last? 10. If you were to venture a guess, what would you say was the cause of the pain? 11. I can see how worried you are about this. 12. Have you done anything to try to relieve the pain? For example, have you taken any medication or seen any other doctors? 13. Have you ever been hospitalized before? 14. Are you taking any medication? 15. Where do you get the prescription filled? 16. Are you a social drinker? 17. Are you taking any other drugs that we need to know about? 18. May I ask what your occupation is? Dialogue 医師: 医師:Please come in Mr. Jego. It’s nice to meet you. Just to confirm, your full name is Eric Hajime Jego. Is that correct? I am Dr. Oshimi, and I’ll be your doctor today. Please have a seat, and make yourself comfortable. 患者: 患者:ありがとうございます。 医師: 医師:What can we do for you today? 患者: 患者:しばらくの間、高い熱が続いているんです。 医師: 医師:Oh, I see. I know how you feel. It’s always irritating when a fever won’t go down, isn’t it? 患者: 患者:はい、そうです。 医師: 医師:OK, could you try to give me details about the fever? 患者: 患者: 6日前に頭痛がして、身体がだるくなりました。関節痛がして寒気と震えもありました。それから熱 が出てきたのです。 医師: 医師:So you mean your fever hasn’t gone down since then. What do you think could be a possible cause of the fever? 患者: 患者:全くわかりません。それで心配になってきているんです。今日来たのはそのためです。 医師: 医師:So if I understand you correctly, not only are you suffering from a fever that won’t go down, but you are also worried about what could be causing it. Is that right? Have you done or taken anything to try to help bring down the fever? 患者: 患者:はい。アスピリンを飲みました。 医師: 医師:Has it helped at all? 患者: 患者:いいえ、あんまり。 医師: 医師:I see. Have you taken anything else, or have you seen any other doctors? 患者: 患者: それが変なんです。熱が出た時はいつもアスピリンを飲むのですが、いつもはそれで下がるんで す。でも今回はどうやっても下がらないんです。 医師: 医師:It must be so frustrating for you, especially since taking aspirin always seems to work for you. I can tell how hard it’s been for you. Do you have any other concerns? 患者: 患者:いいえ、それくらいですね。 医師: 医師:Move on. Has your temperature remained pretty much constant, or has it been fluctuating? 患者: 患者:だいたいは夜に上がるのですが、昼間でも高いです。 医師: 医師:What were the highest and lowest temperatures you measured? 患者: 患者:一番高くて104度で、低くて100度でした。 医師: 医師:Pardon me? 104 degrees!? Oh, you must mean 104 degrees Fahrenheit… What is that in Celsius? Do you know? 通訳: 通訳:ここであなたならどうしますか? 途中省略 医師: 医師:That’s quite high. It must have been quite a struggle for you these past few days. And how did you take your temperature? In your armpit or did you do it orally? 患者: 患者:口で計りました。 医師: 医師:When the fever is at its worst, about how long does it last? 患者: 患者:だいたい半日くらいです。でも身体は常にだるいんです。 医師: 医師:That’s terrible. You mentioned before that you get chills. Do you also shiver and do your teeth chatter. And do you perspire a lot? 患者:ええ。震えますし、もう何度か舌を噛んでいます。で、最後に言ったのは何でしたっけ? 医師: 医師:Do you perspire a lot? 患者: 患者:ええ、かきます。 医師: 医師:Do you have any other symptoms like coughing, sore throat, diarrhea, or nausea? 患者: 患者:吐き気がしますし、体中が痛みます。 医師: 医師:Is there anything else? 患者: 患者:いいえ、ありません。 医師: 医師:Were you taking any medication before you noticed the symptoms? 患者: 患者:いいえ、全く。 医師: 医師:I understand. By the way, you didn’t happen to be traveling in a foreign country before you started noticing the symptoms, did you? 患者: 患者:ええ。約2週間前にビンタン島から帰ってきたところです。 医師: 医師:Oh, I see. I would like to ask you a few more questions. Have you had any major illnesses in the past? 患者: 患者:子供の頃、喘息にかかりました。 医師: 医師:Are you allergic to any medication? 患者: 患者:ペニシリンアレルギーです。 医師: 医師:Do you smoke or drink? 患者: 患者:タバコは吸いませんが、お酒は時々飲みます。 医師: 医師:Is there anyone in your family or at work who has a similar fever? 患者: 患者:私の知る限りではいませんね。 医師: 医師:May I ask you what is your occupation? 患者: 患者:外国語教師です。 医師: 医師:I understand. So basically what you are saying is that six days ago, you started noticing symptoms. These included a headache, lethargy, and sore joints followed by a fever of up to 104 degrees with chills and shivers. The fever goes down a little, but stays high for about half a day at a time. And even though you took aspirin, which usually brings your fever down, it didn’t work this time. Now you’re concerned that it may be very serious. Is that right? 患者: 患者:その通りです。 医師: 医師:There is a very likely possibility that you were exposed to some infectious disease during your trip to Bintang, or maybe not. Either way, further investigation is required. I would like to do a physical examination now. Is that all right? 患者: 患者:もちろんです。 Lesson 2: General Symptoms 一般的な 症状の 英語表現」」 「一般的 な症状 の英語表現 Listening Comprehension 1 Question 1 Treatment of pain and the administration of medication to relieve pain during surgery Answer: Anesthesiology::麻酔科 Anesthesiology an=without を意味する prefix esthesio=feeling を意味する body root logy=study of を意味する suffix Question 2 Diagnosis and treatment of skin disorder Answer: Dermatology::皮膚科 Dermatology dermato=skin logy=study of Question 3 Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine gland disorders Answer: Endocrinology::内分泌科(内科の専門の一つ) Endocrinology endo=within crino=secrete logy=study of Question 4 Treatment of pregnant women and the fetus during the pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods Surgery and treatment of the female reproductive system Answer: Obstetrics::産科 Obstetrics Gynecology::婦人科 二つを略して “OBOB-GYN” とも言う Gynecology obstero=midwife gyneco=woman, female logy=study of Question 5 Medical and surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the ear, nose, and throat Answer: Otorhinolaryngology::耳鼻科 一般的には “ENT” (E Ear, Nose, and Throat) と言う Otorhinolaryngology oto=ear rhino=nose laryngo=larynx logy=study of Question Question 6 Medical and surgical treatment of the musculoskeletal system Answer: Orthopedics::整形外科 Orthopedics ortho=straight ped=foot, child ics=pertaining to Listening Comprehension 2 Q.1: Lately, when I go No. 22, only a little comes 最近トイレ トイレで Q.1 トイレで大きい方 きい方をしても少ししか出ないよ。 をしても out. Q.2: When she opened the door, she hit my 彼女がドアを開けた時、僕の肘 肘にドアがぶつかって Q.2 ドアがぶつかって bone. funny bone ビリッとした ビリッとしたよ。 とした Q.3: Q.3 If you have twenty/twenty vision, vision you don’t 視力が 視力が 1.0 あれば眼鏡をかける必要はないよ。 need glasses. Q.4: When I came back from Bali, I had a bad バリから戻った時、ひどい下痢 下痢をしたんだ。 Q.4 下痢 case of the runs runs. Q.5: You have to be careful not to catch ロッカールームでは水虫 水虫にならないよう気をつけて Q.5 水虫 athlete’s foot in a locker room. ロールプレイ::症状 ロールプレイ 下さいね。 1. My eye hurts. 2. I have sore muscles. /My muscles are sore. /My body feels achy. 3. It’s throbbing. 4. It feels like sharp prick. 5. My finger tingles. 6. Lately, my hearing is getting worse. /Lately, my hearing is deteriorating. 7. I have a canker sore. /I have stomatitis. 8. I cough up phlegm. 9. I have heavy menstrual discharge. 10. I feel like I can’t release all my urine. 11. I have a migraine. 12. My eyes are bloodshot. /My eyes are red. 13. My gums are swollen. 14. I feel dizzy. /I have vertigo. 15. I vomited blood. 16. I keep constipation and diarrhea. 17. I have been passing bloody stools. 18. My stomach feels bloated. 19. My fingers are numb. 20. My leg is cramped up. /I have a charley horse in my leg. 英語表現)) Symptoms 11((痛みの英語表現 みの英語表現 日本語 英語 部位別の の痛み 部位別 Pain in each body part 頭が痛いです I have a headache. 眼が痛いです My eye hurts. 耳が痛いです My ear hurts. 歯が痛いです I have a toothache. 喉が痛いです I have a sore throat. 胸が痛いです I have a pain in my chest. / I have chest pains. お腹が痛いです I have a stomachache. 腰が痛いです I have a sore back. / I have a backache. 関節が痛いです I have sore joints. 足/脚が痛いです My foot hurts. / My leg hurts. 生理痛があります I’m having menstrual cramps. 筋肉痛があります I have sore muscles. / My muscles are sore. / My body feels achy. 痛みの性状 みの性状 Quality of pain ズキズキする痛みがあります It stings. ズキンズキンする痛みがあります It’s throbbing. チクチクさされるような痛みがありま It feels like a sharp prick. す ヒリヒリ/ピリピリします It tingles. キリキリする痛みがあります I have a piercing pain. / It’s a sharp pain. 鈍い痛みです It’s a dull pain. / It’s a dull ache. 鋭い痛みです It’s a sharp pain. 痛みの範囲 範囲と と広がり みの範囲 Region & Radiation of pain 広範囲の痛みです The pain feels spread out. 局所的な痛みです I have a localized pain. 痛みの程度 みの程度 Severity of pain 耐えられない痛みです I can’t stand the pain. ひどい痛みです It hurts really bad. / I have a lot of pain in 〜. 中等度の痛みです It doesn’t really hurt too much. 軽い痛みです It doesn’t really hurt that much. / It’s a mild pain. 非常に軽い痛みです It only hurts a little. / It’s a slight pain. 痛みの時期 みの時期 Timing of pain 突然の痛みです The pain came on all of a sudden. 徐々に現れる痛みです The pain came on gradually. 間欠的な痛みです The pain is intermittent. 絶え間ない痛みです The pain is constant. 持続的な(しつこくてなかなかとれな The pain is persistent. い)痛みです 慢性的な(四六時中ではないが長 The pain is chronic. 期にわたって続く)痛みです The pain is acute. 急性の痛みです 付録::特殊 特殊な な痛み 付録 Specific pain 疝痛 Colicky pain 陣痛 Labor pains 関連痛 Referred pain 一般的な な症状 症状)) Symptoms 22((一般的 頭部 Head 頭が割れるように痛みます I have a splitting headache. 片頭痛がします I have a migraine. 気を失いました I fainted. / I lost consciousness. / I passed out. ロレツがまわらなくなりました I had slurred speech. / I had dysphasia. 眼 Eye 目がひどくかゆみます My eye is really itchy. 目やにが出ます I have eye mucus. 目が充血しています My eyes are bloodshot. / My eyes are red. 目がかすみます My vision is blurred. / I have blurred vision. 視力が落ちてきています My vision is getting worse. / My vision is deteriorating. 物が二重に見えます I have double vision. / I see two of everything. 耳 耳が遠くなりました Ear My hearing is getting worse. / My hearing is deteriorating. 耳鳴りがします My ears are ringing. / I have ringing in my ears. 耳だれが出ます I have a thick discharge from my ear. めまいがします I feel dizzy. / I have vertigo. グルグル目が回ります My eyes are spinning. 鼻 Nose 鼻水が出ます I have a runny nose. くしゃみがたくさん出ます I sneeze a lot. 鼻が詰まっています My nose is stuffed. / I have a stuffy nose. 鼻の奥が重だるい感じです I feel pressure between my eyes. 口腔 Oral Cavity 虫歯があります I have a cavity. 歯茎が腫れています My gums are swollen. 歯茎から血が出ます My gums are bleeding. 口内炎があります I have a canker sore. / I have stomatitis. 歯がしみます My teeth are sensitive. 口を開けるとあごが痛みます My jaw hurts when I open my mouth. 親知らずが痛みます My wisdom teeth hurt. 痛くて食べられません It hurts so much that I can’t eat. 喉 Throat 喉が詰まった感じがします It feels like something is stuck in my throat. 唾を飲み込むと喉が痛いです My throat hurts when I swallow. 飲むとむせます When I drink, I choke. 声がちゃんと出ません I lost my voice. 声がかすれています My voice is hoarse. 呼吸器系 Respiratory System 息苦しいです It’s hard to breathe. 息がヒューヒューいいます I wheeze. 息が切れます I lose my breath. 喘息があり、呼吸しづらいです I have asthma so it’s hard to breathe. 咳が出ます I have a cough. 痰が出ます I cough up phlegm. 痰が喉に詰まります I have phlegm in my throat. 痰に血が混じります There is blood in my phlegm. 循環器系 Circulatory System 胸が苦しいです My chest feels tight. / There is tightness in my chest. 胸に圧迫感があります I have pressure in my chest. 胸に締め付けれるような痛みがあり I have a squeezing pain in my chest. ます 胸の痛みが左肩に移動します The pain travels to my left shoulder. 動悸がします I have palpitations. / My heart beats very fast. 時々脈が飛びます My heart sometimes skips a beat. 脈が速くなっています My pulse is getting faster. 足がむくみます My legs are swollen. 消化器系 Digestive System 吐き気がします I feel nauseous. 食べるとすぐに吐きます I vomit soon after eating. 血を吐きました I vomit blood. 便秘をしています I’m constipated. 下痢をしています I have diarrhea. 便秘と下痢を繰り返しています I keep getting constipation and diarrhea. 軟便が出ます I have been passing loose stools. 血便が出ます I have been passing bloody stools. お腹が張っています My stomach feels bloated. おならがたくさん出ます I pass a lot of gas. 痔があります I have hemorrhoids. 泌尿器/ /生殖器系 泌尿器 Urinary & Reproductive Systems 血尿が出ます I have blood in my urine. / My urine is bloody. 濁った尿が出ます My urine is cloudy. 濃い色/薄い色の尿が出ます My urine is dark. / My urine is watery. 尿が出にくいです It’s difficult to urinate. いつも尿意があります I always feel like urinating. 残尿感があります I feel like I can’t release all my urine. 生理が遅れています My period is late. おりものが多いです I have heavy menstrual discharge. 筋・骨格器 Musculoskeletal System 首がこります I have a stiff neck. 肩がこります I have a stiff shoulder. 背中がこります I have a stiff back. ぎっくり腰だと思います I think I have acute lower back pain. 指がしびれています My fingers are tingling. 指の感覚が麻痺しています My fingers are numb. 手に力が入りません I have no strength in my hands. 脚が痙攣します I have a muscle spasm in my leg. 脚がつっています My leg is cramped up. / I have a charley horse in my leg. 右手の人差し指を突き指しました I jammed my right index finger. 左の足首をひねりました I twisted my left ankle. / I sprained my left ankle. 精神 Psychiatry なかなか寝付けません I have trouble falling asleep. 眠りが浅いです I can’t sleep soundly. だるいです I feel sluggish. / I feel lethargic. / I feel slow. やる気が起きません I don’t have any energy. 気分が落ち込んでいます I feel depressed. その他 その他 Others 胸にしこりがあります There is a lump in my breast. 首の周りがかゆいです My neck is itchy. 疲労感が強いです I’m exhausted. 微熱が続いています I have a slight fever that doesn’t come down. 寒気がします I have chills. 冷や汗が出ます I have cold sweats. 寝言を言う I talk in my sleep. げっぷがたくさんでます I burp a lot. しゃっくりが止まりません I can’t stop hiccupping. / My hiccups won’t stop. まぶたがけいれんします My eye is twitching.
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