December 7, 2014 - Holy Rosary Cluster

Saint Bernard
Alta Vista, IA
Our Lady of Lourdes
Lourdes, IA
Immaculate Conception
Elma, IA
Immaculate Conception
Riceville, IA
Saint Peter
New Haven, IA
Holy Rosary Cluster
Cluster Office at: 203 7th Street Elma, IA 50628-8391
Phone: 641-393-2520 | Website:
Rev. Steve M. Garner, Pastor [email protected]
Nancy Theis, Secretary [email protected]
Office Hours
The office this week will be staffed from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
Weekend Mass Schedule
St. Bernard - Alta Vista
Saturday – 5:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Lourdes - Lourdes
Saturday – 7:00 p.m.
Immaculate Conception - Elma
Sunday – 7:30 a.m.
Immaculate Conception - Riceville
Sunday – 9:00 a.m.
St. Peter - New Haven
Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Weekdays before Mass
First Friday 3:00 - 3:45 pm at St. Peter, New Haven
First Friday 4:00 - 4:45 pm at Immaculate Conception, Riceville
Saturday 4:00 - 4:40 pm at St. Bernard, Alta Vista on
weekends when Mass is scheduled.
When there is No Mass scheduled at Alta Vista, confessions
will be available at Our Lady of Lourdes on Saturday from
6:00 - 6:40 pm.
December 7, 2014
Bulletin Deadline
Due to Christmas, the deadline
for the December 21st bulletin is
Thursday, December 11th at
Scripture Verse
John the Baptist appeared in the
desert proclaiming a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness
of sins. John was clothed in
camel's hair, with a leather belt
around his waist. He fed on
locusts and wild honey. And this
is what he proclaimed: "One
mightier than I is coming after
me." Mk 1:4, 6-7a
Myrna Ballard, Leonard Barta,
Gene Brinckes, Robert Chihak,
Delores Felder, Jerry Fitzgerald,
Joe Friedhoff, Regina Gansen,
Msgr. Donald Heineman, Arlene
Klobassa, Millie Kolbet, Ed
Kovarik, Linda Larson, Sue
Lloyd, Ann Foxen Maas, Ellen
Martell, Gladys McGrane, Dale
Meirick, Kyler Meyers, Leroy
Mohrfeld, Joe Praska, Marilou
Link Roberts, Avis Roethler,
Floyd Roethler, Margaret
Rouchka, Mary Valvoda, and
Bernard Wendel.
Holy Rosary Cluster
Mass Intentions For the Week
Monday, December 8
The Immaculate Conception of Mary - Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38
7:00 AM (Alta Vista) - Ellen (Huegel) Laures
8:30 AM (Riceville) - Jim Steffen
12:00 PM (Elma) - Jack McAvoy
6:30 PM (Lourdes) - Donald Praska
8:00 PM (New Haven) - Joe D. Malecek
Tuesday, December 9
St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin - Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14
8:00 AM (Elma) - Leander Heying
10:00 AM (Colonial Manor) - Vincentia Chihak
Wednesday, December 10
Advent Weekday - Is 40:25-31/Mt 11:28-30
8:00 AM (Elma) - Steve Murphy
Thursday, December 11
St. Damasus l - Is 41:13-20/Mt 11:11-15
8:00 AM (Elma) - Adolph Ludwig Jr.
Friday, December 12
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47
8:00 AM (Elma) - Geraldine Johnson
Saturday, December 13
Vigil of Third Sunday of Advent - Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
5:00 PM (Alta Vista) - Tom & Mike Mahoney
7:00 PM (Lourdes) - Beatrice Havlik & Beata Kubik
Sunday, December 14
Third Sunday of Advent - Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
7:30 AM (Elma) - Ed Novak
9:00 AM (Riceville) - For the People
10:00 AM (Elma Colonial Manor/Word and Sacrament) - Bernie Voves
10:45 AM (New Haven) - Lawrence & Bridget Smith
Liturgical Ministers - December 13/14
Alta Vista
Sue Mahoney (EM)
Joe/Donna Zweibohmer (G)
Judy Gebel (L)
Mixed Choir (M)
Brittney White (S)
Steve Recker (U)
Everett Tenge (U)
Gary Wilberding (U)
Lavern/Jean Cerwinske (VC)
Rose Nibaur (EM)
John Ludwig (EM)
Marge Ludwig (EM)
George Freidhof (L)
Julie Freidhof (L)
Roger/Pat Lepa (R/G)
Justin Nibaur (S)
Eric Shatek (S)
Emily Roberts (S)
Bill Zweibohmer (U)
Elaine Farrington (U)
Mike Farrington (U)
Tom Miller (EM)
Sue Miller (EM)
LuRae Mohrfeld (EM)
Jason/Kari Gardner (G)
Teresa Zeimetz (L)
Russ Murphy (L)
Mary Heying (R)
Shane Burke (S)
Katelyn Burke (S)
Dave/Carol Zobeck (U)
Dean Mai (U)
Bill Enloe (U)
John/Sandy Lentz (VC)
Becky Miller (EM)
Sheryl Noble (EM)
Jayne Noble (EM)
Mike Marr (EM)
Carter Mauer (Gifts)
Lauren Hemann (Gifts)
Keaton Shane (Gifts)
Will Patrick (GR)
Carson Hale (GR)
Zach Gronwoldt (GR)
Mary Novacek (L)
Dave Smalley (L)
Abby/Mitchell Marr (S)
Chad Eastman (S)
Allie Bigley/Cole Byrnes (U)
Brody Koenigs (U)
Mitchell Christensen (U)
New Haven
Vicki Johnson (EM)
Lisa Cockrum (EM)
Meg Schutjer (EM)
John Hartogh (EM)
Karl Fox Family (G)
Karl Fox (L)
Scott Niess (L)
Lisa Cockrum (R)
Tanyon Schutjer (S)
Holbrook Schutjer (S)
Jex Schutjer (S)
Cluster News
Community Communal Penance
The Advent Communal Reconciliation service will be held on
Sunday, December 14th at 2:00pm in Immaculate Conception
in Elma.
Individual Confession Schedule
Wednesday, December 10th - 1:00 to 3:00pm (New Haven)
Wednesday, December 10th - 4:00 to 6:00 pm (Riceville)
Friday, December 12th - 1:00 to 3:00 pm (Lourdes)
Friday, December 12th - 4:00 to 6:00 pm (Alta Vista)
Tuesday, December 16th - 1:00 to 3:00 pm (Alta Vista)
Tuesday, December 16th - 4:00 - 6:00 pm (Lourdes)
Friday, December 19th - 1:00 to 3:00 pm (Riceville)
Friday, December 19th - 4:00 to 6:00 pm (New Haven)
Act of Kindness
Act of Kindness collections will be taken up the weekend of December 13th/14th. Designated charities for St. Bernard - Hospice of North Iowa; Our Lady of Lourdes - Alta Vista & Elma
Public Library; I.C. Elma - Howard County Food Bank; I.C. Riceville - Riceville Food Pantry; St. Peter - Habitat for Humanity.
Retirement Fund for Religious
Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers,
and religious order priests. Your gift will provide vital support
for their retirement needs and also help ensure that younger
members can continue the good works of their elders. Individuals wanting to make a donation to the Religious Retirement
Fund are to use the envelopes in the back of church. You can
give your contribution in the weekly offering, mail to the parish
cluster office or mail directly to the National Religious Retirement Office.
Christmas Flowers
We are currently accepting donations and memorial
contributions for our Christmas flowers at each of the
parishes in our cluster during the Advent season. If
you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one,
please put your donation in an envelope by Sunday, December
14th and mark it ‘Christmas Flower Memorial Donation’ and include the names of your loved one(s) as well as your parish. If
paying by check make payable to your parish. These name(s)
will be attached to the flower and included in the bulletin at
Christmas. Suggested price for a plant is $10.00.
Combined Religious Education
Christmas Program
All are invited to the Combined Religious
Education Christmas Program being held on
Saturday, December 13th after the 7:00pm
Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes. Snacks will be
provided following the program.
2nd Sunday of Advent
"One mightier than I is coming after me." In today's
Gospel, John the Baptist speaks about what's to come.
It's going to be different. It's going to be better. When
he comes--the Messiah--something amazing is going to
happen. "I have baptized you with water," John says,
but "he will baptize you with the holy Spirit." With the
coming of Christ, we move from water to Spirit-in
other words, from the natural to the supernatural. Jesus
takes our lives to a new level. But we have to be ready
to join in on this spiritual journey. That's why John
went around baptizing people for the repentance of
their sins. He wanted to be sure their spirits were open
to the Spirit. He wanted to help them be ready when
the time came.
During Advent, we take a similar approach. We focus on what lies ahead: the coming of Christ. Of
course he already came at the first Christmas when he
was born of the Virgin Mary. Certainly, part of this
season involves preparing for Christmas when we remember this original "advent" of the Lord. But another
important element of these days is to make ourselves
ready for the second coming of Christ. This is the moment for which we must always be ready. But we have
an advantage that John's followers did not have. We
already have the Spirit of the Lord in our hearts as baptized Christians. Now, the Lord himself is at work in
our souls to prepare us for his return. The question is
only how cooperative we are going to be in the process. How attentive will we be to the promptings of this
Holy Spirit which are often as quiet as a whisper? Let's
be sure, during the busy pre-holiday bustle, to set aside
enough quiet time that we can properly "prepare the
way of the Lord" by listening to his voice.
Holy Rosary Cluster
Faith Formation
Holy Rosary Cluster Faith Formation meeting
will be held on Thursday, December 11th at
7:30 pm in the Elma church hall. All Faith
Formation representatives and volunteers are
asked to attend this meeting. Parishioners
are welcome to attend the meetings.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, Dec. 24th - 4:00pm (Lourdes)
6:00pm (Alta Vista)
8:00pm (Elma)
Christmas Day
Thursday, Dec. 25th -
8:00am (New Haven)
10:00am (Riceville)
Holy Rosary Cluster Pictorial Directories are still
available for $10.00. For more information contact the Parish Cluster Office.
+ St. Bernard +
St. Patrick’s Pork Chop Supper
A meeting will be held for the planning of the
annual Pork Chop Supper on December 9th at
6:00pm in the Elma Church Basement.
Pastoral/Finance Council Meetings
Council meetings will be held on Tuesday,
December 9th in the Elma church basement.
Finance Council will meet at 6:30 pm and the
Pastoral Council will meet at 7:30 pm.
Church Cleaners
Julie Swehla, Bev & Kate White are church
cleaners for the week of December 7th.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Scott
Recker family. Scott’s funeral Mass was held on
Saturday, November 22nd at Alta Vista.
Thanks to everyone who helped with
the annual cleaning of the church and
+ Our Lady of Lourdes +
We congratulate Nick and Rachel Boyle on the
occasion of the baptism of their son’s James Alan
and Reed Milo. James and Reed were baptized
on November 22nd. Please welcome and pray
for James and Reed as they begin their new life in
the church.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Phyllis
Dietrich family. Phyllis’s funeral Mass was held
on Monday, November 24th at Lourdes.
Christmas Decorations
Volunteers needed after Mass on Monday,
December 8th and Saturday, December 13th to
help prepare for the Christmas season.
+ Immaculate Conception-Elma +
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Charles
Riley family. Charles’s funeral Mass was held on
Monday, December 1st at Elma.
+ Immaculate Conception-Riceville +
All are invited to the 1st - 4th grade
Christmas Program on Sunday,
December 14th after the 9:00am Mass.
St. Anne’s Rosary Society will provide
a breakfast following the program.
Someone to remove snow from the sidewalks and
steps this winter. Please contact Kenny Marr
(641-220-4142) for more information.
Weekly Collection
November 22/23
St. Bernard - Alta Vista
Our Lady of Lourdes
Christmas Flowers
Immaculate Conception - Elma
Immaculate Conception - Riceville (No Mass)
Votive Lights
St. Peter - New Haven
Christmas Flowers
November 29/30
St. Bernard - Alta Vista
Our Lady of Lourdes
Immaculate Conception - Elma
Christmas Flowers
Sacramental-Dietrich/Riley Funeral
Thanksgiving Mass
Immaculate Conception - Riceville
Out of parish
Religious Education
St. Peter - New Haven (No Mass)
Stewardship Reflection
John the Baptist’s call to repentance is echoed in the
U.S. bishop’s pastoral letter on stewardship
“Christians must beg God for the grace of
conversion: the grace to know who they are, to whom
they belong, how they are to live — the grace to
repent and change and grow, the grace to become
good disciples and stewards.”