AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Thomas Peek called the May 6, 2014, Regular Board Meeting of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Ave Maria Master Association (office/fitness center), 5076 Annunciation Circle, Suite 103, Ave Maria, Florida 34142, and welcomed everybody to the meeting. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. PROOF OF PUBLICATION Proof of publication was presented showing that notice of the Regular Board Meeting was published in the Naples Daily News on September 20, 2013, as part of the District’s Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Regular Meeting Schedule, as legally required. D. ESTABLISH QUORUM Chairman Peek determined a quorum was established with the following Supervisors: Board of Supervisors Chair Vice-Chair Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Thomas Peek Liesa Priddy Douglas Baird Jay Roth Thomas DiFlorio District Staff in attendance were: District Manager Todd Wodraska District General Counsel Roy Van Wyk District Engineer Dan Brundage Property Manager Landowner Representative E. Luisa Rosales David Genson Present Present Present Present Present Special District Services Hopping Green & Sams Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc. First Service Residential Barron Collier Companies ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Mr. Wodraska noted that he would like to add the announcement of a Landowners’ Meeting in November 2014 during his Manager’s Report. There was no objection to the addition. AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 F. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Peek asked for comments from the public for items not on the agenda. There were no comments from the public for items not on the agenda. G. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. February 4, 2014, Regular Board Meeting The February 4, 2014, Regular Board Meeting minutes were unanimously approved, as presented, on a motion made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. DiFlorio. H. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items to come before the Board. I. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider Resolution 2014-02 Re-Designating a Qualified Public Depository Mr. Baird reviewed the history of banks in the Ave Maria community noting that Capital Bank is no longer located in the community. He stated that First National Bank of the Gulf Coast is now in Ave Maria and suggested that the District be supportive of local businesses, whenever possible. Mr. Wodraska reported that First National Bank of the Gulf Coast is qualified to provide services for the District There was a motion made by Ms. Priddy, seconded by Mr. Roth, to approve Resolution 2014-02, Re-Designating First National Bank of the Gulf Coast as the Qualified Public Depository. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Consider Resolution No. 2014-03– Adopting a Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Proposed Annual Budget* Mr. Wodraska presented Resolution No. 2014-03, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2014-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT APPROVING A PROPOSED BUDGET AND PRELIMINARY NON AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL; SETTING A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY AND DISTRICT MANAGER AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THIS RESOLUTION Mr. Wodraska explained that this proposed budget is for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from October 1, 2014, to September 30, 2015. He noted the budget presented has the same amount of expenditures as the previous several years and the assessments are proposed to remain unchanged. Mr. Wodraska reviewed the current fiscal year’s expenditures through March 2014, as well as those of the previous fiscal year. Ms. Rosales reviewed some proposed line item changes within the maintenance budget. Audience Comment There was no audience comment. Mr. Wodraska recommended approving Resolution 2014-03 and setting the Public Hearing for August 5, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. at this same location. *Note: This item was not voted on until later in the agenda to discuss some potential budget changes. There was a motion to approve Resolution No. 2014-03, as presented, setting the Public Hearing for 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August 5, 2014, made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Ms. Priddy. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Consider Resolution No. 2014-04 – Adopting a Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Proposed Budget for the Master Irrigation Utility System Mr. Wodraska presented Resolution No. 2014-04, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT ADOPTING A PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 BUDGET FOR THE MASTER IRRIGATION UTILITY SYSTEM Mr. Wodraska explained that the privately owned Ave Maria Utility Company (AMUC) operates the District-owned Master Irrigation Utility, collects revenues and sends them to the District. The developer (AMD) is responsible for funding, or subsidizing, the shortfall until the utility is self-sustaining. He presented the proposed Fiscal Year 2014/2015 budget. Audience Comment There was no audience comment. AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 Mr. Wodraska recommended approving Resolution 2014-04. There was a motion to approve Resolution No. 2014-04, Adopting a Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Proposed Budget for the Master Irrigation Utility System, as presented, made by Mr. Baird, seconded by Ms. Priddy. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Discussion Regarding Enhanced Security Mr. David Shnaider, via a conference call, explained his position that the Ave Maria community is in need of additional security in the form of regular patrols or cameras due to the makeup of the community and its isolation from the other Collier County Sheriff’s Office jurisdictions. He shared incidents including vandalism, parties and illegal activities that are becoming more and more prevalent. Mr. Shnaider reported that the Master Association is in favor of paying for enhanced security and thought the AMSCD should be included in the discussion. Mr. Bob Lanker of 5088 Annunciation Circle, voiced his support of Mr. Shnaider’s comments and the idea of enhanced security. He stated that hiring private security is likely the best solution. Ms. Carmen Henderson of 504 Annunciation Circle, also voiced her support of enhanced security, noting that traffic enforcement is also becoming a major concern. Mrs. Priddy asked for the representative from the Sheriff’s Office to weigh in. Mr. Peek asked him if he had experience with private security in other communities. Sgt. Michael Stillwell responded that the Sheriff’s Office is limited by its budget in the amount of resources it can provide in the community. He noted that private security is an option that other communities have used, but noted that each community is unique. Mr. DiFlorio stated that the Sheriff’s Office has a strong presence in the community and that some people will tend to complain either way. He further stated that if someone gets arrested for wrongdoing in the community that it will send a strong message to others. There was a question and discussion about partnering with Ave Maria University security, but it was reported that their main focus is on the campus. Mr. Peek pointed out that most of the problems being reported occur on property that is not the responsibility of the AMSCD. Mr. Van Wyk stated that the AMSCD does have security powers, but only for the facilities for which it is responsible. AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 Mr. Baird agreed with the issue raised by Mr. Peek that the AMSCD is only responsible for security of its own facilities and suggested that this issue be considered by the Master Association. Mr. Genson, as President of the Master Association, agreed to look at the enhanced security for the entire community and report back. There was no formal action on this item. J. STATUS REPORTS 1. Design Review Board Mr. Genson reported the DRB is scheduled to be considered by the Collier County Commission in July. 2. Development Mr. Genson reported that Maple Ridge sales are going strong and that Arthrex is expanding. He also reported on a 20 acre parcel that is being considered for a 100 bed facility that will provide support to veterans. 3. Landscape Mr. Allen of TrueGreen Lawncare reported that he has recently increased the maintenance staff to address some level of service issues. He noted that his two priorities are to maintain consistency in the level of care and to pay special attention to details. Mr. Roth expressed concern for the safety of workers that are on Ave Maria Boulevard while cars may be driving by at fast speeds. He suggested revisiting the process for notifying oncoming drivers. Mr. Allen agreed to review that safety process. He also noted that TrueGreen Lawncare has a priority relationship with First Service Residential, which translates into a substantial savings for the AMSCD. 4. Collier Mosquito Control District Mr. Jim Stark, Executive Director of the CMCD, showed a Power Point presentation about his organization and mosquito control in Ave Maria. Ms. Priddy asked if there was a hotline that residents can call to report mosquitos. Mr. Stark replied that anyone can call (239) 867-3200 or email the CMCD, which is constantly monitored. AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 K. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. Legal Report Mr. Van Wyk reported that his firm will be sending out a legislative report to provide an update on the recently concluded legislative session. 2. Engineer Report Mr. Brundage reported that he is currently working on the crosswalks that were authorized by the Board. He noted that the FDOT vendors have been identified and his firm is coordinating the design. Mr. Brundage reviewed the history of problems and issues with the entry feature fountains and reported on the proposed solutions. Ms. Priddy asked why these fountains seem to have so many problems. Mr. Brundage attributed to problems to the unique water conditions, where the pumps are located and a less than efficient original design. 3. Manager’s Report Mr. Wodraska reported that there are 846 qualified electors in the AMSCD as of April 15, 2014, and announced that there will be a Landowners’ Meeting in November 2014. He further indicated that it will include an election for the seats currently held by Mr. Doug Baird, Mr. Jay Roth, and Mr. Thomas DiFlorio. Mr. Wodraska noted that the regular meeting date is the first Tuesday of November, which is also, ironically, National Election Day and that they will likely move the meeting to an alternate date. L. BOARD MEMBERS COMMENTS There were no comments from the Members of the Board. M. ADJOURN With no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Peek stated the meeting was adjourned at 10:51 a.m. There were no objections. AVE MARIA STEWARDSHIP COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MAY 6, 2014 ________________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary __________________________________ Chair/Vice-Chairman
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