odysseymagazine.net odysseymagazine.net VOLUME 5 / ISSUE 26 OCTOBER 1–14, 2014 on the cover Models: Scotty Marx, Nick Sterling Photo by Wilsonmodels.blogspot.com contributors LADY BUNNY Lady Bunny THE WIGS Sherry Vine THE COLUMN Frankie C www.wilsonmodels.blogspot.com the family PUBLISHER Mike Everaert ACCOUNTING EXECUTIVE Noreen B EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cheyne Hauk DESIGN DIRECTOR Jay Cribas P.O. Box 178, Jersey City, NJ 07303 Advertising Office: 201.839.5209 [email protected] [email protected] National Advertising Rep. Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 facebook.com/odysseyny Odyssey Magazine is published bi-weekly in New York; monthly in Los Angeles and Toronto. All material herein is copyrighted 2014 Odyssey Magazine. Reprint by permission only. For more information regarding advertising, please call 201.839.5209 or email [email protected]. No implication regarding sexual orientation or personal practices of contributors or advertisers appearing in this publication is intended and none should be inferred by the reader. AN M.E. PUBLICATION. THE COLUMN FRANKIE C AND RONNIE FROM THE JERSEY SHORE AT THE OPENING OF JERSEY SHORE MASSACRE Nothing like a day out in Little Italy during the San Gennaro festival with Big Ang. She was pushing out her wine line named Big Ang. She signed and sold her product at Cafe Palermo as fans lined up to purchase and have their photo taken with the reality personality. My cohorts and I chatted with Big and we enjoyed some delicious cannolis before we made our way down the street for sausage and peppers sandwiches. Congratulations, Ang. So it was off to Rock Bar for The Jokes on Me to see Markus Kelle. His stand up comedy routine and his life were being filmed for a Showtime TV documentary. I say, Move over Disney, it’s now “The Wonderful World of Markus Kelle” I along with my fellow Italians Jay DiFeo, Michael Musto and Tony Fornabaio came out to show support for the Diva of the Ropes. Markus served the room what they came for - true words, funny stories and a lot of laughs. Supporters: Cheyne Hauk, Michael Everaert, Shaun Levy, Josh Helman, Daniel Thomas, Daniel Sinasohn, Nicholas Phinney, Aric Wolff, Seán McConnon, Shaun Leavy, Mackian Bauman, Chad Schuyler LaClair, Matthew Ballew, James Twigg and Mike Shensky. Time to take in some theatre, so Meg and I headed over to see Austin McCormick’s Rococo Rouge performed by Company XIV at the Hybrid Theatre. The show is styled in a Louie the 14th setting with a contemporary twist. The performers in the company were grand and elegant. They performed a version of Iggy Azalea’s ‘Fancy’ in operatic style. Loved it. The show is a fusion of Fantasy, Burlesque and Vaudeville with a tinge of Cirque du Soleil. It lacks nothing and it’s filled with fabulous moments. McCormick’s artistic direction and choreography is extravaganza yet extraordinary. I heard a great line during the show: “To kiss a fool is stupid but to be fooled by a kiss is worse.” Brilliant! Check out: www.companyxiv.com. Congratulations to Shadow Boxers Bar. Your opening was just magnificent as were ODYSSEYMAGAZINE.NET • OCTOBER 1–14, 2014 FRANKIE C, MARKUS KELLE AND JAY DIFEO AT ROCK BAR FOR THE JOKES ON ME DJ’s Jroc and Stiletto who worked their beats as hostess with the mostess Marti G Cummings twirled around seeing to it that everyone was enjoying the new venue. They and the delicious Bartenders and The Buff Boyzz turned the room out. Seen Out: George Maestre, Marti G Cummings, Cheyne Hauk, Jeff Eason, Gustavo Monroy, Carlos Fernandez, Dan Berman, Brian David Grimotes, Pablo J Sánchez and Fares G Saleh. Congratulations to John Greco on 8 wonderful years serving the community. The party was like no other. It was socially lively and filled with fantastic beats and boys as only Bamboo 52 can do. DJ Phaze filled the room with his unstoppable sound as Brady Cudmore hosted and worked the floor as if it were a runway during fashion week - work the garment, darling. If you’ve visited Greco’s other establishments, Posh Bar, Philip Marie Restaurant or 123 Burger Shot Beer, you’ll know his surprises and giveaways are always all night long. And if you’ve not been to any of the four, I can tell you this, you don’t know what you’re missing! Head over to one of the four tasty spots and have yourself a good time. And that’s showbiz, kid. Checkout ‘Jersey Shore Massacre’ - it’s funny and oh so sexy. The movie’s Executive Producer is none other than Jenni Farley, better known as JWoww, written and directed by Paul Tarnopol, the same horror visionary behind 2012’s ‘Girls Gone Dead’. The film follows several Jerseyites for a weekend getaway to the Jersey Shore and shows some sexy mishaps and shenanigans. No, the cast of the famed TV show, The Jersey Shore, do not appear in the movie, so don’t expect any surprise cameos. The soundtrack is fun and danceable with tunes from Giuseppe D, Giorgio and Lucas Prata. The movie stars: Danielle Dallacco, FRANKIE C AND BIG ANY IN LITTLE ITALY AT THE SAN GENNARO FESTIVAL BRANDON VOSS AND KENNY KENNY WITH MO AND SABRINA BACOTE AT UP AND DOWN Angelica Boccella, hot and sexy Brett Azar, Giovanni Roselli, Chris Lazzaro, Nicole Rutigliano, Ashley Mitchell, Christina Scaglione, Brenton Duplessie, John Michael Hastie, Sal Governale, Richard Christy, Bigfoot, Ron Jeremy, Giovanni Roselli, William Bray, Frank Russo Jr. and Evan Zelnick. As the hottest line “Bye Felicia” popped out and was on the tongue of millions, Zeke Thomas, Erik Floyd & Owen Ryan were busy at work banging out a track to the well known saying. Its genre, electronic dance music, Bye Felicia is on Gorilla Records, Inc. /Tommy Boy Entertainment. You can find it on www. itunes.apple.com Tweed Theater Works presents ‘Lypsinka! The Boxed Set’ directed by Kevin Malony, and from what I’m told, this show has not been seen in New York City since 2001. The show’s a full-length ‘traditional’ Lypsinka concert and it’s the award-winning revue of the Lyp’s greatest bits that has toured the world, flabbergasting audiences from Los Angeles to Sydney to Glasgow. They will be using a soundtrack created from films, musicals, and concert recordings. The New York stage’s supreme archivist of irony showcases the modern woman’s challenge of being over-blessed with femininity and celebrity fame. Opens Wednesday, November 5, 2014, at 8:00pm at The Connelly Theater. For more info check out: www.web.ovationtix.com/trs/ pe.c/9950734 Happy Birthday to Joey Israel. Wishing you all the best. Best always, Frankie C. [email protected] www.odysseymagazine.net Follow me on twitter: @FrankieC_ thecolumnbyfrankiec.blogspot.com Plastic Surgery in Paradise Destination plastic surgery is only 1 hour and 45 minutes away form the New York metro area. Bermuda is a hidden treasure of pink sand beaches, turquoise waters, beautiful pastel colored cottages, and some of the best cosmetic procedures one can find. Aura MedSpa is the brainchild of American plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Christopher Johnson. Dr Johnson offers the usual cosmetic procedures: eyelid lifts, liposuction, Brazilian butt lifts etc. You may not be aware that he can also offer procedures that can only be found in Europe and South America: Swiss Medicube Ultrasonic fat reduction (liposuction without needles or pain), contour thread lifting, and state of the art age management with growth hormone and testosterone. The beauty is that you can touch down in Bermuda in just a few hours, have these procedures, and recover on some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Follow up is not a problem; Dr Johnson is board certified and has an office in Manhattan at 10 W 66th. He will ensure that the aftercare is seamless and your recovery can be properly monitored. Complete transformations can only be a short flight away. Beautify in Bermuda. You will return from your gaycation rested, more fit, and you will look and feel younger. For more info please visit aurabermuda.com [email protected] WIGS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF BY SHERRY VINE Talk about wigs! There’s a show in town where the entire cast is in drag! ‘Pageant.’ I saw the original production in the early 1990’s and loved the show. And now it’s back at the Davenport Theatre. It’s all about, well, a pageant with all the girls representing their region now competing in the finale. Audience members are chosen every night to judge the ladies and anyone can win - meaning, the winner is not set in the script and a different contestant wins every night. The night I was there, Miss Great Plains won and the reactions of the losing gals was the funniest part of the show for me. I loved the entire cast, but my friend, Marty Thomas, as Miss Deep South is brilliant! The faces he would subtly make to the other girls was priceless. It’s a fast paced, funny show that I highly recommend. This past Wednesday at my show at Industry, I welcomed special guest Xelle to premiere their new video and single, ‘Sweat’. Xelle have performed with me at Industry before and they always deliver a top notch show! Following the success of ‘Party Girl’ and ‘Queen’, Xelle returns with a campy, hot, sexy new hit in Sweat. Written by Zach Adam, Sweat is sure to be heard all over. JC and Rony looked amazing in Geoffrey Mac creations, and with their back-up dancers, they turned it out. The video is also gorgeous and features cameos from myself and Bianca del Rio. Check it out now on YouTube and download Sweat on iTunes. This summer, I was performing on two Atlantis Cruises around Europe and got to spend a month with men’s wear designer, Andrew Christian. I had met Andrew before on another cruise and we hit it off, but this time, we spent a lot of time together sight-seeing, drinkODYSSEYMAGAZINE.NET • OCTOBER 1–14, 2014 ing champagne and laughing. He is such a dear! Andrew also spent the past year traveling around the country as a judge for Stoli Guy 2014. There were 12 regional competitions in 12 major cities and then this was the finale. But unlike the musical ‘Pageant’, this was a real contest and the winner walked out with $10,000! I opened the show with Patrik Gallineaux and faux drag queen, Anita Cocktail. Then there were several categories: modeling, talent and audience vote. I was really impressed with the talent portion. Some of these guys turned it out! One of the boys did a traditional Tahitian dance that got the top score. In a traditional Greek dance, one of the guys came out in drag and turned it out. There was the Martial Arts and Crafts, and so much more. The winner was Davy from Boston who performed an original song he wrote with his twin brother. His mom was in the front row freaking out - so sweet! Congrats to Davy. And a big thank you to GayCities! I had a blast all night! And that Stoli Ginger Beer might just have to be my new cocktail! Friday night, I was the guest DJ in the basement of the big gay party, Berlin. Epiphany, the Queen of Mykonos, was back from a summer of “Girl, I got stories”. She was in a beaded gown and rocking a painted blue beard - lol. She’s still a crazy bitch - lol. They had a karaoke machine set up downstairs and people were lining up to sing, some of them quite well. We had some Tequila and laughed it up with Brandon Voss and Justin Luke. Every Friday at Providence. MEOW! The Sherry Vine Show every Wed at Industry at Midnight!!! BiPolar every Tues at Therapy w/Peppermint at 11pm www.SherryVine.com for song downloads, DVDs, appearances, blog and more! YouTube. com/MissSherryVine for all videos - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!! follow me @MissSherryVine, instagram @MissSherryVine, glabber @sherryvine 6 1 T A E SW Eva Than amier e t S is ation elebr C h t 6 ’s 1 aBall Hustl BY JOHN SCHWENGER Rentboy’s sex-drenched party has come a long way from its humble beginnings in 1998. What was originally intended as a sex cabaret for erotic artists and exhibitionists has morphed into a mega-party, where adult content is presented in a large public space for the amusement and proactive pleasure of international audiences. The party brings together top name musical talent and DJs, an outrageous cast of fetish acts and performers, and a growing international parade of party people anxious to get in on the X-rated fun. The crowd is more diverse than most circuit events. Men, women, gay, straight, older, younger all join in on the erotic fun. As do pornstars, escorts, dancers and a slew of representatives from the adult video industry. At HustlaBall, it’s not go-go boys providing the entertainment. It’s some of the industry’s top male porn stars performing triple-X podium sex with any combination of one to five guys at a time. Headliners for this year’s HustlaBall include Tommy Defendi, Boomer Banks, Brent Corrigan, Nick Capra, Killian James, CockyBoys’ Duncan Black, Tyson Tyler, Ryan Rose, Leo Forte, Adam Ramzi, Billy Santoro, Bravo Delta, Champ Robinson, and Austin Wolf. Some of the adult film studios that are partnering with Rentboy this year are Raging Stallion, Falcon, Lucas Entertainment, HotHouse, NakedSword, Colt, AlternaDudes, and RandyBlue. Mr. Pam, director of NakedSword, will host the VIP room. According to Sean Van Sant of Rentboy, the night will be broken up by a series of erotic, acrobatic, and musical performances onstage and around the club. Partygoers can expect dark rooms, play spaces, and jaw dropping sound-and-lighting. Décor and installations will be provided by DreamHouse (Gage Boone collective). Josh Sparber and Mikey Fuentes of DONKEY will provide music in the VIP room. MEN’S ROOM’s Harry Cross and Jpeg will provide music in the performance hall, and Luther will headline the upstairs main floor. Rentboy.com presents the 16th annual HustlaBall New York, Sundamy Oct 12, 2014 @ Slake 251 W 30th. General Admission: 11PM. VIP Special Entry: 10PM. Presale tickets: $39.95 online now. General Admission: $49.95. VIP: $149.95. Age 30 and under: Pay your age with Photo ID. www.hustlaball.com. Gents, 2014 is a big mark for us. We’re celebrating 10 years in the spa business and this we owe it to you. Keep yourself grooming. Thank you! Enrique @enriqueskincare face to face nyc day spa 20 W. 20th Street, Suite 603 New York, NY 10011 212/633-0404 www.facetofacenyc.com www.facebook.com/facetofacenyc Bring this ad for first-timers and get 15% off on any spa treatment. THE DISH THE MARSHAL the-marshal.com BY PATRICK BRADLEY I don’t go out two nights in a row. That’s what Odyssey publisher, Mike Everaert said to me at the birthday bash for Cheyne Hauk at Berlin at Providence on a recent Friday night. It seemed like sound advice from an old soul, so I’d waited until Monday before breaking my summer suit back out from its spot in the closet. Heading south along 10th Avenue, I ended up at The Marshal, a recent Hell’s Kitchen addition which boasts a heavily farm-to-table-centric menu. Arriving a few minutes ahead of my 7:30 reservation, a hostess directed me to the bar where I’d waited for my guest who—in her usual fashion—was running as late as Tallulah Bankhead. Yet, bartender, Emily was the perfect host, hand-walking me through the list of hand-crafted cocktails. As you may know by now, I almost always prefer champagne (or a gin martini); but as Emily described the “market cocktail,” Window Box Negroni—made with fresh rosemary literally plucked from their Tenth Avenue-facing window box—I’d quickly arrived at an easy decision. And easy drinking soon followed as the locally-sourced Negroni cocktail went down like honey (The Marshal’s bar is “99%” stocked with local liquors; sorry, bub—no Tanqueray martini for you tonight)! While I was waiting for my dinner companion to arrive, the manager on duty discussed The Marshal’s menu with me, being that I was a first-time diner. Upon my hearing that the kitchen was out of the Hudson Valley Duck Farm duck liver pâté, Sharon helped alleviate any further symptoms of dashed hopes with several choice recommendations. Before I’d finished my first drink, my date had arrived at ODYSSEYMAGAZINE.NET • OCTOBER 1–14, 2014 last and the two of us were led to a table at the front of the restaurant. For the first course, we agreed upon sharing the wood oven French loaf, followed by the butcher’s block and a fresh mozzarella, hyssop plant and heirloom tomato salad. After Cynthia followed suit, ordering the window box market cocktail: we parted with formality and dug decidedly into the French loaf served with homemade butter. Our server explained to us that the homespun butter is made using nothing more than heavy cream and salt (and was made by our busser-runner that morning); it was the best butter I’d had in recent memory. Similarly unique was the French loaf (sourced from a local baker), made with the rarefied technique of inserting steam into the oven while the bread is being baked. The result: a crusty loaf with a soft, toothsome center which stays fresh unto the end of the meal. Next on our journey was The Marshal’s charcuterie board and our “Capreseesque” salad. Spooning out portions for each of us, Cynthia and I decided to begin with the fresh mozzarella, hyssop plant and heirloom tomato salad dotted with fresh elderberries and red currants. At first taste it was the Tonjes Farm mozzarella which had impressed me most, with its soft, slightly chalky body, while Cynthia was most verbal about the red currants which added “that little pop!” Moving on to the butcher’s block, I didn’t know where to begin, and used my fork to uprear the most “ripe-looking” morsel of meat. Served with New York lamb, Surryano ham and New Jersey tasso; and Bayley Hazen blue, Landaff cow’s milk and Nettle Kunik goat for the cheeses, this $27 block seems nearly a steal with such choice selections. It was hard to settle upon a favorite, but the meats were among the finest I’d ever tasted and with fig preserves and N. Y. C. honeycomb from Andrew’s Honey, it’s not entirely impossible that the butcher block is one of The Marshal’s mainstays. For our main course: while the beef and rags special sounded intriguing with its technique of wrapping the meat in wine-soaked rags which burn away in the cooking process, I was ultimately steered toward the wood oven roasted meat loaf made with Wahl Farms beef and stuffed with Satur Farms summer squash, Vermont blue cheese, Phillips Farm kale and Satur Farms carrots (search #mewithmeat on Instagram to see me looking happy upon its arrival). While Cynthia and I sunk knives into the roasted mass, I was pleased with our decision of sharing the dish which easily fed two un-beastlike creatures as us. And while the roasted loaf, with its succulent surface, was handsomely cooked, it was its stuffed center which had left us swooning! By the end of our meal, my dining companion and I were beyond satiated and could not consume another bite. But a day later, I was wishing I’d had a taste of the hot fudge sundae with homemade N. Y. bourbon cherries and hot toasted walnuts or the bittersweet chilled chocolate fudge in N. Y. C. honey served with honeycomb and bee pollen; I suppose I’ll have that opportunity when I return for the duck liver pâté and a Window Box Negroni. With The Marshal in charge, who needs champagne? Patrick Bradley is a freelance food writer and author of the blog, “From Behind the Open Table” frombehindtheopentable.blogspot.com. Follow him on Twitter @gayfoodiecolumn BPM Saturdays BPM Saturdays Cellar Bar - NSA Monster Manster Cellar Bar - NSA OUT LAST NIGHT? wilsonmodels.blogspot.com Monster - Manster Cielo Service Industry - Queen WestWay - WestGay Fairytale Lounge Paddles - Adonis Up&Down Up&Down OUT LAST NIGHT? wilsonmodels.blogspot.com Space - Stoli Guy Competition Space - Stoli Guy Competition Dating Bradford—A Memoir Everyone can relate to a bad-dating story, right? Most single people are desperate to find love, and most couples like to be reminded of how rotten it is not to have it. Emerging out of a decade and a half of backto-back relationships after being dumped by the love of his life, Bradford (then age 35) plays the harsh New York City dating game via the Internet for the first time in this hilarious, and tragically honest portrayal of every single persons worst dating nightmares. We asked Bradford what to expect from his book. He said, “Dating is awkward. Sometimes it’s fun and exciting, sometimes romantic or hopeful, but often it’s demeaning and fraught with embarrassment.” “In New York, dates are served raw. Without some ‘smart ‘n savvy’ sauce, one may need to choke them down with a shot of vodka for digestion.” “Dating Bradford is about searching for the ODYSSEYMAGAZINE.NET • OCTOBER 1–14, 2014 recipe to make dating appetizing, and the pursuit of love on the long and lonely road to romance.” Michael Musto from the Village Voice chimed in, “No one knows his way around the gay dating scene with more pith and sass than Bradford Noble.” Frustrated with the NYC dating scene, Bradford started writing stories about his dates to share with his friends. The more stories he shared, the more stories they loved, and his audience soon grew to seventy thousand in a weekly column on Gay.com and Odyssey Magazine. Think “Fifty Shades of Gay” with Bradford role-playing an innocent and slutty Fairee Bradshaw, and you start to get the flavor of Dating Bradford. Dating Bradford – A Memoir is available on Amazon in both print and Kindle versions. It’s funny, it’s touching, it’s brutally honest, and a totally entertaining read. Pick one up today; you won’t regret reading a book for a change. GRAND OPENING OF SHADOW BOXERS BAR ON 40TH ST. 215 W 40TH ST RICHARD JMV'S TOP 5 DJ: DJ Chuck “Chuckles” McTague Drag Queen: Tina Burner Bartender: Joshie Pantz Music Video: Eli Lieb “Young Love” Song: Offer Nissim “Everybody Needs a Man” W W W. FAC E B O O K . C O M / R I C H A R D . J M V i i Shadow Boxers Grand Opening Shadow Boxers Grand Opening Shadow Boxers Grand Opening OUT LAST NIGHT? wilsonmodels.blogspot.com Space - Stoli Guy Competition Space - Stoli Guy Competition GO GO GODS EVERY NIGHT IN @ CHELSEA ON 19TH ST. HOT MUSCLE STUDS SERVE YOU STIFF ONES EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK @ MONSTER SEXY BARTENDER BOYS IN @ CHELSEA ON 19TH ST. G LOUNGE G LOUNGE JAY DIFEO, FRANKIE C & TONY FORNABAIO PARTY ON @ CHRISTOPHER ST. IN W. VILLAGE ROCKBAR WHO? BAR ON GROVE ST. IN W. VILLAGE REAL MEN PARTY @ ROCKBAR ON CHRISTOPHER ST. IN W.VILLAGE A COUPLE OF COOL KIDS PARTY @ BAR UPSTAIRS ON CHRISTOPHER ST. IN W.VILLAGE DUPLEX MOCHA LITE & PRINCESS GET CAUGHT IN THE ACT @ BOOTS & SADDLE BAR ON CHISTOPHER ST. IN W. VILLAGE CUTEST BOYS IN W. VILLAGE PARTY @ BAR UPSTAIRS ON CHRISTOPHER ST. DUPLEX WE LOVE THE STAFF @ NIGHTCLUB IN ASBURY PARK, NJ. @ THE EMPRESS HOTEL PARADISE roberto novo S A L O N Guess what? ROBERTO NOVO SALON 45 CHRISTOPHER ST. NEW YORK, NY 212-929-1652 Antonio Cedeno, #theonlylooks is now at Roberto Novo Salon. ROBERTO NOVO SALON LA CAPPELLERI FIGUEREDO MAGALLANES DOMINGO FERREIRA COPACABANA, RIO DE JANEIRO 21-83826626 you better work bitch ROBERTO NOVO SALON AYACUCHO 1584-RECOLTA BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA 4802-2168 HOLLY DAE & BOOTSIE LEFARIS HOST QUEEN THURSDAYS @ INDUSTRY BAR ON 52ND ST. IN HK HOTTEST BOYS IN JERSEY PARTY @ PARADISE NIGHTCLUB @ THE EMPRESS HOTEL ASBURY PARK, NJ. HOT TOPS ROUND UP THE BOYS IN HK @ BAR ON 52ND ST. THERAPY KING OF ADONIS TIM HAS THE HOTTEST STRIPPERS IN THE WORLD @ HIS PARTIES @ BAR ON 58TH ST. EVOLVE SEXY COCKTAILS SERVERS EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK @ BAR ON 52ND ST. IN HK JEFF & PAUL ENJOY COCKTAILS TOGETHER @ BAR ON 52ND ST. IN HK INDUSTRY THERAPY PHOENIX GO TO BAR IN E. VILLAGE ON 13TH ST. FOR THE BEST DRINKS IN TOWN HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY ISRAEL @ WHO? FAIRYTAIL LOUNGE IN HK ON 48TH ST. ALL THE CUTEST BOYS & BEST HAPPY HOUR IN TOWN ARE @ POSH BAR IN HK ON 51ST ST. @ 9TH AVE. SUNDAY CIELO SERVICE Cielo 18 Little West 12th St. (212) 645 – 5700 – Special guest DJ’s Doors Open @ 10pm – Free until 11pm – Open bar 10-11pm – www.CieloClub.Com UP & DOWN SUNDAYS 244 w. 14th St. NY, NY. (212) 242-1111 Brandon Voss, Kenny Kenny & Justin Luke – Open bar – 10-11pm – Special Guest DJ’s. Loads of Fun!! GENTLE MEN’S CLUB HOUSE Haus 285 West Broadway NY, NY. (212) 625 – 4287 Hosted By: Patrick Crough, Brian Rafferty & Joe Rozsak – Special Guest DJ’s & Shows!! NYC’s Only tea time Dance Party – 7pm1am – Guest List: PCProductionsNYC@ Gmail.Com ELECTRO BRUNCH Intermezzo 202 8th Ave (Btw 20th & 21st) 212.929.3433 DJ Jimmy Prada, Performances By: Tina Burner, Logan Hardcore & Bootsie Lefaris - 2pm-6pm SUICIDE SUNDAYS Hard-ware Bar 697 10th Ave 212.924.9885 Hosted By: Kelly King & Delilah Brooks – DJ TK BEER BLAST The Eagle 554 W 28 (10/11 Ave) DJ Paul Ferrer, Duron; 5pm, free. SUNDAY BEER BLAST Rockbar 185 Christopher St. $3 Bud/Bud Lite. Free food. $5 Rokk Vodka 9pm-close. RETRO SUNDAYS Posh 405 W 51st off 9th poshbarnyc.com DJ Darren 9pm-4am. Retro pop hits of 70s,80s,90s. $3 Rolling Rock beer all night. Pizza on us 11pm. Happy hr. 3p-9p. All happy hr. beers $3 (bottle & draft). No cover. BAMBOO 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com $5 flavored Absolut cocktails all day. Late night Sushi happy hour after 12m. Buy 2 rolls full price & get one free. Open til 2 am. LET’S GET PHYSICAL Atlas Social Club (ASC) 753 9th Ave. Weekly 80s party. DJ Max Rodriguez. TY’S 114 Christopher (Hudson/ Bleecker) 212.741.9641 happy hour 4-8p. Free. TEA DANCE POOL SIDE Paradise NightClub 101 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park, NJ. 5-10pm GEORGIE’S BAR 812 5th Ave & Memorial Dr. @ The Track, Asbury Pk, NJ 732.988.1220. The gay “Cheers” of Asbury. Happy hour everyday 2p-7p. $1.00 off everything. Bar open 2p-2a. Free hot dogs and nachos. Friendly staff and great bar food. Georgiesbar.com. BEER BLAST @ Cameo Bar 1213 Main St Asbury Pk, NJ Rico, Latino Go-Go; $3 drinks, $2 Pabst, 10p, $5. HOT FRUIT Metropolitan Bar 559 Lorimer St. Brooklyn, NY. 718.599.4444 DJ’s David John Sokolowski & Econ Spin House, New Wave & Disco – 10pm – No cover SABOR LATINO @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. DJ Eddie Cruz. Boys A la Carte. Gyrating GoGo show. Male bonding starts early. $5 Cuba Libre & Coronas. Two floors of fun. $6 cover gets you the wristband. 4pm-4am. BINGO MONDAYS Posh Bar & Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) poshbarnyc.com DJ Calvin @ 9pm til 4am. Bingo with Ginger Snapt @ 9pm. Money on the Wheel. Pizza on us 11pm. Happy hour 3p-9p. All happy hour beers $3 (bottle and draft!). No cover. SHOW TUNE MONDAYS @ Atlas Social Club (ASC) 753 9th Ave. Ring leader Tony Fornabaio. Video Jockey Michael Formika Jones. Video mixes of favorite musicals, movie soundtracks, show tunes & more. 7pm-1am or til last round is over. No cover. MONDAYS AT BARRACUDA 275 W 22nd St (@ 8th Ave). No cover. SAKE MAKE MONDAY Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777. Lunch 11am-4pm. Dessert & 1st glass of sake free. Happy Hr 11am-9pm. Signature cocktails, well drinks, house wine & beer 2 for 1. $1 Blue Point Oysters. Late nite sushi happy hr after 12am. $5 Sake Bombs, $5 Margaritas all day. Wine/cheese class 6-8p. http://www.synyc.com. Open til 2am. BOXERS BAR 2 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR. 37 W 20th St. Chelsea & 742 9th Ave. Hell’s Kitchen. Happy Hour Just Got Better. Every Mon., Tues., Wed. 2 for 1 Happy Hour 4pm-9pm & 11pm-close. No cover. CABARET FEVER Uncle Charlie’s 139 E 45 St (Lex/3 Ave) Michael Thomas Murray 8p. Free. XES 157 W 24 St (6/7 Ave) 212.604.0212 xesnyc.com 2-4-1 Happy Hour ‘til 9p. Gary serves $3 domestic beer 9pm. Duo Kittin Withawhip and Frostie Flakes perform new show “Sister?” Question mark is part of show. You’ll pee your pants! No cover. FRAT PARTY Gym Bar 167 8 Ave (W 18/19) 212.337.2439 DJ Andrew 9p; happy hour 2-4-1 drinks, $4 Long Islands, Bud pitchers. Free. STAND-UP @ Rockbar 185 Christopher St. Neil “D’Bear” Thornton hosts new weekly showcase of NY’s best working and up-and-coming alt, queer, and awesomely hot comics. CAMP MONDAYS Paradise NightClub 101 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park, NJ. Hosted By: Skootie – A Night of Film & Television: Camp, Horror, Cult Classics & Musicals. GEORGIE’S BAR 812 5th Ave & Memorial Dr. @ The Track, Asbury Pk, NJ 732.988.1220. The gay “Cheers” of Asbury. Free pool and Karaoke. Happy hour everyday 2p-7p. $1.00 off everything. Bar open 2p-2a. CAMEO BAR 1213 Main St Asbury Pk, NJ Half-priced Martinis. TUESDAY THERAPY 348 W 52nd St (8/9 Ave) 212.397.1700 therapy-nyc.com. Open 5pm. Happy hour til 8pm. “The Blonde Leading the Blonde with Sherry Vine 10pm. Epiphany 11pm. Call for entertainment schedule. WESTGAY @ WestWay 75 Clarkson St @ West Side Hwy. Hosted by Frankie Sharp. Door by Markus. Rotating DJ’s. Drinks Specials. Bottle Service. 9pm-4am. $2 TUESDAYS @ The Cock 29 2nd Ave. (1/2 St) (Picks up where Big Gulp left off.) Host David Serrano. DJ Evan. STRUT TUESDAYS Acme 9 Great Jones St. 212.203.2121 Host’s: Deryck Todd, Sofia Lamar, Leo Gugu, Sam Jones, David Drungold, Ezra Xavier, Derae’ Mora & Chase Compton – Door By: Patric – Dj’s Michael Cavadias & Sammy Jo – 10pm GENERATION Z TUESDAYS Posh Bar & Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) poshbarnyc.com. DJ Calvin 9pm til 4am. Meet new people. $5 Posh martinis. Happy Hr. 3p-9p. All happy hr. beers $3 (bottle & draft!). No cover. TWISTED TUESDAYS Rockbar 185 Christopher St. Game Night @ Rockbar! 7:30pm (Team Rounds start 9pm) $3 draft beers. TOUCH ME TUESDAYS @ Evolve 221 E 58th St (btwn 2nd & 3rd). Tommy G presents GoGo boys and lap dancers from 10 pm till 1 am. No cover. QUEEREOKE Metropolitan Bar 559 Lorimer St. Brooklyn, NY. 718.599.4444 Hosted By: Katie & Harold – 10pm – No Cover - $25 bar Tab to The Most Spirited Singer!! ‘CUDA KARAOKE Barracuda 275 W 22 St (8 Ave) 212.645.8613 Mimi Imfurst/DJ Busted; 2-4-1 drinks happy hour until 9p. Free. XES 157 W 24 St (6/7 Ave) 212.604.0212 xesnyc.com 2-4-1 Happy Hr ‘til 9pm. Watch “Glee” 8pm during season. “Febreezia’s Couch” 10pm. Night of song, dance, comedy, talk and general craziness starring Febreezia Couch & Jay Brancato. No cover. BOXERS BAR 2 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR 37 W 20th St. Chelsea & 742 9th Ave. Hell’s Kitchen. Happy Hour Just Got Better. Every Mon., Tues., Wed. 2 for 1 Happy Hour 4pm-9pm & 11pm-close. No cover. DISCO INFERNO @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. DJ Michael Wilson spins 70’s,80’s,90’s, retro & rare groove classics. Dandy dancing boys & beer specials from 9pm: $5 Bud & Bacardi flavors. Dance floor opens 10pm. No cover. 2 floors. 4pm-4am. KARAOKE KRAZINESS Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com. Lunch 11am-4pm. Dessert & 1st glass of sake free. Happy Hr 11am-9pm. Signature cocktails, well drinks, house wine & beer 2 for 1. $5 Sake Sangrias. $1 Blue Point Oysters. Sake & Sushi tasting class 6-8pm. Late nite sushi happy hr after 12am. Open til 2am. TOWNHOUSE 236 E 58 St (2/3 Ave) 212.754.4649 townhouseny.com DUVAL BAR & LOUNGE 9 Cedar Ave., Linden, NJ Music mixes by DJ Rey Stylz. Happy hr. drink specials 6-9pm. Fun schedule & events include Bitchy Bingo, Karaoke & Kinky Trivia, Erotic Dancers, Drag Shows. Open 6p-2a. TEMPTED TUESDAYS Georgie’s Bar 812 5th Ave & Memorial Dr. @ The Track, Asbury Pk, NJ 732.988.1220. – No Cover, Free parking, Drink Specials, 10+ GoGo Boys – Bar By Hofff 7 Cole – Music By: Mick Hale – Hosted By: Larry E BITCHIE BINGO – Paradise NightClub 101 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park, NJ. Hosted By: Holly Girlington – Bar: Joey – 8:30pm – 11:30pm – No Cover WEDNESDAY OUT! MONDAY KINK MONDAYS @ Rockbar 185 Christopher St. Revival of KINK for fetish community. Gear encouraged, e.g., dog tags, leather pants, vests, paddles, whips, cuffs. Hosts Arsenio & Mischief Matthew w/Christopher Leonard. DJ A-Ron. $3 cover. BOOTS & SADDLES DRAG SHOW 76 Christopher St. Shows with Brenda Dhaling 9pm & Holly Dae 11pm. Drink specials. No cover. F#&KIT MONDAYS Castro Bar 104 DykMan St. Uptown NY, NY. (646) 388 – 4067 Hosted By: Kedwin Zapata, Romero Tragedy, Merlix & Manny 2-4-1 Drinks till 11 No cover MACHO MONDAYS Nowhere Bar 322 E 14 St (1/2 Ave) Tommy G, DJ SHERRY VINE SHOW @ Industry 355 52nd St (btwn 8th & 9th Ave). Starts Midnight. Non-stop hilarious roller coaster ride of filthy parodies, over-the-top dramatic Broadway renditions, sizzling Las Vegas show stoppers and infamous video parodies. DJ Scottie Rox. No cover. FANTASIA Atlas Social Club 753 9th Ave. (Btwn: 50th 7 51st St.) (212) 262-8527 Hosted By: Michael Snider – Drink Specials – No Cover – 6pm THE HELP Therapy Lounge 348 W. 52nd St. 212.397.1700 – DJ Patrick Kuzara Hystarical Shows @ 11pm with your Host’s: Pixie Aventura & Bob the DragQueen - $7 Titos Vodka ADONIS LOUNGE @ Evolve 221 E 58th St (Btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave) NY’s #1 M4M strip show. 20 dancers. Lap dances. Featured porn star of month. Champagne rooms. Drink specials. 7pm-1am. $10 cover. HOLLY & HER DOLLIES @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. Located in historically Gay Village 4pm-4am. Two floors of fun. Smart, sharp & hilariously chatty. Voted Best drink prices. Performances By: Holly Dae & Spcial Guests – DJ Mitch Ferrino TINA BURNER LIVE! @ Barracuda 275 W 22nd St @ 8th Ave. Music by DJ A.C. (from KiKi Twins). Show starts 12am. Drink specials. No cover. OPEN MIC WEDNESDAYS Rockbar 185 Christopher St. Hosted by Rudy Lippar. The stage is YOURS! Music, poetry, comedy – w hatever you want! 9pm. $5 LI Teas, $7 Big Boy Teas! REAL DEAL WEDNESDAYS The Ritz 369 W 46 St (8/9 Ave) 10p-4a.Top 40/ Dance Mixes. Rotating DJ’s. Hosted by Jada Balenciaga, Maddelynn Hatter, Pusse Couture, Chaka Khanvict – Hot GoGo Boys & Drink Specials – No Cover GOOD TIMES Eastern Bloc 505 E 6 St (Ave A/B) 212.777.2555 easternblocnyc.com DJs Sparber, Jimmy Im, guest DJs, musical themes; 10p; happy hour. Free. BOOTS & SADDLES DRAG SHOW & KARAOKE 76 Christopher St. Shows with Tina Burner & Bootsie LeFaris 6pm. Karaoke 8pm with Victoria Chase. WACKY WEDNESDAYS Posh Bar & Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) poshbarnyc.com. Hedda Lettuce, “Queen of Green” Live 11pm. DJ JROC 9pm- 4am. Hot, juicy sliders on us 11pm from 123 Burger Shot Beer. $5 cosmos & margaritas. Happy hr. 3p9p. Happy hr. beers $3. No cover. BOXERS BAR 2 FOR 1 HAPPY HOUR 37 W 20th St. Chelsea & 742 9th Ave. Hell’s Kitchen. Happy Hour Just Got Better. Every Mon., Tues., Wed. 2 for 1 Happy Hour 4pm-9pm & 11pm-close. No cover. WEDNESDAY>>> 1. JOHN GRECO 51. KENNY KENNY 2. CHARLIE RICE 52. LEO GUGU 3. TOMMY GRECO 53. JUSTIN LUKE 4. JOHN BLAIR 54. ALAN PICUS 5. RIC SENA 55. SUSANNE BARTSCH 6. SEAN VAN SANT 56. AMANDA LEPORE 7. SHEP PETTIBONE 57. LADY FAG 8. BETO SUTTER 58. BIANCA DEL RIO 9. KELLY MARTIN 59. ACID BETTY 10. LADY BUNNY 60. PEPPERMINT 11. 61. MIKE SHENSKY SHERRY VINE 12. FRANKIE C 62. TINA BURNER 13. JEFF EASON 63. MARKUS KELLE 14. BRANDON VOSS 64. ROZE BLACK 15. RIVENDELL MEDIA 65. SHEQUIDA 16. PROJECT PUBLICITY 66. EPIPHANY GET PAID 17. ROBERTO NOVO 67. SKYLA VERSAI 18. MICHAEL MUSTO 68. SANTIAGO FELIPE 19. DANIEL NARDICIO 69. ROXY BROOKS 20. BOB PONTARELLI 70. JOSH WOOD 21. ERICH COURAGE 71. MADDELYNN HATTER 22. RICK SCHMUTZLER 72. HOLLY DAE 23. TONY FARNABAIO 73. PUSSE COUTURE 24. ASI MAZUR 74. ROBERT ZIEGLER 25. JAKE RESNICOW 75. DJ NITA 26. MARK NELSON 76. BOOTSIE LEFARIS 27. PATRICK CROUGH 77. VINNY VEGA 28. DJ LINA BRADFORD 78. SIR HONEY DAVENPORT 29. JOEY ISRAEL 79. PIXIE AVENTURA 30. CAZWELL 80. LOGAN HARDCORE 31. DOUGIE MEYER 81. EBONEE EXCELL 32. DUPLEX DARREN 82. CHAKA KHANVICT 33. ANTONIO CENEDO 83. BOB THE DRAGQUEEN 34. JOHNNY & JJ MACK 84. MANCHESTER 35. FRANKIE SHARP 85. TOMMY G 36. BRIAN RAFFERTY 86. THORGY THOR 37. GOERGE MAESTRE 87. RICHARD JMV 38. SASHA SEVEN 88. PATRICIA FIELD 39. SHAWN PAUL MAZUR 89. DJ DAVID SERRANO 40. CHRIS RYAN 90. DJ SCOTTY ROX 41. JUSTIN BUCHANAN 91. DJ RICO ALEXIS 42. TIM ADONIS 92. SHAMLESS MCGREEDY 43. ENRIQUE RAMIREZ 93. DJ MATTY GLITTERATI 44. TONY YNOT 94. DERYCK TODD 45. XANDER GAINES 95. JOE ROSZAK 46. RICKY DE CLEVA 96. MATTHEW CAMP 47. MISTRESS FORMIKA 97. DEMANDA DAHLING 48. MILA JAM 98. ADRIANA LE GLAM 49. MATTHEW GAGNON 99. GUY SMITH 50. TONY JULIANO 100. GIA FOX ISSUE BUTCH PHOTO BY BRUNO BONDS" THE “F”LIST BOOMER BANKS EXCLUSIVELY WITH RAGING STALLION FACEBOOK.COM/THEREALBOOMER INSTAGRAM: @BACONLVR LADIES NIGHT @ Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com. Lunch 11am-4pm. Dessert & 1st glass sake free. Happy Hr 11am-9pm. Ladies nite 2 for 1 drink specials all night. $1 oysters. $5 Champagne. Craft Beer tasting class 6-8pm. Sushi happy hour after 12m. Open til 2am. XES 157 W 24 (6/7) 212.604.0212 xesnyc.com 2-4-1 Happy Hour ‘til 9pm. Join newest addition to XES stage, Nicholas Park. This funny twink hosts HuMpDay Karaoke 9pm. No cover. PIZZA PARTY Boiler Room 86 E 4 St (2 Ave) free pizza 8p. Free. WICKED WEDNESDAYS @ Cameo Bar 1213 Main St Asbury Pk, NJ. American Horror Story Viewing Party. POP WEDNESDAYS @ Feathers 77 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge, NJ $2 drinks all night and cute college boys. DJ Steve Sidewalk spins. Bar Manager Eddie often refers to club as “the gay Cheers with a Golden Girls flare”. DUVAL BAR & LOUNGE 9 Cedar Ave., Linden, NJ Music mixes by DJ Rey Stylz. Happy hr. drink specials 6-9pm. Fun schedule & events include Bitchy Bingo, Karaoke & Kinky Trivia, Erotic Dancers, Drag Shows. Open 6p-2a. therapy-nyc.com Hosted by Brad Loekle and “The Raging Hormones”. $4 draft beer. $7 Jack. 11pm. TWISTED THURSDAYS Posh Bar & Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) poshbarnyc.com DJ Javier 9pm-4am. He spins top 40 & rock classics. Hot, juicy sliders on us from 123 Burger Shot Beer 11pm. Happy hr 3-9pm. All happy hr beers $3 (bottle and draft!). No cover. MOJITO THURSDAYS @ Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com Lunch 11a-4p. Dessert & 1st glass of sake free. Happy Hr 11a-9p. Signature cocktails, well drinks, house wine & beer 2 for 1. $5 Mojitos all nite. Late nite sushi happy hr after 12m. Open til 2am. KARAOKE THURSDAYS Rockbar 185 Christopher St. Over 100,000 songs to choose from. DJ Frankie Grizz, hosted by Jim Collier 8pm. Crazy strong drinks all night. FUEGO LATINO Latin Night @ Paradise 101 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, NJ, 732.988.6663 DJ MicMac, 10pm, free paradisenj.com. FEATHER’S Legendary Latin Thursdays 11 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge, NJ Party from 9pm-2am. 21+ (ID a must). $4 cover. Two levels. $3 Corona & Tequila shots. DUVAL BAR & LOUNGE 9 Cedar Ave., Linden, NJ Music mixes by DJ Rey Stylz. Fun schedule & events include Bitchy Bingo, Karaoke & Kinky Trivia, Erotic Dancers, Drag Shows. 6pm-3am. Happy Hr 11a-9p. Signature cocktails, well drinks, house wine & beer 2 for 1. Late nite sushi happy hr after 12m. Open till 2 am. BOXERS BAR 37 W 20th St. & 742 9th Ave. Chelsea: DJ 5ive. Hell’s Kitchen: DJ Paisley. ROCK THE BOAT FRIDAYS @ Ritz Bar & Lounge 369 W 46th St. Champagne bottles flow all night. DJs Keo Nozari & Xavier are captains of dance floor. No cover. HUNG FRIDAYS @ G Lounge 225 W 19 St (btwn.7th & 8th) 212.929.1085 glounge.com. 10pm. Host Yusef X. DJ Danny Nuñez. Great music, birthday specials, affordable drinks, GoGo’s. Hung strippers. 2-4-1 happy hr special & drink cards 4p-9p. No cover. TRANNYSTRIP @ Evolve 221 E 58th St (Btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave) John Ed and Sandy Michelle. trannystrip.com. DARK FRIDAYS @ XES 157 W 24 (6/7 Ave) 212-604-0212 xesnyc.com 2-4-1 Happy Hour ‘til 9pm. Experience a night in the dark with laser lights and great house, dance & pop music at DARK! starting 9pm. DJ Jay Brancato spins. No cover. DENIM SHORTS Phoenix 447 E 13 St (Ave A) Rock, metal, punk and indie dance. DJ Armartini; 10p. Free. PARADISE/The Empress Hotel 101 Asbury Ave, Asbury Park, NJ 732.988.6663 paradisenj.com. Friction Fridays Midnight Drag Show hosted by Miss Paradise 2014. FEATHERS 77 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge, NJ DJ John Rizzo spins dance floor into frenzy. Open 9pm2am $5 cover. 21+ only. DUVAL BAR & LOUNGE 9 Cedar Ave., Linden, NJ Music mixes by DJ Rey Stylz. Happy hr. drink specials 6-9pm. Fun schedule & events include Bitchy Bingo, Karaoke & Kinky Trivia, Erotic Dancers, Drag Shows. Open 6pm-3am. SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. Rotating DJs weekly main room & back cave. Dress-ups by Underwood fashions. GoGos on dance floor platform. Late nite performers. $1 drinks 11:30p-12a. No cover b4 1a.m. with special password found each week at facebook.com/ manster.atmonster BARRACUDA 275 W 22 (8 Ave) 212.645.8613 DJ Vito Fun. Free. GAYS GONE WILD Therapy 348 W 52 St (8/9 Ave) 212-397-1700 therapy-nyc. com DJ James Palmer; drink specials, happy hour, 11p. Free. 80’s SATURDAY@ Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com. $5 flavored Absolut cocktails all day. Late nite Sushi happy hour after midnight. Buy 2 rolls at full price & get one free. Open ‘til 2am. EL RING @ Atlas Social Club (ASC) 753 9th Ave. Join Host Marco Ovando every week for Lucha Libre wrestler inspired party. 10pm-4am. No cover. PLAYBOI SATURDAYS @ Phoenix Bar 447 E 13th St. Chris Ryan & Holly Dae present WET sponsored event. Solve QR codes around the bar & win drinks/prizes. Play SIN-ister/Twister for $30 bar tab & our BIG PENIS competition. DJ Nicky Boom Box & DJ Brian Richards. No cover. OMG @ G Lounge 225 W 19th St. 212.929.1085 www.glounge.com Hot, new party hosted by Daniel Thomas & Matthew Ballew. Starts 10pm. Sexy GoGo’s, $99 bottle service, shot special all night, half-priced drinks 10p-11p. Special guest DJ. No cover. TY’S 114 Christopher (Hudson/ Bleecker) 212.741.9641 happy hour 4-8p. Free. VIDEO PLAY SATURDAY XES 157 W 24 (6/7 Ave) 212-604-0212 xesnyc. com Weekend Happy Hour until 9pm. After 9pm, place is transformed for night of lights, videos, great music and shirtless, sexy boys for StrObe. DJ Calvin at the controls. Happy hour 12a-1am. No cover. PARADISE/The Empress Hotel 101 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, NJ 732.988.6663 paradisenj.com. New Jersey’s ultimate dance party. DJs and dance ‘til 3 am. FEATHERS 77 Kinderkamack Rd., River Edge, NJ Party time with hottest DJ’s. $7cover. BUMP SATURDAYS @The Den 700 Hamilton St., Somerset NJ 18 to party/ 21 to drink. $5 Long Island Iced Teas, $2 shots, giveaways, special guests & tri-state area’s hottest go-go dancers. DUVAL BAR & LOUNGE 9 Cedar Ave., Linden, NJ Music mixes by DJ Rey Stylz. Happy hr. drink specials 6-9pm. Fun schedule & events include Bitchy Bingo, Karaoke & Kinky Trivia, Erotic Dancers, Drag Shows. Open 6pm-3am. BULGE @ Cameo Bar 1213 Main St Asbury Pk, NJ. Men’s Party. OUT! THURSDAY QUEEN SHOW @ Industry 355 52nd St (btwn 8th & 9th Ave) Drag show every Thursday night hosted by Holly dae. Show starts 12am. Drink specials. No cover. THE SHEQUIDA SHOW @ Hardware Bar 697 10th Ave (btwn 47th & 48th). Forget the gym & come laugh your abs off. Hilarious, fabulous, fierce night with New York nightlife legend, Shequida! No cover. NSA Cellar Bar @ Bryant Park Hotel 40 W 40th St, New York, NY. (212) 642-2211 Hosted By: Brian Rafferty & Joe Roszak – DJ Nita Aviance & Rico Alexis – Door By: Roze Black RUFFNECK @ Atlas Social Club (ASC) 753 9th Ave. Every Other Thursday Hosted By: Mikey Pop & Scarlet Envy – Drink SpecialsSpecial Guests – No Cover HARDBODIES THURSDAY@ Club Evolution 76-19 Roosevelt Ave @ 77th, Jackson Hts. Host Maicel G. 10 hot GoGo boys. Lap dances. Drink specials. Starts 8pm. MATTACHINE Julius 159 W 10 St (Waverly Pl) 212.243.1928 Last Thurs: PJ DeBoy, DJs John Cameron Mitchell, Amber Martin. Happy Hour. TY’S 114 Christopher (Hudson/ Bleecker) 212.741.9641 Bear Night/ drink specials 8p; happy hour. Free. SPUNK @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. Located in historically Gay Village 4pm-4am. Voted best happy hr piano bar. Best door staff. Best GoGo dancers. Best drink prices. 2 floors. Hosted By: Luis Gomez & Honey Davenport – DJ Johny Mack PARADISO @ G Lounge 225 W 19 St (btwn.7th & 8th) 212.929.1085 glounge. com. Host Rodrigo Piau. DJs Eric Adobo & Jorge Bustillos. Brazilian spirit & Latin flair. Sexy GoGo dancers. 2-4-1 happy hour special with drink cards 4p-9pm. Specialty drinks all night. No cover. TESTOSTERONE @Therapy 348 W 52 St (8/9 Ave) 212-397-1700 FRIDAY GIRLS Love Gun Bar Brooklyn 617 Grand St. Brooklyn, NY. (845) 672 – 1432 From The Creators of WestGay Come a New Party in Brooklyn Every Friday Night! A Party for Everyone! ERNIE COTE @ Atlas Social Club (ASC) 753 9th Ave. 212.262.8527 Drink Specials – Hunky GoGo Boys All night Long! EL3VATE FRIDAYS @ Level3 @ Zbar -Stage48 605 W48th St B/ 11-12th Ave NYC. Urban Party. Hookahs * Dancers * Drink Special. 2-4-1 Drinks B4 12. For Free Admission Get. Text Urban To 25827 www.nycurban.com BERLIN FRIDAYS @ Providence 311 W 57th St. Hosted By: Brandon Voss, Justin Luke & Alan Picus. - DJ’s LADY BUNNY & CAZWEL –Special Guest Performers & Host’s weekly Free b4 11pm - $10 after – Adonis Lounge in the Basement hosted By: Joey Israel FRISKY FRIDAYS Posh Bar & Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) poshbarnyc.com. DJ JROC turns it 9pm-4am with hot pop & top 40 hits. Happy hr. 3p-9p. All happy hr. beers $3. No cover. ELEVEN ELEVEN @ Open House 244 E. Houston St. Host Lady Fag. DJ Honey Dijon. Drink specials. FAB FRIDAYS @ Bartini Ultra lounge 642 10th Ave. @ 45th St. Host Chris Ryan. No cover BARRACUDA 275 W 22 (8 Ave) 212.645.8613 DJ JonJon Battles; 2-4-1 drinks happy hour until 9p. Free. VILLAGE HOTSPOT @ The Monster 80 Grove St (7 Ave) 212.924.3558. Located in historically Gay Village 4pm-4am. Two floors of fun. Prices so cheap they’re chic. Good times with rollicking Homo shenanigans. FANTASTIC FRIDAY@ Bamboo 52 344 W 52 (8/9 Ave) 212.315.2777 bamboo52nyc.com Lunch 11a-4p. Dessert & 1st glass of sake free. SATURDAY SHADOW BOXERS SATURDAYS Shadow Boxers 215 W. 40th St. (212) 719-1200 Special Guest DJ’s – GoGo Boys & Drink Specials – No cover VIVA @ Stage Forty8, 605 W. 48th St. www.vivasaturdays.com Hosts John Blair, Beto Sutter, Ric Sena. Rooftop lounge hosts Alan Picus & Justin Luke. Open bar 11p-12a. VIP Bottle Svc.: 212.714.8000. $15 w/any membership card, invite or ad til 1:00a.m. $20 without til 1:00a.m. SIZE QUEEN SATURDAYS Mr. Biggs 596 10th Ave. 212.246.2030 – Door: Chaka Khanvict Hosted By: Shawn Paul mazur & Richie Friendly – 10pm-4am – Hot GoGo Boys & Drink Specials SEXY SATURDAYS Posh Bar and Lounge 405 W 51st St (9 Ave) www. poshbarnyc.com DJ Javier gets you hooked 9pm-4am spinning hot beats. Hot bartenders serve banging cocktails all night. Happy hour 3pm to 9pm. All happy hour beers $3 (bottle and draft!). No cover. LIVE BANDS Rockbar 185 Christopher St See www.Rockbarnyc. com for details. $5 Rokk Vodka. 9pm-close. THE RITZ 369 W 46 St (8/9 Ave) DJ JonJon Battles. Free. SICKNING SATURDAYS Fairytail Lounge 500 W. 48th St. (646) 684 - 3897 If you do not see your listing in this issue of Odyssey Magazine, but would like to list in the future, please email us: Cheyne@ odysseymagazine.net. Thank you. TRAVEL: TORONTO AN OASIS WITHIN BIGE CITY HUSTL & BUSTLE T he Cosmopolitan Hotel is where our downtowner friends wanting an oasis within big city hustle and bustle stay. A petfriendly urban sanctuary in the heart of Toronto, Cosmopolitan Hotel is a boutique hotel with just five rooms per floor. Each room has had the ancient principle of feng shuiapplied, and strikes a balance between hotel room and furnished apartment (including kitchenettes; some rooms have washer/dryer). Forget that you are actually in the city’s core at Shizen Spa (which boasts a 12-person jacuzzi), or celebrate or romance a special someone at Wildfire Steakhouse & Wine Bar, either with the knowing that the action is right outside your door when you’re ready. The jewel in The Cosmopolitan Hotel’s crown is it’s two-storey, 1,450 square foot Penthouse Suite. With unprecedented views of the city, Lake Ontario, and a layout to die for, it screams rock star. Book Early & Save book a minimum of 7 days in advance and save up to 20% off. www.cosmotoronto.com T he Pantages Hotel & Spa, simply put, is where the cool kids stay when visiting Toronto. An all-suites extravaganza literally a block from the renown Eaton Centre and the entire downtown scene, you can’t get more heart-of-the-city than The Pantages Hotel. A youthful-yet-chic vibe awaits, with an ambiencefilled martini bar tucked into the lobby (always a sure sign you’ve chosen the right hotel). A favourite of international DJs (on-the-road types who appreciate being close to all the major nightclubs and in-suite laundry facilities!), this contemporary property also boasts a fitness centre, wedding packages, and special offers available throughout the year, The Pantages is a favourite of the adventurous traveller who returns again and again to bask in the downtown scene. Book Early & Save book a minimum of 7 days in advance and save up to 20% off. pantageshotel.com A CHIC LUXURY BOUTIQUE HOTEL IN TORONTO, WITH AN URBAN VIBE... PUMP! PUMPUNDERWEAR.COM
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