General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics

(2nd Year, 3rd Semester)
Course - UG / Eco - 32
( General Equilibrium and Welfare Economics )
Time : Two Hours
Full Marks : 30
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section - A
Answer any three questions.
1. In a two person two good pure exchange economy give an
example (using figure) : (i) where General / Walrasian
equilibrium does not exist and (ii) where the General /
Walrasian equilibrium is unstable.
2. Can a collective action which harms a majority satisfy the
Kaldor-Hicks criterion? Why? Will such an action be
approved by majority vote? Could it be approved if the
buying of votes by gainers and selling of votes by losers
were permitted?
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3. Four firms located at different points on a river dump various
quantities of effluent into it. The effluent adversely affects the
fishing for fishermen who live downstream. As a policy
advisor for a regional planning organization, how would you
compare and contrast the following options for dealing with
the harmful effect of the effluent :
(a) An equal rate effluent fee on firms located on the river
(b) An equal standard per firm on the level of effluent that
each can dump
(c) A transferable effluent permit system in which the
aggregate level of effluent is fixed and all firm receives
identical permits.
4. Show that in case of three alternatives neither majority voting
rule nor rank order voting rule as a method of social choice
can satisfy five axioms laid down by Arrow.
Section - B
Answer any three of the following.
5. Assume the aggregate demand and supply functions are given
by D  25 / p and S  5 p . Is the dynamic process locally
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6. Consider a two person, two commodity pure exchange
U1  q11 q12 q21 q22  ,
U 2  q21q22 ,
q11  q21  q10 and q12  q22  q2 0 . Derive the contract
curve of Pareto optimal allocations as an implicit function of
q1 and q2. If first person is endowed with q10 of first good
and 0 unit of second good and second person is endowed
with 0 unit of first good and q20 unit of second good, find
out the general equilibrium solution. Does the general
equilibrium satisfy Pareto optimality condition ?
7. Consider a two person (A and B) two good (good 1 and
good 2) exchange economy. Suppose the utility functions of
two individuals are given by U A  x1A x 2A and U B  x1B x B2 .
b g
b g
The initial endowments are  A  1, 0 and  B  0, 1 .
Find out the equation of utility possibility frontier (UPF). In
order to maximize a ‘‘Nietzschean social welfare function’’
W U A , U B  max U A ,U B
what would be the chosen UA and UB ? In order to
maximize a ‘‘Rawlsian social welfare function’’
W U A , U B  min U A ,U B
what would be the chosen UA and UB ? Are these two
social welfare function Pareto rankable ?
8. Falta, a highly productive fishing area can be divided into
two zones in terms of fish population. The daily fish catch
in Zone 1 is
F1 = 200X1 – 2(X1)2
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and daily fish catch in Zone 2 is
F2 = 100(X 2) – (X2)2
where Xi is the number of boats fishing in Zone i = 1, 2.
The fish are sold at Rs. 100 per ton. Total cost per boat
is constant at Rs. 1000 per day.
(i) If the boat is allowed to fish where they want, with no
government restriction, how many boats will fish in each
zone? What will be the gross value of the catch?
(ii) If the West Bengal government can restrict the boats,
how many should be allocated to each zone? What will
be the gross value of the catch?
(iii) Now if 100 boats are licensed by the West Bengal
government to fish in these two zones and boats are
allowed to fish anywhere, how many boats will fish in
each zone? Does it maximize the total value of the
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6 /2 - 125