so THE PHILADELPHIA INOUIRER. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 10. 1942 /.V OVERBROOK 3 2 PA] KIRKS ... wilt cost you considerahly lets now. All work under the personal •upervition of Mr. J. Uchterman Wifl James Eastlacks Leave O f Ensign F. M'C. Tail- For Short Texas Visit 110 50UTH 13th ST. TW0-IN-0HE * D O I T DELAYCALL P I N . M00 TODAY • a f a I « a i*mtm**—4 2% Morris Wadleigh Smith Engaged to Elizabeth Taylor nauMiaa » Travel Curbs Change Fetes Qu\l 0m0m Radnor Races Climax Week Of War Relief Social Events • Theresa Paist Is May Bride •rfc.t* »r»»»» erica $2.50. \ * B U Y e hat at regular prica and choose " one of the black, navy, turf, beige, eopen or brown felts at half prica. me 'zLJ#+ LINEN ALL HATS $2 to $2.95 HAT SNOW ISM CHESTMUT, PHILA. IT N. f t * , ALLENT8WN, PA. 0*£W IftNIHQS o o o o o T » \ P<<r»»- •* * |104 iHis'Nui natti BO.NVIT TELLER H Hm* saaliiW it Of Yeer Voleetioa Mr. and Mrs. James Eastlack, of Mr. William Watchorn, in Blanche Claire Mehl as maid of Rich wood, and Mrs. Allen C. East- father, Burlington. honor for their sister. The brideslack, of Woodbury, have left for a Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Major, Jr., of maids were Mrs. Paul S. Mory, Miss Merchantville, have been spending short stay in Texas. Maria Rose Evans, of Hudson, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Taylor, of some time at the Shelburne, Atlantic « Miss Jeanne Santamarie, Miss Betty Syracuse, N. Y., have announced the City. Mrs. William Loyd and her son, of McCoy, Miss Janet Smith, cousin of engagement of their daughter, Miss Norfolk, Va., have been spending a Elizabeth J. Taylor, to Mr. Morris week in Woodbury as guests of Mrs. the bride, and Miss Ruth Massey. Wadleigh Smith, son of Dean and Loyd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. RigThe flower girl was Miss Joan Adele Mrs. Harold Morrison Smith, of by Valllant, of Delaware st. Scarlett, niece of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Sharer Gandy, of Bordentown. Mr. Douglass Talt served as best Salem, have had as their guest, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Holton, of man for his brother, and the ushers Penns Grove, recently returned home M. Estelle Gandy, of Philadelphia. were Private Alfred Sherman Mehl, after spending the winter at Lake- RETURN FROM FLORIDA brother of the bride; Mr. Jack Jubin, land, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cramer, of of Lake Placid, N. Y.; Ensign Edwin Haddon Heights, recently returned SON PAYS VISIT Meyer, of Ft. Eustace, Va.; Mr. WEST PHILA. home after spending the winter in Wilbur Watchorn, who is stationed Homer Davis, Jr., Corporal Paul H. Florida. at Camp Forrest, Tenh., has been Thomson and Mr. Theodore Vandenspending a short time visiting his Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Knisell. of beemt. A small reception at the "Briar Hill Lane," Woodbury, have Merlon Cricket Club followed the returned home after spending a brief ceremony. time in New York. DEBORAH DEBBIE Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Neal Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gominger Orauch are receiving congratulaand their sons, of Pitman, have retions upon the birth of twin daughturned home from a short stay in ters, Miriam Kereven Orauch and Massachusetts. WHIMSICAL HORSE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prints, who Esther Mifflin Orauch, on May I. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and recently returned from a trip to Mi- Mrs. Orauch is the former Miss Miss Hilda Hoffman, of Mlllville, ami, are spending some time with from our collection of Miriam Kerevan Britt, daughter of have been spending a short time in Mrs. Printz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. New Hampshire. William McLaughlin, of 219 S. 46th Mrs. Charles Carroll Britt and the ceramics by the Polish Francis Holdcraft has returned to st., until their new home, at Drexel late Dr. Charles C. Britt. Quantico, Va., where he is stationed, artist, Cybis. A wonderful Park Gardens, is completed. Mrs. RETURNS FROM TRIP (Continued From Page 1) after spending a short time with Ibis Printz is the former Miss Madeleine Mrs. Elmer Foss has returned home CONGRATULATIONS IN ORDER and inspecting the horses parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Holdpet for your mantle. 3.00 McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh- after spending some time at Fort Alice Wood Levis, more popularly known as they managed to amuse craft, of Westville. lin will shortly go to their summer Knox, Ky., where she was the house themselves. Hear Joan Darby home In Ocean City, N. J., for a visit. guest of her brother-in-law and sis•1ST SHOP, STRUT H O O K "Patsy," and her fiance, Charles E. Ingersoll, 2d, who's, and Betsy Qurley were interMrs. A. V. Springman, of 4629 ter, Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Moves to Abington in the army now, were kept busy receiving the good ested spectators. Most of the Larch wood ave./will entertain at a Harry A. Buckley. Miss Nadlne Foss, Mrs. Edwina E. Wetherili, of Rydebutante parties are going luncheon and bridge at the Barclay daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Elmer wishes of friends upon their arrival at Broad Axe, for dal, is occupying her new home in to be in town, all because of on Tuesday, May 12, when the guests Foss, and Miss Sunle Clark, daughter Highland ave., Abington. the recent meeting of the Whitemarsh Valley Hunt stringent transportation fawill be Mrs. Thomas Turner, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Clark, cilities and invitations are Prank Hadley, Mrs. Howard Stone, of Wayne, have returned from a short Club. starting to roll in now. i Mrs. A. Gardiner Cooper, Mrs. W. H. visit in Hershey, Pa. Jenks, Mrs. Franklin Moyer, Mrs. Mrs. George Phillips entertained at TUESDAY: Clark Holbrook, Mrs. Jennie L. a luncheon and bridge at her home JANEWISTER I Mayer, Mrs. Gurnsey Stevenson, Mrs. on Wednesday. AD A LETTER FROM Jerry Robert Stewart, Mrs. Wayland Deland I couldn't be happier I Mary Bennett has returned Delicata feathery curl* mada of hair no more ano Wilcox, Mrs. Milton C. Off, Mrs. to Miss Somehow can't help thinking it's the her home In Brantford, Canada, than three Inches l o n g . . . C u r b full of gantin Charles Lentz, Mrs. Albert H. Ladner, after spending the winter and early real thing this time, but because I spring from • toft permanent wove foundation. Jr., Mrs. Walter Samman, Mrs. spring as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. must be sure first, have decided not Charles Woltz, Mrs. George Keel- George Pfahler In Overbrook. to tell anyone. A year of debutantCurl Narffcor Haircut ber, Mrs. Charles Eaton, Mrs. Walte lng will be the best test. BUven, Mrs. Albert H. Wade, Mrs. Shampoo Tint . . . to brlrtf "LARRY" HARRIS, WHO IS tha hJghllphta In your hair Joseph Goldstine, Mrs. Alexander having his tonsils out, vows he WEDDINGS Sheppard, Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. (Continued From Page V will never be the same without Edward Ahern, Mrs. William Chestthe young John B. Hannums, them! Virginia Barton, Patty the couple will stay In Concord, nut, Dr. Nettie C. Turner, Mrs. J. she was Nancy Penn Smith, Gilkyson, Joan Fernley and PHONt awaiting Lieutenant Prince's transS. Robinson, Mrs. Edgar Kooms, you remember; the "Freddie" Anne Aiguier are leaders in P I N . ASM fer in the service. Mrs. William Conroy, Mrs. Lawrence Brices; the Walter Jeffords; dinner-dances so far. Honestly or Hickman, Mrs. Jack Reck, Mrs. C. R. the Charles Leedoms, the BEVERLY MANN j I Just can't wait. 1312 CHESTNUT STRUT, KIN. 077 Ritchie, Mrs. J. N. Parker, Mrs. L. Shirley Bordens and Dr. and r i i u s i i r m WEDS BALTIMOREAN L. Martin, Mrs. Charles White, Mrs. Mrs. Charles Schoff, with the WEDNESDAY: ^ r u s s T O U * esrmjre causes — orss w i n . T I L L t r «. Beverly Mann's marriage to WilWilliam A. Gray, Mrs. C. Fred Rau, Samuel D. Riddles, from the ODAY WAS QUITE A THRILLliam Mercer Legg, of Baltimore, took Mrs. Garry Horn and Mrs. Nancy Media contingent; the du(Continued From Page 1) ER. Ruth Thibault's wedding a representative group of fashionCalhoun. Pont clan, the W. Standley to Ernie D'Ambly was the highlight. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis, of 4646 bride will be at home after June 1 ables from here to the Monumental Stokes family; various Aunt Betsy went and told me all City. The ceremony was performed in © P I N W I O N t S O A Y I V I S . 'TIL A Locust st., will shortly have with at Gorgas Court, Mt. Airy. branches of the Pew houseabout it. "Sammy" Merrick was best the garden at "Cedarwood," the esthem their daughter, Mrs. William hold; the Mellon group, inman and Jeanne D'Ambly maid of tate of the bride's aunt, Mrs. AlexHodgkinson, and her son, William Wells-Paist cluding the George S. Hashonor. Everyone said that it was a Davis Hodgkinson, of West Newton, The marriage of Miss Theresa Wil- ander Edward Duncan, at 12.30 broucks; the W. Plunket present perfectly beautiful wedding. Natlie o'clock, with Rev. Winthrop Moody, Mass. Stewarts, the Charles Brombur Paist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rector of Christ Church, Baltimore, Norris, Ruth's cousin, was a bridesleys, the Stanley Reeves and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodgers, of Frederic M. Paist, of Wayne, to Dr. and Rev. Guthrie Speers, of the maid and I hear she looked especially seemingly hundreds more. 615 South 48th St., have with them Robert William Wells, son of Mrs. Brown Memorial Church, officiating. So now you know why we're keep- pretty. By the way, I want to meet their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Gibbs Ouy Wells, of Palo Alto, Cal., took bride, who is the daughter ing our fingers crossed, while we her brother Bill, so diary, think of Taxis, who recently returned by Clip- place on Saturday, May 2, at the of The and Mrs. Benson Mann, hope unceasingly for blue skies on a way! "Edie" Crawford and "Libby" per from Honolulu. Mrs. Taxis is the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Jr., Mr. of Chestnut H1U, was given Wednesday and Saturday of this Moorhouse, I'm told, seemed informer Miss Renee Warfleld, of this Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett Bailey, in marriage by her tensely interested in "Maisie" Morfather. Her week. city. of Berkeley, Cal. ris' funny story. Maisie is so cute; gown of white mousseline de sole Mr. and Mrs. Laurens Kruse, of Dr. Wells, a graduate of the Uni- was made with long sleeves, DEBUTS SCHEDULED she would add to any party. Johnny 5928 Oxford st., will shortly leave to versity of Washington, and Mrs. puffed at the top and below tapI Buckwhaat wl called me Up and talked for hours. Invitations are pouring in upon the spend some time at their summer Wells, attended the Stanford Uni- ering to points that extended over • • trim and gold nailhaadt younger fry destined to take over the home in Pitman, N. J. versity * Medical School. They are the hands. A Peter Pan collar, social stage for the 1942-43 season. now finishing Internships In San the latter edged with pleated val Invitations that brought a thrill dur- THURSDAY: Francisco, Dr. Wells at Stanford lace, trimmed the long pointed HOBBLED OUT OF BED Hua, Brown or luckwhost ing the last few days came from Mrs. Guest in San Francisco University, and his bride at the bodice. Her tulle veil was ar- Esmonde today and then hobbled right H. Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rita Mary Van Dusen, Children's Hospital. They will make ranged with a Mary Stuart cap, Edward C. Tatnall, for a dinnerback in. Mother had to strap exclusive with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. their home for the present at 3810 fluted about the edge and dance at the Barclay on the tenth nth *pr my ankle, which I didn't realy Sacramento st., San Francisco. trimmed at the front with orange of June. The party will serve, as a ize was so hurt. I can't walk Van Dusen, of Overbrook, who has blossoms. She carried a bouquet been speeding several weeks In Cal- Riegel-Auten social launching for Mr. and Mrs. one step, so here I am. Hear formed of white orchids and lilies Tatnall's young daughter, Edith, that Eleanor Twaddell is ^ ^ i^/isascH«TKUT STWIT ifornia, is the guest of Miss Marion resting up after the wedding, who's finishing this spring at the Naffziger in San Francisco before re- The marriage of Miss Nancy of the valley. In heilsry Rayon mash "tropic tan" . . . . 11.31 Williamson Auten, daughter of Dr. Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton, the Shipley School. also that Sally Cassard lent turning home. F. P. Auten, Jr., of Lancaster, to Mr. former Nannie Mann, acted as mather personality to Bob Hope Two nights later the same -We tell Wer Soviett Stompi Richard Hansen Rlegel, son of Mr. ron of honor and Frances Mann as pleasure-loving youngsters will the other night. Look out! and Mrs. Charles H. Rlegel, of Beth- maid of honor for their sister, while return* to the hostelry for another Answered invitations and lehem, took place at noon yester- the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. J. Hersent a telegram to Jerry. I soiree, at which Virginia Robday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. man Long, was the bridesmaid. do so hope he worries about erts Barton, the Thomas C. BarAuten in Allentown. Rev. Bachelar, John C. Legg, Jr., served as best tons' much liked child, will make my foot. of Lancaster, officiated. CAREFULLY DESIGNED TO UST WATT! THE WHOLE town man for his brother and the ushers her initial bow. 'The month of Miss Phyllis Auten was maid of were John Stevenson, Robert Young, roses holds plenty of excitement J Is in an uproar over Maisie CadSUIT YOUR FACIAL CONTOUR honor for her sister. Arthur Machen, John Green, Dr. J. for this favorite. O n * Price. $10 walader's engagement to Rufus PatHerman Long and F. Hamilton SymInvitations that added zest to the ire terson. They are a most wonderful Hill-Knaes ington. • week's excitement, in so far as con- couple and make a perfect picture The marriage of Miss Patricia cerned the younger contingent, bore together. It is only 9.30 but I'm Al fresco events will be Alice Fleming Kneas, daughter of Mr. the name of Mrs. Thomas J. Dolan really sleepy. plentiful enough from now and Mrs. Frank Norman Kneas, of as hostess, for a luncheon on the until time for society to de504 Woodland Terrace, to Lieutenant "Positive Control ahoe*, £ t fourteenth of June, honoring her FRIDAY: sert us for favorite summer Henry Hughes Hill, Jr., U. S. A., debutante granddaughters, Ann Gray haunts in cooler climes, but tod by H a r p e r specialists, show MANAGED A SHOPPING son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hughes Dolan, daughter of Mrs. Thomas TRIP it's a safe gamble the next today and couldn't begin Hill, of Edgefield, S. O, took place buar women it* oaay to walk. Dolan, 3d, and Peggy Thayer Dolan, to remember few weeks hold nothing more all that I bought. at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, In the Hoffman Dolans' young daughter. Came home with two evening picturesque and colorful than Special balanced support ooto the Washington Memorial Chapel, the scene which the sportsSPUR NAVY AID dresses, four day dresses and your foot i n motion with lees Valley Forge. Rev. E. Frank Salmon, minded throng will enjoy some grand lipsticks. And when rector of Holy Trinity Church, ofInvitations to June parties call to next Wednesday and Sateffort. D A M A N : White suede ficiated. mind the popularity of "The Drop I got home John and Jerry both urday, during Rose Tree's with tan calf, 12.7S. Mrs. John DeWitt Rogers, Jr., of annual two-day spring race in the Bucket" campaign, as shown had remembered my birthday. Jerry gave me a pin with the Montclair, N. J.; Mrs. Gilbert Holt, by the demand for "buckets" which meeting. of this city, and Miss Kate Hill, of Specie/ Fifties Deperveioef Lovely at all times, the rolling may be borrowed from the Navy Annapolis seal on it. Fairly Edgefield, S. O, were the atendants. Media section presents a picture League Service Entertainment Com- cried, I was so happy! Mother Mr. John Lovelace Gunter, of Spar- which beggars description at this mittee, for each of the forthcoming and Daddy were darlings to me tansburg, S. 0., served as best man season, with long stretches of wood- June festivities. The idea, which origand gave me some beautiful and the ushers were Mr. John De- land patch-worked with dogwood inated with the ultra swank Piccadil- presents. Dan, Charlie and Witt Rogers, Jr., and Mr. William H. blossoms, as a background for flow- ly Dances, is for the convenience of Tommy called me up. Finished Kneas. the day after putting my orchid those wishing to make a coin donaering orchards and wisteria-covered to bed in the ice box. A small reception at Haverford cottages nestled in groves of budding tion to the work of the League Serv1338 CHESTNUJ ST. ice, In the distribution of cigarettes, Court followed the ceremony. shrubbery. candy and ditty bags among the men SATURDAY: •Opes Wedneidey f v e e / e f t * EVENT LURES LEADERS in service. TODAY WAS RICH IN parties, jja_ David B. Robbs In its eighty-three years of fox Meanwhile, don't say you I but I concentrated on persuadracing history, Rose Tree has never received the surprise of your ing the family to let me drive to Occupy New Home failed to draw a representative aslife with news of Maisie CadAtlantic City tomorrow. To make walader's engagement to up for it I can't drive for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Robb, semblage of socialites from other Rufus Patterson, 3d, who formerly of Laurel lane, Haverford, cities for these meetings and this Called Natlie Norris and talked to hails from over New York are occupying their new home in year will be no exception to the rule. her about her other cousin's wedFrom Virginia will come Mrs. way. Glyn Wynn road, Haverford. ding which took place today in Baldu Pont Scott, whose Miss Louise A. Cassard, daughter Marion timore. Beverly Mann and Bill SPRINGSIDE QRAD horses have won fame both here of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Cassard, and Legg plan to go to Hot Springs for Beautiful and vivacious, with a their honeymoon. abroad; Mrs. Fay Ingails, of Chestnut Hill, is entertaining at a Mr. and Sounds too perR. Burling Cocks, personal magnetism Inherited from fect for words. house party over the week-end at the UtterMrs. stUi better known In her mother, the onetime Mae Drexel "Duck Cottage," the home of her this neck of Diary I'm still really all exFell, the bride-to-be is easily one of the woods as Bargrandmother, Mrs. Bradford Knight, bara Lucas, and cited about the Main Liner. the best liked and most gracious of Mr. Paul Mellon, at Bay Head. Keep hoping he isn't very our current belles. She attended with maaty more. * Miss Carolyn A. L. Fotterall, gray. Can't wait to meet him. Sprlngslde School, before going to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Mrs. Jane Fowler Bassett will come Middleburg, where she rounded out even though I understand L. Fotterall, of Devon, has arrived from Maryland to see her horse run. her education at the ultra fashionSNUO he's one of the gentlemen from Oldfleld School, Olencoe, Md., Others from that section will inelude, able Foxcrof t School. HIIL who "prefer post-debs." Mr. Janon Fisher, Jr., w£o will act to spend the week-end with her parDEBORAH DEBBIE. The man el her ehoice is the METATARSAL ents. as steward in the stand as will Mr. son of Mrs* John D. Kennedy Edward J. Brerman of the Pimlico f SHOES Race Course. Mrs. E. duPont Weir, and Mr. Morehead Patterson, of York, and a great grandson Mr. Harry O. Haskell and Mr. and New Leave for Kansas of Mrs. Henry Clews, o? the same Mrs. John J. McHugh will represent Mrs Henry Brinton Coxe and her He was graduated from Grohorsey set. Mr. Anderson city. children, of "Coeden," Penllyn, left Delaware's ton in 1940 and is now a student It is a relief, after bouncing Master of the Essex Hounds, at Harvard. early in the week to join Captain Fowler, Mr. R. V. N. Gambrill, chairman of around in a too-large horne, to Coxe, who is stationed at Fort Riley, the Essex Race Committee, will be St. Thomas' Church in WhiteKan. marsh, which has been the scene of here from New Jersey. find yourselves once mora in ona weddings, christenings and funerals that exactly fits. An apartmant RIDDLE DONATES HORSE In this branch of the Drexel clan for several generations, will form the In addition to the appearance of in Tha Barclay might ba tha right .Modern Cold Storage fashionables from all over the coun- setting for the wedding some time in answar for you, too. Why not Facilities- for your IIZEI 2'/, to try, the arrival of "Field of Gold," July. According to present plans the 11. 10", iM ceremony will take place with Just Whlta KM the beautiful son of Man 0*War do, Fine F u r s . . . 2% ask for litaratura and pricas? 11. 91.00 ElaatlcUed Pomp nated by the latter's owner, Mr. Sam- the two families and a few close EXTRA of your valuation. uel D. Riddle, to the Media Branch friends looking on. of the Emergency Aid, will add to the That the wedding means relin(S3 MinimunO FEATURING excitement of the occasion, when quishing another favorite to GothO Walt Conitruction O Built-in Metatarsal O Narrow Heel* to Fit the steed will be paraded before the am's ranks of smartdom is a forePhone KNnypacker 5709 O Mora than ISO stylaa. grandstand between the second and gone conclusion. Reluctantly do we Allow our exports to remade/ third races for the approval of the even think of parting with the loveend ropoir your tine fun now f crowds. ly Maisie, who has always been most gracious about helping with every RITTENHOUSE SQUARE Outstanding in the list of io/d only a t worthy charitable enterprise that box and parking space holdArthur f. MiMray, Ma«aaf»f Sfr«cfw sought her aid. ers are such familiar names CHESTNUT STREET U7 S. 13th S T R U T Faithfully, as Mrs. John T. Dorrance and Iota Wasowaay Ewalaj Until Wins J£ JANEWISTER the William Coxe Wrights; Prlntzes Back From Florida CoW FIR STORAIE FOR YOUR FIRE FURS • t a i n t ' MtOti, H*at, « * • An attractive weddtnf took: place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon In the Overbrook. Presbyterian Church when Miss Catharine Gladys Mehl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Mehl, became the bride of Ensign Prank MacCallum Tait, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Talt, of Philadelphia. Rev. George Emerson Barnes, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. William Richard Scarlett acted as matron of honor, and Miss MORE IMPORTANT H«« • r t r M W fa core yeur fort. PUR STORAGE STANDARD RATES Messenger Catherine Mehl Is Bride Mrs. Elmer Foss Returns From Visit at Fort Knox, Ky. *** , foeeW NEW JERSEY TIL • CYdgenaJalt St4& /&y<'0t& "Posture Control' Walk-Over Shoes T/iis is more like it! • Sunlit Beige • Aquamarine SC85 • Peony Pink • Indian Corn • Saddle Tan nriiomi DIUV • Sugar White Your summer wardrobo couldn't have a bottar pal than this easy- * to-fot-olowg-with, reedy-for-enything classic. 1 0 0 % virgin wool • • • * • . complataty rayon erapa linad, and 0 whala of a valual 1020. JACKSON a MOYER 1610 Chestnut St. • — — Open Weds, to t P. M. — FOOT FRIEND SHOES ^Barclay M. OFFEW i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 i
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