San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 1 Mon - 02/02/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CREAM CHEESE 1 OZ MILK,1% LOWFAT BAGEL WG VARIETY ELEM FRUIT,FRESH ASSORTED R#245 Portion Size Total SQUEEZE PKG 1 CARTON 1/2 BAGEL 1 EACH Reimb Qty Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 100 100 100 30 100 0.00 0.00 20.0 200 0.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 6.00 0.00 100 100 100 130 155 52 15 0 0 160 159 3 0.00 1.50 1.86 0.00 1.20 0.23 400.0 8.7 14.4 500 0 398 1.2 0.0 29.03 10.0 5.75 0.71 16.0 31.5 13.04 2.5 0.63 0.29 1.50 0.13 0.04 0.00 0.00 *N/A* 437 45 422 3.36 1.43 443.2 1098 30.23 18.45 16.9% 62.54 57.3% 12.42 25.6% 7.66 15.8% *0.00 *0.0% 258 16 146 1.50 1.10 165.0 140 1.2 6.8 43.0 6.5 1.90 0.00 130 60 448 15 0 31 160 10 316 0.00 1.00 2.50 0.00 0.36 1.46 400.0 0.0 565.0 500 0 640 1.2 12.0 14.40 10.0 0.0 16.80 15.0% 16.0 15.0 74.00 66.1% 2.5 0.0 9.00 18.1% 1.50 0.00 3.40 6.8% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 130 118 53 15 18 0 160 74 6 0.00 1.80 1.30 0.00 0.75 0.38 400.0 5.3 6.0 500 33 340 1.2 0.6 3.8 10.0 2.4 0.5 16.0 19.5 13.99 2.5 3.25 0.13 1.50 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300 33 240 3.10 1.13 411.3 873 5.60 12.90 17.2% 49.49 65.9% 5.88 17.6% 1.95 5.8% 0.00 0.0% Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline Tue - 02/03/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CORN STAR & YOGURT MILK,1% LOWFAT PINEAPPLE TIDBITS,CND,JUICE Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total STAR & Y OGURT 1 CARTON 1/2 CUP 100 100 Total 1 CARTON 1 EACH 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline Wed - 02/04/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT MUFFIN VARIETY, ELEMENTARY PEACHES,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SY RUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 2 Thu - 02/05/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT CHOCOLATE CHIP GRANOLA BA FRUIT COCKTAIL,CND,LT SYRUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Portion Size Reimb Qty Total 1 CARTON 1 EACH 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 Total 1 CARTON BOWL (2 OZ) 1/2 CUP Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 130 170 60 360 15 0 0 15 160 45 10 215 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.08 0.00 1.08 400.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 500 0 12 512 1.2 0.0 0.8 2.00 10.0 3.0 0.0 13.00 14.4% 16.0 32.0 17.0 65.00 72.2% 2.5 4.0 0.0 6.50 16.2% 1.50 1.50 0.00 3.00 7.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 100 100 100 130 207 15 0 160 230 0.00 3.67 0.00 16.80 400.0 116.7 500 583 1.2 7.0 10.0 4.33 16.0 46.67 2.5 1.67 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 51 0 2 1.50 0.15 4.0 35 1.5 0.21 13.77 0.06 0.01 0.00 388 15 392 5.17 16.95 520.7 1118 9.70 14.54 15.0% 76.44 78.9% 4.23 9.8% 1.51 3.5% 0.00 0.0% 257 35 305 2.02 0.91 217.1 147 0.07 9.02 28.78 12.06 4.31 0.00 130 60 447 15 0 50 160 10 475 0.00 0.00 2.02 0.00 0.00 0.91 400.0 0.0 617.1 500 12 659 1.2 0.8 2.07 10.0 0.0 19.02 17.0% 16.0 17.0 61.78 55.3% 2.5 0.0 14.56 29.3% 1.50 0.00 5.81 11.7% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Nutrient Guideline Fri - 02/06/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT CEREAL, WG VARIETY, 2 OZ APPLESAUCE,CND,SWTND,WO/ SALT Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline Mon - 02/09/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CRUMB SQUARE & STRING CHE ESE MILK,1% LOWFAT FRUIT COCKTAIL,CND,LT SYRUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total SVG (1SQ &1CHS) 1 CARTON 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 3 Tue - 02/10/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT MUFFIN VARIETY, ELEMENTARY APPLESAUCE,CND,SWTND,WO/ SALT Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Portion Size Total 1 CARTON 1 EACH 1/2 CUP Reimb Qty 100 100 100 100 Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 130 118 51 15 18 0 160 74 2 0.00 1.80 1.50 0.00 0.75 0.15 400.0 5.3 4.0 500 33 35 1.2 0.6 1.5 10.0 2.4 0.21 16.0 19.5 13.77 2.5 3.25 0.06 1.50 0.45 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 298 33 236 3.30 0.90 409.3 568 3.30 12.61 16.9% 49.27 66.0% 5.81 17.5% 1.96 5.9% 0.00 0.0% 100 100 100 130 207 15 0 160 230 0.00 3.67 0.00 16.80 400.0 116.7 500 583 1.2 7.0 10.0 4.33 16.0 46.67 2.5 1.67 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 52 0 3 1.86 0.23 14.4 398 29.03 0.71 13.04 0.29 0.04 *N/A* 389 15 393 5.53 17.03 531.1 1482 37.23 15.04 15.5% 75.70 77.9% 4.46 10.3% 1.54 3.6% *0.00 *0.0% 200 130 53 5 15 0 80 160 6 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.72 0.00 0.38 170.0 400.0 6.0 100 500 340 1.2 1.2 3.8 6.0 10.0 0.5 37.0 16.0 13.99 3.0 2.5 0.13 1.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 383 20 246 2.30 1.10 576.0 940 6.20 16.50 17.2% 66.99 70.0% 5.63 13.2% 2.50 5.9% 0.00 0.0% Nutrient Guideline Wed - 02/11/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT CEREAL, WG VARIETY, 2 OZ FRUIT,FRESH ASSORTED R#245 Total 1 CARTON BOWL (2 OZ) 1 EACH Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline Thu - 02/12/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST YOGURT PARFAIT MILK,1% LOWFAT PEACHES,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SY RUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total 1 EACH 1 CARTON 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 4 Fri - 02/13/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CREAM CHEESE 1 OZ MILK,1% LOWFAT BAGEL WG VARIETY ELEM PEARS,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SYRU Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Portion Size Reimb Qty Total SQUEEZE PKG 1 CARTON 1/2 BAGEL 1/2 CUP 100 100 Total SQUEEZE PKG 1 CARTON BAGEL 1/2 CUP 100 100 Total 1 CARTON 1 EACH 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 100 30 100 0.00 0.00 20.0 200 0.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 6.00 0.00 130 155 58 443 15 0 0 45 160 159 2 421 0.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 0.00 1.20 0.26 1.46 400.0 8.7 9.0 437.8 500 0 0 700 1.2 0.0 2.5 3.70 10.0 5.75 0.38 18.13 16.4% 16.0 31.5 15.12 64.62 58.3% 2.5 0.63 0.12 12.25 24.9% 1.50 0.13 0.00 7.62 15.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 100 30 100 0.00 0.00 20.0 200 0.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 6.00 0.00 130 155 58 443 15 0 0 45 160 159 2 421 0.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 0.00 1.20 0.26 1.46 400.0 8.7 9.0 437.8 500 0 0 700 1.2 0.0 2.5 3.70 10.0 5.75 0.38 18.13 16.4% 16.0 31.5 15.12 64.62 58.3% 2.5 0.63 0.12 12.25 24.9% 1.50 0.13 0.00 7.62 15.5% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 130 118 60 307 15 18 0 33 160 74 10 244 0.00 1.80 1.00 2.80 0.00 0.75 0.36 1.11 400.0 5.3 0.0 405.3 500 33 0 533 1.2 0.6 12.0 13.80 10.0 2.4 0.0 12.40 16.1% 16.0 19.5 15.0 50.50 65.7% 2.5 3.25 0.0 5.75 16.8% 1.50 0.45 0.00 1.95 5.7% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Nutrient Guideline Wed - 02/18/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CREAM CHEESE 1 OZ MILK,1% LOWFAT BAGEL WG VARIETY ELEM PEARS,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SYRU Weighted Daily Average % of Calories 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline Thu - 02/19/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT MUFFIN VARIETY, ELEMENTARY PINEAPPLE TIDBITS,CND,JUICE Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 5 Fri - 02/20/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CORN STAR & YOGURT MILK,1% LOWFAT PEACHES,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SY RUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Portion Size Total STAR & Y OGURT 1 CARTON 1/2 CUP Reimb Qty Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 100 100 258 16 146 1.50 1.10 165.0 140 1.2 6.8 43.0 6.5 1.90 0.00 100 100 130 53 15 0 160 6 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.38 400.0 6.0 500 340 1.2 3.8 10.0 0.5 16.0 13.99 2.5 0.13 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 441 31 312 2.80 1.48 571.0 980 6.20 17.30 15.7% 72.99 66.2% 9.13 18.6% 3.40 6.9% 0.00 0.0% 100 100 100 30 100 0.00 0.00 20.0 200 0.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 6.00 0.00 100 100 100 130 155 51 15 0 0 160 159 2 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.20 0.15 400.0 8.7 4.0 500 0 35 1.2 0.0 1.5 10.0 5.75 0.21 16.0 31.5 13.77 2.5 0.63 0.06 1.50 0.13 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 436 45 421 3.00 1.35 432.8 735 2.70 17.96 16.5% 63.27 58.0% 12.18 25.2% 7.63 15.8% 0.00 0.0% 257 35 305 2.02 0.91 217.1 147 0.07 9.02 28.78 12.06 4.31 0.00 130 58 445 15 0 50 160 2 467 0.00 2.00 4.02 0.00 0.26 1.17 400.0 9.0 626.1 500 0 647 1.2 2.5 3.78 10.0 0.38 19.40 17.5% 16.0 15.12 59.90 53.9% 2.5 0.12 14.68 29.7% 1.50 0.00 5.81 11.8% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Nutrient Guideline Mon - 02/23/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CREAM CHEESE 1 OZ MILK,1% LOWFAT BAGEL WG VARIETY ELEM APPLESAUCE,CND,SWTND,WO/ SALT Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total SQUEEZE PKG 1 CARTON 1/2 BAGEL 1/2 Cup Nutrient Guideline Tue - 02/24/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST CRUMB SQUARE & STRING CHE ESE MILK,1% LOWFAT PEARS,CND,EXTRA LIGHT SYRU Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total SVG (1SQ &1CHS) 1 CARTON 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 6 Wed - 02/25/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST YOGURT PARFAIT MILK,1% LOWFAT FRUIT,FRESH ASSORTED R#245 Portion Size Total 1 EACH 1 CARTON 1 EACH Reimb Qty 100 100 100 100 Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Cals (kcal) Cholst (mg) Sodm (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcm (mg) Vit-A (IU) Vit-C (mg) Protn (g) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 200 130 52 5 15 0 80 160 3 1.00 0.00 1.86 0.72 0.00 0.23 170.0 400.0 14.4 100 500 398 1.2 1.2 29.03 6.0 10.0 0.71 37.0 16.0 13.04 3.0 2.5 0.29 1.00 1.50 0.04 0.00 0.00 *N/A* 382 20 243 2.86 0.95 584.4 998 31.43 16.70 17.5% 66.04 69.2% 5.79 13.6% 2.54 6.0% *0.00 *0.0% 130 207 15 0 160 230 0.00 3.67 0.00 16.80 400.0 116.7 500 583 1.2 7.0 10.0 4.33 16.0 46.67 2.5 1.67 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 60 397 0 15 10 400 1.00 4.67 0.36 17.16 0.0 516.7 0 1083 12.0 20.20 0.0 14.33 14.5% 15.0 77.67 78.3% 0.0 4.17 9.5% 0.00 1.50 3.4% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 130 118 60 307 15 18 0 33 160 74 10 244 0.00 1.80 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.75 400.0 5.3 0.0 405.3 500 33 12 545 1.2 0.6 0.8 2.60 10.0 2.4 0.0 12.40 16.1% 16.0 19.5 17.0 52.50 68.3% 2.5 3.25 0.0 5.75 16.8% 1.50 0.45 0.00 1.95 5.7% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 392 32 339 3.23 3.83 493.9 823 11.05 15.87 16.2% 64.07 65.4% 8.36 19.2% 3.85 8.9% *0.00 *0.0% Nutrient Guideline Thu - 02/26/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT CEREAL, WG VARIETY, 2 OZ PINEAPPLE TIDBITS,CND,JUICE Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Total 1 CARTON BOWL (2 OZ) 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 Total 1 CARTON 1 EACH 1/2 CUP 100 100 100 100 100 Nutrient Guideline Fri - 02/27/2015 ECE COLD BREAKFAST MILK,1% LOWFAT MUFFIN VARIETY, ELEMENTARY FRUIT COCKTAIL,CND,LT SYRUP Weighted Daily Average % of Calories Nutrient Guideline Weighted Average *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. San Juan Unified School District Feb 2, 2015 thru Feb 27, 2015 Base Menu Spreadsheet ECE COLD BREAKFAST Portion Values - Detailed Page 7 Nutrient Calories Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Fiber (g) Iron (mg) Calcium (mg) Vitamin A (IU) Vitamin C (mg) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Trans Fat¹ (g) Menu AVG 392 32 339 3.23 3.83 493.9 823 11.05 15.87 64.07 8.36 3.85 0.00 Portion Size % of Cals Reimb Cals Cholst Qty (kcal) (mg) Weekly Target % of Target 350 - 500 100% Sodm Fiber Iron Calcm (mg) (g) (mg) (mg) Miss Data Shortfall Overage Vit-A Vit-C Protn (IU) (mg) (g) Error Messages (if any) Carb (g) T-Fat (g) S-Fat (g) Tr-Fat¹ (g) 540 16.20% 65.42% 19.20% 8.85% 0.00% <10.00% Missing *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for an individual ingredient * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data ¹ - Trans Fat value is provided for informational purposes only, not for monitoring purposes. NOTICE: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions.
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