Propaedeutic studies during the Master of Science in Medical

Propaedeutic studies during the Master of Science in Medical Biology and the MD‐PhD program Important: Please read the instructions below very carefully.  A minimum of 35 ECTS credit points have to be gained in the framework of the MD‐
PhD program. Questions regarding these 35 points must be discussed with the MD‐
PhD program coordinator.  MD‐PhD students: For your chosen PhD program (ZNZ, ImMed, MSL, …) you will have to gain another 12 ECTS credit points. Questions regarding these 12 points must be discussed with your supervisor, thesis committee, and/or the PhD program administrator. Mandatory courses  All students must complete the mandatory courses listed on page 2. Exceptions must be discussed and approved by the MD‐PhD committee. Additional courses  The residual credit points can be acquired by attending suitable natural science/biology courses at the UZH or ETHZ.  A list of recommended lectures and courses in the fields of molecular biology, neurosciences, and infection & immunity are provided on page 3‐4. You can choose freely from this selection of courses.  You may pick other courses taught at the UZH or ETHZ natural science departments that suit your specific interest better. However, if you wish to attend courses that are not listed here, your choice must be approved by the MD‐PhD committee. Please send your course list to the MD‐PhD administrator, including a brief explanation. Soft skill courses  Students may account up to a maximum of 4 ECTS credit points gained with soft skill courses towards the 35 points. If you wish to attend more soft skill courses, you may do so; however, they will not be counted towards the propaedeutic studies.  Please note that BIO 630, which is mandatory, counts towards those 4 points.  MD‐PhD students: please note that you may also attend soft skill courses during your PhD studies and account them towards the 12 ECTS you have to acquire there. Several PhD schools offer specific soft skill courses that may be mandatory and of interest for you. Please check directly with your PhD School for details. Lab Rotations:  For rules and instructions, see page 5. 18.02.2014 1
Mandatory courses for all students Students must choose three out of the four block courses listed below. UZH/ETH Module/Nr UZH BIO 260 Title Molecular Biology Course (block course) Lecturer Hemmi ECTS 6 UZH BCH 309 Experimentelle Biochemie (block course) Gloor 6 UZH BIO 430 Medical Immunology (block course) Becher 6 UZH BIO 628 Neuroscience (block course) Rajendran 6 Title Research Ethics for Life Scientists* Participation in the MD‐PhD/Master retreat (1x Master students, minimum 2x MD‐PhD) Lecturer Deplazes UZH/ETH Module/Nr UZH BIO 630 X ECTS 3 0 Subtotal ECTS for mandatory courses 21 * BIO630 counts towards the softskill courses. It is offered every spring semester. X Organized by the MD‐PhD students. You will be informed of respective events once you have enrolled. Participation in the organization of the retreat will be awarded 1 ECTS credit point, which is counted toward the softskill courses. 18.02.2014 2
Recommendations for additional courses Recommended courses of general interest UZH/ETH Nr UZH BIO 412* UZH BIO 254 UZH Title Introductory course in Laboratory Animal Science (LTK 1) Lecturer ECTS Bugnon 2 Functional Genomics Von Mering 5 BIO 627 FACS course Manz 1 UZH BIO 416 Microscopy and biomedical imaging Ziegler 2 ETH 227‐0969‐00L Methods & Models for fMRI Data Analysis Stephan 3 UZH X2 Biostatistics Seifert 3 UZH X1 Microscopy Winter School Ziegler 2 * Students working with animal models must attend this course. The costs will be covered by the MD‐PhD program (contact administrator). X1 Details, dates and booking information: If you wish to attend the Microscopy Winter School, we strongly recommend that you attend BIO 416 beforehand. X2 The course is not offered every year. Details are communicated by the MD‐PhD administator in due time. 18.02.2014 3
Recommended courses: Molecular Biology UZH/ETH ETH Nr 535‐0810‐00L Title Gentechnologie Lecturer Neri ECTS 2 ETH 551‐0326‐00L Cell Biology Werner 6 UZH BIO244 Signal transduction and cancer Basler 6 ETH 551‐1120‐00L Genes, Genomes and Genetic Systems Stocker 4 UZH BIO 426 Transgenic Mouse Models Bürki 1 Recommended courses: Neuroscience UZH/ETH UZH Nr/Module BIO 344 Title Development of the Nervous System Lecturer Stöckli ECTS 3 UZH BIO 422 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Fritschy 2 UZH BIO 402 Systems Neurobiology Fritschy 6 ETH 551‐0326‐00L Cell Biology Werner 6 Recommended courses: Infection and Immunity UZH/ETH ETH Nr 551‐0317‐00 V Title Immunology I (Lecture) Lecturer Oxenius ETH 551‐0318‐00 V Kopf 3 UZH BIO 322 Greber 6 UZH BIO 219 Zollikofer 2 UZH BIO 615 Trkola 2 UZH BIO 372 Trkola 6 UZH BIO 617 Immunology II (Lecture) Cell Biology of Viral Infections (Blockkurs) Biomedical Imaging and Scientific Visualization Principles of Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Human Viruses (lecture) Virology: Methods in Molecular Biology, Pathogenesis, and Control of Human Viruses (course) Principles of biosafety in medical and biological research Trkola 1 18.02.2014 ECTS 3 4
Recommended soft skill courses UZH/ETH Nr UZH Title Lecturer ECTS BIO 417* Scientific Writing and publishing* Hennet 2 UZH BIO 670* Scientific Writing for PhD students* Müller 1 UZH X3 How to write a successful grant Aguzzi 0 * Students can choose either of the two courses. BIO 670: Track 2 students only. MD‐PhD Students can also attend the courses offered by their PhD program. Organized by the MD‐PhD program. Students will be notified of upcoming events. X3 Lab Rotations Students may include one or more lab rotations in their basic curriculum. Rules: 1. All lab rotations must be approved by the MD‐PhD steering committee. 2. Students will be granted 1 ECTS credit point per week (fulltime), up to a maximum of 8 ECTS. 3. Lab rotations can be performed in any lab affiliated to the Life Science Zurich Graduate School (LSZGS). Lab rotations in institutions outside LSZGS are subject to approval by the MD‐PhD steering committee. 4. To request that a lab rotation can be included into the study plan, the following information has to be submitted to the committee together with the study plan: a. Invitation of the host lab, stating length of rotation and research topic b. A one page description of the planned project that will be conducted during the lab rotation. c. After finalisation of the lab rotation. A written report signed by the head of the host lab must be submitted to the MD‐PhD committee and the appropriate ECTS granted. 18.02.2014 5