ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Gas Pipeline Location Enquiry Thankyou for your Dial Before You Dig enquiry regarding location of gas pipelines. Distribution Mains and/or Transmission Pipelines are indicated on the attached plans in the vicinity of your work/excavation site address as indicated below. APA Group Networks is the asset manager for the natural gas network owned by Envestra. PLEASE NOTE : This DBYD response from APA Group Networks covers Network Gas Assets only. Depending on the location of your excavation, you may receive another DBYD response from APA GasNet Australia within 2 Business Days from when you lodged your request, regarding Gas Transmission Assets. Please verify the map supplied accurately reflects the vicinity of your excavation site location. Enquiry Date Commencement Date 01/04/2014 04/04/2014 33340414 Sequence Number Enquiry Received From: Mr Ricky Payne All General Surveying Po Box 5060 East Geelong VIC 3219 Phone 0352212057, Mobile 0438419833, Facsimile 0352215807 Email [email protected] Work / Excavation Site Address Melways Ref: 3 Pacific Drive, Heidelberg West 19F12 Activity: Manual Excavation District Plan: Yarra 1:2500/10-17 Message: Dist & Direction provided by customer ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 For enquiries regarding this request contact: This copied document is made Phone (03) 9463 8235 available for the sole purpose of Fax (03) 9463 8345 Office Hours 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Fridayenabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 1 CONDITIONS General Conditions 1. This location enquiry is valid for 30 days from the enquiry date. 2. Expired locations over 30 days require a new Dial Before You Dig request to validate gas mains location information for the site listed above. 3. The gas mains location information supplied in this document shall be used as a guide only. APA Group shall not be liable or responsible for the accuracy of any such information supplied pursuant to this request. APA Group shall not be liable to pay any damages or answer any claim where there exists any error on this plan. 4. As pipe depths may vary, it is the responsibility of the excavator to expose the gas pipe or service by hand (Please Note: “Non destructive digging” eg. vacuum excavation systems, should not be used as damage to pipes may occur). 5. Gas service pipe (inlet service) connecting the gas pipes in the street to the gas meter on the property are not marked on the map. If required, the location of gas service pipe from the main to the meter can be provided by calling (03) 9463 8235. Please note, this may be a chargeable service. 6. All damage caused to gas assets will be chargeable and it is an offence to damage gas network assets under the Gas Safety Act 1997, enforced by Energy Safe Victoria. For emergency gas leaks or damages please call: Freecall: 1800 676 300 Transmission Pipelines Conditions It is your responsibility to follow these important conditions when working in the vicinity of transmission pipelines. 1. Excavation works in the vicinity of a transmission pipeline is an offence without a permit. A permit may be obtained from an APA Group representative prior to any excavation. Excavation works in the vicinity of a transmission pipeline requires mandatory supervision by an APA Group representative. 2. A clearly written ‘Transmission Pipelines “Authority to Work” Request’ form must be submitted to APA Group. Along with the request form you must provide the following before APA Group will issue a permit to work: • Dial Before you Dig sequence number • Your fax number, name & contact details • A copy of your public liability insurance to the value of at least $20 million dollars is required. Insurance cover greater than $20 million may be determined by APA Group depending on the excavation proposed. • Plans of the proposed work if it is within 3 metres of the transmission pipe an APA GroupPLAN representative Work on the site must NOT commence until this permit has been received andADVERTISED Application No. P1022/14 is present. This of copied documenttoisWork” made 3. A minimum of 48 hours notice must be allowed between receipt by APA Group the “Authority available for the sole purpose of Request’ form and the planned time for commencement of work. enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 2 DBYD Sequence Number: 33340414 Address: 3 Pacific Drive Suburb: Heidelberg West Intersection: Side of Street: Distance: Email Address: [email protected] Map Ref: 19F12 Private/Road/Both: P GPS X Coor: 145.042475254 GPS Y Coor: -37.7389217052 ` ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 3 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 4 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 5 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 Assets Affected Sequence Number: 33340412 Location: 3 Pacific Drive If this response does not display your intended dig site please inquire again This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the 1:1000 Scale: Planning & Environment Act 1987. 02/04/2014 Printed The document must not beOn: used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. 321 Ferntree Gully Rd Mt Waverley, VIC 3149 Phone: 03 8544 9672 Fax: 03 8544 9904 ABN: 82 064 651 083 Dial Before You Dig Enquiry Response Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. Underground Cable Locations – Assets Affected To: Mr Ricky Payne All General Surveying Po Box 5060 East Geelong, VIC 3219 Date: 02/04/2014 Re: DBYD Sequence No. 33340412 Customer ID : 837731 Fax : 0352215807 Company : All General Surveying Phone : 0352212057 E-Mail : [email protected] Mobile : 0438419833 We refer to the above Dial Before You Dig notification at: 3 Pacific Drive, Heidelberg West, VIC 3081 Side of Street : Map Type : Melways Private/Road/Both : P Map Reference : 19F12 DBYD Message - Dist & Direction provided by customer Attached to this response are the following documents: Attached documents - 3 page cover letter and dig site map/s Comments & Plans: XC90 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 1 of 3 Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. Underground Cable Location Details - Assets Affected SEQUENCE NUMBER : 33340412 DATE OF ISSUE : 02/04/2014 NOTE: Other Utilities may have electrical assets in the vicinity of your work about which we have no information. This office does not usually have plans of privately owned cables on private property. Your attention is expressly drawn to the information and disclaimers below and ‘The Conditions for Working in the Vicinity of Underground Cables’ attached. 1. Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. takes all reasonable care in providing details of its cables, however, due to the nature of underground cables and the age of some cables and records, it is impossible to conclusively ascertain the location of all cables. The accuracy and/or completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed and, accordingly, is intended to be indicative only. Information should not be solely relied upon when undertaking underground works. 2. Due to the inherent dangers associated with excavation in the vicinity of underground cables, precautions should be taken in the undertaking of any underground works, including (but not limited to) the following: ● ● ● ● ● All excavation sites should be examined visually for underground cables by careful hand excavation. Cable cover slabs if present must not be disturbed; Particular attention should be paid to areas surrounding Pole type Substations, High Voltage Switches and Kiosk Substations as there are often unrecorded earth wires buried in the vicinity; If any undisclosed underground cables are located, Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. should be notified immediately on telephone 131 626 All personnel must be properly briefed, particularly those associated with the use of earth moving equipment, trenching, boring and pneumatic equipment &; & All work must be undertaken in accordance with the Electricity Safety Act 1998 and the Electricity Safety (Network Assets) Regulations 1999. 3. Except to the extent that liability may not be capable of lawful exclusion, Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. and its servants and agents shall be under no liability whatsoever to any person for loss or damage (including indirect or consequential loss or damage) however caused (including, without limitation, breach of contract negligence and/or breach of statute) which may be suffered or incurred from or in connection with this information sheet or any Plans attached hereto. For the purposes of this condition, Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) Ltd. has contracted on behalf of its servants and agents. 4. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in this information sheet or the attached Plans, all terms, conditions, warranties, undertakings or representations (whether expressed or implied) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. 5. Any information provided is valid only for 28 days from the date of issue. OVERHEAD NO GO ZONES If any overhead powerlines are near your proposed work, will your equipment intrude into a NO GO Zone? If the answer is YES, or you are NOT SURE, then please phone matters. 131 626 to discuss No Go Zone Further information concerning NO Go Zones may be obtained from ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 2 of 3 CONDITIONS FOR WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF UNDERGROUND CABLES SEQUENCE NUMBER : 33340412 DATE OF ISSUE : 02/04/2014 Before work commences, you must follow the NO GO ZONE safety procedures. See website Protective Covers Our electrical cables usually have protective covers of; 1. Concrete or PVC cover slabs; 2. PVC, A.C. or galvanised iron pipe; 3. Concrete encased PVC pipe; 4. Thin Plastic marker tape; or 5. Wooden troughing; Note: Some cables are known to be buried without protection. To assist in the identification of an underground cable, some installations have marker tape installed above the cover slab or conduit protecting the cable. You must not rely on marker tape as a test for existence of underground cables. Location of Cable(s) All reasonable care is taken to ensure that the location and level of cable(s) shown on our office drawing/s is correct at the time of installation, however, reference points may change and therefore proving of the cable(s) is essential when working in close proximity to them. Excavating parallel to Cable(s) Generally there is no restriction to excavating parallel to our cable(s) to a depth not exceeding that of the cable. When proposed excavations are within 500mm of our cable(s), trial holes shall be hand dug at regular intervals to prove the actual locations of the cable(s). If excavation is to exceed the depth of the cable(s) and it is likely that the protective covers or the bedding material around the cable(s) may be disturbed, then our office shall be informed. Excavating across Cable(s) It is essential that the location of cable(s) is proven by careful hand digging before using mechanical excavating machinery within 500mm of the cable(s). A Minimum clearance of 300mm above from a cable shall be maintained. If the width or depth of the excavation is such that the cable(s) will be exposed, our office shall be contacted to determine whether the cable(s) should be taken out of service, or whether they need to be protected or supported. In no case shall a cable protective cover be removed without approval. A cable protective cover may only be replaced under the supervision of our Supervisor. Heavy Machinery Operating over Cable(s) Where heavy "Crawler" or "Vibration" type machinery is operated over the top of cable(s), a minimum cover of 1000mm to the cable protective cover must be maintained whilst the machinery is in operation. Boring Where it is required to bore across the line of the cable(s), the actual location of the cable(s) shall be first proven by hand digging. A trench shall be dug one metre from the side of the cable(s) which the auger will approach, to ensure a minimum clearance of 150mm can be maintained. Explosives The use of explosives within 3.0 metres of a cable(s) is not allowed. ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 Regulations This copiedRegulations document is1999. made All work must be undertaken in accordance with the Electricity Safety (Network Assets) available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review Alteration of Levels ascontact part of our a planning process If it is desired to increase or decrease ground levels above our cables, please office before theunder the Planning & Environment Act 1987. project commences to seek our approval. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. 3 of 3 50 2 O1 3 20D 0 EAD O1 1D 0 EA D P35 D 2 RD 2x2 30 30 17. 4 30 3x2 5 D P3 .5 36 5 36 .9 30 2x 2 30 30 5 O 1D 45 EA D 30 30 P3 14 5 .6 .5 5 27 2 1DEA D 246 141A O36 O35 1DEA D 2 P4 2x3 0 0 5 O31 1DEA D O305 U1 -306 O4 7-4 8 141 O303 U2 -304 24 4 5 23 .4 30 30 P3 5 D U3 O301 -302 2 24 O241 1DEA D P35 12.0 2x2 PR 4x2 PR O2 1D 40 EA D 16 24 0 O4 1 1D EA D D O2 1D 38 EA D 2 P5 0 2 3 P80 O2 1D 23 EA D O221 1DE AD 25.0 O222 1DEA D 7.0 U2 16 2 O220 1DEA D 35.6 2 14 12 12.0 2 10m P50 SOUT H 5 0m P20 60.0 U2 2 30 18.0 2 3 2 P20 5 2 G50 P100 15.9 2x2 4 31.2 O218 1DEA D O214 1DEA D 226 21 O65 1DEA D 1 4 P100 12.2 3 3 23 5 2 2 2 ST 5 32.5 2 13 2x 2 3x 2 2 NO 30 RT H 39 .7 2 P4 0 11 .0 8.0 O210 1DEA D 24 232 2 .0 2 O2 30 4 01-2 DE 26 AD 35 .9 O2 4 1DE 320 AD A O2 3 O2 7 39 U1 23 O2 1D 36 EA D 4 22 O62 O67 O63 1DEA D O64 1D 22E8AD EAST 5 26 2x2 PR 2x2 PR 2 2 4 2 P50 23 8 18 O5 0 1D EA D 23 6 20 O 1D 61 EA D 30 30 D For all Telstra DBYD plan enquiries email - [email protected] For urgent onsite contact only - ph 1800 653 935 (bus hrs) -350 50 5 14 36.1 2 2x2 100 O27-28 3DEAD O1-100 100 P35 17.2 5 5 PR 100 PR E O301 5 139 2DEA D 5 O2728 3DEA D 5 2 WAIT 1 G50 20.5 2 P50 26.0 10 PR O60 9DEAD D 35 .6 30 D .5 36 2x 2 30 D 2 OUTH 37. 8 2 P35 21.0 5 3 P35 10 PR 5 PR O60 9DEAD O27-28 3DEAD 2 O76-90 15DEAD O30-75 2 5 2x2 P35 11.0 30 PR 30 PR 2x2 PR 30 2 P3 17 5 .2 P4 15 0 .9 30 2 4 4 3 3 3 21. OR IEL P35 D 30 2x2 2 30 30 18.7 2 100 P80 32.0 30.3 ST2 13.0 2 2x2 2 P80 O1 1D 1 EA D 10 255 O 1D 13 EA D O 1D 14 EA D O 1D 16 EA D O 1D 18 EA D 2 4 229 O662 -6 O664 63 -665 O660 O670 2 27.8 10 3 O660 O662 -670 50 PR 30 PR 2 PR P35 27.4 2 2 P35 2 2x2 4 O66 4 1DE AD O66 4 1DE AD 2 141B P35 37.0 30 PR 30 PR 2x2 PR 17. 0 30 2x2 O 1D 21 EA D O6 1DE AD O20 1DE AD 2 14 1 25 12 9 24 7 24 8 4 3 24 1 24 U1 O 1D 26 EA D 2 23 U4 7 O2 U3 3 1D U EA O 2 D 1D 24 EA D 12 235 10 6 233 4 O667 1DEA D 10 PR 2x2 PR 253 O7 U1 95796 U2 O7 93794 -6 02 01 O6 06 -6 O 1D 619 EA DO 60 24 6 5 O 1D 620 EA D 2 4 2 2 2 2 P50 8.2 10 PR 4x2 PR 21 .4 18 .1 5 P3 5 5 O6 1D 54 EA D O65 1DE 6 AD O65 1DE 7 AD O66 6 1DE AD 2 O6 1D 51 EA D 2 P50 2 2.6 2x2 O33 1DEA D 2 2 .0 3 8 P100 21.0 P5 0 20 E S 5 24 .0 3 3x P5 1 2 0 0 54 O6 .0 5 3 1D EA D 2 1 5 .0 21 P5 10 0 3 2 O 1D 668 EA D 5 4 10 9 46 7 O 1D 634 EA D AD 50 30 ST 2 2 2x 3 5 5166 10 0 28. 3 O6 50 PR 30 PR 10 PR 2 O669 6 1DEA DP50 4.0 2 10 PR 3x2 PR P80 2 W O 1D 15 EA D 48 1 O 1D 91 EA D O61 50 1D 40 O6 EA P3 5 1D 31 D O7 5 8 O6 EA 28 U1 1-7 2x2 .5 82 1D 32 D O7 2x2 O6 EA 5 8 D 3 1D 36 U2 -7 5 84 EA O7 P5 D 01 01 4.5 3x -73 P3 5 0 CT 5 2x3 2 26 0 .0 5 2x 2 30 P5 14 0 5 .0 18.0 2 O8 1D 6 EA D O8 081 O8 O8 7 8 O 1D 76 EA 44 D .4 3 11 13 .4 7.2 31.0 5 2 30 P50 ETTE 5 O 1D 604 EA D DR 2 .0 2 6 28. 5 19.8 5 18.3 5 2 2 O648 1DEA D 14 20.9 21.4 50 3 30 50 30 30 2 P146 30 :O601 -650 2 30 1 6 O7 91792 N 2 O649 10 1DEA P80 D P80 9.8 2 6 O3 2 50 PR 30 PR 2 PR O6 1D 39 EA D 9 2 50 PR 30 PR 2x2 PR CORV O6 1D 74 EA 28 D O68 1DE 9 O679 O AD1D 6 EAD 1 78 18 DEA O U1 D 1 677 5 O61 U 20 DEA 4 2 D O O60 O63 9 1 26247 9 U3 1D EAD DEAD 24 2 7 O664 O644 U4 U5 U6 1DE 1 1DE 2DE AD AD U7 AD O68 6 1DE AD 2 2 2 19 5 O646 1DEA D 2 B 52 O6 EAD 1D 30 PR 10 PR 2 12 2x30 PR 30 PR 6 3x2 PR O601-630 12.8 4 O621 G50 P5 30 PR 0 DEAD 1 4 30 PR O 30 PR 2 60 1 O 3 4 DE P3 30 P3510.2 1D 624 5 50 PR AD EA 50 P8 D 29 .3 3 2x30 PR 0 13 10 PR 2 .6 2x2 PR 1 O6 1D 38 EA D 9 2 2 2 4 O6 1D 37 EA D 2 16 5 42 .5 50 PR 30 PR 10 PR 50 PR 2 PR 11 2x 2Kx O 2 3 30IT 30 AK I 2 2 21 5 2 2 2x 2x 2 30 50 2 30 14 14. 7 5 O6 1D 71 EA D P20 18.0 3 OBE 0 13 O694 1DEA D 3 2 30 16 .4 P8 0 14 MOR 2 20 P3 .8 5 P5 30 PR 30 PR 2 PR 2 PR O6 1D 91 EA D 2 GI 12 50 .8 13 .7 5 RD 2x 2 2 30 .6 61 2 2 PR O U4 2 PR 1D 628 EA 4x2 PR D U5 O U 6 O6 1 2 1D 27 1D 22 EA EA D 2 D U O6 2 2 1D 35 EA D 12.2 30 PR 30 PR 2 2x 2 30 33 .4 0.7 30 10 29 2x .4 30 2 .0 2 15 2 30 30 PR 30 PR 10 PR 3x2 PR 22 2 U3 .1 15. 3 2 DE 32 2 PR 4x2 PR 27 4 4 2 O 1D 626 EA D P50 22.0 4x 4 6 3-3 O7 19 89790 13.0 30 PR 3x2 PR 10DEAD O781-800 2 10 40 O612 1D 29 EA D 12 Cable Plan 3x2 1 P8 0 30 14 2D EA D P35 00 O 1D 89 EA D 5 O8 AD E 1D 2 P1 P354.6 30 PR 2x2 PR P35 2.7 30 PR 2x2 PR 4 6 2 3 33 .5 P8 2x 2 A 19 0 .3 LA 2 P3 30 5 M 29 6 30 E IN .6 2 5 9 3 18 0 .0 2 2 12 30 .7 3 O7 41 O7 2 5 O 1D 71 EA D 37 O 1D 74 EA D .0 2 5 25 2 2 2 P100 12.2 30 PR 2x2 PR O 1D 281 EA D 2x 100 PR 4277m 2x50 PR 50 PR 3x30 PR 2x10 PR 2 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m Sequence Number: 33340413 Please read Duty of Care prior to any excavating TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED A.C.N. 051 775 556 Generated On 01/04/2014 08:56:11 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 The above plan must be viewed in conjunction with the Mains Cable Plan on the following page This copied document is made WARNING - Due to the nature of Telstra underground plant and the age of some cables and records, it is impossible to ascertain the precise location of all Telstra plant from Telstra's plans. The accuracy and/or available for the sole purpose of completeness of the information supplied can not be guaranteed as property boundaries, depths and other natural landscape features may change over time, and accordingly the plans are indicative only. enabling its consideration and review Telstra does not warrant or hold out that its plans are accurate and accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy shown on the plans. as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. It is your responsibility to locate Telstra's underground plant by careful hand pot-holing prior to any excavation in the vicinity and to exercise due care during that excavation. The document must not be used for purpose which may breach any Please read and understand the information supplied in the duty of care statement attached with the Telstra plans. TELSTRA WILL SEEK COMPENSATION FORany LOSS CAUSED BY DAMAGE TO ITS PLANT. copyright. Telstra plans and information supplied are valid for 60 days from the date of issue. If this timeframe has elapsed, please reapply for plans. Page 1 of 2 AA CA EA C100 P100 P80 Mains Cable Plan 9 400 200/0.52 APIUT (AA) -1300 100/0.64 CPIUT (AA) P100 0.5 --2.6 AA BA A100 14.4 E c9:M201-300 100 PIUT UA (AA) c9:M301-400 100 PIUT UA (AA) c9:M301-400 100 PIUT UA (AA) c7:M1201-1300 100 PIUT UA (AA) 4xDIST (AA) CBN CABLE (AA) 5xDIST (BA) CT 0. 5 2. -1 S RD N W AL79 7 A.M EI AA C100 0. 5 1. -7 N AA AB DB c9:M201-400 200/0.52 APIUT (AB) c7:M1201-1300 100/0.64 CPIUT (AB) c4:M1401-1700 300 PIUT UA (CA) 19.5 CA P100 C100 P80 RD KO I TA KI 0.5 --- OUTH WAIT E ST DR DIST (AA) c9:M201-400 200/0.52 APIUT (BA) c7:M1201-1300 100/0.64 CPIUT (BA) P146 400/1800 OR IEL c4:M1401-1700 300/0.64 PIUT UA (AA) 3xDIST (AA) AA C100 CORV ETTE c4:M1701-2000 c7:M1301-1400 4047m DA146 MOR c4:M1401-2000 600/0.64 PIUT (AA) NO RT H OBE ST c7:M1201-1400 200/0.64 CPIUT (AA) c9:M201-400 200/0.52 APIUT (AA) c3010:BW-B66/1-12 12F/- SMOF FNPEHJ/STD (AA) EAST ST c4:M1401-2000 600/0.64 PIUT (AA) DIST (AA) For all Telstra DBYD plan enquiries email - [email protected] For urgent onsite contact only - ph 1800 653 935 (bus hrs) 0m SOUT H M1201-1400 200/0.64 CPIUT <- (AA) M201-400 200/0.52 APIUT <- (AA) 0:BW-B66/1-12 12F/- SMOF FNPEHJ/STD <- (AA) 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m Sequence Number: 33340413 Please read Duty of Care prior to any excavating TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED A.C.N. 051 775 556 Generated On 01/04/2014 08:56:16 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made WARNING - Due to the nature of Telstra underground plant and the age of some cables and records, it is impossible to ascertain the precise location of all Telstra plant from Telstra's plans. The accuracy and/or available for the sole purpose of completeness of the information supplied can not be guaranteed as property boundaries, depths and other natural landscape features may change over time, and accordingly the plans are indicative only. enabling its consideration and review Telstra does not warrant or hold out that its plans are accurate and accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracy shown on the plans. as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. It is your responsibility to locate Telstra's underground plant by careful hand pot-holing prior to any excavation in the vicinity and to exercise due care during that excavation. The document must not be used for purpose which may breach any Please read and understand the information supplied in the duty of care statement attached with the Telstra plans. TELSTRA WILL SEEK COMPENSATION FORany LOSS CAUSED BY DAMAGE TO ITS PLANT. copyright. Telstra plans and information supplied are valid for 60 days from the date of issue. If this timeframe has elapsed, please reapply for plans. Page 2 of 2 ◦ The location of assets must be verified on site prior to the commencement of work. For assistance to locate assets, please phone Yarra Valley Water on 1300 651 511 Mr Ricky Payne 01/04/2014 7277771 33340415 0352215807 [email protected] 3 Pacific Drive, Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Minimum horizontal & vertical clearances (edge to edge) are required between your proposed works and Yarra Valley Water assets. Details of these minimum clearances can be obtained from Yarra Valley Water’s website: Any conflict with the minimum clearance to your proposed works should be referred to Yarra Valley Water for further advice. IMPORTANT: Abandoned pipes may contain asbestos cement and/or fibro cement. Special work and handling procedures to deal with these potentially hazardous materials are required. Metallic water mains and associated fittings may pose an electrocution hazard if electrical earth wires have been connected to the ADVERTISED PLAN property service or water main. The contractor shall ensure that adequate electrical testing is carried out prior to working on Application No. P1022/14 these mains. If a positive reading is recorded the contractor shall cease all works and notify the relevant power distributor, the customer and Yarra Valley Water. This copied document is made Disclaimer - The plans accompanying this letter are issued solely for asset identification purposes should not of be used for available for theand sole purpose any other purpose. Yarra Valley Water provides the information it has on Sewer, Water and Recycled Water assets does not enabling its consideration andbut review guarantee the accuracy of information and therefore the location of all assets must beas proven on site prior to the commencement part of a planning process under the of any works. Planning & Environment Act 1987. Yarra Valley Water will not accept responsibility for or claims associated with any The incorrect or incomplete information document must not be used for being contained on the plan. Due to ongoing potential asset changes this plan should not be reused at a which later date, new plan any purpose may abreach anyshould be obtained. copyright. Yarra Valley Water ABN: 93 066 902 501 WEB: CT 251 10 14 8 249 16 Y 5 6 1.1 4 V 1 8650CO MO NC R 10 12 4 V 1 V 52.2 7 250 50 .75 1.1 247 17. 45 KO ITA KI 4 D OUTHWAI 245 TE 2 0.30 V 1 9750CO MO NC R 15 0 0.9 1 1 CON 11550M OR C Y 15 252 26. 1 1150C 9MOON RC 1 12540CO MO NC R 7 1 AL A 40 6 6 13 243 11 4 246 Y V 51.9 9 1.1 4 4 241 11 1.14 244 11 15. 34 4 1.1 D 14 14 ST V Y DR 5 6 94.5 Y 3 242 V 12 5.84 2.92 1 12510M CON OR C 1 8150MCO ORNC 9 67.11 237 81 > 18 236 20 2.08 10 6 11.53 D 2 20A 234 229 72.90 22 Y 4 2 NO RTH 2 ORIEL 6 Y V CORVETTE 53 233 150CONC 92 MOR 31.24 V 49.61 4 4 46. .89 12 235 <1.14 1.1 81 20 238 V 1 CONC 12500M OR D V 6 0.76 Y CONC 112500M OR 3.25 240 19. 1.1 8 3 4 1 7850CO MO NC R 4 Y V 43.5 1 9950CO MO NC R 10 32.51 0.91 232 4 ST EAST Job No. 7277771 33340415 Address 3 Pacific Drive, Heidelberg West VIC Melway Ref. 19F12 Date 01/04/2014 Scale 1:1000 Overview not to scale ST V Sequence No. 150CONC 99 MOR 24 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The Water’s document must assets not bethrough used for Warning – This plan is issued solely for the purpose of assisting you in identifying Yarra Valley specified further any purpose which may breach any investigation only. It’s not to be used for any other purpose, including to identify any other assets, property boundaries or dimensions. copyright. Accordingly, the location of all assets should be proven by hand on site prior to the commencement of any work. Please refer to the attached cover letter for further details. Yarra Valley Water ABN: 93 066 902 501 WEB: CT 7 2.3 k 10 % 251 R 100PVC-P 99 06/10/19 k 8 252 5 12 5 18 PE /01 /20 0 0 249 ~ 2.0 6 14 I 150 12 DIC L 11. 5 KI KO ITA 1.9 15 ~ 2.0 I 15 2 150 6 6 13 TE DIC L I 0 OUTHWAI 245 22. 11. 11 198 5 243 4 246 9 ST ~ 2.7 9 14 14 % D R 5 I & 1.9 &I 11 2.5~ 241 11 244 3 242 12 237 10 100 PVC -M 06/1 2/20 04 8 240 150P VC-M 17/0 2/20 10 238 6 3 235 18 236 20 6 2 100PVC-P R 13/06/2001 229 10 2. 6 I 22 100PVC-M 17/02/2010 k 4 2 ~ 2.6 & ~ 2.1 6 20A 234 ~ t I & I ST & 232 4 EAST Sequence No. Job No. 33340415 7277771 Address 3 Pacific Drive, Heidelberg West VIC Melway Ref. 19F12 Date 01/04/2014 Scale 1:1000 Overview not to scale Existing Title NO RTH ~ 2.72 ~2 .8 20 12 233 5~ 2. 100PVC-P R 13/06/2001 CORVETTE 4 ORIEL 4 tI 198 150 PV C-M 17/ 02/ 201 0 22. 10 250 & 247 4 1 2. 3 AL A 8 40 24 ~3 &I ST Asbestos Water Main Hydrant Below Ground -Council/YVW Proposed Title Fire Plug / Blank End ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 Hydrant Above Ground -Council/YVW Offset Water Main Water Valve Dialysis Patient This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & specified Environment 1987.further Warning – This plan is issued solely for the purpose of assisting you in identifying Yarra Valley Water’s assetsAct through The document must not be used for investigation only. It’s not to be used for any other purpose, including to identify any other assets, property boundaries or dimensions. any purpose which may breach any Accordingly, the location of all assets should be proven by hand on site prior to the commencement of any work. copyright. Please refer to the attached cover letter for further details. Water Main Hydrant Below – YVW/Council Yarra Valley Water ABN: 93 066 902 501 WEB: Phone: 1100 Job No 7277771 Caller Details Contact: Mr Ricky Payne Caller Id: 837731 Phone: 0352212057 Company: All General Surveying Mobile: 0438419833 Fax: Address: Po Box 5060 East Geelong VIC 3219 Email: [email protected] 0352215807 Dig Site and Enquiry Details WARNING: The map below only displays the location of the proposed dig site and does not display any asset owners' pipe or cables. The area highlighted has been used only to identify the participating asset owners, who will send information to you directly. User Reference: 3079-51 Working on Behalf of: Private Enquiry Date: Start Date: End Date: 04/04/2014 11/04/2014 01/04/2014 Address: 3 Pacific Drive Heidelberg West VIC 3081 Job Purpose: Onsite Activity: Location of Workplace: Location in Road: Notes/Description of Works: Dist & Direction provided by customer Excavation Manual Excavation Private Property Not Supplied ● Check that the location of the dig site is correct. If not you must submit a new enquiry. ● Should the scope of works change, or plan validity dates expire, you must submit a new enquiry. ● Do NOT dig without plans. Safe excavation is your responsibility. If you do not understand the plans or how to proceed safely, please contact the relevant asset owners. Your Responsibilities and Duty of Care ● If plans are not received within 2 working days, contact the asset owners directly & quote their Sequence No. ● ALWAYS perform an onsite inspection for the presence of assets. Should you require an onsite location, contact the asset owners directly. Please remember, plans do not detail the exact location of assets. ● Pothole to establish the exact location of all underground assets using a hand shovel, before using heavy machinery. ● Ensure you adhere to any State legislative requirements regarding Duty of Care and safe digging requirements. ● If you damage an underground asset you MUST advise the asset owner immediately. ● By using this service, you agree to Privacy Policy and the terms and disclaimers set out at ● For more information on safe excavation practices, visit Asset Owner Details The assets owners listed below have been requested to contact you with information about their asset locations within 2 working days. Additional time should be allowed for information issued by post. It is your responsibility to identify the presence of any underground assets in and around your proposed dig site. Please be aware, that not all asset owners are registered with the Dial Before You Dig service, so it is your responsibility to identify and contact any asset owners not listed here directly. ** Asset owners highlighted by asterisks ** require that you visit their offices to collect plans. # Asset owners highlighted with a hash require that you call them to discuss your enquiry or to obtain plans. Seq. No. Authority Name Phone Status 33340414 APA Group Networks, Thomastown 0394638235 NOTIFIED 33340412 Jemena Electricity Networks (Vic) 0385449672 NOTIFIED 33340413 Telstra VICTAS 1800653935 NOTIFIED 33340415 Yarra Valley Water Ltd. 0398721456 END OF UTILITIES LIST NOTIFIED ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Lodge Your Free Enquiry Online – 24 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week DUTY OF CARE TELSTRA CORPORATON ACN 051 775 556 IMPORTANT: Please read and understand all the information and disclaimers provided below. Sketches and Plans provided by Telstra are circuit diagrams only and indicate the presence of telecommunications plant in the general vicinity of the geographical area shown; exact ground cover and alignments cannot be given with any certainty and cover may alter over time. Telecommunications plant seldom follow straight lines and careful on site investigation is essential to uncover and reveal its exact position. Due to the nature of Telstra plant and the age of some cables and records, it is impossible to ascertain the location of all Telstra plant. The accuracy and/or completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed and, accordingly Telstra plans are intended to be indicative only. "DUTY OF CARE" When working in the vicinity of telecommunications plant you have a legal "Duty of Care" that must be observed. It is the responsibility of the owner and any consultant engaged by the owner, including an architect, consulting engineer, developer, and head contractor to design for minimal impact and protection of Telstra plant. Telstra will provide plans and sketches showing the presence of its network to assist at this design stage. It is the owner's (or constructor's) responsibility to:a) request plans of Telstra plant for a particular location at a reasonable time before construction begins. If you have any doubts as to the exact location of Telstra Plant, we strongly recommend that you engage an Accredited Plant Locator in your area; b) visually locate Telstra plant by hand digging or using non destructive water jet method (pot holing) where construction activities may damage or interfere with Telstra plant (see "Essential Precautions and Approach Distances" section for more information); and c) contact Telstra's Plan Services (see below for details) if Telstra plant is wholly or partly located near planned construction activities. DAMAGE TO TELSTRA'S NETWORK MUST BE REPORTED TO 132203 IMMEDIATELY. The owner is responsible for all plant damage when works commence prior to obtaining Telstra plans, or failure to follow agreed instructions. Telstra reserves all rights to recover compensation for loss or damage to its cable network or other property including consequential losses. Important note: The construction of Telstra’s network dates back over many years. Some of Telstra’s ADVERTISED PLAN pits and ducts were manufactured from asbestos-containing cement. YouApplication must takeNo. careP1022/14 in conducting any works in the vicinity of Telstra’s pits and ducts. You must refrain from in any way disturbing or damaging This copied document is made Telstra’s network infrastructure when conducting your works. We recommend that before you conduct any available for the sole purpose of works in the vicinity of Telstra infrastructure that you ensure your processes and its procedures eliminate any enabling consideration and review possibility of disturbing, damaging or interfering in any way with Telstra’s infrastructure. processes as part of a planningYour process under the & Environment and procedures should incorporate appropriate measures having regard toPlanning the nature of this risk.Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS - RECEIVING TELSTRA PLANS Telstra's automated mapping system will provide a fast response for emergency situations. (faster than an operator can provide manually). Automated responses are normally available 24/7. To receive a fast automated response from Telstra your request must • • • • • be a web request lodged at DBYD ( The request will be then forwarded directly to Telstra. contain your email address so you can receive the automated email response. be for the purposes of 'mechanical excavation' or other ground breaking DBYD activity. (requests with activity types conveyancing, planning & design or other non digging activities may not be responded to until the next business day). be for an area less than 350 metres in size to obtain a PDF map. (over 350 metres will default to DWF due to size ) be for an area less than 2500 metres in size to obtain a DWF map NATURAL DISASTERS Natural Disasters include (amongst other things) earthquakes, cyclones, floods and tsunamis. In the case of such events, urgent requests for plans or information relating to the location of Telstra network can be made directly to Telstra Network Integrity Team Managers as follows: NSW – John McInerney 0419 485 795 QLD – Glenn Swift 0419 660 174 VIC/TAS - David Povazan 0417 300 947 SA/NT - Mick Weaver 0419 828 703 WA - Angus Beresford-Peirse 0419 123 589 TELSTRA PLAN SERVICES For all Telstra DBYD (Dial Before You Dig) map enquiries please contact Telstra Plan Services email - [email protected] phone - 1800 653 935 (for urgent, onsite or optic fibre enquiries) Please note - to make an enquiry the plans must be current (within 60 days of issue). If your plans have expired you will need to submit a new request via DBYD. ASSET RELOCATIONS You are not permitted to relocate or alter any Telstra assets or network under any circumstance. For all enquiries relating to the relocation of Telstra assets please phone 1800 810 443 or email [email protected] DATA EXTRACTION FEES In some instances a data extraction fee may be applicable for the supply ADVERTISED of Telstra information. Typically a PLAN data extraction fee may apply to large projects, requests to be supplied inApplication non standard formats, No. P1022/14 excessive hardcopy printing or requests for non digging purposes. Further details can be obtained by contacting Telstra Plan Services. This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review PRIVACY NOTE as part of a planning process under the Planningto& respond Environment Act 1987. Your information has been provided to Telstra by DBYD to enable Telstra to your DBYD The document must not be usedYour for request. Telstra keeps your information in accordance with its privacy statement entitled "Protecting any purpose which may breach any Privacy" which can be obtained from Telstra either by calling 1800 039 059 or visiting our website at copyright. CONCERNING TELSTRA PLANS: Please note the following: • For plans of Telstra locations contact Dial Before You Dig at least 2 business days prior to digging. ( ) • Fast response can be provided by Telstra if an email address is supplied. (if posted, this may take up to one week or longer to receive plans) • Telstra plans and information provided are valid for 60 days from the date of issue. • Telstra owns and retains the copyright in all plans and details provided in conjunction with the applicant's request. The applicant is authorised to use the plans and details only for the purpose indicated in the applicant's request. The applicant must not use the plans or details for any other purpose. The plans and details should be disposed of by shredding or any other secure disposal method after use. • Telstra plans or other details are provided only for the use of the applicant, its servants, or agents. The applicant may not give the plans or details to other parties, and may not generate profit from commercialising the plans or details. • Please contact Telstra Plan Services (see above for details) immediately should you locate Telstra assets not indicated on these plans. • Telstra, its servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or occasioned by the use of plans and or details so supplied to the applicant, its servants and agents, and the applicant agrees to indemnify Telstra against any claim or demand for any such loss or damage. Please ensure Telstra plans and information provided remains on-site at all times throughout your construction phase. ESSENTIAL PRECAUTIONS and APPROACH DISTANCES: NOTE: If the following clearances cannot be maintained, please contact Telstra Plan Services (see above for details) for advice on how best to resolve this situation. 1. On receipt of plans and sketches and before commencing excavation work or similar activities near Telstra's plant, carefully locate this plant first to avoid damage. Undertake prior manual exposure such as potholing when intending to excavate or work closer to Telstra plant than the following approach distances. Where Telstra's plant is in an area where road and footpaths are well defined by kerbs or other features a minimum clear distance of 600mm must be maintained from where it could be reasonably presumed that plant would reside. In non established or unformed reserves and terrain, this approach distance must be at least 1.5 metres. In country/rural areas which may have wider variations in reasonably presumed plant presence, the following minimum approach distances apply: a) b) Parallel to major plant: 10 metres (for IEN, optic fibre and copper cable over 300 pairs) Parallel to other plant: 5 metres NOTE: Even manual pot-holing needs to be undertaken with extreme care, commonsense and employing techniques least likely to damage cables. For example, orientate shovel blades and trowels parallel to the cable rather than digging across the cable. ADVERTISED PLAN No.destructive P1022/14 water jet If construction work is parallel to Telstra plant, then careful hand digging Application or using non method (pot-holing) at least every 5m is required to establish the location of all plant, hence confirming This copied document is made nominal locations before work can commence. available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review 2. Maintain the following minimum clearance between constructionasactivity actual location part of aand planning process underof the Telstra Plant. Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Jackhammers/Pneumatic Breakers Vibrating Plate or Wacker Packer Compactor Boring Equipment (in-line, horizontal and vertical) Heavy Vehicle Traffic (over 3 tonnes) Mechanical Excavators, Farm ploughing and Tree Removal Not within 1.0m of actual location. Not within 0.5m of Telstra ducts. 300mm compact clearance cover before compactor can be used across Telstra ducts. Not within 2.0m of actual location. Constructor to hand dig or use non-destructive water jet method (pot-hole) and expose plant. Not to be driven across Telstra ducts (or plant) with less than 600mm cover. Constructor to check depth via hand digging. Not within 1.0m of actual location. Constructor to hand dig or use non-destructive water jet method (pot-hole) and expose plant. All Telstra pits and manholes should be a minimum of 1.2m in from the back of kerb after the completion of your work. All Telstra conduit should have the following minimum depth of cover after the completion of your work:Footway 450mm Roadway 450mm at drain invert and 600mm at road centre crown For clearance distances relating to Telstra pillars, cabinets and RIMs/RCMs please contact Telstra Plan Services (see above for details). FURTHER ASSISTANCE: Assistance can be obtained by contacting Telstra Plan Services Where on-site location is provided, the owner is responsible for all hand digging or use non-destructive water jet method (pot-holing) to visually locate and expose Telstra plant. If plant location plans or visual location of Telstra plant by digging reveals that the location of Telstra plant is situated wholly or partly where the owner plans to work, then Telstra's Network Integrity Group must be contacted through Telstra Plan Services to discuss possible engineering solutions. NOTE: If Telstra relocation or protection works are part of the agreed solution, then payment to Telstra for the cost of this work shall be the responsibility of the principal developer or constructor. The principal developer or constructor will be required to provide Telstra with the details of their proposed work showing how Telstra's plant is to be accommodated and these details must be approved by the Regional Network Integrity Manager prior to the commencement of site works. RURAL LANDOWNERS Where Telstra owned cable crosses agricultural land, Telstra may provide a once-off free on-site electronic cable location. The Telstra Plan Services operator will provide assistance in determining whether a free on-site location is required. Please note: • ADVERTISED PLAN is not covered The exact location, including depth of cables can only be verified by pot holing, which Application No. P1022/14 by this service. • This service is only available to assist private rural land owners. This copied document is made • This service covers one hour on-site only. Additional time canavailable be purchased directly from the for the sole purpose of Accredited Plant Locator. enabling its consideration and review For further information including terms and conditions, please contact PlanasServices 1800 process 653 935. part of a on planning under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. ELECTRONIC PLANS - PDF AND DWF MAPS If you have received Telstra maps via email you will have received the maps as either a PDF file (for smaller areas) or DWF file (for larger area requests). If you are unable to launch any one of the softcopy files for viewing and printing, you may need to download and install one or more of the free viewing and printing products such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (for PDF files) or Autodesk Design Review (for DWF files) available from the internet. PDF files PDF is the default softcopy format for all requests for areas up to approx *350m in length. (*depends on geographic location of request). The PDF file is formatted to A3 portrait sheet however it can be printed on any size sheet including from A4 to AO, either as the full sheet or selected areas to suit needs and legibility. (to print a selected area zoom up and print "current view"). If there are multiple layers of Telstra network you may receive up to 2 sheets in the single PDF file attachment supplied. There are three types or layers of network normally recorded - local network, mains cables or a combined layer of local and mains (usually displayed in rural or semi rural areas). If mains cable network is present in addition to local cables (i.e. as separate layer in a particular area), the mains will be shown on a separate sheet. The mains cable information should be read in conjunction with the local cable information. DWF files This is the default softcopy format for all requests for areas that are over 350m in length. Maximum length for a DWF automated response is approx 2500m - depending on geographic location of request (manually-processed plans may provide larger coverage). The DWF files differ from PDF in that DWF are vector files made up of layers that can be turned on or off and are not formatted to a specific sheet size. This makes them ideal for larger areas and for transmitting over email etc. How to view Telstra DWF files Telstra DWF files come with all layers turned on. You may need to turn individual layers on or off for viewing and printing clarity. Individual layer names are CC (main cable/conduit), DA (distribution or local area network) and sometimes a combined layer - CAC. Layer details can be viewed by either picking off the side menu or by selecting 'window' then 'layers' off the top menu bar. Use 'layers' to turn individual layers off or on. (double click or right click on layer icon.) How to print Telstra DWF files DWF files can be printed on any size sheet. They can be printed in their entirety or by selected areas of interest. Some DWF coverage areas are large and are not suited to printing legibly on a single A4 sheet - you may need several prints if you only have an A4 printer. Alternatively, an A3, A1 or larger printer could be used. To print, zoom in or out and then, by changing the 'print range' settings, you can print what is displayed on your screen to suit your paper size. If you only have a small printer, e.g. A4, you may need to zoom until the text is legible on your screen for it to be legible on the print. (which is why you may need several prints). To print what is displayed on your screen the 'view' setting should be changed from 'full page' to 'current view'. The 'current sheet' setting should also be selected. You may need to print layers separately for clarity and legibility. (details above on how to turn layers on or off) How to change the background colour from white to black (when viewing) Telstra DWF files If using Autodesk Design Review the background colour can be changed by selecting "Tools" then "options" then "sheet". Tick the box "override published paper colors" and select the colour required using the tab provided. Telstra Automated Mapping System Telstra provides an automated plan response for the majority of DBYD requests received. Requestors must supply a current email address on their request toADVERTISED DBYD and must PLANalso be able to accept a standard format of PDF or DWF. An automated response can be provided much faster than Application No. P1022/14 the alternative of a mailed hardcopy, and can avoid unnecessary delays in waiting for plans to arrive. Being softcopy, it can easily be sent directly to a worksite and can be 7 days ais week. Thisavailable copied document made The automated system can be configured for individual requestors to receive eitherforPDF/DWF (whereofsmall available the sole purpose requests are PDF and larger requests are DWF) or, alternatively, all in DWF (both small and andreview large enabling its consideration requests). Please contact Plan Services for further details or to have your preferences Please as part of a planningupdated. process under the Planning & Environment Actthere 1987.are note that all requests over *350m (approx.) in size can only be supplied in DWF format and The document not be used for size limits on what can be provided. (* actual size depends on geographic location ofmust requested area) any purpose which may breach any copyright. ACCREDITED PLANT LOCATORS (For your area) On-site assistance should be sought from an Accredited Plant Locator (Telstra accredited), if the telecommunications plant cannot be located within 2.5 metres of the locations indicated on the drawings provided. On-site advice should be obtained from the Telstra Accredited Plant Locator who is highly skilled in locating Telstra plant. In the case where Telstra plant is outside a recognised road reserve Telstra recommends that Telstra Plan Services are contacted for assistance prior to engaging an Accredited Plant Locator. Telstra does not permit external parties (non-Telstra) to conduct work on our network. Only Telstra staff or Telstra contractors that are correctly accredited are allowed to work on or enter our manholes, pits, ducts, cables etc. Please note it is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) to tamper or interfere with communication facilities owned by a carrier. Heavy penalties may apply for breach of this prohibition, and any damages suffered, or costs incurred by Telstra as a result of any such unauthorised works may be claimed against you. Should your projects require Telstra network location, any asset plant locator that is used MUST be Telstra accredited to be able to access and locate Telstra network. (a list of which is provided with the Dial Before You Dig plans). A Telstra Accredited Plant Locator must have a current identification card issued by Telstra. For the assistance of customers an accredited Asset Plant Locator can perform any of the following activities if requested to do so by the owner: • • • • • review Telstra's plans to assess the approximate location of Telstra plant; advise owners of the approximate location of Telstra plant according to the plans; advise owners of the best method for locating Telstra plant; advise owners of the hazards of unqualified persons attempting to find the exact location of Telstra plant and working in the vicinity of Telstra plant without first locating its exact position; and perform trial hole explorations by hand digging (pot-holing) to expose Telstra plant with a high degree of skill, competence and efficiency and utilising all necessary safety equipment. A list of Accredited Plant Locators operating in your area is attached. Accredited Plant Locators are certified by Telstra to perform the tasks listed above. Owners may engage Accredited Plant Locators to perform these services, however Telstra does not give any warranty in relation to these services that Accredited Plant Locators are competent or experienced to perform any other services. The attached list provides the names and contact details for Accredited Plant Locators who service your area and can provide you with assistance in locating Telstra plant on site. These organisations have been able to satisfy Telstra that they have a sound knowledge of telecommunications plant and its sensitivity to disturbance; appropriate equipment for locating telecommunications plant and competent personnel who are able to interpret telecommunications plans and sketches and understand safety issues relevant to working around telecommunications plant. They are also able to advise you on the actions which should be taken if the work you propose will/could result in a relocation of the telecommunications plant and/or its means of support. We recommend that you engage the assistance of one of these Accredited Plant PLAN Locators as a step ADVERTISED Application P1022/14 towards discharging your Duty of Care obligations when seeking the No. location of Telstra's telecommunications plant. Please Note: • This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of its consideration and review Optic fibre cable locations must be performed by a locatorenabling with Telstra optic fibre cable as part of a planning process under the location accreditation. (not all copper accredited locators have optic fibre accreditation). The Planning & Environment Act 1987. locators with additional optic fibre cable location accreditation are indicated by a 'yes' in the The document must not be used for column headed 'Fibre' in the lists of locators that are published with the DBYD plans. any purpose which may breach any copyright. • • • • • • • Each Accredited Plant Locator is NOT permitted to provide depth of communications plant unless physically exposed by hand digging. The details of any contract, agreement or retainer for site assistance to locate telecommunications plant shall be for you to decide and agree with the organisation engaged. Telstra is not a party to any contract entered into between an owner and an Accredited Plant Locator. The Accredited Plant Locators are able to provide guidance concerning the extent of site investigations required. Payment for the site assistance will be your responsibility and payment details should be agreed before the engagement is confirmed. Telstra does not accept any liability or responsibility for the performance of or advice given by an Accredited Plant Locator. Accreditation is an initiative taken by Telstra towards the establishment and maintenance of competency standards. However, performance and the advice given will always depend on the nature of the individual engagement. Each Accredited Plant Locator has been issued with a certificate which confirms the Accreditation. Every 2 years Telstra will reassess the accreditation and where appropriate will issue a letter confirming the accreditation for the next 2 years. You have the right to request the organisation you engage to show evidence of their ID card. Neither the Accredited Plant Locator nor any of its employees are an employee or agent for Telstra and Telstra is not liable for any damage or loss caused by the Accredited Plant Locator or its employees. The attached list contains the current names and contact details of Accredited Plant Locators who service your area, however, these details are subject to change. IDEA FOR CONSIDERATION: Telstra offer free Cable Awareness Presentations & Advanced Cable Reading Presentations, if you believe you or your company would benefit from this offer please contact Network Integrity on 1800 810 443 or [email protected] ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for TELSTRA CORPORATON 051 775 any purpose which mayACN breach any556 copyright. Telstra Accredited Plant Locators - Victoria / Tasmania If a physical location is required please contact a Telstra accredited locator from the lists below (fees apply). *Optic fibre cable locations must be performed by a locator with Telstra optic fibre location accreditation. Locators with Telstra optic fibre cable location accreditation are indicated by a ‘yes’ in the ‘Fibre’ column. Tasmania Name & areas covered *Fibre Contact details AJ Water & Leak Detection - Newstead Tas - North, North East & North West No 0457 710 684 Archer's Underground Services Locations – Rosny Park All of Tasmania Except Launceston and Devonport Yes 0418 737 299 Fax (03) 6245 1299 Archer's Underground Services Locations - Devonport Launceston and Devonport Yes 0417 551 851 Astrotec – Margate Covering all Southern Tasmania No 0408 479 601 Email: [email protected] Bill’s Locating Service - Cremorne All of Tasmania Yes 0417 581 775 Fax: (03) 6248 9736 Cable Locators Northern Tasmania - Rosevears 0363 Area Code Yes 0418 321 311 (03) 6394 3994 Corrosion Mitigation Pty Ltd - Kensington All areas No (03) 9376 4216 or 0418 367 295 Danny Shields Paving - Launceston Northern Tasmania 0438 392 465 Fax: (03) 6339 2465 Environmental Locations Systems - Fountain Gate All areas Yes (03) 9314 5335 or 0414 352 472 Hunter Geophysics – Central Park No 0488 501 261 Email: [email protected] Jacksons Utility Location Service - Pakenham Yes 0417 511 114 LOC84U (MD Smith) - St Marys North East Coast, Swansea North, Fingel Valley to Avoca No 0408 059 521 Mytrax - Legana Launceston, North East Tasmania No 0418 607 145 Fax: (03) 6330 2723 [email protected] Nigel Mawby Enterprises - Devonport All of Tasmania No 0408 635 357 Email: [email protected] North West Locations Pty Ltd - Wynyard Yes 0419 512 796 Fax (03) 6442 1292 Radiotech Geo-Structural Surveys - Greensborough No (03) 9444 9183 Fax: (03) 9434 4694 Riverina Horizontal Boring Pty Ltd - Wodonga No (02) 6059 1788 or 0419 149 153 Fax: (02) 6059 5090 PLAN ADVERTISED Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Victoria Name & areas covered Fibre Contact details Aardvark Utilities Exposure - Langwarrin Melbourne Metro, Mornington Peninsula, Gippsland, Latrobe Valley No (03) 9785 8530 or 0413 996 907 Fax: (03) 9785 9296 Email: [email protected] Able Pipe Cable & Leak Location Services- Cheltenham Melbourne Metro & Mornington Peninsula No 0418 318 186 Fax (03) 9584 0137 Advanced Pty Limited - Lancefield Melbourne Metro, Geelong, Bendigo, Lancefield No (03) 5429 1739 or 0402 883 536 All Areas Asset Locating (Scantek Group Pty Ltd ) – Macleod Melbourne Metro, Greater Melbourne and all Regional Areas No 0409 234 121 Email: [email protected] All Melbourne Cable & Pipe Locating – Warrandyte South Eastern Suburbs, Yarra Valley, Melbourne and Greater Metropolitan Area. No 0417 202 000 Fax (03) 9876 5716 All States Contracting Pty Ltd - Shepparton Central, North Central, Goulburn Valley, Shepparton, Seymour, Cobram, Euroa Yes 0408 216 653 (03) 5821 6653 All States Recoveries – Bendigo (Victoria, Bendigo, Mildura, Murray River, Southern NSW) No 0428 003 333 Email: [email protected] Asset Detection Services Pty Ltd - Newport All of VIC Yes 0413 949 400 Fax: (03) 9391 6204 Email: [email protected] Australian Underground Survey Solutions Pty Ltd Narre Warren No (03) 9700 2311 or 0419 488 883 Fax: (03) 9314 1568 Barry Bros Specialised Services - Mulgrave Yarra Yes (03) 9574 9888 or 0407 319 930 Barry Johnstone Locations and Communications - Mt Gambier. South East Of South Australia (Limestone Coast), South West Victoria No 0418 834 804 Bartletts Environmental - Geelong All of VIC No (03) 5248 7955 or 0427 684 726 Fax: (03) 5248 7677 Email: [email protected] Below Ground Services Pty Ltd - Vermont South Metro, Southern and Eastern Suburbs, Mornington Peninsula and Surrounding Areas No 0418 314 049 Fax: (03) 9803 7147 Bendigo District Cable and Pipe Locations - Bendigo Yes PLAN (03) 5447 ADVERTISED 1148 or 0413 035 386 Application No. P1022/14 (03) 5447 1804 Billy Charnock Electrical - Swan Hill Swan Hill and Surrounding Districts Yes (03) 5032 This 1866 copied document is made Fax: (03) 5033 1866 Bishops Underground Services Locations – Ballarat Ballarat and surrounding areas Yes available for the sole purpose of its consideration and review (03) 5342 enabling 0440 or 0408 508 453 Fax: (03) 5342 0440 as part of a planning process under the Email: [email protected] Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Name & areas covered Fibre BPR Trenching and Boring Pty Ltd - Bairnsdale Contact details (03) 5153 2800 or 0417 333 923 C & L Cable Locators - Bendigo Yes 0407 393 405 or 0459 111 191 Email: [email protected] Cablenet Industries Pty Ltd - Sunshine No (03) 9311 6605 Fax: (03) 9311 6610 Capogreco Excavations Pty Ltd - Mildura South Mildura, Wentworth, Gol Gol, Dareton, Ouyen, Robinvale, Merbein No (03) 5022 2070 or 0428 356 269 Fax (03) 5022 7003 Cardno Australian Underground Services - Highett All Areas Yes 1300 224 664 or (03) 9553 7236 Cavan Constructions - Warrnambool Warrnambool, Ballarat, Hamilton and Western suburbs of Melbourne Yes (03) 5568 7240 or 0404 241 679 Fax: (03) 5568 7240 CHS Group Australia - Horsham Melbourne East and Surrounds No (03) 53816400 or 0438 824 557 Fax: (03) 5381 1985 Clean It Industrial Services - Sale Yes 0417 517 391 Cobram Electrical and Data Pty Ltd - Cobram North East Victoria and NSW Yes (03) 5871 2807 or 0447 777 566 Fax: (03) 5871 2907 Corrosion Mitigation Pty Ltd - Kensington All areas No (03) 9376 4216 or 0418 367 295 D-TECH Ground and Overhead Services Ptd Ltd Notting Hill All of Vic No 0421 697 090 Email: [email protected] deCastella Walsh Consulting Pty Ltd - Yarra Glen No 0417 327 570 Fax: 03 9730 2683 Down Under Pipeline Surveys Pty Ltd - Orangeville No (02) 4653 1286 or 0418 675 374 Fax (02) 4653 1747 Dunlop & Pitson Earthmoving - Bendigo Bendigo Region No (03) 5441 1809 or 0419 761 427 Fax: (03) 5441 5571 email: [email protected] Earthscan Technology Pty Ltd - Ballarat Central and South West No 0402 210 445 Fax (03) 5331 7611 Email: [email protected] Echuca and District Cable Locations - Echuca Northern VIC, Southern NSW Yes 0419 001 843 Eiicon Locations - Wodonga Wodonga, Albury, Wagga Wagga, Wangaratta, Towong Shire, Alpine Shire, Indigo Shire Yes 0419 568 331 EJ Russell Plant Hire - Colac Yes (03) 5231 2630 or 0428 874 832 Fax: (03) 5232 2848 Elite Locating Services - Seabrook Melbourne Metropoliton, All areas in Victoria No 0413 743 618 Environmental Locations Systems - Fountain Gate All areas Yes ADVERTISED PLAN No. (03) 9314 Application 5335 or 0414 352P1022/14 472 G.J & R.K Smith – Mirboo North No This copied document is made 0409 803 583 available for the sole purpose of Email: [email protected] enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Name & areas covered Fibre Contact details Geelong Cable Locations - Geelong All areas Yes 0418 108 543 Fax (03) 5248 3344 Email: [email protected] Geelong Underground Services - Grovedale All areas No 0413 958 918 GeoScan Utility Location Service - Torquay Victoria Statewide Yes 0417 309 710 Fax (03) 5261 9619 Gippsland Pipe & Cable Locations - Wy Yung Gippsland Yes (03) 5152 4417 or 0409 386 817 Fax: (03) 5152 4480 Gippslocate - Traralgon Gippsland Yes (03) 5174 9831 or 0418 349 391 Fax (03) 5176 6796 Green Triangle Electronics – Mt Gambier South East of South Australia and Western Victoria No (08) 8724 2222 Fax: (08) 8723 0249 HMR Partners Aust Pty Ltd – Lockwood Sth North Central Victoria No 0423 870207 [email protected] Hunter Geophysics – Central Park No 0488 501 261 Email: [email protected] JG Keast Excavations Pty Ltd - Bushfield No 0417 380 322 Fax: (03) 5562 8574 Email: [email protected] Jacksons Utility Location Service - Pakenham Yes 0417 511 114 Larsen Electrics - Red Cliffs Mildura & Districts, NSW South, SA No (03) 5024 1733 or 0428 385 610 Fax (03) 5024 1170 Mark Brehaut - Ballarat Ballarat No 0402 411 843 Fax: 03 9011 9750 Maffra Trenching & Boring – Traralgon Latrobe Valley Yes (03) 5174 4108 or 0431 158 654 Fax: (03) 5175 0675 Email: [email protected] National Civil & Civic Services - Thebarton South Eastern SA Yes 0422 768 660 [email protected] Onley Consulting Pty Ltd - Shepparton Yes (03) 5821 7171 or 0417 128 625 Fax: (03) 5821 2725 [email protected] Optic Energi Australia - Ashburton No (03) 9886 9642 or 0412 355 078 Fax: (03) 9886 9641 Pipe & Cable Investigation Services – Ascot Vale Metro & Country No 0418 378 935 Pipeline Cleaning Services Australia - Mulwala Yarrawonga Myrtleford, Wangaratta, Cobram, Katamatite, Shepparton, Wodonga, Rutherglen No (03) 5743 3152 or 0448 822 815 Fax: (03) 5743 3152 Email: [email protected]. ADVERTISED PLAN au Pipeline Technology Services - Marleston No (08) 8351 7000 or 0419 878 220 Fax:(08) 8159 7537 Application No. P1022/14 Precision Locations - Gherang Geelong and Surfcoast No This copied document is made for the sole purpose of 0418 524 available 156 Fax (03) 5266 1075 its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. Name & areas covered Fibre Contact details Qest Environments – North Geelong Yes 1300 308 172 After Hours: 0417 478 732 Fax: 1300 456 863 R & R McClure – Castlemaine Bendigo, Castlemaine, Kyneton, Gisborne, Heathcote, Mildura, Robinvale, Ouyen Yes (03) 5472 3256 Fax: (03) 5472 4558 Radiotech Geo-Structural Surveys- Greensborough No (03) 9444 9183 Fax: (03) 9434 4694 Riverina Horizontal Boring Pty Ltd - Wodonga No (02) 6059 1788 or 0419 149 153 Fax: (02) 6059 5090 SADB Directional Boring - Newton No (08) 8168 7200 Fax: (08) 8168 7299 Somerset Communications - Wangaratta North East Victoria (Wangaratta, Bright, Yarrawonga, Mansfield, Benalla), Kiewa Valley, Corowa, Rutherglen No 0407 228 280 Spot on Group – Swan Hill Central & North-East Vic, Southern NSW No 1300 531 431 or 0407 505 226 Fax: (03) 5032 1173 Symes Contracting Services - Wangaratta North East Victoria No 0427 215 600 Email: [email protected] Tactile Australia – Tatura Yes (03) 5824 3878 or 0407 446 710 Fax: (03) 5824 3979 Ted Finchett Pty Ltd - Hamilton South West Vic No (03) 5572 3388 UES (Victoria) Pty Ltd - Kyabram Northern Victoria, Goulburn Valley, Southern Riverina Yes 0407 120 201 Fax (03) 5852 1577 [email protected] Underground Locating Services - Devon Meadows Gippsland, Mornington Peninsula Yes 0414 409 619 Underground Pipe & Cable Location - Pakenham Pakenham, SE Melbourne and Gippsland Yes (03) 5941 4299 or 0418 368 591 Fax: (03) 5941 4291 Underground Services Detection Pty Ltd - Taylors Lakes No 0401 268 915 Fax (03) 8390 9574 Underground Service Detectives - Hawthorn East Melbourne and Greater Metropolitan Area No 1300 781 786 or 0418 995 975 Underground Service Solutions – Macedon Ranges All Areas No 0402 071198 Email: [email protected] Utility Vision Pty Ltd - Craigieburn All of Victoria No (03) 9333 8435 or 0409 525 973 [email protected] Vac-U-Digga Pty Ltd - Melbourne Melbourne, Gippsland, Bendigo, Ballarat Yes 1300 822 834 Mob: 0447 466 566 Watters Electrical Pty Ltd – Shepparton & Mildura based Yes (03) 5821 3944 Fax: (03) 5831 1101 ADVERTISED PLAN Westvic Cable Locators - Colac All areas Southwest Victoria Yes No. P1022/14 0428 874 Application 832 Fax: (03) 5232 2848 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. LEGEND TREE ELECTRICITY POLE ONLY EP ELP ELECTRICITY POLE WITH LIGHT T.PIT SU/C TELECOM PIT SEWER UNCLASSIFIED WM WATER METER RIVET RIVET (SURVEY MARK) NAIL S/STOREY SURVEY NAIL BRICK S/STOREY S/STOREY BRICK IC dia EXOT K 0.3m a di TRUN AD 3m SPRE FOOTPATH GRASS NATURESTRIP T.PIT T T.PI TIC dia EXO K 0.3m dia TRUN AD 3m SPRE WM (x2) TIC EXO dia K 0.3m TRUN dia AD 3m SPRE gutter TIC dia EXO K 0.4m a di TRUN AD 4m SPRE CONCRETE photo 0 68.0 1 0 68.0 T RIVE 68.0 0 T or flo ridge sill top s. t. gutter sill top photo lev sill top gutter el lev sill top sill top photo & CH AN 1.79 gutter S/STOREY BRICK gutter SU/C gutter TREE TO BE DEMOLISHED T.PIT sill top TIC dia EXO K 0.25m dia TRUN AD 3m SPRE TIC dia EXO K 0.4m TRUN AD 6mdia SPRE TIC a EXO K 0.3mdi TRUN AD 4mdia SPRE 3.01 s. t. ridge IC EXOT K 0.4mdia dia TRUN AD 6m SPRE S/STOREY BRICK s. t. ridge gutter AL MET D SHE NAIL gutter ridge photo photo 15 DEMOLISH EXISTING FENCE ALONG ALL BOUNDARIES, NEEDS REPLACING. AL MET D SHE sill top TIC EXO K 0.4mdia TRUN AD 5mdia SPRE gutter GRAS KERB STRIP GRASS NAT URE (CORVETTE STREET) S/STOREY BRICK 13 3.38 DEMOLISHED) NAIL ridge gutter sill top (HOUSE RECENTLY TE approx. location to be loca of u/g cabling ted on site RETE CONC EWAY DRIV BRICK C/T VOL.8412 FOL.779 gutter 1.23 dia GUM K 0.4m a TRUN 5mdi AD 2. SPRE S/STOREY 16 OF CO NCRE TH CONC RE TE FOOT PA TIC EXO mdia K 0.25 dia TRUN 5m AD 2. SPRE 12 TIC EXO K 0.5mdia a TRUN AD 6mdi SPRE sill top LIP ridge IC dia EXOT K 0.4m dia TRUN AD 5m SPRE L META D SHE flo or RIP ridge S NATU WM s. t. (VACANT) ridge S/STOREY BRICK REST ridge EP NEL (CORVETTE ST) C/T VOL.10332 FOL.522 (x2) TIC EXO dia K 0.3m TRUN dia AD 3m SPRE sill top 5.54 gutter ridge g cablin of u/gsite ation n x. loc ated o approto be loc gutter IC EXOT 0.3mdia K TRUN AD 4mdia SPRE T.PI S/STOREY BRICK pole stay el gutter EP FOOTPATH WM WM IC EXOT 0.3mdia K dia TRUN AD 3m SPRE gutter a GUM K 0.9mdi dia TRUN AD 17m SPRE photo 4.19 photo photo ELP ELP T.PIT (PACIFIC DRIVE) S/STOREY BRICK 3 5.01 GRASS NATURESTRIP 9.17 2 LIP OF CONCRETE KERB & CHANNEL T CONCRETE TIC EXO dia K 0.5m TRUN dia AD 6m SPRE ET .RIV T.B.M . KERB NC IN CO T.PI T RIVE DEMOLISH PART CONCRETE KERB AND FOOTPATH AND NATURE STRIP FOR PROVISION OF NEW CROSSOVER photo RETE CONC EWAY DRIV 4 ET .RIV B T.B.M C. KER ON C IN 6.13 P. S.E. 5 photo 17 LIP OF CONCRETE KERB & CHANNEL RETE CONC EWAY DRIV 6 photo 11 7 photo 10 photo 9 photo 8 photo photo 4.21 4.54 BRICK 3.03 TIC dia EXO K 0.4m TRUN AD 5mdia SPRE gutter RETE CONCEWAY DRIV ridge AL MET D SHE IC dia K 0.4m TRUN dia AD 6m SPRE sill top 14 photo EXOT ridge S/STOREY BRICK S/STOREY BRICK A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available AUGUST 2014 ADfor the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review TP01 as partYL of a planning process under the Town Planning Application Planning & Environment ActA3 1987. 1:400 @ The document must not be used for which may breach any Site Analysis Plan any purpose MSM 1292 copyright. A PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 PHOTO 3 PHOTO 4 PHOTO 5 PHOTO 6 PHOTO 7 PHOTO 8 PHOTO 9 PHOTO 10 PHOTO 11 PHOTO 12 PHOTO 13 PHOTO 14 PHOTO 15 PHOTO 16 A Town Planning Application ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 PHOTO 17 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP02 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application NTS The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Site Photographs copyright. MSM 1292 A PAVING TYPICALLY TO BE 50MM LOWER THAN THE FFL OF THE DWELLING SHED 6.3m 2x1.5x2.1 1:20 CONCRETE PATH LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH GAS METRE WATER METRE 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE & GATE ON THE BOUNDARY 1200 CONCRETE PAD UNDER HWS P. CONCRETE PAD UNDER WT & HWS LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE 1000 1:20 PATH 6627 6346 BIN STORE WC 6000 NEW .90M HIGH ALUMINIUM FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY 1000 1:20 CONCRETE PAVING 2168 NEW 1.80M HIGH PALING FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY 1650MM HIGH PALING FENCE 1:20 PATH 1454 LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH 900 HOT NORTH EAST WINDS CONCRETE PAD UNDER WT 2400 NEW MAILBOXS IN FENCE 1:20 CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE PATH 3000 SHED 6.3m 2x1.5x2.1 GAS/WATER METRE 3637 CONCRETE PATH 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH BIN STORE 1000 LINE OF EASEMENT 570 PROVIDE NEW EXTENSION TO EX. CROSSOVER TO COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY NEW 1.80M HIGH PALING FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 SOUTH WEST PREVAILING WINDS OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP03 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:200 A3used for The document must not@be any purpose which may breach any Design Response Plan MSM 1292 copyright. A P. 1:20 CONCRETE PATH LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH GAS METRE WATER METRE 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE & GATE ON THE BOUNDARY 1200 CONCRETE PAD UNDER HWS PAVING TYPICALLY TO BE 50MM LOWER THAN THE FFL OF THE DWELLING SHED 6.3m 2x1.5x2.1 CONCRETE PAD UNDER WT & HWS LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE 1000 1:20 PATH 6627 6346 BIN STORE WC 6000 NEW .90M HIGH ALUMINIUM FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY 1000 1:20 CONCRETE PAVING 2168 NEW 1.80M HIGH PALING FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY 1650MM HIGH PALING FENCE 1:20 PATH 1454 900 LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH TOTAL SITE AREA UNIT 1 Unit Area Porch & Verandah TOTAL UNIT 2 Unit Area Porch & Verandah TOTAL 110 2.1 103 1.5 104.5 Non Permeable Surface 421 Permeable Surface 204 CONCRETE PAD UNDER WT 2400 % Coverage) % Coverage) % Coverage) NEW MAILBOXS IN FENCE 1:20 CONCRETE PAVING CONCRETE PATH SHED 6.3m 2x1.5x2.1 3637 CONCRETE PATH 3000 GAS/WATER METRE 1800MM HIGH PALING FENCE LILLYDALE TOPPINGS PATH BIN STORE 1000 LINE OF EASEMENT 570 PROVIDE NEW EXTENSION TO EX. CROSSOVER TO COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS CONCRETE DRIVEWAY NEW 1.80M HIGH PALING FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP04 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:200 @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Proposed Site Plan copyright. MSM 1292 A 28197 9120 7327 1920 2350 W06-NEW S 8125 920 D10 BR S 920 D08 D09 2x770 2x770 PEL PEL W02-NEW BED 2 CARPET 0 threshold FW BATH. NSV W12 S BED 1 CARPET TH WC WC PEL VB W06 W05 W04 250 W1 920 D06 TR SHR 920 D01 1025 S D05 LIVING/ LOUNGE W10 S ENTRY S 2x770 D05 920 D04 920 D07 CARPET CARPET 0 threshold VINYL GAS HEATER 920 D04 920 D01 ENTRY TO 7050 W09-NEW VINYL KITCHEN 10120 W08 920 D03 L'DRY W11-NEW W03 W04 9 D 20 07 11985 S D10 920 1000 W01 S 920 D06 BED 1 linen BATH WC WM 600x450 MAN HOLE TH 600x450 MAN HOLE VB L'DRY NSV WM TO S CARPET P. linen GAS HEATER BATH SHR 920 D02 PEL REF FW BR VINYL W07 DINING BATH. LIVING/ LOUNGE DINING 1690 ubo W08 VINYL TR PEL S CT PEL PEL VINYL 920 D08 920 D02 W07 KITCHEN 920 D03 W11 W03 REF W10 W02 2235 P. BED 2 W09 PEL CARPET ubo 3055 W05 2x770 PEL D09 9400 350 7200 11750 9120 7327 11750 28197 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 AREA UNIT A Town Planning Application AREA UNIT 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 3 PACIFIC DRIVE This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP05 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:100 @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Proposed Floor Planscopyright. MSM 1292 HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 Units 1 & 2 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS A POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE SELECTED COLORBOND METAL TITLE BOUNDARY TITLE BOUNDARY FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED DRIVEWAY NGL MAIL BOX IN FENCE UNIT 1 FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED RL. 72.71 RIDGE HEIGHT EXPOSED SLOTTED EAVES GUTTER WITH COLORBOND FINISH TITLE BOUNDARY SELECTED COLORBOND METAL RL. 72.95 RIDGE HEIGHT CEILING FACE BRICKWORK TO ENTRY COLUMNS FLOOR 0 THRESHOLD AT ENTRY DOOR 0.9m HIGH POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM PICKET FENCE. POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE LINE OF PALING FENCE ON THE BOUNDARY LINE. FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED UNIT 1 PACIFIC DRIVE VIEW RL. 73.00 RIDGE HEIGHT EXPOSED EAVES GUTTER WITH COLORBOND FINISH SOLAR PANELS TO BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED & APPROVED ON SITE SELECTED COLORBOND RL. 92.100 RIDGE HEIGHT PITCH SELECTED COLORBOND METAL CEILING CEILING FENCE TITLE BOUNDARY EXPOSED EAVES GUTTER WITH COLORBOND FINISH HWS. RL.68.150 FLOOR NGL UNIT 1 POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE 1:20 GADE/1:40 CROSS FALL PAVING TO REAR DOORS AND PATH FLOOR RL.68.150 FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED NGL UNIT 1 POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS WINDOWS TO ABUTT EAVE LINING ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 3 PACIFIC DRIVE This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP06 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:100 @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Proposed Elevationscopyright. MSM 1292 HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 Unit 1 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS A SOLAR PANELS TO BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED & APPROVED ON SITE POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE SELECTED COLORBOND METAL TITLE BOUNDARY TITLE BOUNDARY FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED RL. 72.71 RIDGE HEIGHT EXPOSED SLOTTED EAVES GUTTER WITH COLORBOND FINISH TITLE BOUNDARY SELECTED COLORBOND METAL RL. 72.60 RIDGE HEIGHT CEILING CEILING 0 THRESHOLD AT ENTRY DOOR DRIVEWAY FLOOR NGL FGL 0.9m HIGH POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM PICKET FENCE. RL.67.950 FLOOR NGL FGL NGL POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE UNIT 2 UNIT 2 FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED POWDERCOAT ALUMINIUM WINDOWS AS PER SCHEDULE SELECTED COLORBOND RL. 72.55 RIDGE HEIGHT CEILING TITLE BOUNDARY CEILING HWS. FLOOR PITCH EXPOSED EAVES GUTTER WITH COLORBOND FINISH FENCE FACE BRICKWORK AS SELECTED TITLE BOUNDARY TITLE BOUNDARY SELECTED COLORBOND METAL RL. 72.60 RIDGE HEIGHT FLOOR RL.67.950 NGL NGL UNIT 2 UNIT 2 ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 3 PACIFIC DRIVE This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP07 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:100 @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Proposed Elevationscopyright. MSM 1292 HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 Unit 2 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS A ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning & Environment Act 1987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright. GAS METRE WATER METRE GAS/WATER METRE PROVIDE NEW EXTENSION TO EX. CROSSOVER TO COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available AUGUST 2014 ADfor the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review TP09 as partYL of a planning process under the Town Planning Application Planning & Environment 1:200 @Act A31987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any 9am Shadows MSM 1292 copyright. 22nd September A GAS METRE WATER METRE GAS/WATER METRE PROVIDE NEW EXTENSION TO EX. CROSSOVER TO COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available AUGUST 2014 ADfor the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review TP10 as partYL of a planning process under the Town Planning Application Planning & Environment 1:200 @Act A31987. The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any 12pm Shadows MSM 1292 copyright. 22nd September A GAS METRE WATER METRE GAS/WATER METRE PROVIDE NEW EXTENSION TO EX. CROSSOVER TO COUNCIL REQUIREMENTS ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available AUGUST 2014 ADfor the sole purpose of enabling its consideration and review TP11 as partYL of a planning process under the Town Planning Application Planning & Environment 1987. 1:200 Act @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any 3pm Shadows MSM 1292 copyright. 22nd September A NOTE: NO BUILDING WORKS OR FACILITIES ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITHIN THE DEDICATED LANDSCAPING AREAS 30m 7.5m LEGEND 7.5m 2 CANOPY TREE PLANTING AS PER COUNCIL'S TREE PLANTING ZONE GUIDLINES LARGE TREE 10x9m 90m MEDIUM TREE 6x5m 30m SMALL TREE 2.74x2.74m 7.5m PLANTING ZONE FOR CANOPY TREE CONCRETE PATHS AND DRIVEWAYS LAWN AREAS LILYDALE TOPPINGS GARDEN BEDS WITH INDIGENOUS PLANTING 7.5m ADVERTISED PLAN Application No. P1022/14 A Town Planning Application 29/8/14 MSM MSM & Associates Pty Ltd 401 Nepean Highway Frankston VIC 3199 P 03 9770 0280 F 03 9783 4688 [email protected] ABN 31 055 969 376 OLYMPIA HOUSING INITIATIVE 2 x 2 BED UNITS 3 PACIFIC DRIVE HEIDELBERG WEST, 3081 This copied document is made available for the sole purpose of AUGUST 2014 AD its consideration and review enabling as part of a planning process under the TP12 YL Planning & Environment Act 1987. Town Planning Application 1:200 @ A3 The document must not be used for any purpose which may breach any Planting Concept Plan MSM 1292 copyright. A
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