AEC/CAD/GIS/O&G TIFF, JPEG, GIF, EPS, BMP, PNG, PDF, PSD, PS, HPGL Linux Mac OSX Onyx Graphics RIPCenter, PosterShop ProductionHouse, THRIVE (801-568-9900) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, BMP Windows Petris Technology Zeh Plotting Solutions Plot EXPRESS (713-956-2165) DWF, PDF, TIFF, JPEG, TIFF, CGM, PS, PDF, HPGL/2 Solaris, Linux AIX, Windows PLP Digital Systems PlotWorks, OpCenter, RevLine (703-740-8909) CALS, PS, PLT, HPGL HPGL/2, HP-RTL DWF, PDF, TIFF Windows PosterJet PosterJet 8 ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD, EPS, PS, PDF, PNG, WMF, HPGL, HPGL/2 Windows SCP reprocontrol, DaylightRIP, Colorado [email protected] BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF, HPGL, HPGL/2, HP-RTL Windows SDI PrintMaster (713-266-5667) (801-575-8043) CGM, PS, HPGL, HPGL/2, TIFF, CALS Raster, JPEG, PNG, PDF, PSD, EMF Solaris Linux Windows Shiraz Software Shiraz Server V8 RIP Shiraz Signature V8 RIP ([email protected]) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF JPEG, HPGL/2, PSD, PNG Windows Mac OSX Ne sti *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. iP F5 10 /6 05 /6 iP 10 F7 /6 50 50 /7 /6 60 55 iP / 76 F8 5 15 /8 25 iP F6 40 0S E/ iP 84 F6 00 30 SE 0S / 94 iP 00 F6 S 40 0S /8 iPF 40 0S 51 00 iP F6 40 0/ 64 50 /8 40 0/ 94 00 ng Sy ste ms ats ** Op era ti Caldera CopyRIP, VisualRip, VisualRip+, +33-388-210-000 [email protected] Ho t Windows Lo ad TIFF, GIF, HPGL/2, HP-RTL, CAL, DWG PDF, DWF, PS, PLN EPS, BMP, JPEG, PNG (Support #) Co st ARC Technologies MetaPrint (877-879-2721) Company ng Su pp or Fo ld ers nc Ba la ted Fil e ing Fo rm Pri nt ers le ltip Mu rt kin Tra c Product(s) g/ Jo bE We sti b ma an -ba d M se tio n an d Jo ag b em Su en bm t is s Su ion pp o imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* Updated: March 2014 Symbols Guide **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. Included as standard in a package CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development Cost Tracking Updated: March 2014 ARC Technologies AbacusPCR (877-879-2721) PDF, RPT, RTF Word, XLSD Excel Windows Copitrak Print (800-755-9901) PDF, RPT, RTF Word, XLSD Excel Windows Equitrac Professional (877-378-4872) Excel, PDF, TXT Windows Sepialine Argos (800-404-9558) CSV, PDF, Word, Excel Windows Mac Novell Technesis iBridge, Cloud 4 MPS (877-832-4637) CSV, PDF Windows *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development 50 /8 40 0/ 94 00 0/ 64 40 F6 F7 iP Symbols Guide iP 5/ 61 0/ 50 65 /7 0/ 60 65 iP /7 F8 5 6 15 5 /8 25 iP F6 40 0S E/ iP 84 F6 00 30 SE 0S / 9 iP 40 F6 0S 40 0S /8 40 iP F5 0S 10 0 /6 0 10 F5 iP era tin rt po Re Op Fo r ma ts gS ys tem s ole as -b We b Sc rt po Re ed Co ns he du lin na Ma ic ist bS tat Jo g ge me nt ng Inv oic i ati c Au to m kin g/ (Support #) tT rac Product(s) Co s Company /B illi ng Jo bE sti ma tio n imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* EFI Fiery XF (888-334-8650) PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PDF Windows Mac OS X ErgoSoft PosterPrint 14, StudioPrint 14 TexPrint 14 (603-882-0248) JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PS, EPS, DCS, DCS2, PNG PSD, GDS, AI, CCX Windows Til in S 50 00 S /6 4 S/ 84 00 /9 4 /8 4 00 /9 4 00 Windows SU -2 1 PSD, AI, EPS, TIFF JPEG, BMP, PCS, TGA, PCX 00 Evolution RIP Evolution Textile Design (323-581-4500) 64 Digifab iP F Windows 00 PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PSD, PS, EPS 51 ColorGATE PRODUCTIONSERVER, 8 PROOFGATE 8, FILMGATE 8 ([email protected]) iP F Mac OS X Windows ColorBurst 00 [email protected] JPEG, TIFF, PSD Camera Raw, PS EPS, PDF, PNG BMP, J2K, PICT 64 Windows CGS-ORIS iP F PS, EPS, PDF, DCS, TIFF, JPEG, BMP E/ 84 00 00 SE S Color Tuner, Color Tuner Web (612-870-0061) 63 Mac OS X Linux Caldera iP F6 40 0S Sy ste ms ng Op era ti PSD, TIFF, JPEG, PNG True Black and White (310-837-1200) Po stS CopyRIP, VisualRip, VisualRip+, +33-388-210-000 [email protected] BowHaus Ne sti Mac OS X (Support #) g PSD, TIFF, JPEG Company Co lor Su pp or ted Fil e Fo rm ats ** Cr ea tiv e Pri Ap nt D pli irec ca tio tly f ns rom cr i pt tM Su pp or ng Co rre cti Product(s) ult ipl e on / Ma na Pri nt ers g. imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* iP F Updated: March 2014 Graphic Arts/ Fine Art/Photography True Black and White™ is a monochrome RIP for making high quality monochrome or black and Overdrive ( *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Completed Under Development Not included or an option Page 1 Windows Onyx Graphics RIPCenter, PosterShop, ProductionHouse, THRIVE (801-568-9900) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, BMP Windows PosterJet PosterJet 8 ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD, EPS, PS, PDF, PNG, SUN, WMF Windows SA International Flexi (800-229-9044) AI, EPS, PDF, PSD, JPEG, PLT, PNG, PS, TIFF, BMP Windows SCP DaylightRIP, Colorado [email protected] BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF Windows Serendipity Serendipity Blackmagic, Serendipity Megarip, Veripress [email protected] TIFF, JPEG, PNG, Scitex CT, PSD, PS, EPS, PDF Windows Mac OS X Linux Shiraz Software Server V8 RIP, Signature, Carbon, Focus ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG,EPS PS, PDF, PSD PNG Windows Mac OS X Wasatch SoftRIP, SoftRIP SP, SoftRIP TX (801-575-8043) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF JPEG, GIF, DCS2 PNG, PSD, BMP PCX, PPM Windows Xitron Navigator (734-913-8080) TIFF, PS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, EPS, DCS, XPS 1.0 Windows *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. /9 4 00 PS, PDF, PDF/X, JPEG TIFF, TIFF-IT, DCS EPS, 1-bit TIFF, LEN PSD 00 /8 4 S /6 4 SU -2 1 00 64 iP F iP F 51 00 00 S/ 84 50 00 S 00 64 iP F iP F 63 00 S/ 94 E/ 84 00 S E GMG ColorProof, DotProof, FlexoProof (781-740-4077 ext 1) iP F6 40 0S Sy ste ms ng Op era ti Su pp or ted Fil e Fo rm ats ** Cr ea tiv e Pri Ap nt D pli irec ca tio tly f ns rom Po stS cr i pt tM Su pp or ng Ne sti g Co rre cti Til in (Support #) Co lor Product(s) ult ipl e on / Ma na g. Pri nt ers imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* Updated: March 2014 Company Graphic Arts/ Fine Art/Photography iPF6450 Only Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Completed Under Development Not included or an option Page 2 Updated: March 2014 TIFF, JPEG, GIF, EPS, BMP, PNG, PDF, PSD, PS, HPGL Linux Mac OS X CGS - ORIS Color Tuner, Color Tuner Web (612-870-0061) PS, EPS, PDF, DCS, TIFF, JPEG, BMP Windows Overdrive JPEG, TIFF, PSD, Camera Raw, PS, EPS, PDF ColorBurst [email protected] ([email protected]) PDF, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PSD, PS, EPS Windows Fiery XF (888-334-8660) PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PSD Windows Mac OS X Four Pees ProofMaster, PrintFactory PDF, PS, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, DXF, HPGL/2, PSD, PNG Windows Mac OS X GMG ColorProof, DotProof, FlexoProof (781-740-4077 ext 1) PS, PDF, PDF/X, JPEG TIFF, TIFF-IT, DCS EPS, 1-bit TIFF, LEN PSD Windows ONYX Graphics RIPCenter, PosterShop ProductionHouse, THRIVE (801-568-9900) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, BMP Windows EFI *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. 00 /8 4 50 SU - 21 /6 4 00 64 iP F 0 10 Mac OS X Windows PRODUCTIONSERVER 8 PROOFGATE 8, FILMGATE 8 ColorGATE /9 4 00 Caldera CopyRIP, VisualRip, VisualRip+, +33-388-210-000 [email protected] ( iP F6 40 0S E/ iPF 84 00 63 SE 00 S/ 94 iPF 00 64 S 00 S/ 84 iP 00 F5 S Op era ti ng Sy ste ms ats ** Fo rm ted Fil e up po rt Su pp or le Da ta S Pri nt Ap Dire pli ctly ca tio from ns Cr Pa ea nt tiv on e eL ibr Sp ary ot Co lo r Su pp Va or ria t b cr i pt ult ipl e Po stS tM Su pp or ng Ne sti (Support #) g Product(s) Til in Company Co lo Ma r Cor na rec ge tio me n / nt Pri nt ers imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* iPF6450 Only Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development Page 1 Updated: March 2014 00 PosterJet 8 ([email protected]) TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF, PSD, EPS, PS, PDF, PNG, SUN, WMF Windows SA International Flexi (800-229-9044) AI, EPS, PDF, PSD, JPEG, PLT, PNG, PS, TIFF, BMP Windows Serendipity Serendipity Blackmagic, Serendipity Megarip, Veripress [email protected] TIFF, JPEG, PNG, Scitex CT, PSD, PS, EPS, PDF, 1-bit TIFF Windows Mac OS X Linux Shiraz Software Server V8 RIP, Signature, Carbon, Focus ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG,EPS PS, PDF, PSD PNG Windows Mac OS X Wasatch SoftRIP, SoftRIP SP, SoftRIP TX (801-575-8043) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF JPEG, GIF, DCS2 Windows PNG, PSD, BMP PCX, PPM Xitron Navigator (734-913-8080) TIFF, PS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, EPS DCS, XPS 1.0 *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. /9 4 00 /8 4 S SU -2 1 0/ 64 iP F6 40 0 10 F5 iP 50 00 S 0S /8 4 00 iP F6 40 /9 4 30 F6 iP iP F6 40 0S E Sy ste ms ng Op era ti PosterJet /8 40 0S 0S E ats ** ted Fil e Fo rm up po rt Su pp or le Da ta S Pri nt Ap Dire pli ctly ca tio from ns Cr Pa ea nt tiv on e eL ibr Sp ary ot Co lo r Su pp Va or ria t b Po s tSc rip t ult ipl e tM Su pp or ng Ne sti g Product(s) (Support #) Til in Company Co lo Ma r Cor na rec ge tio me n / nt Pri nt ers imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* Windows Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development Page 2 Signage/Production Updated: March 2014 Sy ste ms ng Caldera CopyRIP, VisualRip, VisualRip+, +33-388-210-000 [email protected] TIFF, JPEG, GIF, EPS, BMP, PNG, PDF, PSD, PS, HPGL Linux Mac OS X CGS-ORIS Color Tuner, Color Tuner Web (612-870-0061) PS, EPS, PDF, DCS, TIFF, JPEG, BMP Windows ColorBurst Overdrive ( [email protected] JPEG, TIFF, PSD Camera Raw, PS EPS, PDF, PNG BMP, J2K, PICT Mac OS X Windows ColorGATE PRODUCTIONSERVER 8 PROOFGATE 8, FILMGATE 8 ([email protected]) PDF, TIFF, JPEG, PSD, PS, EPS, BMP Digifab Evolution RIP Evolution Textile Design (323-581-4500) PSD, AI, EPS, TIFF JPEG, BMP, PCS, TGA, PCX, PICT PSD EFI Fiery XF (888-334-8650) PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PSD Windows Mac OS X Ergosoft PosterPrint 14, StudioPrint 14 TexPrint 14 (603-882-0248) JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PS, EPS, DCS, DCS2, PDF, AI, PNG Windows *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. iP F6 40 0S E/ iPF 84 63 00 00 SE S/ 94 iPF 00 64 S 00 S/ 84 iP 00 F5 S 10 0 iP F6 40 0/ 64 SU 50 -2 /8 1 40 0/ 94 00 * ats * Op era ti Su pp or te dF ile Fo rm up po rt Da ta S Pri nt Ap Dir pli ect ca fro tio m ns Cr Pa ea nt tiv on e eL ibr Sp ary ot Co lo r Su Va pp ria or ble t cr i pt ult ipl e tM Po stS Su pp or ng Ne sti g Product(s) (Support #) Til in Company Co lo Ma r Cor na rec ge tio me n / nt Pri nt ers imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* Windows Windows Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development Page 1 Signage/Production Updated: March 2014 Windows GMG ONYX Graphics RIPCenter, PosterShop, ProductionHouse, THRIVE (801-568-9900) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF, JPEG, GIF, BMP Windows PosterJet PosterJet 8 ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PSD, EPS, PS, PDF, PNG, SUN, WMF Windows Serendipity Serendipity Blackmagic, Serendipity Megarip, Veripress [email protected] TIFF, JPEG, PNG, Scitex CT, PSD, PS, EPS, PDF, 1-bit TIFF Mac OS X, Windows, Linux SA International Flexi (800-229-9044) AI, EPS, PDF, PSD, JPEG, PLT, PNG, PS, TIFF, BMP Windows Shiraz Software Server V8 RIP, Signature, Carbon, Focus ([email protected]) TIFF, JPEG,EPS PS, PDF, PSD, PNG Windows Mac OS X Wasatch SoftRIP, SoftRIP SP, SoftRIP TX (801-575-8043) TIFF, PS, EPS, PDF JPEG, GIF, DCS2 PNG, PSD, BMP, PCX PPM Windows *Please note that Canon does not warrant or guarantee these third-party solutions and products or their compatibility with Canon products in any way. Canon urges potential customers to study third parties’ own statements with respect to compatibility. **There may be other compatible file formats, the most commonly requested are listed. Please check each company’s corporate website for more specific compatibility information. CANON and IMAGEPROGRAF are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. All other referenced product names and marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. © 2014 Canon U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. /8 40 0S E iPF 40 0S E iP F6 gS ys tem s Op era tin dF ile or te pp Su PS, PDF, PDF/X, JPEG TIFF, TIFF-IT, DCS EPS, 1-bit TIFF, LEN PSD ColorProof, DotProof, FlexoProof (781-740-4077 ext 1) 63 00 S/ 94 iPF 00 64 S 00 S/ 84 iP 00 F5 S 10 0 iP F6 40 0/ 64 50 SU /8 -2 40 1 0/ 94 00 * ats * Fo rm up po rt Da ta S Pri nt Ap Dir pli ect ca fro tio m ns Cr Pa ea nt tiv on e eL ibr Sp ary ot Co lo r Su Va pp ria or ble t tSc rip t ult ipl e tM Po s Su pp or ng Ne sti g Product(s) (Support #) Til in Company Co lo Ma r Cor na rec ge tio me n / nt Pri nt ers imagePROGRAF RIP Compatibility* iPF6450 Only Symbols Guide Included as standard in a package Optional as an add on item (Not included with any package) Not included or an option Completed Under Development Page 2
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