Laf ay ette Homebrew Supply and Front Range Brewing Company

Front RangeBrewing Companypresent
1" Annual'Pro-Am Session
to benefitSisterCarmen'sCommunityCenter
Prizes- The grand prize for first placewill be theopportunityto brewyour
brewon FRBC's7 bbt systemwith multiplemedalrecipeasa professional
winningbrewerChrisDuttonin mid-May,Youwill alsobe entitledto a few free
gmwlerfills or severalbottlesofyour beerbrewedat FrontRangeBrewing.
- 2d prize will be a $50dollargift certificateto LafayetteHomebrew
- 3"dprize will be a free LafayetteHomebrewSupplyt-shirt
Entry fee is $20, but entants areencouragedto donatemore ifpossile. 100%of
this entry fee will be donatedto SisterCarmenCommunityCentet a wonderful,
multifacetednon-profit organizationright herein Lafayette,They havebeen
helpingindividualsandfamiliesin EastBoulderCountyfor over30 years.
Entries - Submit3 bottles(12 or 22 oz) LafayelteHomebrewSupplyor Front
RangeBrewing Companywith your entry form securelyattached.Entry form can
or pickedup in personat Lafayettte
be found at
HomebrewSupply.Pleasedon't label the individual bottlesor caps- we will
assigneachentry a numberso that thejudging is blind. We will provideyou this
numberanduseit for giving feedback.Entry period is March l5h throughApril
l5s andjudgingwill takeplacesoonafter.
will bejudged.
Rule-s- The beersmust be below 5% abv.No meads/ciderVwines
fernentations,please- no bacteriaor brettanomycesbeers.
Only saccharomyces
FRBC headbrewerChris Dutton reservesthe right to adjustthe recipeofthe 1"
placewinner to be brewedon FRBC'ssystem(this is primarily to stayin keeping
with existing contractsbetweenFRBC andtheir ingredientsuppliers).
Judging * This is not a sanctionedBJCPevent.Beerswill bejudged in a 'tsest of
ofstyle. Limited feedbackfrom thejudgeswill
Shod'style ofjudging regardless
be given to all entrants.
***Winners will be revealedat
through FRBC's and LHBS's facebookpages.