MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appli cation:04/01/2O14 LigensingDivisionApplication Pleaseread this entire honoryour individual the instructions listed Division'saddress completed The sectionsand completethe will NOTbe entry formats bmit the i Livescan Receipt #: 14652200007 application.Attachedis the applicationand formsneededto completethe attachedapplicationin strictaccordance with will be returned.Submitall applications to the Licensing informationpageswith your application.Processing a properly investigate. electroniccompletion.The form containshidden featureswith based on the application types selected by the user. You must before printing to sign and submit to tlE LicensingDivision.This application format. Follow all instructionsand error as many have strict of the user to accurately complete the application. ? Allapplicants apffig for MULTIPLE Licenses, Registrations, Certifications, Member,asa the following mentsas CorporateOfficer,and for HandgunPermitsissuedunderthe authorityof th application.Checkall licenses that the applicantwishesto instructed in includingappropriate mustbe2" x2" darkgl "der . Photographs aken days.Computergeneratedphotographsare NOTE:Forms ANT NOTEON FINGERPRINT Alloriginal appli fingerprint submissions. Renewal appl onlyrequireFBIflngerprint /fequireFBIandCJ15 submissions. ntsmustbe submitted by wayof anElectronic Fingerprintl Centerauthorized by the Maryland Department of Public Correctional with fingerprints submittedby way Electronic of an Fingerprint Centerwill require Policefor the applicationonly - Do not includepaymentfor processingGenter. an Theconfirmation Processing Cen ustbeattached applicationto facilitate cornerof this a cornerof the application accountcontaining ut tl cksor funds, froma Maryland State i i n t h e tlper on. Staplethe (typedor handwritten)in the let hn the r/ mEtE payableto the MarylandStatlfulice stateresidents applg for a Handgun Pen[qt electronicfingerprint center.E locationspleasevisit APPLICANTS PLFASE VISITTHEMARYLAND OUT.OF.STATE In thecaseof multiple d istinctcertificationas ts ; two photographsare (Example: each Handgun and foui (4)photos.The feestotal DetectiveRegistrant for checks;one for 57S.OO Fingerprint Processing processingfee. 5 for the PrivateDetectigRegileti Li 1111 (4 1 0 ) MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) for each Private two cost to process Submitall applications Referto the certitications and fees accompany this RADDITIONALFINGERPRINT State Div ) pages to ensure all required documentsand Page1of1l MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appfi cation:04 101/2014 LicensingDivisionApplication LivescanReceipt#: 14652200OO7 HandgunPermitFeesrequiredby Original-$ nd StatePoliceper statute: Subseq Renewal-S Retired Additional 1.Owner within a hasa * EftlerYourLi\rdgan receivedfor fromyour in detail and valid 3. 4. Former you haveresignedor suchasa letterfrom your agency,and a letterfrom your agencyindicatingyou left in good standing.Additional may apply. requirements Police& RailroadPoliceCommissions:All Guard/Special applicantswho areemployedas 5. PrivateDetective/Security SpecialPolice,and RailroadPolice,must submita certificationof qualification PrivateDetectiVes, SecurityGUards, with a handgunfrom a MarylandStatePoliceCertifiedHandgunlnstructoron an MSPform.A copyof the form ownershipof weapon,and locationwherethe weaponwill be lettersupporting"good and substantialreasons," maintainedis alsorequired.fl-hisform can be obtainedfrom your employer). supported Theremust be documentedevidenceof recentthreats,robberies,and/orassaults, Protection: 6. Personal by officialpolicereportsor notarizedstatementsfrom witnesses. Private Detectives/SecurityGuard Agency Licenseand CorporateOfficer(s)StatePolice: Feesrequired by theMaryland not incorporated NewAgencyPrivateInvestigator 5200.00 not incorporated Guard NewAgencySecurity $200.00 incorporated Investigator NewAgencyPrivate S375.00 Guardincorporated NewAgencySecurity 5375.00 (whensubmitted together) agencies not incorporated Detective NewSecurity GuardandPrivate 5375,00 (whensubmitted together) incorporated Detective agencies NewSecurity GuardandPrivate S750.00 officersneednot applyuntilthecompanyhasbeenapproved) Corporate officersfeeS0(Corporate bytheMaryland StatePolicefor completion. aremailedto the business Applications Note:Renewal required: documents Additional officers of thecorporation. andminutes of lastmeetingappointing of Incorporation 1. A copyof theArticles thatthecorporation andTaxation certifying of Assessment Department 2.A copyof the receiptfromthe Maryland in Maryland. to do business asa foreigncorporation hasregistered namingthe proper Serviceform andthe BoardResolution mustsubmita Consentto firmsor corporations 3.Foreign packet,callforinformotion. officerto executeit. Notincludedin application Policy Liability Insurance officers), a copyof the General corporate Note:lf youemployfive(5)or morepeople,(notincluding (onemilliondollars) to thisapplication. isrequired to beattached of S1,000,000 Private DetectiveRegistrationFeesrequiredby the MarylandStatePolice: - 515.00fee PrivateDetectiveRegistrant Renewal"510.00 MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) Page2otll MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Dateof Application:04/01/2014 LivescanReceipt#: 14652200007 LicensingDivisionApplication SecurityGuardCertification- 4 Ar* '""Ti:::l,yJH#[]ff :"ill" i:'ff;,F- 112? reelt fRenewat-slo.oo F-tU \*. ) SecuritySystemsAgency Licenseand Agency Firm Member(s)MarylandCompanies- original: 1. A copyof the Articlesof Incorporationif applicable. 2. GeneralLiabilityInsurancePolicyfor at least$50,000. 3. Copiesof certifications of any specialized trainingrelatedto SecuritySystemssales,serviceand installation. 4. FeesRequired: - S115.50 Individual Licensee AgencyFirmMembers- 50 AgencyRenewal- S100 AgencyFirm (Corporate officersheednot apply - original: Out-of-State Companies 1.A copyofthe Licenseand 2.General Liability Insurance 3. Copiesof certificationsof 4. FeesRequired: licensee Individual 511 officersneed not \n\zt-11k/ N\oNiJ,, )or SecuritySystems (Monitor,5alesperson, Technicianand Feesrequired State bytheMaryland - 515 Registration Security System RenewalS15.00 Additional required: documents Includecopiesof certifications of K^urct: service,and installation. fu{q$,. ;i\.ft\ry service,and installation. Out of StateRegistrationfor (Mustbe reciprocal with information: andpersons havingaccess to circumventional Technician Asa Monitor, Salesperson, (2) with background checkeverytwo years). Maryland issuedby the reciprocal state. Attacha copyof the License / Registration FeesRequired: - S15.00 (doesnot includebackground checkfee). Registration Out-of-State SpecialPoliceand RailroadPoliceCommissionsFeesRequired: - 5100.00fee SpecialPoliceCommission SpecialPoliceRenewal-560.00 - S160.00 fee RailroadPoliceCommission Agenciesof the Stateof Maryland Exempt from the application fee, however, required to submit payment to authorized electronic fingerprint processingcenter. MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) Page3ofll MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Dateof Appli cation:04101/ 20'l4 LicensingDivisionApplication Livescan Receipt #: 14652200007 BulletproofBodyArmorMarylandlawmandates that all personswith a priorconviction prohibitedfrom using,possessing, or purchasi \[t9 "DNne-t 'ffir,t{l 2. pol ATTENTION: Beforeyouuse, whileusing, ^rakd{ $$r9*wfiilf qtil(EfI t^rl,^[ **rnk S,9\$' ProvidingFalseor MisleadingInformationMay LeadTo Your Arrest \ MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) Page4ofl1 MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appfi cation:04/O1/2014 LicensingDivisionApplication -7 X Original I Renewal Livescan Receipt #: 1465220O007 f] Subsequent one or moreof the followinglicenses for which this applicationis intendedto serye: f] PrivateDetectiveCertification I I I PrivateDetectiveAgency ffi SecurityGuardCertification I Security Systems Agency Systems Technician I HandgunPgtif ,z-a, I Security F-(Z) Railroad Police Commission I Special Police Commission Thisapplication isbeingsubmitted bya(n):ffi Firm I FirmMember Security GuardAgency BodyArmor I Bulletproof f] Individual 1.Applicant'sName Last: 2.StreetAddress: . PhoneNumbers: Email: License 6. Driver's 7. Height: Areyoua UnitedStates Tfil((k'-.. r Hor\gi:l nincw^l Ycuft{Quor{ A Answer all of the following circumstances,and/or with this application includingthe date, to necessary 9. Haveyou everbeen served [Yes ilNo 10.Haveyou everbeenARRESTED for a violationof any criminallaw? [Yes with a violationof any criminallaw? 11. Haveyou everbeenCHARGED [Yes ilNo MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) [No Page5of1l MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appfi cation:04/01/2014 LicensingDivisionApplication LivescanReceipt#: 14652200O07 12.Haveyou ever been CONVICTED of a violation of any criminallaw? [Yes 13.Haveyou everbeenservedwith a criminalsummons? flYes ilNo 14.Areyoucurrentlyon paroleor probationor mandatory supervision? [Yes ilNo 15.Haveyou everbeenconfinedor committed,includingvolu a mentalinstitution or hospitalfor treatmentof a mentaldisorderor 16.Are you addictedto, or 17.Areyou addictedto or have [rsw'( 18.Areyoucurrentlybeing dangerous substances? 19, Haveyoueverbeenemployedasa oholism? |'Kne [No [Yes ilNo [Yes ilNo flYes ilNo ,Ntgs' 20. Hasyour handgunpermit,license, jurisdiction everbeendenied, suspended, 21. Haveyou ever beena member of the United StatesArmed Forces?lf so,attacha copy of DD-214/ Dischargepapers. MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) [Yes [No [Yes [No [Yei- [No [Yes ilNo Page6ofl1 MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Application:04/01/2014 LicensingDivisionApplication LivescanReceipt#: 14652200O07 End Date StartDate (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) Address: Employer Fositionm6Dutie$ ReafiErGaving Sufr./isoE Name: ht il(\rr${5' I^qL C J IIL'' IY r \eart MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) End Date StartDate (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) PageTof 11 MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appfi cation:04/01/20 14 LicensingDivisionApplication Livescan Receipt#: 14652200007 any investigative experience or activities Service,MilitaryService,PrivateDetective,and any municipal,county,stateor federalpoliceforce.(Referto Title 13,Section13-303,Title 19,Section19-303for the experience of the individualand licensee): T) accordingto COMAR What isthe TradeNameof your businessas WhatistheTradeNameor Business Occupations and Whatisyourpositionor title in application: thislicense Principal Office Location: e ,vr{ fi"?o'\c meet the requirementsof in connectionwith gtNL Zip Code: Address: Branch Office Locations: Toaddor Address: City: Address: City: Zip Code: State: Zip Code: takenwithin30 head& shoulderfull face,no hat,no darkglasses) lightbackground, of applicantOwo2" x 2" square, Attachphotographs generated. Can be computer preceding filing of this application. the days You MUSTattachphotographsto this applicationbeforesubmission. MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) Page8of11 MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appfi cation:04/01/2O14 LicensingDivisionApplication \ lttouq|trcncww{o v(araril6rd + ?avior^g til f*firohonDak i{ {tt rro{' LfawBLANKIC ?nk anASign D0Nor? tLLouTAIV0lt{ETt LrNESl: MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appli cation:04/ 01/20 14 Livescan Receipt #: 14652200007 LicensingDivisionApplication Pursuantof the provisionsof MarylandLaw,submit the namesof at least3 reputablecitizenswho have known you, the applicant,for more than two (2)years,and are not related in any way to you, the applicant. Email: Full Name: ResidenceAddress: Nameof Employer: Residence Phone: Phone: Employer's ' CellularTelephone: Address: Residence Nameof Employer: Phone: Residence Address: Residence Nameof Employer: Phone: Residence Residence Address: @rtY , ., . rrrr( b( N\ Nameof Employer: Phone: Residence MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) P a g e1 0o f 11 MARYLANDSTATEPOLICE Date of Appli cation:04/01/ 2014 LivescanReceipt#: 14652200007 LicensingDivisionApplication Date of Birth: Address so.6i5.curityNum6t- do herebyauthorizea reviewand full disclosureof all records,or any part thereof,concerningmyselfbylto any duly authorizedagent of the Departmentof StatePolice,whetherthe saidrecordsarepublicor private,and includingthosewhich may be deemedto be of a privilegedor confidentialnatureconcerningthis applicant.The intentionof this authorizationisto provideinformation,whichwill be utilized,for investigativeresourcesmaterialfor the purposeof processingthis application. I authorizethe full and completedisclosure of the recordsof educationalinstitutions, financialor creditinstitutions, and the recordsof commercialor retailmercantileestablishments and retailcreditagencies; medicaland psychiatric consultationand/ortreatment, includingthosehospitals, public clinics,privatepractitioners, the U.S.Veterans'Administration, and all militaryand psychiatric facilities; utilitycompanies; employmentand pre-employmentrecordsincludingbackgroundinvestigations reports,the resultsof polygraph examinations, efficiencyratings,complaintsor grievances filed by or againstme;of complaintsof a civilnaturemadeby or againstme,for the internalpurposesof the LicensingDivision,Departmentof the StatePolice. A photocopyof this release form will be validasan originalhereof,eventhough the saidphotocopydoesnot containan originalwriting of my signature. hisagentsand/oremployees, I agreeto indemnifyand hold harmlessthe personto whom this requestis presented, the Secretary and the Departmentof the StatePoliceand the Stateof Maryland,from and againstall claims,damages,lossesand expenses, including reasonableattorneys'feesarisingout of or by reasonof complyingwith this request. Signature \ I do herebydeclareand affirmunder informati the bestof myknowledge, to supplyanyadditionalinformati FORDENIALOFTHEAPPLICATION IMPRISONMENT NOTEXCEEDING 1 arning:Any personwho willingly MSPForm29-01(Rev.12/2012) t Inn Asgl -lttfn r Pagel1of11
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