Welcome (back) - Sandbach School

Welcome (back)
Mrs Sarah Burns
Ms Sue Bielby
Assistant Headteacher
Mr M Sanders
Learning &
Manager (LIM)
Mr R. McLaughlan
Mrs D Dilworth
Student Support
Mr C. Talbot
Mrs G. Sykes
Mr O. Clark
Miss S.
Mr P. Allen
Mr S. McLaughlin
Insight Parent Portal
• Log-in details and ‘help sheets’ for Insight were
e-mailed out last week (check SPAM / junk folders)
• The “dual authentication” system means that each
time you log on you will be sent a PIN which has to
be used within 10 mins.
A2L grades
A2L grades
School calendar
Progress in Year 7
• Two sub-levels of progress per year is the
expected minimum.
• This means that your child should have made a
minimum of 2 whole levels of progress from the
end of KS2 to the end of KS3.
• Your son should already know his end of Y7
targets for many of his subjects – please ask to
see them.
• Targets are mainly based on KS2 prior attainment.
• Exception of ‘practical’ subjects
What does this mean for your
son at the end of each year?
Year 6 Level
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
5B (S)
Changes that will affect your son :• Life without levels
• Transitional period – already some
subjects not using levels
• A change in GCSE grades to numbers
Review: 4 times per year
Mark Sanders
Aims of AR?
• Programme for students with the aim to
create culture of reading within school.
• To accelerate reading progress of
students on the programme.
• To measure and track reading growth over
• To make students more confident readers
and therefore better writers and
Why use Accelerated Reader?
How does AR work?
1. STAR reading test.
2. Based on reading test – each student given a ZPD
(Zone of Proximal Development).
3. All Year 7s take out book from LRC within ZPD.
4. Reading time – each Thurs and Fri 8.30-8.25; 30
mins per week in English; homelearning time.
5. Students take an AR quiz after each book read.
6. Progress tracked and measured via quiz results and
reading assessments.
• Promotes AR at home as well as at
• Enables parents to track progress.
• Each parent issued with log on
• Email updates available.
Next steps/Key dates
Week beginning 15th Sept – all year 7s to
take STAR reading test.
Week beginning 22nd Sept – LRC AR
End of October – Home connect log
ins/passwords issued.
December – STAR re-test to measure
reading growth.
[email protected]
Mr Mark Sanders
Learning & Intervention
Year 7
A ‘successful’ transition
• Developed new friendships and improved
his self esteem and confidence;
• Settled so well in to school life that he
causes you no concern ;
• Shown an increased interest in school and
school work;
• Got used to his new routines and school
organisation with great ease.
The Pupil Planner
• The key, day-to-day means of communication
between school and home.
• Student records home learning tasks.
• Teachers write notes to parents and vice-versa.
• Parent/carer checks planner at the end of the week
and signs.
• Form tutor then signs every Friday.
The Pupil Planner
Home Learning at Sandbach
• Homework is known as Home Learning.
• It purpose is to support, extend and
reinforce work done in the classroom.
• Homework is best done where it is visible to
you – this way you can monitor how much
is done and the quality of the work.
Home Learning Student Tracker
Home Learning on INSIGHT
Select the Homework tab
and all your son’s work will
be listed here (as well as his
E-Safety and Online
Are you PREPPED ?
Prepared to learn
Phone out of sight
Dressed smartly
Parent/Child Reading Club
• The idea is that parent/child will read the same book and discuss the
questions together.
• We will then all meet in the library once per half term (second Tuesday of the
half term at 6.30) and discuss our views on the book together.
• We will be issuing some recommended reading lists to boys each half term.
For this half term the recommended reading list for Y7 and 8 boys is:
The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire Suzanne Collins
Northern Lights by Phillip Pullman
Holes by Louis Sachar
Dates for your Diary Term 1
All Year 7 students have a beginning of the Year Maths
Ws 22nd September
Stanley Head Visit
7.45am please for a 8am depart.
Approx 7.45pm back.
Thursday 16th October
Invited Parents meeting with Form Tutors (details to follow)
And finally …..
• Thanks to everyone for their
support so far.
• Please continue plugging away at:
Punctuality, Attendance,
Equipment, Uniform and
Home Learning.