Ready to E X P A N D your KNOWLEDGE & LEADERSHIP SKILLS? Then the Annual Municipal League Conference is for YOU! There will be ac vi es for everyone: LISTEN & LEARN—knowledge experts will share informa on in a teaching format as well as panel format with audience Q&A. NETWORK—with city/town officials, state agency personnel and other government leaders. FIND SOLUTIONS—WVML’s exhibitors offer ci es/towns the products and services that help you run your municipality. QUESTION—ask your colleagues about new ini a ves in their municipali es and how they are solving problems. BRAG—use the space on “City Showcase” to show off your city/town a rac ons and programs. Municipal League Conference August 13-15, 2014 Bridgeport Conference Center Bridgeport, WV B B C R P lease join us as an exhibitor for the 45th Annual Municipal League Conference. This year’s conference will be held at the Bridgeport Conference Center in Bridgeport, WV, August 13th-15th, 2014. , WVML 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE The West Virginia Municipal League Conference a racts over 200 local municipal officials including Mayors, City Council Members, Recorders, City Managers, City A orneys, Administrators, City Clerks and Key Department Heads. Also invited are state legislators, commissioners and other state and federal agency personnel. The WVML Conference is a great opportunity for you to introduce your programs, products and services to decision makers from virtually every community in West Virginia. No other mee ng, conference or special event in the state offers be er exposure to West Virginia’s leaders. The Conference will bring your organiza on’s representa ves into contact with those municipal officials responsible for entering into contracts, making purchasing decisions and those who influence decision makers. Many exhibitors will be at the conference this year compe ng for a share of municipal budgets. Your representa ves should be there too! We look forward to seeing you at the 2 C M T S O ,M his year’s conference offers MANY opportuni es for corporate sponsorship. Get prime exposure for your company and build rela onships by becoming a sponsor for the 45th Annual West Virginia Municipal League Conference! This conference features engaging guest speakers, interac ve discussions and breakout sessions, exci ng networking events, dining and entertainment. The WVML Conference is one of the largest and most an cipated municipal conferences of the year, bringing together everyone from Mayors to City Clerks to State Officials. I ! WVML 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 Sponsors Alpha Architects & Engineers The Book Exchange Bowles Rice Brickstreet Insurance Chapman Technical Group Please review the a ached vendor and sponsorship informa on carefully as there are many op ons to consider. Chase Sponsorship opportuni es are limited—so please have the following forms mailed in by May 1, 2014. Consumer Healthcare Products Assoc. Forms can be mailed to: City of Bridgeport, A n: Andrea Kerr, PO Box 1310, Bridgeport, WV 26330. All checks should be made payable to: WVML Forks of Cheat Winery Hurry to reserve your sponsorship opportunity today! For this year’s conference, we will be using a FREE app for all conference informa on...please download Guidebook from your device play store & connect with this event! Cohen Law Group Commercial Insurance E.L. Robinson Engineering Energy Speaks Pentree, Inc. Potesta Engineers and Environmental Consultants Shuman, McCuskey & Slicer Thrasher Engineering Triad Engineering, Inc. Veolia Water Waterfront Place Hotel WVU Football ZMM Architects & Engineers 7 2014 MAYOR OF THE YEAR The Awards Committee is now accepting nominees for the Mayor Of The Year Award to be given at the Annual Conference August 13-15, 2014. All Mayors of member municipalities are eligible. Your nomination should be formatted with regard to the following: Prepare a one-page summary of your nominee consisting of: 1. Years of municipal service. 2. Outstanding municipal achievement 3. Contribution to quality of life in local government. 4. Involvement in the West Virginia Municipal League. 5. One paragraph of family life. 6. Name of submitter. ** Return your summary by July 15, 2014, to: West Virginia Municipal League Awards 2020 Kanawha Blvd., East Charleston, West Virginia 25311 2014 CLERK/RECORDER OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM Name ___________________________________________________________ Clerk or Recorder ________________________________________________ Years_________ as Clerk/Recorder _________________________________ Outstanding Municipal Achievements ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Contribution to Quality of Life in Local Government __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Involvement in the WV Clerks/Recorders Association _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph Describing Family Life _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Nominated By ___________________________________________________ Return on or before July 15, 2014, to: WVML Municipal Clerk/Recorder Award 2020 Kanawha Blvd., East, Charleston, WV 25311 WVML POLICY STATEMENT The West Virginia Municipal League needs to hear from you! The Municipal League is beginning the legislative policy process that will end with a statement of policy adopted by the members at the Annual Conference in August. The current statement of policy can be found at WVML staff and the Legislative Committee use the Policy Statement adopted by the members at the Annual Business Meeting to develop a package of Legislation to the next Legislative Session. In addition, the staff uses the policies to guide positions taken by the Municipal League in response to legislation brought forward by others, and to answer questions about the League’s position on a variety of issues. We need to hear what you think should be priorities for the Municipal League! If you have thoughts or suggestions you would like to have addressed by the Municipal League in the West Virginia Legislature, please explain them below (use additional sheets if necessary) and return this by July 15, 2014 to: Lisa Dooley, Executive Director WV Municipal League 2020 Kanawha Blvd., East Charleston, WV 25311 Or FAX to: 304-342-5586 Or Email: [email protected] We will take any suggestions to the Policy Committee, where they will consider them for incorporation into the WVML Policy Statement. Suggestions may also be brought up from the floor on August 15, 2014, during the Annual Business Meeting, held at the WVML Annual Conference, August 13-15, 2014 in Bridgeport, WV. CITY:____________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME:_____________________________ PHONE NUMBER:_________________ Suggested Legislative Or Policy Change:_________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ WV MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 2014 MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT The WV Municipal League Memorial Golf Tournament will be held in conjunction with the Annual Conference August 13-15, 2014, Bridgeport Conference Center, at the Bridgeport Country Club, Bridgeport, WV. Several prizes will be awarded including: The CURTIS M. UHL Memorial Award and The M. MURRILL RALSTEN Memorial Award. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at Bridgeport Country Club and the Tournament will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 13, 2014. The entry price per person will be $65.00. This price covers player’s Lunch, Green Fees and Cart. Names of Foursome: Captain Name: ___________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Address: _________________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email:___________________________________ Email:________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Address: _________________________________ Address: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email:____________________________________ Email:_________________________________ Make check payable and return to: WVML Golf 2020 Kanawha Blvd., E. Charleston, WV 25311 Please send your entry and fee by July 15, 2014 2014 Clay Shooting at A Mountain Clays, Bridgeport, WV For the first time at the Annual Municipal League Conference, Clay Shooting will be available to anyone interested in taking their best shot! It will be in conjunction with the conference held on August 13-15, 2014 in Bridgeport, WV. The event will be sponsored by Country Roads Leasing and is free to anyone who wants to sign up. The event will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. The time is still to be determined. Transportation to A Mountain Clays will be provided. Lunch and drinks have also been sponsored and will be catered at the event. Please make sure to include a valid email address and phone number in your registration, as details for this event will be sent at a later date. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Kerr, City of Bridgeport at 304-842-8233. A Mountain Clays features trap houses which launch eight different kinds of skeet. Included is a springing teal which shoots straight in the air, the high and low crosser, “rabbit” and the “wobble,” which kicks out in a different direction every time. Name: ___________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Address: _________________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email:___________________________________ Email:________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Name: _______________________________ Address: _________________________________ Address: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email:____________________________________ Email:_________________________________ Please return to: City of Bridgeport, Attn: Andrea Kerr, PO Box 1310, Bridgeport, WV 26330 Please send your entry form by July 15, 2014 WVML ALL-STAR COMMUNITY AWARDS The Purpose - The goal of the annual WVML All-Star Community Awards Program is to recognize and encourage innovation and excellence in local government in West Virginia. The program provides the opportunity for officials and staff of League member cities to receive appropriate recognition by their peers and the public for superior and innovative efforts in their profession. In addition, the program provides a means of sharing the best public service ideas in West Virginia, demonstrating that local government public servants are progressive, competent and caring, and providing other city officials a chance to learn what works. The Rules - Your city must be a member of the WVML to enter. A member city is allowed to enter only one entry in each category, and each city may win only one All-Star Community Award per year, however the second entry may qualify for a Certificate of Recognition. Entries must describe an individual program and project showing significant results brought to conclusion. Preparation of Entries - The entry form has been designed to simplify the entry process. Specific instructions are included and you may request the entry form by calling the WVML at 1-800-344-7702. Answer the eight questions as clearly and completely as possible. Information requested includes a description of the project/activity, what makes the program innovative and/or progressive, community or citizen participation in planning and/or initiating the project, and the improvement in delivery of services and cost savings brought about because of the efforts. Materials illustrating your project or program should be included and attached as appendices to the entry. These can include charts, newspaper clippings, letters, photos, reports, brochures, videotapes and other program materials. This information is critical to providing the judges with the ultimate description of the entry. Two copies of each entry must be received in the League office by July 15, 2014. Entries will not be returned. The mayor and city manager - or city clerk in non-manager cities are asked to sign the entry form. Please duplicate as many copies of the forms as you may require. The Categories - One entry per city may be made in each of the following two categories: * Enrichment - Any program to improve the quality and/or quantity of city service delivery. Also, any programs or projects that improve physical or economic vitality of the community, such as business development, construction projects, housing projects, urban renewal, downtown revitalization, historic preservation or neighborhood development, public/private partnerships. * Cost Reductions/Savings - Any program innovations, training, communications, computer applications, utilization, fiscal applications, and intergovernmental cooperation that results in cost stabilization or savings in the delivery of services. The Judging - Entries will be reviewed by a committee comprised of three individuals knowledgeable in local government. The judges will look for innovativeness of the program, the success of the program, and the adaptability of the program by other localities. A sample of the judges’ evaluation form is included in this packet. The entries will be divided into four population divisions: 50,000 and more; 10,000 to 49,999; 2000 to 9,999; and less than 2000. The Prize - The All-Star Community Award is an attractive, engraved, wood and lucite plaque suitable for display in your city hall. Runner-up entries worthy of recognition will receive a framed certificate. The awards will be presented during the League’s Annual Conference held August 13-15, 2014, Bridgeport Conference Center, Bridgeport, West Virginia. In addition, winning entries will be featured in an issue of the League Lites Newsletter and will be brought to the attention of local and statewide media. 2014 LEAGUE ALL-STAR COMMUNITY AWARDS PROGRAM ENTRY FORM NAME OF CITY:__________________________POPULATION:_________________ ENTRY CATEGORY:_____________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: __________________________ TITLE:____________________ STREET ADDRESS:______________________________________________________ CITY:__________________________ STATE:___________ ZIP:________________ TELEPHONE:__________________________ FAX:_____________________________ DURATION OF PROJECT: START DATE__________COMPLETION DATE_________ WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM IDENTIFIED IN YOUR COMMUNITY? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT GOAL(S) WERE YOU TRYING TO ACHIEVE? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHO WAS INVOLVED IN CREATING THE SOLUTION? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHO WAS INVOLVED IN IMPLEMENTING THE SOLUTION? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOW MUCH DID IT COST? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOW MUCH WILL IT SAVE? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIBE YOUR TIMETABLE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you need more room to best represent your city’s project, please attach a one page typewritten sheet to this form. Signatures: ______________________ ____________________________ Mayor City Manager, Administrator or Clerk Complete this form and mail it with two complete sets of your entry by July 15, 2014 to: WV MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 2020 KANAWHA BLVD., EAST CHARLESTON, WV 25311 2014/2015 NOMINATING FORM WVML BOARD OF DIRECTORS/OFFICE OF TREASURER NAME OF CANDIDATE: _____________________________________________________________________ CANDIDATE’S TITLE: _____________________________________________________________________ CANDIDATE’S MUNICIPALITY: _________________________________________________________ FOR WVML TREASURER’S OFFICE _____YES _____NO This year’s Treasurer’s Candidate will be from a Class III or IV municipality. BRIEF STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE NOMINEE: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Breakdown of the Election for the Board of Directors: OFFICERS (4) 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer MAYORS (18) Six from each of the three Congressional Districts MAYORS (2) Elected At Large COUNCIL MEMBER (3) One from each of the three Congressional Districts COUNCIL MEMBER (3) Elected At Large REC/CLERK (2) Appointed by the Clerk/Recorder Association CITY MANAGER (2) President of City Manager’s Association One other City Manager AUDITOR (1) Appointed PARLIAMENTARIAN Appointed EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (1) PAST PRESIDENTS Appointed CHAPLAIN Appointed For Newly Appointed/ Elected Judges Senate Bill 164, which became effective July1, 1998, requires any municipal judge who is not an attorney, to participate in a training pr ogra m conducted by the Lea gue. Additionally, HB 2120, which became effective May 21, 2007, now requires municipal judges who are not attorneys, to receive continuing legal training on an annual basis. The League has prepared our sixth training session for newly appointed/elected municipal judges scheduled for August 15, 2014, at the Bridgeport Conference Center, Bridgeport, WV, during the League's Annual Conference, August 13th through the 15th. Certificates of Completion will be issued to each person attending the municipal judge training. (CLE with State Bar approval). Please complete and return your registration with payment, on or before July 15, 2014. Contact the League office if you have any questions, 1-800-344-7702. REGISTRATION Name:________________________________________Title:________________________________________ R e p r e s e n t i n g t h e M u n i c i p a l i t y ( i e s ) o f : _________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Zip:____________ Phone:___________________ Email: ________________________________________ A Non-Refundable Fee covers your registration, lunch, breaks and all materials during the seminar. Registration must be made before July 15, 2014. My check is enclosed for: M e mbe r o f W VM L & M u nic i pa l J u d ge Association:___ $125.00 Non-Member of WVML & Municipal Judge Association___ $250.00 Return Registration Form to League Office at: 2020 Kanawha Blvd., E., Charleston, WV 25311 or fax: (304) 342-5586. Call for accommodations: Wingate Hotel 304-808-1000 or Microtel 304-808-2000; Cut off date is 7/15/14; Group Name is WV Municipal League. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Floyd "Kin" Sayre • • • • • • • • • Bowles, Rice, McDavid, Graff & Love LLP Partner Certified Public Accountant City Attorney for Town of Mabscott, City of Beckley and City of Martinsburg Member, WV Home Rule Board Member of WV State Bar Member of WV State Bar Board of Governors Member, WV Ethics Commission Authored: Municipal Law, WV State Bar Practice Handbook Former Adjunct Faculty Bluefield State College, Mountain State University and Concord University 2014 WEST VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE TENATIVE AGENDA Tuesday, August 12 7:30 AM-5:00 PM—Registration Open 8:00 PM –Committee Meetings *Nominating, Bylaws, Policy Resolution & Credentials 7:30 AM-12:00 PM—Exhibitor’s Open Hospitality Suite Wednesday, August 13 8:00 AM-5:00 PM—Registration Open *Exhibitors set-up throughout the day (Tent) 8:45 AM-10:00 AM—Opening Session *Presiding, Invocation, Welcome, Keynote Speaker 10:00 AM-12:00 PM—Metro News Talk Line (Tenative) *Live from the Conference with Hoppy Kercheval BREAK 7:30 AM—Golf Registration at Bridgeport Country Club Concurrent Seminars: 8:00 AM—Shotgun Start of WVML Memorial Golf Tournament 10:30 AM-11:30 AM—Speaker The Coming Crisis: Volunteer Fire Departments 10:30 AM-11:30 AM—Speaker Who Does the City / Town Attorney Represent? 8:00 AM—A Mountain Clays *Clay Shooting 8:00 AM—Tour of Bridgeport 9:00 AM-10:00 AM—WV Municipal Clerks/Recorders Annual Meeting BREAK 10:00 AM-11:00 AM—Speaker Comprehensive Plans / Strategic Planning *Their value, state law requiring cities to have them, the process, why it’s important, how to do one 11:00 AM-12:00 PM—Speaker Best Practices *Panel Discussion-Best practices used by different municipalities across the state 12:00 PM-2:00 PM—Lunch *Visit with Exhibitors 1:00 PM-5:00 PM—WV Municipal Attorney Association Meeting 11:30 AM-12:30 PM—Speaker Bridging the Digital Disconnect with Municipalities 11:30 AM-12:30 PM—Speaker Economic Outlook / Development Trends 12:30 PM-2:30 PM—Lunch-Guest Speaker 2:30 PM-3:30 PM—Speaker Ethics & Open Government 2:30 PM-3:30 PM—Speaker Creative Financing for Municipalities 3:30 PM-4:30 PM—Speaker Home Rule Issues 3:30 PM-4:30 PM—Speaker Community Transportation Challenges 5:30 PM—Depart to Splash Zone 2:00 PM-3:00 PM—Speaker Principles of Straightforward Leadership 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Luau/Dinner After-Dinner Concert 3:00 PM-4:00 PM—Speaker Marketing & Branding 8:00 PM—Hospitality Suite BREAK 4:00 PM-6:00 PM—WV City Management Association Meeting 5:30 PM *WVML Board of Director’s Photo 5:30 PM-8:00 PM *Welcome Reception with Exhibitor’s 8:00 PM—Hospitality Suite Thursday, August 14 7:30 AM-8:45AM—Breakfast *Visit with Exhibitor’s Friday, August 15 6:45 AM-WV Municipal Clerks/Recorder’s Walk 8:00 AM-10:00 AM-Breakfast *Awards 10:00 AM-11:30 AM—Closing Event *Annual Business Meeting/Election of Officers & Board ADJORN 9:00 AM-2:00 PM—Newly Appointed Municipal Judge Mandatory Training *Instructor: Floyd M. (Kin) Sayre, III 11:30 AM-12:00 PM—Board of Director’s Meeting 300 Conference Center Way Bridgeport, WV 26330 304.808.3000
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