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協定留学生・受入条件 (Entry Requirements)
【基本要件(Admission Requirement)】
• 韓信大学在籍 学部生又は大学院生
(undergraduate/postgraduate students of Hanshin University)
女性のみ (Women only. But if you are a postgraduate, you have a chance to apply.)
【日本語要件 (Japanese Requirement)】
• 日本語能力試験: JLPT2級以上、又は、JPT550点以上
(fall under any of JLPT2, JPT550, or other certificates of the equivalent level )
授業について (About study)
• 学部授業を履修 (take the undergraduate courses as well as Japanese students)
• 必須科目 (required courses)
留学生のための日本語(Japanese as foreign language)
/ ゼミ(Seminar) / 園芸(Horticulture/Gardening)
• 必須以外は分野制限なし (can take any classes if you take required)
• 履修上限:1学期20単位迄 (Maximum:18-20 credits per semester)
• 国際協力及び市民団体など希望に応じてインターン紹介制度あり(単位認定)
留学期間と各種費用について (About Term and Fees)
【留学期間 (Term)】 1年又 (a year)
【宿舎 (Place to Stay)】 恵泉女学園 協力宿舎 (corporate accommodation)
【費用 (Expenses)】 授業料他詳細については下記の通り (Please see below)
※ 交通費、教科書代、宿舎の家賃や食費、生活費は自己負担
(Self-pay: transportation expenses, textbooks, accommodation fees, other cost of living)
※ 協力宿舎家賃: 約4万円/月 (accommodation fee: about 40,000yen per month)
募集対象期間(applying for)
2017年3月末頃~2018年2月上旬 (March 2017 – February 2018)
募集定員(fixed number)
2名 (2 students)
学費 (Tuition fees)
全額免除 (tuition exemption)
奨学費 (Keisen Scholarship)
協力宿舎家賃相当額を毎月支給 (40,000 yen per month for accommodation)
保険 (Insurance)
apply for enrollment into the National Health Insurance in Japan (Self-pay: about 20,000 yen a year)
*This public health insurance covers 70% of medical and dental costs for you. They don’t cover costs for
regular check-ups, vaccination, etc. If you need more guarantee, you’d better enroll the overseas travel
insurance in Korea.
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