Application for shared filespace

TU Dresden
Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen
Service Desk
Nöthnitzer Str.46, Zi. E 036
01062 Dresden
Tel: 0351 463 31666 / Fax: 0351 463 42328
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
Application for shared filespace
□ First application
□ Renewal
Personal data of the applicant1
Last name:
First name:
Date of birth:
Email address:
(for renewals)
□ Checkout
Place of birth:
Gender: male:
Requested size in GB
Maturity (31.12.20xx)
Login names (if present) at ZIH:
Number of the additional gust
logins for tu-external partners
Contact person
(if not identical with applicants)
Project title
Project code (max. 6 characters)
Responsible Director
(if not identical with applicants)
Agreeing to the conditions of use of ZIH
The applicant acknowledges and accepts the terms of use of the ZIH of the TU Dresden (published under, "About us", "User
rules and regulations", or also as a written document at the user guidance office). The applicant agrees that his personal data stated above will be
collected and automatically processed in the IDM (Identity Management System) for the purpose of accounting, content-wise configuration or the
changing of ZIH services. He or she also agrees that his data is processed in regular intervals to check the affiliation to the TU Dresden, and that his
first and last name might be published in system files.
It is assured to the applicant that his personal data will be used only for Directory services (Email), admission, notification and accounting purposes.
Members will be deleted no later than 15 months after his retirement (at staff / students) or at the end of the login for personalized guests. Changes
in the application of data given the ZIH notified immediately.
The use of ZIH resources for commercial or non-universitarian uses is prohibited. Users are responsible for themselves with regard to applicable
copyright laws or the use of brand- and trademarks. The license covers the use of its staff and students over the period of their membership
(feedback from the appropriate staff positions). With personalized guests use permit expires on 31 October of each academic year and must be
renewed with a renewal application.
Date & Signature of the applicant
Stamp of the facility / organization &
Signature of the project leader
1 alle Felder unbedingt ausfüllen
Updated: 05.11. 2013
TU Dresden
Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen
Service Desk
Nöthnitzer Str.46, Zi. E 036
01062 Dresden
Tel: 0351 463 31666 / Fax: 0351 463 42328
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
To be filled out by the ZIH!
Benutzungsgenehmigung für den gestellten Antrag
Projektgruppenname / Gruppennummer:
genehmigt am:
genehmigt bis:
Bearbeiter im ZIH:
Updated: 05.11. 2013