Tender Notice WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY Kota Division Civil Engineering Divisional Railway Manager, Works Account, West Central Railway, Kota for and on behalf of President of Union of India invites following open sealed tenders which will be opened as per column 6 below which should reach to this office on or before 15.30 Hrs on the date of opening shown against the tenders. The tenders shall be sold up to 12.00 hrs on the same day and shall be opened at 16.00 Hrs. Tender No Description of work Approx. cost Earnest Money Comp. Period Date of Opening 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cost of Tender Form 7 Similar nature of work for eligibility 8 54/2014 NAD Kota section - Proposed Stabilisation of formation with Lime slurry pressure injection from Km.713.00 to 715.00 , 798.00 to 800.00 and 836.00 to 837.00 UP & DN M/L = 10.00 kms of DEN South Kota section to be carried out in th Summer season from 15 th March to 15 June. 5361000/- 107220/- 12 Months 25.03.2014 5000/ Any P. Way work on running line or LSPI work or cement slurry pressure injection work or Epoxy/ cement grouting work. 55/2014 Bundi – Providing tie bar fencing in railway colony & Bundi Repair to road from NH 12 to loading unloading platform 3245000/- 64900/- 6 Months 25.03.2014 3000/- Not Required. 56/2014 R Gangapurcity- Extention of COP at PF No. 2 and 3 (02 Bays ) and Hindaun City- Extention of COP at PF No. 1 (02 Bays ). 4701000/- 94020/- 6 Months 25.03.2014 3000/- Not Required 57/2014 R Kota Division- Annual Maintenance Contract ( AMC ) for Digital Weld Tester of DS 322 AT ( USFD Testing ) Make Electronic & Engineering Service Pvt. Ltd. 254000/- 5080/- 12 Months 25.03.2014 1000/- Not Required 58/2014 R Kota Thermal Power Station Siding (Deposit Work) Construction of 4.50x4.50 M size limited height subway in lieu of unmanned LC No 09 at Km. 6.39 on Kota Thermal Power Station Siding by cut & cover method. 9893000/- 197860/- 8 Months 25.03.2014 5000/- Construction /Rehabilitation of any type of bridge or Any RCC work. 59/2014 Swaimadhopur and lakheri to makholi Section – Repair to roof leakage in service building and staff quarters in ADEN/Swaimadhopur section. 5460000/- 109200/- 6 Months 25.03.2014 5000/- Any Civil Engineering Work 60/2014 Lakheri Makholi sectin – Repairs and maintenance of deep hand pump of gate lodges ,gang chawls, colony etc. 239000/- 4780/- 12 Months 25.03.2014 1000/- Not required 61/2014 R ADEN/ Ramganjmandi SectionSpreading and dressing boxing of ballast from existing stacks on track under SSE/PW/S/Kota, Ramganjmand and Bhawanimandi Kota Nagda Section- Provision of wire gauge shutter in Windows of railway quarters. 1213000/- 24260/- 6 Months 25.03.2014 2000/- Not Required 1137000/- 22740/- 4 Months 25.03.2014 2000/- Not required ADEN Ramganjmandi sectin – Repairs and maintenance of deep hand pump at lodge, gang Chawl and colony. 213000/- 4260/- 12 Months 25.03.2014 1000/- Not required 37484000/- 337420/- 25.03.2014 10000/- 62/2014 R 63/2014 64/2014 R Kota Gangapur City SectionProvision of Limited Height Subway In Lieu of LC No. 138,141 &144 by cut and cover method in the section of ADEN/Swaimadhopur. Complete details are available in the tender 12 Months notice uploaded on the railway Construction /Rehabilitation of any type of bridge or Any RCC work. web site www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.in and also placed on the notice board of the Divisional Railway Manager (WA) West Central Railway Kota’s office. Complete tender document can be down loaded from above web site. The tender document will be prepared prior to 15 days from the date of opening of tender and can be purchased on any working day from DRM (WA) Kota’s office. No- W.623/15 Dt 10.02.2014 Divisional Railway Manager(WA) For & Behalf of the President of Union of India. Copy- Notice Board of DRM (WA) Kota office, All DRMs of WCR for Notice Board, Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer (Construction) WCR-Jabalpur and Dy CE ( C ) Kota, BPL , JBP. All ADENs, SSEs (P.Way) & (Works). Kota division Station Superintendent, Kota Division. fufonk lwpuk if”pe e/; jsYos dksVk e.My flfoy bUthfu;fjax Hkkjrla?ak ds jk"VzI~ kfr ds fy, ,oe mudh vksj ls e.My jsy izcU/kd] dk;Zy[s kk ]Ikf”pe e/; jsyos ] dksVk fuEufyf[kr dk;ksZa ds fy, [kqys eksgjcan Vs.Mj vkefZ=r djrs gS tks bl dk;kZy; es fuEu n”kkZbZ xbZ rkjh[kksa dks 15-30 cts rd igqp Wa tkus pkfg, A Vs.Mj ml fnu 12-00 cts rd csps tak;saxs rFkk 16-00 cts [kksys tk;sx a sA Vs.Mj l[;kWa 1 54/2014 55/2014 56/2014 R dk;Z dk fooj.k 2 Ukkxnk dksVk lsD”ku & iziksTM LVsfcykbts”ku vkWQ Qksjes”ku fon ykbe Lyjh iz”s kj batDs ”ku Qzkes fd-eh- 713--00 Vw 715-00] 798-00 Vw 800-00 ,.M 83600 Vw 837-00 vi ,.M Mkmu esu ykbu ¾ 10 fd-eh- vkWQ Mh-bZ-,u- lkmFk dksVk lSD”ku Vw ch dsjhM vkMV bu lej lhtu Qzkes 15 ekpZ Vw 15 twuA cwna h & izksokbfMax VkbZ ckj Qsfa lax bu jsYos dksy s ksuh ,.M canw h fjis;j Vw jksM Qzkes ,u ,p 12 Vw yksfMax vuyksfMax IysVQkeZA Xakxkiqj flVh& ,DlVs”a ku vkWQ lhvksih ,V IysVQkWeZ ua0 2 ,.M 3 ¼2 cSt s ½ ,.M fg.MkSu flVh& ,DlVs”a ku vkWQ lhvksih ,V IysVQkWeZ ua01 ¼2 cSt s ½ vuqekfur ykxr c;kuak jkf”k dk;Z lekfIr vof/k 3 4 5 Vs.Mj [kqyus dh rkjh[k 6 5361000/- 107220/- 12 25.03.2014 5000/- 3245000/- 64900/- 6 ekg 25.03.2014 3000/- uksV fjDok;MZ 4701000/- 94020/- 6 ekg 25.03.2014 3000/- uksV fjDok;MZ ekg fufon izi~= dh ykxr 7 flfeyj uspj vkQ odZ Qksj bfyftfcfyfVbfyftfcfyfV8 ,uh ihos odZ vkWu jfuax ykbu vksj ,y,lihvkbZ odZ vksj lhesVa Lyjh iz”s kj batDs ”ku odZ vksj biksDlh @ lhesVa xzkmfVax odZA 57/2014 R dksVk fMfotu& ,uqvy esVa us sal dkUVªDs V ¼,-,e-lh-½ Qksj fMftVy osYM VsLVj vkWQ Mh,l 322 ,Vh ¼ ;q-,l-,Q-Mh-VsfLVax½ esd bysDVªkfs ud ,.M baftfu;fjax lfoZl izkbosV fyfeVsMA 254000/- 5080/- 12 maah 25.03.2014 1000/- naa^T irkvaayarD 58/2014 R kaoTa qama-la pavar sToSana saa[-iDMga (iDpaoijaT vak-) knsT`@Sana Aa^f 4.50 x 4.50 maITr saa[-ja ilamaIToD ha[-T sabavao [na lyaU Aa^f AnamaonaD elasaI na0 09 eT ikmaI 6.39 Aa^na kaoTa qama-la pavar sToSana saa[-iDMga baa^ya kT eND kvar maoqaD. 9893000/- 197860/- 8 maah 25.03.2014 5000/- dUlVªD”ku @ jhgsfcfyVs”ku vkWQ ,uh VkbZi vkWQ fczt vksj ,suh vkjlhlh odZ 59/2014 60/2014 61/2014 R 62/2014 R 63/2014 64/2014 R Lkokbek/kksiqj ,.M yk[ksjh Vw e[kksyh lsD”ku & fjis;j Vw :Q yhdst bu lfoZl fcfYMax ,.M LVkQ DokVlZ bu ,Mhb,u lokbZek/kksiqj lsD”ku A Ykk[ksjh e[kksyh lsD”ku & fjis;lZ ,.M esVa susal vkWQ Mhi gsM a iai vkWQ xsV ykstt s ] xsaxpky] dksyksuh ,VlsDVªkA 5460000 109200/- 6 ekg 25.03.2014 5000/- ,uh flfoy bathfu;fjax odZA 239000/- 4780/- 12 ekg 25.03.2014 1000/- uksV fjDok;MZ ,-Mh-bZ-,u- jkexateaMh lsD”ku & Lizfs Max ,.M Mªfs lax ,.M ckWfDlax vkWQ cSykLV Qzkes ,fDtLfVax LVsDl vksu Vªd s v.Mj ,l,lbZ-¼ih-MCyq½,l- dksVk] jkexate.Mh ,.M Hkokuhe.Mh A dksVk ukxnk lSD”ku& izksfotu vkQ ok;jxst “kVj bu foUMkst vkWQ jsYos DokVlZA ,-Mh-bZ-,u- jkexate.Mh lsD”ku&fjis;j ,.M esVa us sal vkWQ Mhi gs.M iEi ,V ykst xsx a pky ,.M dksyksuhA 1213000/- 24260/- 6 25.03.2014 2000/- naa^T irkvaayarD 4 25.03.2014 2000/- naa^T irkvaayarD dksVk&xaxkiqjflVh lsD”ku]izksohtu vkWQ fyfeVsM gkbZV lcos buY;w vkWQ ,ylh ua-138]141,.M 144 ckbZ dV ,.M doj eSFk~M bu n~ lsD”ku vkWQ ,MhbZ,u] lokbZek/kksiqj ekg 1137000/- 22740/- 213000/- 4260/- 12 ekg 25.03.2014 1000/- uksV fjDok;MZ 37484000/- 337420/- 12 ekg 25.03.2014 10000/- dUlVªD”ku @ jhgsfcfyVs”ku vkWQ ,uh VkbZi vkWQ fczt vksj ,suh vkjlhlh odZ ekg iw.kZ fooj.k osclkbV www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.in ij viyksM dh xbZ fufonk esa rFkk e.My jsy izc/a kd dk;kZy; dh dk;Zy[s kk “kk[kk ds uksfVl cksMZ ij ns[kk tk ldrk gSA lacfa /kr VsM a j izi= mDr osclkbV ls MkmuyksM fd;s tk ldrs gSA fufonk izi= VsM a j [kqyus dh fnukad ls 15 fnu igys rS;kj dj fy, tk,sx a s rFkk e.My jsy izc/a kd dk;kZy; dh dk;Zy[s kk “kk[kk ls fdlh Hkh dk;Zfnol esa [kjhns tk ldrs gSA Lak[;kМw@623@15 fnukad& 10-02-2014 e.My jsy izcU/kd(dk;Zy[s kk] Ik-e-js] dksVk Hkkjrla?k ds jk’Vzifr ds fy, ,oa mudh vksj ls izzfr &uksfVl cksMZ gsrq] leLr e.My jsy izcU/kd] Ik-e-jsyos] eq[; bUth0] eq[; bUth0]fuekZ.k ] tcyiqjA leLr Lkgk;d bUthfu;j] eq[; jsyiFk fujh{kd] eq[; fuekZ.k fujh{kd] dksVk e.MyA
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