OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL, G.S.V.M. MEDICAL COLLEGE, KANPUR-208002 Tender Notice No. 229/PS/Equip-ICU/2014-15 Dated : 27.08.2014 TENDER NOTICE The sealed tenders on prescribed tender form on two bid system (Technical & Financial bids in separate sealed envelopes) are invited from high quality manufacturing firms (Indian/Foreign) or their Indian distributors, of repute, for supply and installation of the various equipments/ items for different department of this medical college. The tender can be purchased from the office of the Principal, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur during office hours on all working day between 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM or can be downloaded from college website, between the date 02.09.2014 to 27.09.2014. The tender fee can be submitted as cash payment or in shape of bank draft in favour of “Principal. G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur” (Non refundable) recorded against each equipment as mentioned in the under noted box. Tenders (Technical & Financial bids original & duplicate in separate sealed envelopes) should reach in the office of the Principal, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur up to 29.09.2014 till 2.00 PM. The tender notice no. & name of item quoted must be super scribed on the top of each envelope. Technical bids of the tenders received, will be opened at 2.00 PM on 29.09.2014 in the office of the Principal as aforesaid in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representative. If any working day as due date is observed as holiday, the next working day will be treated as the due date. Late / Delayed tenders due to any reason, postal delay or otherwise shall in no case be accepted . All the terms & conditions and technical specifications of equipment/jobs, mentioned in the tender documents, will be considered the integral part of this notice. The EMD will be accepted in the form of FDR/TDR of Nationalized Bank, pledged in the name of the Principal, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur along with technical bid of tender in a separate sealed cover clearly indicated. Number of quantity may be increased or decreased. The Principal as aforesaid has sole discretion of accepting/rejecting any tender and reserves his right to post-pone or refuse the purchase of any item notified in this tender. In case of any legal dispute, the legal jurisdiction shall be court of law at Kanpur (UP) India. This tender notice can be viewed on our college website:, DGME website : & State govt. Website : S.No. Name of Equipment Qty Tender Fee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multi Chanel Monitor Ventilators CRRT for Dialysis Ultrasound with ECHO X-ray portable machine Syringe Pump Syringe Pump (Paediatrirics) Gas Pipe Line (Surgery,TB & Chest,Paediatrics) Temporary Pacemaker Portable Suction machine Ventilators (Paediatrics to adult) Defibrillator Central AC (Paediatrics ICU) 15 15 2 3 4 50 20 3 500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/- + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 90000.00 300000.00 50000.00 90000.00 40000.00 30000.00 15000.00 30000.00 4 4 5 1 1 500/500/500/500/500/- + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT 2000.00 8000.00 100000.00 5000.00 5000.00 9 10 11 12 13 PRINCIPAL GSVM MEDICAL COLLEGE, KANPUR dk;kZy; iz/kkukpk;Z] th0 ,l0 oh0 ,e0 esfMdy dkyst] dkuiqj&208002 Qksu ua-% 0512&2535483] QSDl ua-% 0512&2535881] osclkbV% & fufonk lwpuk la[;k%& 299@dz0l0@fu0lw0@mi0@2014&15 fnukad% 27@08@2014 fufonk lwpuk th0,l0oh0,e0esf Mdy dkWyst] dkuiqj] mRrj izns'k ds fy, fofHkUu izdkj ds fpfdRldh; midj.kksa dh vkiwf rZ ,oa LFkkiuk gsrq mPp xq.koRrk okyh [;kfryC/k fuekZrk QeksZa ¼Hkkjrh;@fons'kh½ vFkok muds vf/kd`r Hkkjrh; forjdksa ls Vw fcM flLVe ij vk/kkfjr eqgjcUn fufonk;sa fu/kkZfjr izi= ij ¼rduhdh ,oa foRrh; Hkko i{k dh fufonk;sa i`Fkd&i`Fkd fyQkQksa esa lhy dh x;h½ vkeaf =r dh tkrh gSaA fu/kkZfjr fufonk izi= iz/kkukpk;Z] th0,l0oh0,e0 esfMdy dkWyst] dkuiqj ds dk;kZy; ls lHkh dk;Zfnolksa esa fnukad 02-09-2014 ls 2709-2014 rd izfrfnu e/;kUg 11-00 cts ls vijkUg 3-00 cts rd fu/kkZfjr fufonk 'kqYd tks fdlh Hkh n'kk esa okil ugha gksxk dk uxn Hkqxrku dj izkIr fd;s tk ldrs gSa vFkok esfMdy dkyst dkuiqj dh osclkbV ls MkmuyksM dj fu/kkZfjr “kqYd dk cSad Mªk¶V tks iz/kkukpk;Z]th0,l0oh0,e0esf Mdy dkyst]dkuiqj ds i{k esa ns; gk]s layXu dj Hkh fufonk izi= iszf ’kr fd;s tk ldrs gSaA izR;sd fyQkQs ij fufonk uksfVl la[;k rFkk vkQj fd;s x;s vkbVe dk uke vfuok;Z :i ls vafdr gksuk pkfg,A eqgjcUn fufonk;sa fnukad 29-09-2014 dks vijkUg 2-00 cts rd v/kksgLrk{kjh ds dk;kZy; esa tek dh tk;sxhA rduhdh Hkko i{k okyh izkIr fufonk;sa fnukad 29-09-2014 dks vijkUg 4-00 cts dk;kZy; iz/kkukpk;Z] th0,l0oh0,e0 esf Mdy dkWyst] dkuiqj esa fufonknkrkvksa vFkok muds vf/kd`r izfrfuf/k;ksa dh mifLFkfr esa [kksy nh tk;sxhaA ;fn fu/kkZfjr frfFk esa dksbZ dk;Zfnol ij vodk'k iM+ tkrk gS rks vxys dk;Z fnol dks ns; frfFk ekuk tk;sxkA foyfEcr vFkok nsj ls izkIr fufonkvksa dks fdlh Hkh n'kk esa Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fufonk izi= esa mfYyf[kr lHkh 'krsZa rFkk midj.kksa ds lEcU/k esa rduhdh Lisf lfQds'kUl dks bl fufonk lwpuk dk vfHkUu va'k ekuk tk;sxkA /kjksgj /kujkf'k fufonk ds lkFk ,d i`Fkd lhYM cUn fyQkQs esa jk"Vªh;d`r cSad ls fuxZr ,Q0Mh0vkj0@Vh0Mh0vkj0 ds :i esa rFkk iz/ kkukpk;Z] th0,l0oh0,e0 esfMdy dkWyst] dkuiqj ds i{k esa cU/kd dh x;h gks] Lohdkj dh tk;sxhA dz; dh ek=k ,oa la[;k ?kVk;h c<+k;h tk ldrh gSA iz/kkukpk;Z dks fcuk dkj.k crk;s fufonk Lohdkj vFkok vLohdkj djus dk vf/kdkj gksxk rFkk blh izdkj bl fufonk lwpuk esa foKkfir fdlh Hkh vkbVe dk dz; LFkfxr djusa vFkok ughaa dz; djus dk vf/kdkj Hkh lqjf{kr jgsxkA fdlh fof/kd fookn dh fLFkfr esa fof/kd {ks=kf/kdkj dkuiqj uxj esa fLFkr U;k;ky; dk gkssxkA bl fufonk lwpuk dks foHkkxh; osclkbV ij rFkk egkfuns'kd] fpfdRlk f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k] m0iz0] y[kuÅ dh vf/kd`r osclkbV ij ns[kk tk ldrk gSA S.No. Name of Equipment Qty Tender Fee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multi Chanel Monitor Ventilators CRRT for Dialysis Ultrasound with ECHO X-ray portable machine Syringe Pump Syringe Pump (Paediatrirics) Gas Pipe Line (Surgery,TB & Chest,Paediatrics) Temporary Pacemaker Portable Suction machine Ventilators (Paediatrics to adult) Defibrillator Central AC (Paediatrics ICU) 15 15 2 3 4 50 20 3 500/500/500/500/500/500/500/500/- + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) 90000.00 300000.00 50000.00 90000.00 40000.00 30000.00 15000.00 30000.00 4 4 5 1 1 500/500/500/500/500/- + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT + VAT 2000.00 8000.00 100000.00 5000.00 5000.00 9 10 11 12 13 iz/kkukpk;Z esfMdy dkyst]dkuiqj
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