To DGM (Public Relations) BSP Annexure - II Sub: Publication of tender. Sl. 1. 3. 4. 5. Particulars Remarks Brief Details of the Tender SCHEDULE FOR OLFA FOR SALE OF BF (Name/ Scope of work of work) - same SLAG UNPROCESSED FOR SEP’ 2014. as in soft copy for publication Open / Global (pl specify) Cities of publication Please specify Local which city. 'Metros' means all four 1.RAIPUR metros 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ITJ a) No. of Papers (only if more than one paper in one city) b) Language of Papers In Case of Corrigendum, Extension or Addendum; PR Reference No. & Dt of original Tenderer (Name & Designation) ( as is to appear in the advertisement) National 1.METROS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NO NO HINDI ENGLISH GM (Marketing) Soft Copy of matter to be published (tender notice/notice) has been emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] Signature :__________________ Pl Enclosure Check list: (countersigned) Hard copy of 1. One tender notice (Matter to be published) 2. Two copies of approval of competent authority. Name : Susmita Dey Designation: DGM Department : M&BP Phone No. landline: 53632 Phone No. Mobile :9407982012 भारतीय इ पात प्रािधकरण िलिमटे ड STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED िभलाई इ पात संयंत्र BHILAI STEEL PLANT िवपणन एवं यापार योजना िवभाग MARKETING &BUSINESS PLANNING DEPARTMENT Øekad fo-,oa या-;ks-@,l-ih-@2014&15@ fnukad 09.09.2014 vkWuykbZu vxzs"k.k uhykeh lwpuk gekjs lfoZl izksokbMj esllZ esVytaD'ku lfoZlsl fyfeVsM }kjk osclkbV www. ds tfj;s fofHkUu izdkj की lkefxz;ksa dh uhykeh fuEukuqlkj dh tk;sxhA बीएफ लेग अनप्रोसे ड (BF SLAG UNPROCESSED) fnukWad ,oa fnu vxzs"k.k uhykeh dk fooj.k एफ ए -10140144 16.09.2014 मंगलवार Lkkexzh ds foLr`+r fooj.k tSls% <sjh] ek=k] lkexzh izkz Ir djus dk LFkku] fujh{k.k frfFk] /kjksgj jkf'k tek djus dh frfFk vkfn uhykeh nLrkost es mijksDr fooj.k ds vuqlkj miyC/k djk;s tk;saxsaA vkWuykbZu vxzs"k.k uhykeh esa Hkkx ysus ds bPNqd xzkgd vxzs"k.k uhykeh nLrkost esllZ esVytaD'ku lfoZlsl fyfeVsM ds dk;kZy; ls izkIr dj ldrs gSaA foLr`r fu;e ,oa 'krksZa dk mYys[k vxzs"k.k uhykeh nLrkost esa gS tks fd gekjs lsy osclkbZV ,oa esVytaD'ku osclkbZV % ij Hkh miyC/k gS ftls MkmuyksM fd;k tk ldrk gSA महाप्रबंधक (िवपणन) भारतीय इ पात प्रािधकरण िलिमटे ड STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED िभलाई इ पात संयंत्र BHILAI STEEL PLANT िवपणन एवं यापार योजना िवभाग MARKETING &BUSINESS PLANNING DEPARTMENT dzekad% fo-,oa या-;ks-@,l-ih-@2014&2015@ fnukad 09.09.2014 Notice for ONLINE FORWARD AUCTION The materials will be auctioned through website by our service provider M/s mjunction services ltd on " As is where is" and "No complaint" basis through Online Forward Auction to be held as per schedule mentioned below: BF SLAG UNPROCESSED OLFA details FA-10140144 OLFA date & day 16.09.2014 TUESDAY Details of above OLFAs i.e. lot nos., quantity, date of inspection, submission of EMD, location of material etc. shall be made available on websites and in due course of time. Customers intending to participate in Online Forward auction process for the above material may obtain the Forward Auction Documents from the offices of M/s mjunction services ltd Detailed terms and conditions are available in the Forward Auction Document, which is also available on the websites of SAIL ( and mjunction services ltd. (, which can be downloaded. GM (Mktg) Sub: - Schedule for Online Forward Auction (OLFA) Online Forward Auction (OLFA) are being organized on M/s mjunction services ltd platform for sale of BF SLAG UNPROCESSED. The following schedule for OLFAs, to be conducted by M/s mjunction services ltd (on “As is where is” basis and “No Complaint” basis) is proposed: BF SLAG UNPROCESSED OLFA details FA-10140144 OLFA date & day 16.09.2014 TUESDAY Details of above OLFAs i.e. lot nos., quantity, date of inspection, submission of EMD, location of material etc. shall be made available on websites and in due course of time. Accordingly, the text of advertisement for publication by PR deptt. (in local/national dailies of all regions) is enclosed. The above OLFA schedule is submitted for kind approval. अनम ु ोदन हे तु कृपया प्र तुत है ׀ उप. महाप्रबंधक (िवपणन) महाप्रबंधक (िवपणन)
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