Brochure - Conferenz

15th Annual
19 & 20 February, Rydges Hotel, Auckland
Addressing the crucial issues and skills to help you
develop in to a next-level Management Accountant
Practitioner perspectives from:
New Zealand Mint | MetService | Goodman Fielder | Auckland Council
Summerset Holdings | Charles Parsons | Genesis Energy | Mystery Creek Events Centre
Two separately bookable pre-conference workshops:
Mastering Activity-Based Costing | Advanced Balanced Scorecard Masterclass
Supporting Organisation
Day 1: 19 February 2015
Discussion time
Registration and Coffee
The Future-Focused Management
Skills focus: Improving your financial forecast accuracy
Opening discussion from the Chair:
We set the scene with a group discussion covering:
• The unique role of Management Accountants and where we
add the most value
• What roadblocks/challenges does the Management Accountant
face – both within our organisations and as a profession?
• How can we increase the visibility of the role?
Jayne Brophy, Finance & Administration Manager,
New Zealand Mint
The macro-view: An update on the economy
• Has our ‘rock-star’ economy hit the wobbles?
• What is the future outlook for interest rates and availability
of credit?
• What’s happening with our major markets and trading
Rod Oram, Business Journalist
Afternoon tea
Zero-based budgeting: cost control, without the hassle?
Strategic awareness for the Management Accountant
For some time, the management accountant role has been
moving away from pure financial reporting toward a more
strategic, forward looking skillset. To succeed in that aspect
of the role, management accountants need to develop deeper
understanding of strategic thinking.
• Contrasting the strategic mindset with the operational one;
near-term thinking versus long term planning
• Understanding the strategic context of the organisation
• How does this affect your role as a business advisor?
Clive Smith FCMA, Chief Financial Officer, MetService
Morning tea
Taming the Budgeting and
Forecasting Process
11.10 Feature session: Understanding costing and budgeting methodologies
Forecasts will never be 100% accurate. However, with the
proper planning, data and assumptions, you can drastically
improve the reliability of your forecasting tools.
• Features of a solid forecast: timely, actionable, reliable,
aligned and cost-effective
• Commonly made errors in the forecasting process
• What are your underlying assumptions in the forecasting
• Garbage in, garbage out: examining the data used in your
forecasting assumptions
• Using financial modelling tools such as Monte Carlo analysis
to improve accuracy and understand deviation
• Developing a working capital forecast alongside your revenue/
expenses forecasts
Zero-based budgeting can be a very effective way of identifying
wastage, controlling costs and encouraging efficient allocation
of resources. However, the methodology does have its
drawbacks: it can significantly increase the complexity and time
required to complete your budgeting process.
• Is it possible to remove the complexity from the ZBB process while maintaining financial rigour?
• Providing alternative expenditure scenarios for scarce
• How successfully can the technique deliver the promised costcontrol benefits?
Kate Jackson, Finance Manager, Charles Parsons
Using Balanced Scorecard as a strategy management implementation framework
• Understanding the true purpose of balanced scorecard
• The components of a ‘strategy focused organisation’ – where
does BSC fit in?
• Using strategy waves to construct a strategy map
Nigel Penny, Director, Pathway Strategic Consulting
End of day one and networking drinks
Most finance teams make a conscious decision to choose one
of a number of different methods of costing and budgeting.
There are strengths and drawbacks of each methodology,
depending on the size, complexity and industry of the
business using it. This extended presentation brings together
practitioners using different systems to discuss the strengths
and weaknesses of each. Delegates are invited to share their
own experiences as part of an interactive discussion at the end
of the session.
Perspective 1: Activity-Based Costing
Sarah Riches, Chief Financial Officer,
Mystery Creek Events Centre
Perspective 2: Lean Accounting
Participant to be confirmed
Perspective 3: Standard Cost/Hybrid Accounting
Anne Ryan, Costing & CI Manager ANZ, Goodman Fielder
Workshop 1
Pre-conference workshops (18 February 2015 Rydges, Auckland)
Mastering Activity-Based Costing (9.00am - 12.30pm)
Getting the most value out of Activity-Based Costing, is unfortunately not as easy as ABC. Although the concept itself is simple
enough to understand, the practicalities of using this model can be challenging. This half day workshop will take you through the
detail of successfully implementing ABC, allowing you to model your costs more accurately and improve your financial decisionmaking.
• How ABC can deliver true value-added analysis
• Key design considerations to ensure a successful implementation
• Building the right model to provide the right information to the right people
• Automation and advanced modelling techniques
• Budgeting using Activity Based Management
Darren Priday, Director, Precis Consulting
Day 2: 20 February 2015
What really matters: putting the K back in to KPI
Understanding your key business drivers is fundamental to
ensuring that you are reporting on the right metrics in the right
way. Use this session to re-evaluate your KPI setting process.
• How to identify your key drivers of business success and
competitive advantage
• Integrating an holistic perspective with informative detail
• The litmus test for a KPI
• Presenting your KPIs to provide performance improvement
Lisa Mandic, Director, Activate Management Group
Transforming finance, transforming business
A high-performing finance team is defined by their efficiency,
effectiveness and ability to deliver value to the business. This
session will demonstrate how the finance function can be
transformed and dramatically increase the value they deliver to
the business.
• What are some of the benchmarks/KPIs of a high performing
finance team?
• How can you utilise process methodologies to streamline
internal operations?
• What can you automate?
• Are there opportunities to use innovate business models (e.g.
shared services, outsourcing)?
Representative from Auckland Council
Morning tea
Turbocharge your month-end
The month-end process can be one of the most time
consuming parts of the Management Accountant role. Although
accuracy remains top priority, any time saved during this
process can then be spent on the management accountant
adding value back to the business.
• Exploring the 5 most common areas where month-end
processes fail
• How can you smooth AP processes throughout the month?
• Improving and simplifying your reporting rules
Workshop 2
Skills focus: Everything you wanted to know about Excel (but never thought to ask)
Used correctly, Microsoft Excel can be one of the most
powerful analytical tools at your disposal. This extended
practical session will allow you to unlock the hidden potential
of Microsoft Excel. Be prepared to bring your own queries,
challenges and headaches.
• Time saving shortcuts and workarounds
• Using conditional formatting to provide a simple, visual way
of analysing data
• Developing compelling dashboard reports
• Troubleshooting pivot-tables
• 5 simple formula errors (and how they can be avoided)
• Analysing trends within tables using Sparkline
Michael Blignaut, Trainer, Auldhouse
Afternoon tea
Developing You
Engaging untapped capability
Management is about engaging untapped capability – both
yours and those around you. The core, but rarely discussed,
ingredient in this is… Energy (raised mental and emotional
energy). With higher energy, we think more clearly and
productivity lifts. In fact, you don’t manage your people, you
manage their energy. During this session, you will:
• Move this ‘fluffy’ concept into immediate practicality
• Understand how to lift your (or your team member’s) energy
at will
• Have tools you can apply to any area of your life
Bruce Ross, Director, Ignite Business
The Management Accountant as an agent of strategic change
Management Accountants can act as the link between finance
and the broader business. Often this means working with line
managers and operational heads to discuss variance, suggest
action to correct underperformance and implement change.
Influence and authority are required to do this successfully.
• Establishing credibility when working with new teams
• Dealing with resistance to change
• The importance of finding and working with the influencers
within the team
Claire Lewis, Business Performance Manager,
Summerset Group Holdings
The Tools of the Trade
Welcome back from the Chair
Measuring (and Managing) Internal
Shaping your future: professional development and career planning for the Management Accountant
Management Accountants play an extremely important (if
underappreciated) role in the organisation. They combine the
analytical horsepower that an accounting background provides,
with the commercial and strategic acumen to convert numbers
in to direction. Join the discussion as we examine:
• Options around formal professional development (e.g. MBAs)
and professional accreditation
• Salary and remuneration trends
• What skills will you need to advance your career to the next
• How is the MA role changing – and how do you need to
change to accommodate?
Carl Roberts, Head of Fund Accounting & Unit Pricing, ANZ;
Auckland Chairperson, CIMA
Claire Lewis, Business Performance Manager,
Summerset Group Holdings
Max Parsons FCMA, Systems Accounting Manager,
Genesis Energy
Jane Walker, Director, H2R Consulting
Closing remarks from the Chair and end of conference
Workshop 2: Advanced Balanced Scorecard Masterclass (1.30pm – 5.00pm)
The Balanced Scorecard framework has been in use for the past 25 years. Many organisations use this performance management tool to
track the execution of their strategy on a series of financial and non-financial measures. Aimed at organisations who already use this tool,
this workshop will explore tactics to get the most out of the Balanced Scorecard Framework.
• Review of key concepts
• Redesigning scorecard elements that aren’t functioning the way they should
• Using hybrid BSC models
• Measuring the right objectives in the right way
• Advanced measurements, visualisations and dashboards
• ‘Cascading’ the scorecard across the organisation
• Overcoming practical obstacles and challenges
Nigel Penny, Director, Pathway Strategic Consulting
Sponsorship is now recognised as a highly effective marketing medium - make sure you gain competitive advantage in your
markets by sponsoring this event. To discuss the range of opportunities available, contact:
[email protected] or call the team on 09 912 3616
09 912 3616
11 December 2014
22 January 2015
[email protected]
22 January 2015
$2095 +GST
SAVE $400
$2295 +GST
SAVE $200
$2495 +GST
$595 +GST
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$695 +GST
SAVE $100
$795 +GST
Agenda Updates: Conferenz Ltd reserves the right to make any amendments deemed to be in the best interest of the conference.
Agenda is correct at time of printing, please check online for any updates.
Contact our office on 09 912 3616 for team discount information
Direct credit to our bank account (please supply
details of remittance)
ACCOUNT NAME: Conferenz Ltd
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 06-0273-0228588-25
We accept most major credit cards.
Please contact our office directly on (09) 912
3616 if you wish to use this method of payment,
or register online for this event at www.conferenz.
• Send a substitute delegate in your place
• Confirm your cancellation in writing (letter, fax or email) at least ten working days prior to the event and receive a refund less a
$300+GST service charge per registrant. Regrettably, no refunds can be made for cancellations received after this date.
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© 2014 Conferenz Ltd