平成28年8月22日 日刊建設通信新聞広告欄掲載 入札公告 フィリピン国保健省は、日本の無償資金協力による「平成25年度フィリピン国台風ヨラ ンダ災害復旧・復興計画(医療器材整備を含む病院再建計画サブプロジェクトにおける地 域保健施設向け医療器材整備計画)」の機材調達の入札を公示します。RHU(Rural Health Unit)に対する医療機材の調達を実施するもので、詳細は以下の通りです。 TENDER NOTICE The Department of Health on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Philippines announces the tender for the Programme for Rehabilitation and Recovery from Typhoon Yolanda (The Subproject of Medical Equipment for 4 Rural Health Units under the Subproject of Reconstruction of Hospitals with related Equipment) under the Grant Aid extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) based on the Grant Agreement signed on the 12th day of May, 2014. The project consists of procurement, transportation, installation, operation & maintenance training and handing-over of the medical equipment for 4 RHUs, Marabut, Lawaan, Dulag and Abuyog. The applicants shall be required: To be a trading firm or manufacturer, duly organized and registered under the laws of Japan, which is controlled by Japanese physical persons. Any firms, who fall under any of the items of Article 26, paragraph 1 of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act (Gaikokukawase-oyobi-Gaikokuboeki-Ho, Law No.228 of 1949, Japan), shall not be regarded as being controlled by Japanese physical persons. Please note that Joint Ventures are not acceptable. A complete set of tender documents are available at J¥ 70,000 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from 22nd to 24th August, 2016 at the following Consultant's office: Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. Reception Desk 12-1, Honmachi 3-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0071 Japan, Telephone : 03-6311-7892 Facsimile : 03-6311-8043 Contact : Kazuhiro Miyatake (Mr.) (Project Manager) Attention The firms against whom sanctions are imposed by JICA based on the JICA Rules on Sanctions against Persons Engaged in Fraudulent Practices, etc. in Projects of ODA Loan and Grant Aid, shall be excluded from the tendering process.
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