平成28年度 GCI 9月 AO入試 グローバルコミュニケーションテスト ライティング (40分) 〈注意事項〉 1. 試験開始の合図があるまで、問題冊子は開かないでください。 2. 試験中に問題冊子の印刷不鮮明、ページの落丁・乱丁及び解答用紙の汚れ等 に気付いた場合は、手を挙げて監督者に知らせてください。 3. 解答用紙には、受験番号(数字)及び氏名を記入し、解答はすべて解答用紙に 記入してください。 4. 試験終了後、解答用紙のみ提出し、問題冊子はお持ち帰りください。 【問 題】 次の英文を読んで、それぞれの問題に答えてください。 What does ‘globalization’ mean to you? Each person may have a different answer. However, everyone is likely to agree that globalization means that it has become easier to access goods and information from all over the world. When it comes to business, many companies, in Japan and other countries, are trying to sell their products in new markets to customers with various cultural and language backgrounds. It is not easy to produce a product brand that will be a success all around the world. Many businesses do not succeed because they cannot attract the local people. In order to meet the needs of international customers, companies may have to change their products. To become a global brand, a company has to consider how to attract people from many cultures. One company that has been successful is the hamburger chain McDonald’s. McDonald’s is currently ranked the 6th most important brand in the world. It is one of the most visited restaurants, but how does it maintain its branding success internationally? McDonald’s pays attention to the cultural differences in each country. The company uses these cultural differences to create advertisements and products that match the local market. For example, the McDonald’s advertisements in Malaysia try to feature the importance of family values. The brand message focuses on how McDonald’s can bring people closer to each other. In the United States, on the other hand, advertisements focus on the food and how fun it is to eat it. McDonald’s tries to appeal to the sense of values in each local place. McDonald’s is also known for changing its sales strategies for different countries. For example, McDonald’s asked popular musician Justin Timberlake to do a TV commercial for the United States. However, the company used a local celebrity for the commercials in China in order to appeal to the local community. The advertisements in both countries use similar music and images. Only the celebrity is different. McDonald’s has been successful because it uses attractive, high-quality visual advertising that relates to its international markets. The company also changes the menu options in order to match local tastes. These new options give those international markets the ability to enjoy McDonald’s in a way that matches their cultural customs. In India, for instance, people do not eat beef so McDonald’s created the “Pizza McPuff” and the “McVeggie”. It is choices like this that make their international markets feel as though McDonald’s is trying to respect the country’s cultural identity. Successful businesses change and adapt to the trends in society. They also find ways to attract the attention of consumers. McDonald’s started out as a small hamburger shop in the U.S. It became popular at that time because it provided fast and convenient service. In order to become a global brand, the company has changed its image and products to match local markets. When you travel around the world, you will find the familiar McDonald’s golden arches on the outside but a slightly different version on the inside. 参考資料:Carreras, Ana Pomposo(2014) ‘What is the Secret to McDonald’s Global Branding Success?’ (http://www.blurgroup.com/blogs/marketing/what-is-the-secret-to-mcdonalds-global-branding-success/) Knicker,Nicole (2013) ‘McDonald’s: Winning at Global Marketing Strategies’ (http://globalebrands.com/ mcdonalds-winning-at-global-marketing-strategies/) 1 【設 問】 問1 左記の内容を、自分のことばで300字以内の日本語で要約してください。 問2 左記の内容について、あなたの意見を100 words 程度の英語で書いてください。 問3 左記の英文に適切なタイトルを英語でつけてください。 2
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