瘍 一 盆 め 中 蜘 颯r― W赫 un市 …ersily l― q● ,躙 l ― 11● ゞ マ ゆく¬両,モ R蘇 0‐ 1looo2 電く Ph.:011‐ 23239337,23236288′ FAMS Fox:‖ Secretary 1‐ 輛 BGhodur Shoh Zofor Morg′ New Delhi‐ 110002 πみ易 形″ ″尚 D.0。 No.F。 臨 Commission iMhiStryOfHuman ResourceDevebpment6ovI.ofhdh} 満 MBBS′ MS 10■ hO}′ DSM′ FA厖 ′ FASM′ FAFSM′ FttMS′ 繭 G『 anis l‐ 23238858′ emoil:卜 sondhU.ugc@nkJn 8th August,2016 15/2009(ARC)pt‐ ⅡI Sub:Curbing the lnenace of raggillg in higher educational institutions. Dear Sir/Madaln, In pursuance to the Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia dated 8.5.2009 in Civil Appeal No. 887/2009,the U(〕 C notifled``Regulations on Curbing the Menacc of Ragging in Higher Educational lnstitutions,2009''。 The Regulations are available on the UGC website i.e. ― ・ugC・ ac.ln. Any violation of these regulations will be viewed seriously.If any institution fails to take 1鮮 :; ∬棚鮮織::調 i篤絆覇1器 :∬器講謄劉1腑』 ∬ :響 肥 器覇 the UGC. ttT電ぽ織蹴ぶ路 忘 ξ clttill鮮 蹴:踏 ど T:ぽ 胤玉 g鮒 '酬 1朧 『I淵肌 金鵬 量 『 T糧訛∬1淵 署 認出F謡¶■獄 よ 庶訛 盟 雷 糧 譜Ⅷl篭鳳器:駐 『 1器轟観:猟 ぶ匙i増 蹴 any unCallcd for behavior/incident shall be undertakcn. Students in distress due to ragging related incidents can call the National Anti― 1800‐ 180¨ 5522 (24x7 r錮Free) Toll ragging Helpline e_mail the Anti… Ragging Helpline at 電 出盤鯖 獄鰐 欝■1環 書 or AmanSatyaKachroo Trust on following No. emergency)。 画m∝面Cmm」 ragghg h hま ∝ 憔│"面 i騰 雪:胤11lI肥 留雪 鏃電 駕鵬 籠 猟品蜃 。 LЫ 町 ,出 紺 hk Add雨 on Centre,Departme嵐 ち 『 C∞ m"肛 Cd by NAACNBA ttd Wbm■ ■ 鳳Tl・Ragging prevention programme contd。 『岬盤鼻梶群 群‖ 獣騰 11北 lき : ofposters should be 8X6 fcet. C i計 …2 …。 :2: You are requested to immediately instruct all the colleges under your purview to submit online compliance of anti-ragging Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, 2009 at www.antiragging.in In compliance of the 2nd Amendment in UGC Regulations, you are requested to make it compulsory for each student and every parent to submit an online undertaking every academic www. antirae gin g. in & www. amanmo vement. org y ear at UGC has notified the 3'd Amendment in UGC Regulations on 29th June, 2016 to expand the definition of ragging by including the following:- 3. (i) Any act of physical or mental abuse (including bullying and exclusion) targeted at another student (fresher or otherwise) on the ground of colour, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, appeqrance, nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, place of birth, place of residence or economic background. This Circular may also be brought to the notice of colleges affiliated to your University. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, \ (Jaspal S. Sandhu) The Vice-Chancellor of all Universities Copy to:- tion Officer, UGC, New Delhi for uploading website. esteemed
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