口 赫 ― Universily Granis Commission l― 赫 盆 め 卿 堕 嘔ra暉 締 鴨 ― q● 11● ¶ マ やく輛 蟷く 卜1looo2 ,¬貢f漱 噸 Bohodur Shoh Zofor Morg′ New Delhi‐ l10002 Ph.:0]1‐ 23239337′ 23236288, FAFS‖ ′ FFiMS′ FAМ S Fox:田 1-23238858′ emdl:卜 [email protected] Secretary 4th August,2016 D.O. No. 1-1l2015(Secy) h胤 魁 lЛ l鵬 ″ 富 嶋 織 鰐 悪 場 胤 邪 鷲 :選 ::1譜 枇 lttisl塩 町 Yaad Karo Kurbani,(Frccdom Fortnight)and Students,all over the country should cclebratc 1 this fortnight in an appropriate manner. In this rcgard,a draft list of activities that can be carried out at the institutional levcl is available on the l」 (〕 C website― .ugC・ acoin. Accordingly,you are requested to take up at least one activity frolln the list of activitics in a 罵 1lm、 l 畿 易 形″ ″ % πダ≦ DSM′ FA:S′ FASM′ 範 lMinЫ りJ HUmon Remurce Devebpment 6ovI.J lndh} 薇 MBBS,MS{OrthO)′ 漁 ち:"ittT龍 臨 鳳 器 :i棚 :需 :ぶ 鮮肥 1ぽ m tt HЮ 0 A short report on thc action taken in this regard in rcspcct Of yollr university and your afflliated collegcs may kindly be sent to the Ministry by emai1 0n cdn.eduの photographs and vidcos. An early aCtiOn will be highly appreciated. With warm regards, The Vice¨ Chance110rs of allthe un市 ersities Copv 10: Delhi for uploading on UGC website。 nicoin including 隆 一 191lJr[P」 _lJttL■ 皇 」 と 21≧ 生 奎 __ 輔 Praveen Kurnar Joint Secretary (Admin) Tele:23383432 Fax:23381254 email I Praveen.kumar(on ic.in 鶴 1・ q輛 嘔 t働 i( 舗 田 歯 頭 げ昭 無 甲 誦 `く 噂 輔 で 無構 -1lo lll 00VEn"MENT OF IND:A M:NiSTRY OF HuttAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMttNl oF HIGHξ R EDUCAT10N SHAST需 l BHAVAN D.0,NotM.11011/o2/2016‐ CDN{Pt,2〕 μ Dati:j嬌 ttr紘 ,lll』 サ 寺 ust′ 2016 As you are aware, lndia will be entering the 70th year of her lndependence on has been decided thai the period from 9th August, 2016 to 23'd August, 2076 should be declared as Azadi 70 - yaad Karo Kurbani (Freedom L5th August, 2016. lt Fortnight) and students, all over the country should celebrate this fortnight in befitting manner. a 2. I am enctosing a draft list of activities that can be carried out at the educational institution level. You are requested to circulate it to all Central and State Universities and also private and deemed universities and ask them to carry out at least one activity in each of the universities and affiliated colleges. However, the mass singing of the National Anthem at 11:00 AM on 23'd August, 2016 should be done by all students in the institutions. 3. You may also like them to cover the events of Freedom Movement of 1857 and the lndependence Struggle in their celebrations. 4. A short report on the action taken in this regard may kindly be sent to this Ministry. lnstitutions can send report by e.mail on including -c-{[email protected] photographs and videos. i:r* i r,r'",0r ,lv r I t\t "\ > \ \>\'/ ,,Ut 1\-v \/ - // "ル Yours Sincerely %だ 懃魚 け ' a→ To -, Prof.(Dr.) S.S. Sandhu Secretary, UGC LtoYaTct^ \'$.0 ' I fzr:Saf 1<16 , Copy to: ■ Chが FmaL AICTE′ ‐わnsttng gmttar d腱 2 AS「 E卜 for Lsuing゛ mi13r directions to a‖ 3`」 Slに 0‐ Forな sung ttmttar drections to a‖ │ ‖:ilデ elttTl卜 o)か =tl) 、 gtand pdytech瀬 c負 :誠惨 い家 → 機 爛騨購:轟紺 鰹 臨 出も "lTs ξ 慧罵ゴ 鳴 穐EL愕 て
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