September 1 to 30 July 1 to 31 Hours/10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Admission accepted until 4:30 p.m.) 矢 盡 Exhausted warrior 平賀 胤壽 作 Prayer 祈 天 7 月の根付展は … 日(日)) ) 短詩人でもある胤壽。言葉を紡ぐ中で修練した、 その審美眼をもって一彫り一彫り創刻していく。 根付作家企画展 日(( (金)↓↓ ↓ 「平賀 胤壽」展 月 美茄子 Owl Boy 福 助 宍戸 濤雲 作 Sliding on Ice 滑 氷 August 2 to 31 平賀 胤壽 作 京都清宗根付館 The Special Exhibition of Netsuke Art by “ Toun SHISHIDO” Beautiful Eggplant Venus 電話 075(933)8081 31 宍戸 濤雲 作 Cupid お問い合せ先 佐川印刷株式会社 総務部 恋文飛脚 山本 伊多呂 作 月の根付展は … Please refer to our website for more information 1 せい 46 -1 Mibukayougosho-cho Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 604-8811 Japan 7 いっ き か KYOTO SEISHU NETSUKE ART MUSEUM 8 ひらめ Public Interest Incorporated Foundation 心に刻んだ図柄や閃きを一気呵成に彫り上げ、 瞬間の感動を永遠にととどめる。 〒604 - 8811 京都市中京区壬生賀陽御所町46番地1(壬生寺東側) 電話・075(802)7000 31 根付作家企画展 日(金) 30 2 日(水) *Junior high school students and older are required to show their student identification card for admission.*Group rates or discounts for senior citizens are not available. *Photography is not allowed in the museum.*Eating and drinking in the museum is prohibited. Pets are not allowed.*No parking spaces are available. Please use public transportation. 8 日(火)↓ 日(木)↓ 1 ・15 minutes by taxi from JR Kyoto Station ・20 minutes by City Bus #26 or #28 from JR Kyoto Station and a 3-minute walk southbound on Bojo-dori street from the Mibudera-michi bus stop ・10-minute walk from Omiya Station of Hankyu Kyoto Line or Shijo Omiya Station of Randen Arashiyama Line 9 月 ●団体割引およびシルバー割引の設定はありません。 ●館内は撮影禁止です。 ●館内でのご飲食、またペットを連れての入館はご遠慮願います。 ●専用駐車場はありません。ご来館は公共の交通機関をご利用ください。 月の根付展は … 月 9 「学生証」の提示が必要となります。 ご 注 意 事 項 ●中学生以上の入館の際、 Access 根付作家企画展 ●JR京都駅から市バス26・28系統で20分 壬生寺道下車、坊城通を南へ徒歩3分。 ●阪急京都線大宮駅または、京福嵐山本線(嵐電)四条大宮駅下車、徒歩10分。 平賀 胤壽 作 交 通アクセス ●JR京都駅下車、タクシーで15分。 「宍戸 濤雲」展 When Monday is a national holiday, we will be open on Monday and closed on the following Tuesday. Please refer to our website for other special closed days. 版画制作で培った確かな彫りの技。 おう いつ 彫刻のもつ醍醐味と、創作の想いを横溢させる。 「山本 伊多呂」展 「「「「 Closed/Mondays 浦こぐ舟 GW、夏季、年末年始の休館日については、ホームページをご覧ください。 On the Seashore 毎 週 月 曜 日( 祝 日 に あ たる 場 合 は 、そ の 翌 日 ) 宍戸 濤雲 作 日 Flower Arrangement 館 花支度 休 山本 伊多呂 作 (School Children/Junior High School/High School) 静の舞 Rashomon Admission/Adults¥1,000 Students ¥500 Dance of Shizuka 一 般 1, 0 0 0 円( 税 込 ) 小 学・中 学・高 校 生 5 0 0 円( 税 込 ) 平賀 胤壽 作 料 羅生門 館 山本 伊多呂 作 入 Wild Black Leopard ( 最 終 入 館は午 後 4 時3 0 分まで ) 猛 黒 午前10時 → 午後5時 The Special Exhibition of Netsuke Art by “ Tanetoshi HIRAGA” 平賀 胤壽 作 開館時間 The Special Exhibition of Netsuke Art by “ Itaro YAMAMOTO” Tomoe (Lady Warrior) Netsuke were invented out of the necessity of preventing items that were hung on the person and carried, such as inro (a pillbox), tobacco pouches from being lost or stolen. Subsequently, netsuke became fine artworks and was highly valued in foreign countries. The building of the Kyoto Seishu Netsuke Art Museum is believed to have been built as the residence of the Kanzaki family, one of Mibu Goshi (samurai warriors engaged in farming) in 1820. By a curious coincidence the period (1804 - 1829) named ‘Kasei age’ was the golden ages of netsuke. Our museum maintains the dignity of the historical architecture designated as a tangible cultural property of Kyoto city. Carefully selected some 400 pieces of antique and contemporary netsuke are displayed besides the items of a special exhibition in the Japanese-style rooms on the 1st and 2nd floors. Get away from the hustle and bustle of modern society and spend some pleasurable time in a space that makes you feel as if you were transported through time to the Edo period, when netsuke were practically used. 兎 萌 Shiman-rokusen-nichi 四万六千日 宍戸 濤雲 作 平賀 胤壽 作 夕立ち Shower 宍戸 濤雲 作 Japanese Tit 四十雀 Strong Defense Brings Good Fortune 堅守福を呼ぶ 山本 伊多呂 作 宍戸 濤雲 作 かくれんぼ Hide-and-Seek 山本 伊多呂 作 Homesick 里 心 作 山本 伊多呂 THE NETSUKE ART E XHIBITION
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