PhD student position - Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

The Institute of Human Genetics, University
Medical Center Göttingen, currently offers a
PhD student position
Mitochondrial dysfunction in aging phenotypes
part time 65 % | salary according to TV-L
Über uns
Die Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG) umfasst die
Medizinische Fakultät und das Universitätsklinikum.
Mit über 7.400 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern ist
die UMG der größte Arbeitgeber in der Region. Mehr
als 65 Kliniken, Institute und Abteilungen stehen für
eine qualitativ hochwertige Patientenversorgung,
exzellente Forschung und moderne Lehre. Göttingen
als Stadt der Wissenschaft liegt im Zentrum
Deutschlands und die Universitätsmedizin ist vor Ort
eingebunden in ein attraktives Netzwerk
universitärer und außeruniversitärer
Mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to
physiological aging processes. However, the
mechanisms by which mitochondria contribute to the
aging process are not well understood. In our project,
we combine human genetic approaches with high-end
biochemical analysis and advanced super-resolution
microscopy and image analysis technologies to define
novel and general mechanisms of mitochondrial
dysfunction and to link these to tissue-specific agingassociated diseases.
The PhD student will be involved in
using exome/genome sequencing to identify
novel disease associated genes and mutations
associated with inherited forms of
accelerated aging phenotypes;
generating induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPSCs) and differentiating them into tissues
of interest;
analyzing mitochondrial function in cellular
disease models and assessing mitochondrial
organization and protein distribution;
using super-resolution imaging and assessing
the nanoscale distribution of proteins in
disease-derived in vivo and in vitro models to
classify potential changes in mitochondrial
The candidate will be enrolled in the GAUSS PhD
program of the Georg August University Göttingen and
close interactions with the Department of Cellular
Biochemistry (Prof. Dr. P. Rehling) and the Max Planck
Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Prof. Dr. S.
Jakobs) are part of this study.
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a
strong background in cell culture techniques and
standard methods used in molecular biology.
Applicants should have fluent English communication
skills and enjoy working in an excellent and innovative
research environment and a highly motivated,
international team ofscientists.
Please apply by e-mail and send a single pdf file
including CV, certificates, description of your lab
experience and contact details of two references.
Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie bitte bis zum 15.08.2016
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Wollnik
Institute of Human Genetics
37099 Göttingen
Tel.: 0551/39-7589
Fax: 0551/39-9303
E-Mail: [email protected]
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Wollnik
Travel and application fees cannot be refunded or
Men are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants
with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given
preferential treatment.
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