Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung

How do cells feel? Cell mechanics and
mechanosensing in biology and medicine
Prof. Jochen Guck
Biotechnology Center,
TU Dresden, Germany
While most current biological research focuses on molecular, biochemical aspects of cell
processes, we are interested in the physical properties of cells and tissues, and their importance for biological function. Many physiological and pathological changes of cells
involve a restructuring of the cytoskeleton, and corresponding changes in their mechanical
fingerprint. We are exploiting cell deformability as a sensitive marker of such functional
changes using an optical stretcher and a novel, high-throughput microfluidic technique. Our
findings suggest the use of cell compliance to monitor physiological processes, such as
differentiation or cell division, as well as diagnosing pathologies, including cancer or infections. Beyond individual cells, also the mechanical properties of biological tissues are
increasingly being recognized as important as cells measure and respond to the mechanics
of their environment. We are investigating the mechanosensitivity of neurons and glial cells
in the context of development and pathologies of the central nervous system. This research
could lead to novel therapeutic approaches in traumatic injuries to the CNS and neurodegenerative disorders.
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 at 2:15 pm
MPIDS, Prandtl lecture hall, building AI,
Am Faßberg 11, Göttingen
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
Laboratory for Fluid Dynamics, Pattern Formation and Biocomplexity (LFPB)
Dr. Marco Tarantola
Email: [email protected], Phone: +49-(0)551/5176-316
Am Faßberg 17, 37077 Göttingen, Germany