オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Uluru/King’s Canyon ウルル(エアーズロック)、カタ・ジュタ、キング スキャニオンへ二泊三日で行ってきました。 ウルルは有名なこともあり、見慣れていまし たが、写真や映像で見たあの巨大な岩が目 の前に現れると、想像以上に大きく、感動し ました。風の谷のナウシカのモデルではない か?とも言われる Uluru/King’s Canyon 何と言っても一番感動したのが、映画「世 界の中心で愛をさけぶ」のラストシーンの舞 台にもなった、キングスキャニオン。。。上 から見える景色は果てしなく砂漠と砂漠の 植物のみで、ただキングスキャニオンだけ が佇んでいるように感じました。。。人生で 初めてこんなにも美しい天の川を見ること ができました。 Misogyny (ミソジニー )=女嫌い・女性嫌悪 Abbot names lone Woman to Cabinet Foreign Minister Julie Bishop • Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has rekindled sexism accusations that have dogged his career by naming only one woman to his 19-member cabinet • Mr Abbott, a 55-year-old former Roman Catholic seminarian, battled perceptions of sexism to lead his conservative coalition to an election victory… • Mr Abbott was branded "a misogynist" and "sexist" by Ms Gillard in a speech that was lauded by feminists around the world. Sept. 18, 2013 Julia Gillard's accuses opposition leader, Tony Abbott, of being sexist and a misogynist (性差別主義者) (女嫌いの人) October 2012 PM's speech draws global commentary: Lessons for Obama? •The Australian October 10, 2012 1:23PM Definition to be broadened from “hatred of women” to “entrenched prejudice against women” PM accused of 'mansplaining' ... but what does it mean? condescending/patronizing =恩着せがましい September 17, 2015 Leaked document tars Malcolm Turnbull as worst minister on appointing women • Mr Turnbull has promised to promote more women to his cabinet in contrast to Mr Abbott who appointed just one woman - deputy leader Julie Bishop - to his first cabinet, and promoted a second in his second line-up, announced in December last year. • "There is no greater enthusiast than me for seeing more women in positions of power and influence in Parliament, in ministries right across the country, I can assure you of that. I am very committed to that," Mr Turnbull told journalists on Wednesday. September 17, 2015 Australia has made much Progress to date… Julia Gillard: 1st female PM Penny Wong: 1st Asianborn woman in cabinet Quentin Bryce: 1st female governor general “the gender gap was narrowest and women’s leadership strongest in New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Mongolia” 2011.09.16 p.5 2011.09.28 p.5 Australian capital gives goahead to gay marriage • Gay couples are expected to flood to Canberra to wed after the Australian capital became the first state in the country to approve same sex marriage • The Federal Government has confirmed it will go ahead with a High Court challenge after the ACT today became the first Australian jurisdiction to legalise same-sex marriage. October 2013 Australia celebrates its first gay marriages • Australia's first gay marriages have been held in the national capital Canberra, despite the prospect of a High Court decision ruling against the unions later this week. 07 Dec 2013 Stephen Dawson (r) and his partner Dennis Liddelow pose for a wedding photo in front of Parliament House in Canberra BUT equality still a long way off say 4 famous feminists… Anne Summers, an Award-winning author & journalist Germaine Greer Eva Cox, a founder of the Women's Electoral Lobby Elizabeth Evatt, the first Chief Judge of the Family Court Australian Feminism 3 Waves of Feminism 1) Equality Feminism (suffrage movement) • Securing the same rights as a man 2) Difference Feminism (1970s) • Women are not the same as men: destruction of male-dominated society necessary (liberation) 3) Androgynous (両性具有の) Feminism • Biological sex differences are irrelevant in the postmodern world History of Feminism in Australia 1894 South Australia gives women the right… (a) to vote (選挙権) (b) to stand for parliament(参政権) (候補者になれること) 1902 Same dual rights given to all (white) women in Australia: a world first! History of Feminism in Australia 1912 1921 Maternity Allowance ($$$ for white working women on birth of child) 1st woman to win seat in parliament BAR ROOM SUFFRAGETTES (参政権拡張論者) Merle Thornton (r) and Ro Bognor chained to the bar of the Regatta Hotel, Brisbane, after being refused a beer (March 1965) The ‘Marriage Bar’ 1966 History of Feminism in Australia 1972 Federal Child Care Act (funding) – for public servants only 1973 Maternity Leave Act (52 weeks) 1975 Family Law Act : ‘no fault divorce’ – evidence of cruelty/adultery no longer nec. – Property split 50/50 1975 Sex Discrimination Act (Employment) 1986 (‘99) Affirmative Action - Companies must submit regular reports New Laws to Support Parents • From 2010 every parent entitled to 1 year unpaid parental leave with their job guaranteed – 2 parents= 2 years of leave! • Since 2005-06 a A$4,000 (\350,000) ‘Baby bonus’ has been paid to parents for their newborns – Birthrate 1.95 in 2012! • Australian population forecast to jump 65% to 35 million by 2049! “Equality will only get us so far…women have equal access to the law, but what if its categories, constructs, and interpretations are based on men’s experiences of the world?” Marilyn Lake (1999:4) 3 Waves of Feminism 1) Equality Feminism (suffrage movement) • Securing the same rights as a man 2) Difference Feminism (1970s) • Women are not the same as men: destruction of male-dominated society necessary (liberation) 3) Androgynous (両性具有の) Feminism • Biological sex differences are irrelevant in the postmodern world The Female Eunuch:Germaine Greer (去勢された女) Biology Society Individual “One is not born a one SEX woman, GENDER SEXUALITY one”. (性的嗜好) (性別) becomes (ジェンダー) Simone de Beauvoir Male = (Female) Masculinity = Heterosexual (Femininity) (Homosexual) The Female Eunuch: Key Arguments • Girls conditioned (社会化された) from a young age to accept gender-roles • Physically and psychologically women’s energy and vitality have been suppressed • Encouraged individual rebellion, independence, liberty: “no option but to run away” “What will you do?” (さあ、あなたは何をする?) Agree or Disagree? • The nuclear family (核家族 ) is a source of inequality (不平等) for women (A) ・ (D) • The economic dependence of a woman on a man is sex slavery (性奴隷) (A) ・ (D) • The high divorce rate is a sign of women’s liberation (女性解放) (A) ・ (D) MASCULINE CHARACTERISTICS Practical, rough, proud 豪 Unemotion al, taciturn Hard-working, diligent, conservative, persevering, rational DESCRIPTION OR EXPECTATION? Strong, outspoken, active, cheerful Kind 日 Quiet, polite, passive, courteous, servile, demure FEMININE CHARACTERISTICS According to the myth the typical Australian is a practical man, rough and ready in his manners and quick to decry any appearance of affectation in others. He is a great improviser, ever willing to have a go at anything, but willing to be content with a task done in a way that is near enough.…He swears hard and consistently, gambles heavily and often, and drinks deeply on occasion…he is usually taciturn rather than talkative…he believes that Jack is not only as good as his master, but, at least in principle, probably a good deal better, and so he is a great knocker of eminent 「偉い」people. Russel Ward, The Australian Legend (1958: 1-2) MASCULINE IMAGES Bushranger (山賊) ANZAC (軍隊) Heath Ledger in Ned Kelly Convict (囚人) FEMININE CHARACTERISTICS ‘Damned Whores’ (売春婦) ‘God’s Police’ (神様の警察) Japan: 10位 (豪=2) Japan: 57位 (豪=7) 2010 Japan: 94位 (豪=23) UN Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) • Seats in parliament held by women (%) • Female officials, administrators, and managers (%) • Female professionals and technical workers (%) • The income women earn (ratio to male income) 1999: Rank 38 2003: Rank 44 2007: Rank 54 Source: UNDP Human Development Report 2009 (2009: 186) Australia (Rank 7) Japan (Rank 57) Seats in parliament (%) 36% 12% Female officials, managers(%) 31% 9% 51% 46% 0.77 0.45 Female professionals (%) Income (ratio male income) WHO Global Gender Gap Index 2013 Download Full Report Here! Women in Parliament (女性国会議員): Japan 8%, Australia 25% (overall rank 24) オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://info.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Australia sees first Aboriginal woman in parliament • Former Olympian Nova Peris has become the first Aboriginal woman elected to Australia's national parliament, a welcome achievement for the centreleft Labor Party which lost power in the polls. September 2013 Aboriginal petition against gay (same-sex) marriage • The Uluru bark petition, backed by leaders of 70 different indigenous cultural groups, was formally delivered to the government. • The group opposes same-sex marriage on the basis that traditional unions between a man and a woman have always been upheld amongst the oldest living culture on earth. • Indigenous Liberal MP Ken Wyatt said fathers and mothers were deeply honoured in Aboriginal culture. 20th August, 2015
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