オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman kiss on stage at the Women In Film 2015 Crystal + Lucy Awards Scientists renew objections to Japan’s whaling program • Experts have concluded there is no justification for Japan to kill whales for research purposes. • In the report from the annual meeting of the scientific committee of the IWC, 44 scientists from 18 of the 33 countries attending the session on Japan's research whaling program wrote, “the need for lethal sampling has not been demonstrated.” • An IWC statement accompanying the report says: “It was not possible for the Scientific Committee to reach a consensus view of the overall program.” 19 June 2015 Whale hunt to be resumed this year, official says • Japan’s chief whaling negotiator says the hunt in the Antarctic will be resumed this year despite a call by global regulators for more evidence that the expeditions have a scientific purpose. • The scientific committee of the International Whaling Commission said in a report Friday that Japan has failed to give enough details to explain why it wanted to kill almost 4,000 minke whales in the Antarctic over the next 12 years. Jun 22, 2015 Women’s World Cup Australia 1 Brazil 0 1. Which is most important for Australians? a) Religion b) Sport c) Politics “Sports-obsessed wasteland (荒地) devoid of cerebral stimulation (知的な 刺激なし)...” MYTH OR REALITY? Australian of the Year 1998 Cathy Freeman (runner) 中学校3年生(chapter 8) Australian of the Year 1999 Mark Taylor (cricketer) Australian of the Year 2000 Sir Gustav Nossal (scientist) Australian of the Year 2001 Lt General Peter Cosgrove (soldier) Australian of the Year 2002 Pat Rafter (tennis player) Australian of the Year 2003 Professor Fiona Stanley (academic) Australian of the Year 2004 Steve Waugh (cricketer) Australian of the Year 2005 Fiona Wood (surgeon) Australian of the Year 2006 Prof. Ian Frazer (cancer researcher) Australian of the Year 2007 Prof. Tim Flannery (environmentalist, explorer, writer, scientist) Australian of the Year 2008 Lee Kernaghan (country music legend) Australian of the Year 2009 Prof. Michael Dodson (indigenous leader) Australian of the Year 2010 Professor Patrick McGorry (Mental Health Expert) Australian of the Year 2011 Simon McKeon (Charity entrepreneur and record breaking yachtsman) Australian of the Year 2012 Geoffrey Rush (actor) Australian of the Year 2013 Ita Buttrose (media icon, journalist) Australian of the Year 2014 Adam Goodes (AFL player and community leader) “Kicking goals for his team and taking a stand against racism.” Australian of the Year 98-2014 12 men, 4 women • 5.5 sports stars • 5.5 scientists/academics • 1 Indigenous leader • 1 soldier • 1 doctor • 1 singer 1 actor 1 media figure Why so crazy about sport? • Cure for self-doubt, fear, paranoia? “a young nation without a long history of historical and cultural achievement from which to draw self-esteem…Our convict origins and our uneasiness at our geographical location so far away from the Europe most of us relate to, make us somewhat of a cot case on the scale of national paranoia.” (Williamson 2000:10) ‘Cultural Cringe’ (A.A. Phillips, 1950) • Australia’s colonial mentality (殖民心性) manifests itself in an inferiority complex (劣等感) among local intellectuals, such as writers, scientists, and artists. • In contrast to the lack of pride in domestic intellectual culture among ordinary people, Australians tend to be overly proud of locally produced athletes & sports(wo)men INTENSE RIVALRY WITH UK 10 Mar 2015 2005: England beat Australia at cricket series for the first time since 1987 2005: England beat Australia at cricket series for the first time since 1987 2005: England beat Australia at cricket series for the first time since 1987 What did England win? What are ‘the Ashes’? 豪・英戦の(仮想の)優勝杯 ‘Ashes’ = (火事の後の)灰 What are ‘the Ashes’? • Australia 1st beat England at home in 1882 • The next day a newspaper carried a mock obituary (死亡記事): What are ‘the Ashes’? • Australia 1st beat England at home in 1882 • The next day a newspaper carried a mock obituary (死亡記事) • The mythical ashes became a reality when England won in 1883 in Australia – the captain was presented with an urn containing the burnt remains of a bail (ベイル 《三柱門に渡した横木》.) • Even today, ‘the Ashes’ remain in the safekeeping of cricket's spiritual home, Lord's (London). 2009: England win Ashes again 2010-2011: England won the series 3–1 and retained the Ashes (in Australia!) 2013 Australia wins 5-0: whitewash! Are the English arrogant? Does everyone in Australia hate the English? • According to Professor Carl Bridge of the Australian Studies Centre at King's College London, the Aussie animosity should not be confused with genuine hatred. • "It's a backhanded way of saying, 'We like you,'" says Professor Bridge. • "It's because the English are seen as part of the family that they can be insulted round the dinner table. It shows the respect and rivalry that exists. • "It's like insulting your brother. It's great fun.” Comparison of sport finance & participation in Japan and Australia Participation Rate in Sports スポーツ行動者率(豪)77.7% 15歳以上 2001 スポーツ行動者率 (日本) 72.2% 10歳以上 2001 Most Popular Sport in Australia (Participation) 24歳の決断、ソープが現役引退 「もう十分、やり遂げた。困難な決断だったが、水泳は安 住の地。このままでは、人生のバランスが取れない」 • 2度の五輪で金メダルを5個 • 2001年の福岡世界選手権で は6冠に輝く • 足のサイズは35センチ ! • ピークが早かった ? • 日本企業とも契約 • Future: Television, Hollywood, Politics? 21/11/06 2007/4/11 p. 15 ソープ、五輪出場 逃す 100自も 予選敗退 競泳 競泳のロンドン五輪オー ストラリア代表選考会は1 8日、同国のアデレードで 行われ、シドニー、アテネ 両五輪で計5個の金メダ ルを獲得したイアン・ソー プ(29)は男子100メート ル自由形で予選敗退し、 3度目の五輪出場への道 が断たれた。 2012年03月19日 Australian Swimmer Ian Thorpe Comes Out as Gay • Australian swimmer and five-time Olympic gold medalist Ian Thorpe announced he was gay this weekend after years of denials, in a tell-interview that aired in Australia Sunday night. • “I’m comfortable saying I’m a gay man,” he told British interviewer Michael Parkinson on Australia’s Channel Ten, the ABC reports. “And I don’t want young people to feel the same way that I did. You can grow up, you can be comfortable and you can be gay.” July 13, 2014 Australians abandoning mainstream sport? • Adult Participation Rates (%) 1988-89 Peak 2007-08 Swimming 36 47 22 Tennis 28 34 19 Golf 22 24 14 Cricket 12 13 9 Squash 20 24 8 AFL 5 6 5 Soccer 5 11 9 AFL still fourth-best attended sporting competition in the world The average attendance for AFL home and away matches in 2014 was 32,436 (#1=NFL, #2 Bundesliga #3 Premier League) Most Popular Sport in Australia (Watching) AFL, footy, Aussie Rules • Founded in 1896 in Vic. • Oval pitch • No offsides or cards • 18 players on each side • 6 points for kicking ball through 2 tallest posts (2 points either side) • 4 x 20 minutes A Tsuda Student in Canberra • 昨年のオーストラリア研究でAFLについて学 んだ時はとても暴力的な危険なスポーツとい う印象が強かったですが、実際に見てみると 、ボールの奪い合いの中で 激しい衝突など はありましたが、押し倒したり、殴りかかるよ うなプレーがあればすぐにファールが取られ ていましたし、会場に響き渡るブーイングから も明ら かなように、スポーツマンシップに反す る暴力的なプレーは認められていないと感じ ました。 A Tsuda Student in Canberra 会場には小さな子どもから お年寄りまで、沢山のファンが チームの マフラーを巻いて詰 めかけ、試合を楽しんでいまし た。ハーフタイムには子どもた ちがグラウンドでプレーをした り、試合後も会場の外では老 若男女関係なく ボールを投げ 合ったりしていて、AFLは国民 的人気スポーツなんだな、と実 感しました。 Grand Final (優勝を決定するシーズン最後の試合) Traditionally the Grand Final is held on the last Saturday in September and is the biggest day in Melbourne's (if not Australia's) sporting calendar... the Australian Rules Grand Final is held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground known locally as the 'G'. 2008 Beijing & 2004 Athens Results th 6 ! th 4 ! London 2012 Medal Count Australia’s Olympic chief blamed the nation's sporting authorities after Australia endured a string of disappointing results and its worst medal haul since the Barcelona Olympics in 1992. Alicia Coutts Mathew Belcher, Malcolm Page (Sailing) (swimming) Sally Pearson (100m hurdles) Anna Meares (Cycling) Grant Hackett Matthew Mitcham (diving) (1st openly gay Olympian) Sally Mclellan Steven Hooker (100m hurdles) (pole vault) Stephanie Rice (swimming) Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Cathy Freeman: lights the Olympic flame & wins 400m gold! The Opening Ceremony: Awakening・Rebirth (目覚め・再生) Nikki Webster Djakapurra Munyarryun (didgeridoo player and dancer) • Cleansing (浄化) Ceremony, spiritually preparing ground for Olympics Next Week: Essay Writing Workshop オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) [email protected] ・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess 2012 Japan 2012 Austr. 2008 Japan 2008 Austr. 2004 Japan 2004 Austr. 2000 Japan 2000 Austr. Gold Silver Bronze Total 7 7 9 14 16 17 5 16 14 16 6 15 9 16 8 25 7 12 10 17 12 16 5 17 38 35 25 46 37 49 18 58 Canada apologizes to Chinese who were forced to pay ‘head tax’ DY 24.6.06 p.5 • Chinese labourers forced to pay ‘head tax’ if wanted to stay in Canada (1885-1923) • “This was a grave injustice and one that we are morally obligated to acknowledge. Our deep sorrow over the racist actions of our past will nourish our unwavering commitment to build a better future for all Canadians” (Stephen Harper, PM) • “I don’t need the money, but without compensation the apology is just a show” Reading: Essay Guidelines If you have any questions about the essay guidelines or the model essay, please e-mail me and I will answer in class next week! <[email protected]> Australian Citizenship Laws Eased for Athletes • Canberra (AP) – Foreign-born athletes and some other professionals will soon have their applications for Australian citizenship fasttracked under draft laws agreed to by the Senate Wednesday. • The federal government wants to reduce the residency requirements for applicants who “engage in activities that are of benefit to Australia.” Currently, a person has to be in Australia for 4 years before they can apply for September 2009 citizenship
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