Tim Kobert - FB Mathematik und Statistik

Universität Konstanz
Mathematik und Statistik
Reelle Geometrie und Algebra
Im Oberseminar Reelle Geometrie und Algebra hält
Tim Kobert
(Universität Konstanz)
am Freitag, 24.06.2016, einen Vortrag zum Thema:
Orbitopes of Schur-Horn Type
Der Vortrag findet um 13:30 Uhr in F426 statt.
Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.
Abstract: Orbitopes are the convex hull of an orbit of a compact, real algebraic
group acting linearly on some real vectorspace. We will first talk about orbitopes
in general and then focus on the Symmetric Schur-Horn Orbitopes which are given
as the convex hull of an orbit of the special orthogonal group acting by conjugation
on the space of symmetric matrices. Then we will present some generalizations to
the results about the Symmetric Schur-Horn Orbitopes.
Sebastian Gruler
Koordinator Oberseminar