EducationUSA Leadership Institutes 国際化推進ワークショップ ~大学の国際化と学生モビリティにおける安全管理~ 本国際化推進ワークショップは、2015年に米国国務省の助成により実施された、国際交流戦略 に携わる教職員対象の研修 “EducationUSA Leadership Institutes” に日本から参加した3大学 (一橋大学、九州大学、名古屋大学)の企画として開催するものです。日本の大学の国際交流 に携わる関係者を対象に、日本の大学への示唆となりうる米国大学の国際戦略や学生交流の推 進の実情について紹介しつつ、日本の高等教育の特性や各大学に合った国際連携、教員・学生 モビリティの推進の在り方について考えます。 2015年12月に続き2回目の開催となる今回のワークショップでは、University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) から講師2名を迎え、学生モビリティの推進について議論を深め ます。UIUCで留学生の危機管理に携わるAndrea Bordeau氏には、留学生の派遣・受入につい てメンタルヘルスも含めた危機管理の観点からご講演いただきます。また、UIUCの国際教育部 門でディレクターを務めるMatthew Rosenstein氏には、UIUCを例として大学の戦略的国際化 についてご講演いただくとともに、UIUCが推し進めているグローバルな短期教育・研修という 新たな試みをご紹介いただきます。 テ ー マ: 大学の国際化と学生モビリティにおける安全管理 日 時: 2016年7月13日(水)10:00 - 17:00 場 所: アメリカンセンターJAPAN(東京都港区赤坂1-1-14 NOF溜池センター8F) ※ アメリカンセンターへの入館には写真付き身分証明書の提示が必要です。 忘れずにお持ちください。入館の際にセキュリティチェックがあります。 対 象 者: 日本の大学で国際交流や大学の国際化等に従事する教職員30~40人 言 語: 英語及び日本語(同時通訳あり) 参 加 費: 無料 申込み方法: ①お名前、②メールアドレス、③電話番号、④ご所属、⑤懇親会への出欠を 明記の上、メールでお申し込みください。 申込み締切: 2016年7月4日(月)(要申し込み・先着順/定員になり次第締切) 主 共 協 一橋大学 米国大使館 九州大学、名古屋大学 催: 催: 力: <お問い合わせ・申し込み先> 一橋大学学務部国際課国際企画係 Tel:042-580-8762 | E-mail:[email protected] Program | プログラム 9:30 Registration | 受付 10:00 Opening Remarks | 開会挨拶 • Taiji Furusawa, Associate Vice President for Research and International Affairs, Hitotsubashi University(古澤泰治 一橋大学役員補佐(研究・国際担当)) • Dale Kreisher, Cultural Affairs Officer, Embassy of the United States of America 10:30 Session I | 講演 1 with Q&A Preparing Your Institution to Send and Receive Students from a Safety and Security Standpoint Speaker: Andrea Bordeau, Assistant Director, International Safety and Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 11:40 Lunch Break | 昼食 12:50 Session II | 講演 2 with Q&A Managing Students’ Mental Health Cross-Culturally or New Security Environment and Student Mobility Speaker: Andrea Bordeau, Assistant Director, International Safety and Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 14:00 Break | 休憩 14:20 Session III | 講演 3 with Q&A Internationalization in Higher Education: Institutional Strategies and the University of Illinois as a Case Study Speaker: Matthew Rosenstein, Director, Global Education and Training, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 15:30 Break | 休憩 15:50 Session IV | 講演 4 with Q&A Global Education and Training at Illinois: The EducationUSA Experience, Executive Education, and Inbound Student Mobility Speaker: Matthew Rosenstein, Director, Global Education and Training, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 17:00 Closing & Networking Party | 閉会 & 懇親会(無料) Speakers | 講演者 Andrea Bordeau is Assistant Director of International Safety and Security at the University of Illinois, working within the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies. In this capacity, Andrea oversees the safety of international travel for faculty, staff, and students and serves as first responder during times of crisis. Andrea chairs the International Risk and Response Committee and works closely with leadership across campus to develop policies to support the University’s international interests around the world. Before joining the University of Illinois, Andrea lived and worked abroad for nearly six years while completing graduate studies in Scotland and Israel. In 2011, Andrea conducted research on terror groups in Kurdish Iraq as a Research Fellow at the American University of Iraq. She has participated in training with FEMA, The United States Foreign Service Institute, and is a member of the Overseas Security Advisory Council. Andrea holds an M.Sc. in African Studies from the University of Edinburgh and an M.A. in Middle East History and Security Studies from Tel Aviv University. Dr. Matt Rosenstein is Director of Global Education and Training (GET) at the University of Illinois, in the Office of the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies. With 15 years of professional experience in international education, his work has featured a diverse set of activities including leadership on institutional grants, international collaborations, faculty development, research cooperation, strategic curriculum development, academic advising, teaching, facilitating student mobility, and public outreach programming. At GET, Rosenstein oversees education and training programs offered by Illinois International to executives and students from around the world. His work at GET has included oversight of a U.S. State Department EducationUSA Leadership Institute grant, and dozens of training programs each year provided to international participants. Previously, Rosenstein was Senior Associate Director of the European Union Center (2010‐15), and Associate Director of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security (2001‐10), both at Illinois. He has administered grants from the European Commission, U.S. Department of Education, MacArthur Foundation, U.S. Department of Defense, and Ford Foundation. He has published on topics in EU studies, transatlantic relations, and South Asian security. Rosenstein holds Ph.D. and M.A. degrees from the University of Illinois, and a B.A. from Duke University.
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