平成 28 年熊本地震義援金の御礼

平成 28 年熊本地震義援金の御礼
4 月 18 日より 5 月 31 日まで約一ヵ月半の間でお寄せ頂きました義援金につきまして、下
義援金総額 / Total sum of relief money
700,000 円(5 月 31 日時点 / as of May 31 )
以上のお寄せ頂きました義援金を 6 月 1 日、3 日付で日本赤十字社へ全額寄付致しました。
なお、義援金総額の内 / Breakdown
Sum collected at the 54th All-Japan Aikido Demonstration
359,828 円
Sum collected by Donation box at Hombu Dojo and from Aikikai Foundation
340,172 円
公益財団法人 合気会
Thank you for your cooperation with the Kumamoto Earthquake donation
We really appreciate your collaboration on Fund raising by Aikikai
Foundation for Relief of the Kumamoto Earthquake Suffering.
Let us repot on the total amount of the fund collected from April 18 th to
May 31st as above;
The above relief money was consigned to the Japanese Red Cross fund
on June 1st & 3rd.
We would like to sincerely thank you for your donation. Aikikai expresses
our deepest sympathy to those who have suffered from the Kumamoto
Earthquake and wish you early recovery from the disaster.
Aikikai Foundation