Christus und Seine Kirche laden dich ein! Christ and His Church invite you! Church of the Cross Congregational Newsletter / Gemeindebrief / Gemeente Nuusbrief June / July 2016 Wir treffen uns Ons kom bymekaar Gottesdienste Eredienste Sonn- und Feiertage Kontaktpersonen: E-G.Brunke (021 913 1614) Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500) Sondae en Feesdae Kontakpersone: E-G.Brunke (021 913 1614) Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500) Kindergottesdienst Kinderkerk 1. und 3. Sonntag während des Gottesdienstes Kontaktperson: Inge Demasius (021 975 5350) 1ste en 3de Sondag tydens die Erediens Kontakpersoon: Inge Demasius (021 975 5350) Seniorengruppe Seniorgroep Jeden 2. Monat der 1.Donnerstag um 09h30 Kontaktperson: Gemeindebüro (021 948 5928) Elke tweede maand die 1ste Donderdag om 09h30 Kontakpersoon: Kerkkantoor (021 948 5928) Bibelstunde Bybelstudie Thursdays 10h30 English Bible Studty Donnerstags um 09h30 Thursdays 10h30 English Bible Study Donderdae om 09h30 Haus der offenen Tür Ope deur Donnerstags um 10h00 Kontaktperson: Lore Rodewald (021 939 2376) Donderdae om 10h00 Kontakpersoon: Lore Rodewald (021 939 2376) Gebetskreis Gebedsgroep Donderdag om 9h00 Kontakpersoon : Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614) Donnerstags um 9h00 Kontaktperson: Ingrid Brunke (021 913 1614) Hände am Werk Hande wat werk 2. Mittwoch im Monat 10h00 – 12h00 Kontaktperson: Christiane Duwe (021 948 5928) 2de Woensdag van die maand 10h00 – 12h00 Kontakpersoon: Christiane Duwe (021 948 5928) Besuchsdienst Besoekdiens Kontaktperson: Hildegard Vogel (021 913 3726) Kontakpersoon: Hildegard Vogel (021 913 3726) Konfirmandengruppe Katkisantegroep Kontaktperson: Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500) Kontakpersoon: Pastor Peter Molchin (084 20 40 500) Pastor Molchin is beskikbaar vir gesprekke en huisbesoeke. U kan hom skakel by 084 20 40 500 Op die Voorblad: Christussimbole in die Central Lutheran Church van Minneapolis Wir bitten um Fürbitte für unsere Gemeinde und den Kirchenvorstand. U word gevra om ons gemeente en kerkraad in u gebede in te sluit. 2 Birthdays Geburtstage Juli JUNI 01 Felix Hahne 01 Karin Poppe 01 Franz Zöttl 02 Tamara Norman 05 Günther Rienhardt 07 Alex Lumpp 10 Gustav Langhoff 10 Mornay van Eck 12 Walter Prüter 13 Rosemarie Andreas 14 Danie Steytler 15 Heike Hellström 16 Ruth Theron 17 Hannelore Sachse 17 Nicki Vollmer 19 Ingrid Ahlert 19 Anne-Lotte Metzkes 20 Hein Briegel 21 Jan Olivier 23 Bernhard Andrag 23 Tracey-Lee Apel 24 Alistair Ross 25 Inge Dörter 27 Heineger Buhr-Engelke 27 Aninka Müller 28 Gitta Jooste 29 Albert Baites 29 Doris Kries 30 Alida Olivier 30 Carl Schulze __________________________ 01 Marco Vollmer 03 Armin Geiger 04 Drienie Ewald 06 Edwin Buhr 06 Lorraine Nuss 07 Cornelia Wiegmann 10 Friedel Röhrs 10 Michael Steynberg 12 Lore Rodewald 13 Stefanie Ahlert 14 Brigitta Buys 16 Rita Mostert 17 Inge Demasius 19 Francois Cronje 19 Christine Ferreira 20 Margit Bohnet 20 Peter Molchin 21 Erna Buhr 22 Hester Pauritsch 24 Kristian Ferreira 24 Gisela Oberprieler 27 Hilda Görgens 29 Alex Zöttl 30 Ilse Geiger 30 Maria Langhoff _______________________ Geagte Leser, U sal opmerk dat die kalenders vir Junie en Julie nie meer as bylae by die uitgawe gevoeg is nie, maar op bladsy 8 en 9 verskyn, dit is die middelblad. Nadat u die nuusbrief gelees het, kan u die middelblad uithaal en dit op ‘n kennisgewingbord in die kombuis (of teen die yskas se deur) vir duidelike aandag opplak. 3 Liebe Gemeinde Liewe Gemeente Dear Congregation Liewe Gemeente, Ons spreuk vir Junie staan in Eks 15,2: Die HERE is my krag en my lied, Hy het my tot heil geword. Ons is seker almal bekend met die moderne liedvorm wat deur “Rappers” voorgedra word. Dit is gerymde verse oor aktuele sake wat op ‘n soort van ‘n dreuntoon uitgevoer word. Met respek tot ons meer onlangse tyd is dit ‘n nuwigheid, ongeag of jy nou daarvan hou of nie. Maar heeltemal nuut is dit nou ook weer nie! Toe die Israeliete uit Egipte ontsnap het, het Miriam ‘n lied gedig en dit gesing, begelei deur tamboeryne en dansgroepe (Eks 2, 20). Die lied het bewaar gebly (in Eksodus 15, 1-21) en sy het daarmee waarskynlik die tradisie van die psalmery in die vroeë Israelitiese volk begin. ‘n Psalm is ‘n liedvorm wat dit ten doel het om God te loof en die hoorder te herinner aan God se weldade. Later sou Koning Dawid nog verder gegaan het, toe hy ook die diepste wroeginge van sy siel in psalmvorm voor God gebring het. In elk geval was Miriam se vertoning “top of the pops” en die lied het in die geskiedenis ingegaan. Ek wonder watter van ons teenwoordige liedere nog oor 2500 jaar van betekenis sal wees? Die begrip “klassiek” kry dus wel ook ‘n ander betekenis in hierdie konteks. In lewendige poësie vertel Miriam van die magtige God wat die strydwaens van die Egiptenare vernietig het en op wonderbaarlike wyse die Israeliete deur die see gevoer het. Alle geslagte tot in ewigheid sal moet kan onthou dat dit nie die werk en die strewe van die mens was nie, maar God se reddende genade, wat Israel uit die slawerny gevoer het. Ook ons kan vandag die lied nog lees en ons verwonder oor die gebeurtenisse so lank gelede en ons hoop vandag op dieselfde genadige Redder-God rig, soos Miriam van ouds. Vriendelike groete, Pastor Peter 4 Liebe Gemeinde, Unser Monatsspruch für Juli kommt aus Ex 33,19: Der Herr gab zur Antwort: Ich will meine ganze Herrlichkeit vor dir vorüberziehen lassen und den Namen des Herrn vor dir ausrufen. Ich gewähre Gnade, wem ich will, und ich schenke Erbarmen, wem ich will. In Mose 32 und 33 ringt Mose mit Gott und betet um Gnade für das wandernde Wüstenvolk, das undankbar, ungehorsam und murrend hinter Mose hergeht. Mose hat sozusagen seine Hände in den Haaren: Er findet sich als Mittelsmann zwischen Gott und dem Volk, und fühlt sich überwältigt von der Aufgabe. Er erbittet sich von Gott eine gute Portion Inspiration und Autorität: Zeige mir dein Antlitz, Herr! (Hatte sein Gesicht nicht gestrahlt als er mit den 10 Geboten vom Berg Horeb herabkam? Das ganze Volk war tief beeindruckt und hatte gehorcht als er sprach!) Dann könnte er, Mose, nochmal strahlend zu dem Volk zurückkehren und sie von Neuem in Gefügsamkeit leiten. Dann würde das Volk, aus lauter Ehrfurcht und Angst ihm, Mose, Gottes Sprecher, Gehorsam leisten. Aber Gott lässt ihn wissen: Kein Mensch kann mein Antlitz sehen und am Leben bleiben! (Ex 33,20). Deshalb wird Gott Mose in einer Felsspalte (v22) stehen lassen und an ihm vorbeigehen. Er darf Gottes Rücken sehen. Er darf die vorbeigehende Herrlichkeit Gottes beobachten und den Ausruf seines NAMENS hören. Aber noch wichtiger: Dieser NAME ist eine Garantie für Gnade und Barmherzigkeit! Gott macht Mose dieses klar: Wichtiger als das Erblicken seines Antlitzes ist das Wissen um seine tiefste Wesensart und Natur, die in seinem NAMEN aufgeschlossen ist. Barmherzig und gnädig ist Gott. Mit diesem Wissen soll er, Mose, das Volk weiter führen auf den Wüstenweg. Nicht aus Angst und Untertänigkeit, sondern aus Dankbarkeit und Liebe soll Gott gehorcht werden. Herzlichen Gruss, Pastor Peter 5 Anderend helfend, zehre ich mich auf Scherenschnitt, von unserm Gemeindeglied, Magdalene Schwär, angefertigt während der Vierzigerjahre, als sie ihre Krankenschwesterausbildung vollendet hatte. Die Signierung MR deutet auf ihren Mädchennamen: Magdalene Rust. 6 Gemeindemittagessen, nach dem Gottesdienst am 24. April Bastelkreis bei der Arbeit, jetzt schon für Advent 7 Monatsplan für Juni 2016 Calender for June 2016 Kalender vir Junie 2016 1. Juni Mittwoch 15:15 2. Juni Donnerstag 09:30 5. Juni 2. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English 10:15 Gottesdienst in Deutsch und Kinderkirche Mittwoch 10:00 Helfende Hände im Gemeindezentrum Donnerstag 09:00 Gebetskreis 09:30 Bibelstunde 10:00 Offene Tür 10:30 English Bible Study 8. Juni 9. Juni 12. Juni 15. Juni 19. Juni 21. Juni 24. Juni Andacht im St Johannis Heim Pastor Molchin Seniorentreff im Gemeindezentrum Thema: Gespräch über Hospizarbeit Referentin: Frau Venter 3. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English 10:30 Gottesdienst in Deutsch im St. Johannis Heim mit Heiligem Abendmahl Mittwoch 15:15 Andacht im St. Joh. Heim, Pastor Schwär DSK Schulschluss 4. Sonntag nach Trinitatis Fathers’ Day 09:00 Church Service in English 10:15 Erediens in Afrikaans met Heilige Nagmaal en Kinderkerk Mittwoch 19:00 Kirchenvorstand Freitag Ferienanfang Staatsschulen 26. Juni 5. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English With Holy Communion 10:15 Gottesdienst in Deutsch mit Heiligem Abendmahl Meine Stärke und mein Lied ist der HERR, ER ist für mich zum Retter geworden. My krag en my sterkte kom van die HERE. HY gee my die oorwinning. The LORD is my strength and song, and HE is become my salvation. (Ex 15,2) 8 Monatsplan für Juli 2016 Calender for July 2016 Kalender vir Julie 2016 3. Juli 6. Juni 10. Juli 13. Juli 16. Juli 17. Juli 18. 19. 20. 21. Juli Juli Juli Juli 24. Juli 28. Juli 31. Juli 6. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English 10:15 Gottesdienst in Deutsch und Kinderkirche Mittwoch 15:15 Andacht im St Johannis Heim Pastor Molchin 7. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English 10:30 Gottesdienst in Deutsch im St. Johannis Heim, Mittwoch 10:00 Helfende Hände im Gemeindezentrum Samstag 10:00 Basarvorbesprechung 8. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English 10:15 Erediens in Afrikaans, Heilige Nagmaal en Montag Schulanfang aller Schulen Dienstag 19:00 Kirchenvorstand Mittwoch 15:15 Andacht im St. Joh. Heim, Bischof Filter Donnerstag 09:00 Gebetskreis 09:30 Bibelstunde 10:00 Offene Tür 10:30 English Bible Study 9. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English With Holy Communion 10:15 Gottesdienst in Deutsch, Kindergartengottesdienst Donnerstag 09:00 Gebetskreis 09:30 Bibelstunde 10:00 Offene Tür 10:30 English Bible Study 10. Sonntag nach Trinitatis 09:00 Church Service in English, Afrikaans und Deutsch, with Holy Communion Die HERE antwoord: “Ek sal jou iets van MY goedheid laat sien en Ek sal jou My stem laat hoor wanneer Ek My Naam ‘die HERE’ uitroep.” Eksod. 33 Der HERR gab zur Antwort: “Ich will meine ganze Schönheit vor dir vorüberziehen lassen und den Namen des HERRN vor dir ausrufen.” Ex. 33 And HE said: I will make all MY goodness pass before thee, and will proclaim the Name of the LORD before thee. 9 JACOBSEN, Sander: The preacher. Sphere, 2014 In the small town of Roslinge in Denmark a body is found in the nearby creek. She is the wife of vicar Thorkild Christensen ('The preacher'), shot twice, then dumped in the river. Lead investigator Detective Thea Krogh is determined to find out what happened. The vicar realizes that he knows very little about his wife and her life. While investigations are going on, a second woman is shot dead. There is seemingly nothing to link the two victims, and the police move on, desperate for a lead. This Danish crime thriller is cleverly written and keeps you guessing until the end! The 'author' is actually two people, Dagmar Winther & Kenneth Degnbol. They are both teachers and live in Denmark. They also did the English translation of this, their debut novel. At the end of the book there is an interview with the two authors, giving us insight into various aspects of this very intriguing story ! IB 10 News from the Bishop’s desk Food for Thought Recently I read these encouraging words: “The decisions to take just one more step; to give to just one more person; to help to fill a need just one more time, are the daily building blocks of a godly life.” May these words inspire you to ‘salt of the earth’ and ‘light of the world. News from the Circuit Conferences and Congregations Circuit Conference East Inland Parish. At its meeting in April the UELCSA Church Council has decided to place Vicar Martha Weich in the Inland parish. She will be resident in Stutterheim and start serving in the parish from October 2016. We wish her and the members of the parish a fruitful journey. Circuit Conference West St Martini – Pastor Siegfried Hambrock will go on retirement at the end of June 2016. He has faithfully served the congregation and the Cape Church for more than 13 years. We thank him and his family for their valuable and dedicated service. We wish him a well-deserved retirement. Pastor Claudia Nolte-Schamm and family will move from Gauteng to Cape Town in July 2016 to start her ministry at St Martini. We are looking forward to journey with her. Pastor’s Conference The Combined General Pastors’ convention of ELCSA(N-T) and ELCSA(Cape Church) will take place from 19-23 September 2016 in Red Acres, Pietermaritzburg. The topic will be: “Being Church here and now.” Topical inputs, listening to the word of God, times of sharing and engaging with one another will create opportunities to grapple with this important question. We want to seek ways of serving better as the body of Christ and deliberate on how structures might need to change. Theological Training Are you called to become a pastor? Are you interested in studying theology? Please speak to your pastor about it. The Church is offering bursaries to assist prospective full time students. The preferred place of study for UELCSA students is the Stellenbosch University. Outreach work and Public Relations The EKD has created an App for which information can be gathered about congregations worldwide who celebrate services in the German language. Is your congregation registered on it? Read more on page 15 11 THE church Committee reports Pastor’s Communication to Newsletter Kreuzkirche: June/July 2016 6.5.2016 Dear Congregation, The new Church Committee has now taken up its duties and meets on a regular monthly basis. Should there be any concerns or questions regarding its functioning, you are invited to address Gisela Prüter directly with your queries. (or write an email: [email protected]). We are still in the “running in” phase, and acquainting ourselves with our various duties and challenges. The Committee members and spouses met on the 15 April for a social braai at the home of Pastor Peter. It was a good time to get to know each other better and discuss various ideas. As the roof has now been fully paid, the Committee has decided to close the Roof Fund and would like to thank all who have so generously contributed towards it! Regular English services have started on Sunday 3rd April. So far we had four of them. In each service there have been some new visitors. We have a minimum of liturgical framing and use more time for reflection, prayer and exchange. Hymns may be chosen during the service by the participants and interested parties are invited to suggest Bible texts or themes for sermons. Over the next six months a monthly advertisement will appear in the Tygerburger. English Bible Studies have started on Thursdays, at 10:30 in the morning. As with all meetings, every congregation member is welcome to join. Sprouting from this EBS is the idea of holding of a morning seminar/workshop on “Emotions and Feelings” on Saturday morning, 13 August. Anger and fear will be specifically referred to, as they are often referred to in the Bible as emotions that need to be managed constructively. The first German Kindergarten service (once a quarter), was held on the 24th April and received many positive comments. Songs are uncomplicated and suitable for smaller children. The sermon was a narration of the Prodigal Son story. The time was limited to 45 minutes. Our next German KiGa service will be held on the 24th July. The Principal of the Kindergarten has identified a list of maintenance issues, and these have largely been attended to. Many thanks to Ulf Demasius and Danie Steytler! The congregational meal, 24 April, was well attended with some 50 participants, who feasted on a delicious meal after service. Thank you, Gisela Prüter and all dedicated helpers for getting this idea going! We must definitely do this again. For more, see page 13 12 Pastor’s Communication (continued) The Missional Work Group (MWG) had its first meeting on the 2.4. At the first meeting there was a lot of reflection by participants as to where the Congregation finds itself at the present, as well as an input by Bishop Filter. John 21 was the text of our devotion and we contemplated what it might mean for us that Jesus advised his disciples to go against convention and custom and throw the fishing nets on the right side instead of the usual left side. We have since realised that the woven carpet depicting the catching of the fish is hanging incorrectly and the carpet will be reversed, so that the mirror image will show the net on the right hand of the ship. On the 7th of May we will be contemplating Ezekiel 37, 1-4, where in a vision Ezekiel witnessed how God’s Spirit restored the dry bones of the House of Israel back to life again. (This second meeting on the 7 May will be reported later on). Our next meeting will be on 11 June, 10:00-12:00. This is an open meeting and all congregation members are invited to attend and articipate. Prayer cards will soon be made available to the congregation, inviting all to join the MWG in prayer (suggestion: daily, either 8am or 8pm for 5 mins) for God’s guidance in our missional endeavours. No further progress has been made regarding ideas and plans for a new arrangement of the benches and the removal of the front barrier in the church. We will keep you informed when we have some ideas to discuss with the congregation. Please note: No unilateral changes will be made. Any possible changes will only be made after consultations and with the clear consent from a general meeting of the congregation. The matter of the synodal decision concerning the proposed merger between our Cape Church and ELCSA/NT is still under discussion on the level of the respective Church Councils. I hope to be able to give you a date later in the year, on which there will be a meeting on Circuit level, where this matter will be reported in detail, discussed and explored further. Speaking of Church Council. The CC and the Bishop issued a statement on the matter of President Zuma, from which I quote: “We fear that Mr Zuma’s half-hearted apology on the 1st of April 2016 does not undo his flouting of the constitution or inspire confidence that he will uphold the constitution without being dragged before court. On the contrary, his behaviour is destroying the moral fibre of our society and is a major cause for conflict and polarisation amongst our people. We have no alternative but to join others in calling for his immediate resignation as President of the Republic of South Africa.” The full text is available on request. The annual Church Day was held on the 13th March in Strand Street with Pastor Felix Meylahn preaching on the watchword of the year from Isaiah 66, 13: “I will comfort you like a mother comforts her child”. The service was well attended and a picnic in the Church’s courtyard followed the proceedings. For more, see page 14 13 Pastor’s Communication (continued from page 13) On the 12th April Pastor Peter attended the LCC Pastors’ Conference in Worcester. When reflecting on the bygone Reformation Service in Athlone last year (1.11.15), I had to express my disappointment regarding the participation of the Cape Church: only some 25 persons attended from our side! Surely on the occasion of such a festival, we should be able to find the motivation for fellowship with our fellow Lutherans? Nevertheless, it was decided to celebrate the next Reformation Service together again on the 30.10.16 at the Strand Street church. We will organise lift clubs on that next occasion. As Convenor of Circuit Conference West (so confirmed by Church Council in the absence of an active, elected Circuit Conference, Committee or Chairperson), I have requested all congregation to send a delegate to a meeting on the 14 May (9:00) to reconstitute the Bainskloof Management Committee, of which I ended up as Chair, Minute keeper and General Damager :-) (by default)! Kreuzkirche also needs a new representative on this Bainskloof Committee, as Ulrich Sachse has bowed out after many years of service (Many thanks to Ulrich!). Any volunteers? I have not yet received any opinions and suggestions from the congregation on the following matters: Are there a number of persons (say 20) interested in a retreat (“Gemeindefreizeit”) in Bainskloof or otherwise? What topics would be of interest to you? Is there interest in an evening Bible Study or Housegroup or such? This would be aimed at the working congregation members who cannot attend daytime activities. Should you desire a house visitation, please do not hesitate to let me or the Church Office (Karin or Christiane) know. Please advise of congregation members in hospital! Finally: Dot and I enjoyed our week’s holiday, which included the Wilderness and Addo Park and concluded with a family wedding in East London. The Garden Route is beautiful! Kind regards, Pastor Peter 14 News from the Bishop’s Desk (from page 11) Outreach: A task team has been set up to look at different ways of making the Cape Church and its congregations better known through media, home pages and other means. There is a special need to reach out to the many long-term German tourists who live amongst us. Are you interested in joining the team? Then contact the Church office. Talks with the ELCSA(N-T) As a follow-up to the meeting with Bishops Horst Müller and Gilbert Filter, as well as their deputies, Pastors Theo Jaeckel and Felix Meylahn at Communitas (Stellenbosch University), a workshop on the ecclesiology in a Lutheran perspective has been arranged for 22-24 July 2016. This is part of the ongoing process of dealing with the motion adopted by synod. The foundational theological discernment is important when dealing with the structures of the church. Dr Chris Johl is systematically working through and comparing the Constitutions, the Orders and Church Laws. These discussion are taking place to seek what is in the best interest of the congregations. LWF Assembly 2017 in Windhoek Much information and documentation has been prepared by the LWF for the Assembly, which will also commemorate the 500 Reformation Jubilee. An interesting website to find out more about the topic: Liberated by Grace is 500 Years Reformation in 2017 What are you planning in your congregation to celebrate this significant period in history? Share it, so that we can join in the celebrations. On the ecumenical front some events are planned as we continue to investigate the significance of the Reformation for our African context. Bishop Filter 15 EVANGELISCH- LUTHERISCHE KREUZKIRCHE EVANGELIES-LUTHERSE KRUISKERK EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE CROSS B E L L V I L L E P B O : 9 3 0 0 2 4 0 8 3 NPO 093—311 BÜRO: Adresse Tel. Fax. E-mail Website Sekretärinnen Bürozeiten 33 Middel Str, Bellville 7530 021 948 5928 086 527 1672 [email protected] Karin Fröhlich und Christiane Duwe 9h00 – 14h00 Dienstag – Freitag BANK DETAILS: ABSA A/C 340 270 274 Branch Code 632 005 Acc. Name Dt. Ev. Luth. Kirche Bellville PASTOR: Pastor Peter Molchin Sprechzeiten Jederzeit nach Vereinbarung Tel. 084 20 40 500 E-mail [email protected] Kirchenvorstand: Frau Gisela Prueter Tel. 083 415 8663 Redaktion: Ulrich Sachse 021 911 2467 / 083 309 1681 WEITERE KONTAKTNUMMERN BISCHOF DER KAPKIRCHE: Bischof Gilbert Filter 084 514 4946 [email protected] KINDERGARTEN + SPIELGRUPPE: Frau Ulla Armbruster 021 949 1648 ST. JOHANNIS Suster Marina Basson Frau von Fintel 021 939 6196 HEIM: BÜRO DER KAPKIRCHE: 021 422 0592 Die Redaktion bemüht sich den Gemeindebrief fehlerlos herauszugeben. Sollten Fehler dennoch übersehen worden sein, so bitten wir um gütige Nachsicht. - Der Monatskalender erscheint in dieser Ausgabe in anderer Form. Wir bitten um Stellungnahme hierzu. Ulrich Sachse, Schriftleiter Die medewerkers aan hierdie uitgawe is: Pastor Peter Molchin, Biskop Gilbert Filter, Ingrid Brunke en Ulrich Sachse (redakteur). Dank aan Karin Fröhlich van die gemeente-kantoor vir hulp en inligting. 16
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