The Characteristics and the Challenges of the Circular Economy

The Characteristics and the Challenges of the
Circular Economy and Product Service Systems
17 May 2016
Executive Academy (EA) building, Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien,
Welthandelsplatz 1 1, 1020 Wien
The conference is aimed to initiate discussion on the unsustainable nature of current
consumption trends by highlighting the introduction of a circular economy and product service
systems (PSS) as potential alternatives. The event will aim to raise awareness to the benefits
and characteristics of these concepts, while allowing professionals and academics to discuss
potential pitfalls.
Introduction of the conference and the aim of the panel by the organizers.
Keynote speech and presentation, Sepp Eisenriegler, CEO of Reparatur- und
Service-Zentrum (RUSZ)
10:00–10:30 Speech of “Re-use in Practice – A challenge within legal aspects” by Elisabeth
Schmied, Institut für Abfallwirtschaft, BOKU
10:30–10:45 Speech on “Die Nutzungsdauer und Obsoleszenz von Gebrauchsgütern im
Zeitalter der Beschleunigung” by Nina Tröger, AK Wien.
10:45–11:30 Panel discussion moderated by organizers;
Facilitated discussion between the participants which will focus on the problems the
circular economy and PSS will face, despite their numerous benefits. The future
roadmap for the circular economy will be discussed and how they envision for it to be
introduced in Europe—a context in which Vienna’s role and initiatives will be highlighted.
The format will comprise a statement speech (approximately 10 minutes) by each of the
panel participants, which will be followed by open, moderated discussion.
- Sepp Eisenriegler, CEO of Reparatur- und Service-Zentrum (RUSZ)
- Tröger Nina, Konsumforscherin und Referentin in der Abteilung KonsumentInnenpolitik
- Michael Grimburg, MA22 (Vienna Municipal Department of Environmental Protection)
11:30–12:00 Questions