Split-phase programming Handler/task characteristics and separation has consequences for programming model How to implement a blocking call to another component? Example: Order another component to send a packet Blocking function calls are not an option ! Split-phase programming First phase: Issue the command to another component Receiving command handler will only receive the command, post it to a task for actual execution and returns immediately Returning from a command invocation does not mean that the command has been executed! Second phase: Invoked component notifies invoker by event that command has been executed Consequences e.g. for buffer handling Buffers can only be freed when completion event is received 86 Structuring commands/events into interfaces Many commands/events can add up nesC solution: Structure corresponding commands/events into interface types Example: Structure timer into three interfaces StdCtrl Timer Clock Build configurations by wiring together corresponding interfaces init StdCtrl stop fired start Timer TimerComponent Clock setRate fire 87 Building components out of simpler ones Wire together components to form more complex components out of simpler ones New interfaces for the complex component StdCtrl Timer StdCtrl Timer TimerComponent Clock Clock HWClock CompleteTimer 88 Defining modules and components in nesC 89 Wiring components to form a configuration StdCtrl; 90 A TinyOS Demonstration (1/2) Some supported methods (Windows & Linux) Manually (Windows: cygwin & RPM, Linux: RPM) Virtual machine image (VMWare, VirtualBox) Example: starting the Xubuntos 2.1 VMWare image Plug in Sensor node first! Start XubunTOS image Login: user = xubuntos, password = tinyos y $ z! setxkbmap de VMPlayerVMRemovable DevicesUSB Devices: Future Technology Devices USB device (Port 1) 91 A TinyOS Demonstration (2/2) “Hello World” Call motelist Call cd /opt/tinyos-2.1-0/apps/Blink Call make telosb install Look at BlinkAppC.nc and BlinkC.nc “The” resource: www.tinyos.net !!! Demo: Plug in USB device Start Xubuntos 92 Zusammenfassung und Literatur Beispielanwendungen Sensor-Hardware und Netzarchitektur Herausforderungen und Methoden MAC-Layer-Fallstudie IEEE 802.15.4 Energieeffiziente MAC-Layer WSN-Programmierung 93 Zusammenfassung Herausforderungen Energieeffizienz Geringe Rechen- und Speicherkapazität Geringe Kommunikationsbandbreite Erfordert neue Ansätze auf den einzelnen Protokollschichten: z.B. energieeffiziente MAC-Layer Aufweichen von striktem Protokoll-Layering: „Cross-LayerOptimierungen“ Geräte sind in der Regel keiner Person direkt zugeordnet Neue Sichtweise auf Kommunikation ID-Zentrisch versus Datenzentrisch Maschine-zu-Maschine-Kommunikation 94 Literatur Holger Karl and Andreas Willig, „Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, Seth Hollar, David E. Culler and Kristofer S. J. Pister, “System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors”, Proceedings of the 9th International ACM Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2000. Philip Buonadonna, Jason Hill and David Culler, “Active Message Communication for Tiny Networked Sensors”, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM), 2001. David Gay, Philip Levis, Robert von Behren, Matt Welsh, Eric Brewer and David Culler, “The nesC language: A holistic approach to networked embedded systems”, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2003. 95
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