1 3 5 104 Restorative Justice 1 Epicurus Was Right (Sort of) Philosophy for Children C. R. Rogers good life truthmaker 2 大学へのアクセス: JR京浜東北線・JR山手線「田町駅」下車(徒歩約 10 分)。 都営地下鉄浅草線・都営地下鉄 三田線「三田駅」下車(徒歩約 10 分)。または、都営地下鉄大江戸線「赤羽橋駅」下車(徒歩 約15 分)。 キャンパス構内図: 会場の第一校舎は⑥の建物です。シンポジウム、理事会、懇親会は西校舎、⑦の建物で行なわ れます。なお東門は日曜日は閉門ですのでご注意ください。 3 第一校舎案内図: ↑ 正門 西 校 舎 へ → ← 東門 西門 → 西校舎案内図: ↑ 西門 ← 正門 設備について: コピー機は有料・無料を問わず大学構内ではご利用いただけません。発表にハンドアウトが必要 な方は、入構前に各自でご準備ください。各教室にはプロジェクタと VGAケーブル(ミニD-Sub 15ピン)がご用意してあります。パソコンと必要なコネクタを各自ご持参ください。 昼食について: 土曜日は、西校舎地下1階の「生協三田食堂」 (11:00∼14:00)、西校舎中階の「山食」 (10:30∼ 14:00)、南校舎 4 階の「ザ・カフェテリア」(11:00∼14:00)をご利用いただけます(日曜日は いずれも休業です)。また、学外の東側、とりわけ田町駅へと歩いていく途中に、多数の飲食店、 コンビニがございます。 4 5/7 A 10:00-10:25 105 Ayer (1936) (express) (Mind-dependence of morality) Blackburn (1984) Blackburn (Sinclair 2008, Warenski 2013) Blackburn Blackburn x x (higher-order attitude) x Blackburn (1994) Zangwill (conceptual truth) Blackburn (substantive truth) x Zangwill (Miller 2013) Zangwill Blackburn 5 Blackburn x x Blackburn Blackburn Blackburn, S. 1984. Spreading the Word. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ——. 1993. Essays in Quasi-Realism. Oxford: OUP. Geach, P. 1960. “Ascriptivism” The Philosophical Review 69 (2): 221-225. Miller, A. 2003. An Introduction to Contemporary Metaethics. Cambridge: Polity Press Sinclair, N. (2008). “Free Thinking for Expressivists Philosophical Papers 37 (2):263-287. Warenski, L.M. 2014. “Defending Moral Mind-Independence: The Expressivist’s Precarious Turn” Philosophia 42 (3):861-869. Zangwill, N. 1994. “Moral Mind-independence” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (2):205-219. 6 5/7 B 10:00-10:25 104 2016 S 1 15 2011 2015 9 5 1 7 8 5/7 C 10:00-10:25 103 W. Wagner SRT Wagner SRT W. Wagner Gergen 1985 accountability SRT Wagner Wagner Wagner 1993, 1994 Wagner Wagner 2015 Wagner 1995 Wagner Wagner Wittgenstein 9 2009 Wagner Wagner-SRT Gergen, K. J. 1985, “Social Constructionist Inquiry: Context and Implications,” Gergen, K. J., & Davis, K. E. eds., The Social Construction of the Person, New York: Springer, 3-18. Wagner, W. 1993, “Can Representations Explain Social Behaviour?: A Discussion of Social Representations as Rational System,” Papers on Social Representations, 2: 236-249. ———— 1994, “The Fallacy of Misplaced Intentionality in Social Representation Research,” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 24: 243-266. ———— 1995, “Social Representations, Group Affiliation, and Projection: Knowing the Limits of Validity”, European Journal of Social Psychology, 25: 125-139. ———— 2015, “Representation in Action”, Sammut, G., Andreouli, E., Gaskell, G., & Valsiner, J. eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 12-28. 10 5/7 D 10:00-10:25 102 cf. (2015) (1) (2) (3) (0) (0) (0) (1) (3) (0) (2015), 14-23 IC IC & (1994) IC (a) (b) 11 (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (0) (a) (2015), R , &T . (1994), . , , , (2015), , --- 12 . 5/7 E 10:00-10:25 101 health Boorse [1977] Nordenfelt [1987] normal functioning Boorse [1977] 542 typically Ibid. 555, 562 Ibid. 565-568, Cooper [2007] 31-34 vitals goal second-order ability Nordenfelt [1987] 148 Ibid. basic needs minimal happiness Ibid. 57-80 well-being WHO Boorse [1977] 569-572 Wachboit [1997], Hofmann [2005] Täljedal [2004], Khushf [2007] Tengland [2007] Foot [2001] Hesslow [1993] disease 13 Cooper [2007] Ch. 3 Messy Accounts Ibid. 39 Ibid., Cooper [2002] Sec.2 illness Boorse [1975] 61 WHO 14 5/7 A 10:30-11:20 105 Rawls 1970 15 Beauchamp/Childress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16 17 5/7 B 10:30-11:20 104 Daniel Steel Steel Steel Philosophy and the Precautionary Principle Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel 18 Steel Steel tripod Steel Steel Steel Steel 19 5/7 C 10:30-11:20 103 excuse justification Erdemovic 1200 Erdemovic Erdemovic Erdemovic Rosen(2014) Baron 2014 Rosen Baron 1 Erdemovic 2 2 2 1 Baron Rosen Rosen Baron 20 Rosen Baron Baron Baron Erdemovic Rosen Rosen, G. (2014), “Culpability and Duress: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supp. vol. 88, 69-90. Baron, M. (2014), “Culpability, Excuse, and the ‘Ill Will’ Condition,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supp. vol 88, 92-107. 21 5/7 D 10:30-11:20 102 S. Philosophy for Children/ Philosophy with Children 1960 S. P. F. 22 philosophy of childhood 23 5/7 E 10:30-11:20 101 Craig WJ, Mangels AR 2009 24 3R Reduction Replacement Refinement 3R 25 5/7 A 11:25-12:15 105 the trolley problem 1967 The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect 1976 Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem 1985 The Trolley Problem fat man loop 2016 The Trolley Problem Mysteries 20 1947 The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb 26 (Stimson (1947), p.101) 20 the problem of the trolley problem 27 5/7 B 11:25-12:15 104 1990 2000 9 1. 5 5 3 1 2 3 2. CT 28 MRI UCG 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 7. 3 8. 3 2 9. 29 5/7 C 11:25-12:15 103 Greco 1999,2010, Zagzebski 1996 Clark 2008 (Fricker 2006) (Miyazono 2015) 30 Doris 2002 S S A A S Beahr 2013 X X X 31 X 5/7 D 11:25-12:15 102 Restorative Justice RJ RJ RJ RJ RJ DV 32 RJ DV DV DV RJ RJ RJ RJ RJ “Are Restorative Justice Conferences in Reducing Repeat Offending? Findings from a campbell Systematic Review” RJ 、Alan Jenkins)。 Lawrence W. Sherman, Heather Strang “Are Restorative Justice Conferences in Reducing Repeat Offending? Findings from a campbell Systematic Review”, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2015 (31) 1-24 1 2 33 RJ 34 5/7 11:25-12:15 E 101 Death as a topic of philosophical investigation has been enjoying something of a resurrection in recent literature. Much of the discussion has dealt with the question of its harm, whether or not it ought to be considered an evil, and the degree to which it deprives us of a good, if indeed it does. The presenter will cover and comment on these positions from the perspective of how we ought to regard our own personal future deaths. The discussion will be centered around Epicurus’ famous “Letter to Menoeceus” and its argument that: “Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.” Many objections have been made to this position and the major strands of those objections will be considered in turn, starting with Thomas Nagel’s position that if we think of death as an evil it is because of the loss of life that it entails and not the condition of being dead itself. Similarly, Roy Sorensen has also argued that death takes away from us “personal time” that, in a sense, belongs to us. Moreover, Timothy Chappell and Bernard Williams find death to be a harm because it interrupts the projects we are engaged in and that we find to be worthwhile and meaningful. To better understand the conditions being considered, however, it will first be important to define the parameters of the debate and to limit what it is that we are referring to when we use terms like “death” and “dying”. Stephen Rosenbaum will be helpful here, as will his experienceable reply to Nagel’s position regarding the evil of death. Rosenbaum argued that for a thing to be a harm for someone it must be able to be experienced by that person, even if in fact it is not experienced. How can a loss of life be experienceable by the person who would experience it if they have ceased to exist? The preceding arguments for death’s harm will be examined in light of this challenge, supported by Harry Silverstein’s observation that many thinkers have confused life-life with life-death comparisons, and the Stoic/Plotinian/Epicurean ideas regarding future happiness and “longer is not more”. It will be argued that although the state of death itself cannot be found to be a harm (as the arguments for its harm do not meet Rosenbaum’s 35 experienceable challenge), there are at least two ways in which thinking of the state of death can harm us now, and those are in the process of dying and the fact of futurelessness. On the former, it does seem reasonable (and perhaps even rational given certain circumstances of familial health history or sociopolitical/socioeconomic conditions) to worry about how one may come to be dead. This point will have particular relevance for Japanese society with its problems of a fast-ageing population, increasing dementia, and an overburdened social support network. On the latter, questions of value (as Samuel Scheffler has pointed out) and legacy come into play: How can we truly value a thing, activity, or whatever, that we won’t be able to protect or promote – or do anything at all about – once we are dead? How can we attach values to our own lives knowing that they too will end and that henceforth we will, sooner or later, be forgotten? These ideas and some possible responses to them will be explored by the presenter and some general signposts for how we may come to view our own deaths will be erected, though a definitive answer will remain as being personally bound. 36 5/7 A 14:10-16:10 105 (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) 1. 1 2 37 2. (Kaplan (1989), p. 493.) (1) (2) ( ) (3) 3. Predelli(2008) α φ α φ / α φ 4. 38 φ 39 5/7 B 14:10-16:10 104 cf. Chalmers, Manley & Wasserman (2009) e.g. Ladyman & Ross (2007) scientific metaphysics object eliminativism French (2014) minimalism structure 40 e.g. —— —— —— —— 41 Chalmers, D., Manley, D. & Wasserman, R. (eds.) (2009), Metametaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. French, S. (2014), The Structure of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ladyman, J. & Ross, D. (eds.) (2007), Every Thing Must Go. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 42 5/7 C 2009 14:10-16:10 103 STS Technology accompaniment (P. Verbeek, Moralizing Technology, 2011 A 200 1950 43 Responsible innovation EU RRI responsible (Responsible research and Innovation: RRI) (R. Shomberg, 2014) proactive RRI 1980 RRI (H. Jonas, 1979) Environmental Stewardship 44 5/7 D 14:10-16:10 102 1 2 3 1 3 2 1970 45 1 3 relational autonomy 46 5/7 E 14:10-16:10 101 2016 AlphaGo 1. 2. 47 3 Google 3. 4. 2-3 3D JSPS 15K01978 48 5/7 A 16:15-17:05 105 predicativism Burge 1973 descriptive adequacy Elbourne 2005, Fara 2015 Millianism Jeshion, 2015 García-Ramírez and Shatz 2011 49 Mary arrived rigidity [[ø_the Mary] arrived] Elbourne 2013 the tree Mary Mary Mary Mary ‘Mary’ ‘Mary’ ‘Mary’ Mary Burge, T. 1973. Reference and proper names. The Journal of Philosophy, 70(14):425–439. Elbourne, P. D. 2005. Situations and Individuals. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Elbourne, P. D. 2013. Definite Descriptions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fara, D. G. 2015. Names are predicates. Philosophical Review 124: 59–117. García-Ramírez, E. and Shatz, M. 2011. On Problems with Descriptivism: Psychological Assumptions and Empirical Evidence. Mind and Language, 26: 53– 73. Jeshion, R. 2015. Names not predicates. In On Reference, ed. A. Bianchi, 225–50. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 50 5/7 B 16:15-17:05 104 ( ( (1) (2) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) 51 ) (Williamson 2013) (Thomasson 1999) Burgess, John P. & Rosen, Gideon (1999). A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalistic Interpretation of Mathematics. Oxford University Press Uk.Fine, Kit (1982). The problem of non-existents. Topoi 1 (1-2):97-140. Lewis, David K. (1986). On the Plurality of Worlds. Blackwell Publishers. Rosen, Gideon (2008). Abstract objects. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Thomasson, Amie L. (1999). Fiction and Metaphysics. Cambridge University Press. Williamson, Timothy (2013). Modal Logic as Metaphysics. OUP Oxford. 52 5/7 C 16:15-17:05 103 knowledge 53 54 5/7 D 16:15-18:15 102 6 55 56 57 5/7 E 16:15-18:15 101 visual representation 2011 (3) “Visualization in the Computerization” (1) (4) (5) 58 (2) 4 1970 90 90 1970 figure 59 5/7 A 17:10-18:00 105 experimental philosophy of language Machery et al. (2004) 1 Machery 2015: 73 Machery Machery et al. (2004) i ii Sytsma et al. (2015) 60 Machery 69% 21% χ2 (1, N = 59) = 13.7322, p < .0001 Systma et al. (2015) i ii Machery Sytsma Machery, Edouard. (2015). “A Rylean Argument against Reference.” In J. Haukioja (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 65–84. Machery, Edouard, R. Mallon, S. Nichols, and S. P. Stich. (2004). “Semantics, Cross Cultural Style”. Cognition 92, B1–B12. Sytsma, Justin, J. Livengood, R. Sato, and M. Oguchi. (2015). “Reference in the Land of the Rising Sun: A Cross-Cultural Study on the Reference of Proper Names.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (2): 213–230. 61 5/7 B 17:10-18:00 104 l “Mathematical Truth” (1973) l l l 3 62 3 l l – – – 63 5/7 C 17:10-18:00 103 A, B, C, D, E A B A B,C,E A 64 B D 65 X か? X であること、について X だ。 X であるかどうか、について X (であること) X である、について 66 5/8 A 2011 10:00-10:50 105 3 11 80 67 web PTSD debriefing 50 1980 68 5/8 B 10:00-10:50 104 1970 2003 69 5 1 2 3 4 5 70 5/8 C 10:00-10:50 103 71 72 5/8 D 10:00-10:50 102 Technology Assessment: TA 1965 1966 1970 OTA 1972 OTA 1995 TA 1980 TA TA CTA TA 1990 TA EPTA 1970 Technikbewertung: TB) Technikbewertung Technikfolgenabschätzung 1973 CDU/CSU TA TA TA GOBT TAB 1990 56 TA TA 11 12 TA TA TA TA TA 73 TA TA TAB TA ITAS TA TAB VDI 1977 1991 3780 TA VDI 2000 TA OTA TA CTA VDI TA TA TA TA CTA TA TA 74 TA 5/8 E 10:00-10:50 101 Philosophy for Children P4C Philosophical P4C Practice P4C P4C P4C P4C P4C P4C P4C P4C P4C 75 2014 2015 2015 2013 2002 1947 76 5/8 A 10:55-11:45 105 disaster disaster Challenger disaster disaster man-made disaster disaster Chernobyl natural disaster disaster disaster 1995 PTSD PTSD 77 78 5/8 B 10:55-11:45 104 expressive theory of retribution 79 80 5/8 C 10:55-11:45 103 causal selection 2 2 1 2 2 1 81 5/8 D 10:55-11:45 102 18 6 24 10 3 19:20 31 12 14 50 4 1 82 4 2 83 5/8 E 10:55-11:45 101 Plato, 2004 74 2010 1975 39 2014 38 Kant, 1999 1785 IV401 19 2007 177 Ibid. 84 2009 225 well-being Rogers good life Rogers non-intellectual sensing 1961a 1961b 22 Rogers Rogers, Rogers Rogers 2010 1975 Kant, Immanuel 1999 1785 Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. 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The Philosophy of Michael Dummett: Open Court Pub Co, 639-693. 95 5/8 E 15:30-17:30 101 trust 96 97 5/8 A 16:30-17:20 105 5 98 4 5 5 7.7 99 5/8 B 16:30-17:20 104 Khader 2011 2 Khader 1 Khader Stoljar 2014 Benson, Stoljar, Christman Warriner 2014 2 100 Khader, S. (2011). Adaptive preferences and women's empowerment. New York: Oxford University Press. Stoljar, N. (2014). "Autonomy and Adaptive Preference Formation," in Autonomy, Oppression, and Gender, eds. Veltman, A. and Piper, M. New York: Oxford University Press. Warriner, J. (2014). "Gender Oppression and Weak Substantive Theories of Autonomy," in Personal Autonomy and Social Oppression: Philosophical Perspectives, ed. Oshana, M. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 101 5/8 C 16:30-17:20 103 1994 p.152 p.19 1997 p.34 p.36 102 103 5/8 13:00-15:15 519 Youtube Facebook Twitter BBC History of Ideas 104 A イラスト:はやのん理系漫画制作室 理系漫画家はやのん 基調講演 「漫画で伝えるサイエンス・コミュニケーション」 琉球大学理学部物理学科卒、千葉大学大学院教育学研究科修了。修士(教育学)。代表作に『Go! Go! ミルボ』 (子共の科学)、『キラリ研究開発』(日刊工業新聞)、『理系受験生の好きになれる分野を見つけよう』(螢雪時代) などがある。現在、はやのん理系漫画制作室として、日刊工業新聞の「キラリ研究開発」等で連載中。マンガ の手法と作文教育の方法をベースとした、理系の学生・教員向けのライティング・プレゼンテーション構成指導や、 チラシ・ポスター制作指導を行っている。 児玉 聡 提題 「オンラインコースで届ける生命倫理学入門」 京都大学大学院文学研究科准教授。著書に『マンガで学ぶ生命倫理』(化学同人)など。2016 年 3 月よりオンラインコース KyotoUx で Ethics in Life Sciences and Healthcare: Exploring Bioethics through Manga を開講。 森岡正博 提題 「まんがで哲学を表現する可能性―まんが原画を描いた経験から」 早稲田大学人間科学部教授。著書に『まんが哲学入門』(講談社)など。2015 年より、哲学者をゲストに招いたトーク・イベント 「現代哲学ラボ」を開催中。 田中さをり 提題及び司会 「国連大学広報と雑誌『哲楽』での試み」 MID アカデミックプロモーションズ代表取締役。国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所広報担当としてイベントの企画や広報を担当。 2011 年から高校生からの哲学雑誌『哲楽』の編集人を務め、2016 年 4 月に『哲学者に会いにゆこう』(ナカニシヤ出版)を刊行。 2016 年 5 月 8 日 ( 日 ) 午後 1:00 3:15 慶応義塾大学三田キャンパス西校舎1F 519 大会参加費 非会員 1,000 円、会員 500 円、事前申込不要 主催:応用哲学会、お問合せ先:[email protected] 105
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