Opportunity House, Inc. OH Industries

Out and About
Opportunity House, Inc.
OH Industries
Work is one of the most important aspects of
life for all Americans, including those with
disabilities. Work helps define who a person
is and gives them a sense of community.
According to a survey by Special Olympics
conducted by Gallup and the University
of Massachusetts, only 44% of adults with
intellectual disabilities are currently in the
work force either employed or looking for
work, while just 34% are actually working*.
Often, when someone with a disability does
find work in the community it is part-time,
leaving them with little to do for the rest of
their work week.
OH Industries, offering packaging and
assembly services to local industry, provides
employment and skill building activities
full-time to 65 individuals with intellectual
and/or developmental disabilities. Workers
are paid a wage commensurate with their
productive capacity in accordance with the Fair
Labor Standards Act, which allows even the
most disabled individual the opportunity to
earn a wage. When not working, individuals
are engaged in activities that build social,
vocational, academic, and other skills to
maximize self-sufficiency.
For some, the skills and work habits they gain
at OH Industries translate into employment
in the community. For others, competitive
employment in the community is not feasible
given the severity of their disability, and
employment at OH Industries is the only
opportunity they have to experience the
pride of earning a paycheck and being as
economically self-sufficient as possible. But for
everyone, having a job, being productive and
gaining skills that lead to a more independent lifestyle gives meaning and satisfaction. Hope says,
“Opportunity House is a place to work. It gives me work opportunities, and they set up jobs for my specific
disability”. Harold just likes the fact that he’s earning a wage, “I like all the jobs, and as long as I’m
making money I’m happy!”
* From the DeKalb Daily Chronicle article
Intellectually Disabled Struggling to Find Work , February 18, 2014
Spring 2014
Board of Directors
Nick Lee................................. Chair
Tom Matya................. 1st Vice Chair
Chad Jewett...............2nd Vice Chair
Jeff Richardson.......... 3rd Vice Chair
Kayte Hamel......................Secretary
Jim Bohlig.........................Treasurer
Keith Foster............Past Chairperson
Lisa Becker
Betty Clausen
Jim Dombek
Brian Gregory
Nancy Hedberg
Linda Heinisch
John Hulseberg
Bob Klotz
Jacki McLaughlin
Kevin Poorten
Karen Simmons
Brian Slayton
Ken Spears
Tom Sullivan
Sarah Tobias
Opportunity House, Inc.
OH is a not-for-profit 501 (c) 3
organization providing services to
disabled adults since 1963.
Our mission is “To help people with
disabilities work, live in homes of their
choice, and enjoy community life.”
We offer a wide variety of services
including residential, day program,
supported employment, recreation,
and Special Olympics.
For more information about our
programs check out our website
at www.ohinc.org or contact us at
Main Office & Workshop
202 Lucas Street, Sycamore.
Employee Service
Anniversary List
December – March
Joshua Solomon
Kristin Nikkila
Robyn Cheeks
Lindsey Leatherberry
Jordan Grubbs
Michele Cook
Lyndsey Vale
Caroline Collins
Dominique McIntyre
Laura Rittenberry
Jessica Arriaga
Amy Frantz
Linda Kocjan
Jersetta Hearns
Jessica Wilhelm
Katie Lee
Shawna Fee
Andria Bail
Krista Talley
Tyinesha Holley
Sara Sangabriel
Byron Wise
Jennifer Mangino
Coach Kyle Miller telling Storm team next
plays at Basketball Game Day.
“Lone warrior”, Will Davis waiting for Thunder
teammates to join him on the court at Game Day.
Special Olympics
Illinois State Basketball
The Opportunity House/KSRA Special Olympics basketball season will continue for two lucky
teams. The Thunder and the Heat will represent Opportunity House/KSRA Special Olympics
at the State Basketball Tournament held March 14-16 in Bloomington/Normal. Both teams
advanced to the Special Olympics Illinois State Basketball Tournament by being selected from
a lottery drawing following the District Basketball cancellation in late January. Both the athletes
and coaches are excited about the opportunity to play downstate. Heat athlete Mary Cosentino
expresses her feelings on the State Basketball Tournament below.
“I am really excited about being chosen to go down state for the basketball finals. I am looking
forward to going down state to have fun with my coaches and teammates for the weekend. I have
been playing basketball since 1996 and I like playing basketball. I’m not worried about winning or
losing, it will be tough competition but I just want to have fun!”
“I am especially looking forward to the party after the tournament and plan on dancing all night
long! I am also looking forward to going down state to hang out with my old friends from Mt.
Greenwood Park District, where I used to compete before coming to Opportunity House!”
Michael O’Brien
Nicole Safford
Virginia Rock
Karen Talley
Henry Oeser
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Opportunity House, Inc.
Kevin Meyer, Jazmin Robles, and Marc Isabel taking a break at Game Day.
Welcome New Staff
Roxanne Badker
Alden Group Home
Residential Trainer
Joseph McGuire
Rich Road Group Home
Residential Trainer
Lindsey Blakley
Canterbury Group Home
Residential Trainer/Sub
Kerry Robertson
Community Supports
Residential Trainer
Lisa Cowley
Human Resource Manager
Lisa Wiersema
Alden Group Home
Residential Trainer
Rebecca Huml
Rich Road Group Home
Residential Trainer/Sub
Melissa Zehelein
Maplewood Group Home
Residential Trainer
We are deeply saddened by the death of Gloria Miller on December 30, 2013. Gloria began working for
Opportunity House in May, 2012 as the agency’s first Human Resources Manager. She was diagnosed
with a serious health issue in the fall of 2012 but you would never have known it as she continued to come
to work every day with a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She will be remembered as a well-liked
member of the OH family who died much too young.
Wanda Tatum
Community Supports
Case Manager
If you would like to receive future newsletters by email,
please send your email address to [email protected]
Feed My Starving Children
Charity Event
On Sunday, November 17th, 2013, Opportunity House clients again
volunteered to pack meals during the “Feed My Starving Children”
event at the Suter Company. Over 4,000 children and adults from the
DeKalb/Sycamore community volunteered for two hour shifts packing
meals that included rice, soy protein, dried vegetables, and vitamin/
mineral powder. These meals are distributed to starving children and
their families around the world. This year many of the meals packed
were designated to be sent to the Philippines to help people affected
by the typhoon. Opportunity House volunteers this year included Will
Davis, Chris Guild, Mary Cosentino, Kris Lindstrom, Spring Bellows,
B.J. Berkheimer, Diane Lockwood and Barb Lynch.
The 8th Annual Dist 427 Charity event was held on February 7th,
2014 at the Sycamore High School Fieldhouse. The goal was to raise
more than last year’s $2500, but through individual and business
donations, tournament participant contributions, 50/50 raffle, t-shirt
sales, and 10% of the proceeds earned at Culver’s in Sycamore on
February 4th, the event raised over $4600. Sycamore School District
#427 has been putting on a district-wide charity event since 2006.
Starting in 2009, all proceeds raised during this event have been
donated to Opportunity House/KSRA Special Olympics. It started
out as a dodge ball tournament and has moved into a volleyball
tournament the past few years. Any district employee can play, and in
the recent years student teams from the high school have been able to
as well.
Spring Bellows said, “I felt honored to be able to do a very special part
for those who were hit by the terrible typhoon, because they have so
little and we have so much. For me, it was a privilege to help. It was
very rewarding and it filled me with such joy!” Kris Lindstrom added,
“I was honored to help!”
“Every year we try to make the event better by including more people
and reaching more local businesses in order to help our local Special
Olympians continue to do what they love the most!,” said Shannon
Vanatta, Dist. #427 employee and Special Olympics coach. This year
t-shirt sales and support from local businesses contributed to the
increase in amount raised.
Each team in the tournament is encouraged to raise a minimum
amount of money in order to compete for the following trophies:
Champions of Charity, Adult Team Overall Winner, Student Team
Overall Winner and Grand Champion—where the winner of the
adult team plays the winner of the student team.
Diane Lockwood, Kris Lindstrom, Mary Cosentino, Chris Guild,
and Barb Lynch volunteering at Feed My Starving Children.
For more information about sponsoring or participating in next
year’s event, please contact Shannon Vanatta at
[email protected]
For more information on Special Olympics, please contact
Marc Johnson at [email protected]
Salem Lutheran Food Pantry
Throughout the year Opportunity House clients plan activities to
support local charities. This past November, we were able to make
a donation of more than 115 canned and boxed food items to the
Salem Lutheran Food Pantry. All of these items were gathered during
two events—“Breakfast for a Cause” and the “1st Annual Turkey Toe
Dance”. We will be planning more activities throughout the year
where the participation fee will be either a small monetary donation
to purchase canned goods or a canned good. We feel wonderful about
being able to help others---even in a small way!
Lisa Steinbis, Sue Way, Diane Lockwood and Libby Weaver
donating canned goods to the Salem Lutheran Food Pantry.
Lisa Steinbis, David Roberts, Sheila Buchholz, Sarah Carlson, Libby Weaver,
Cody Zimmer, and coach Shannon Vanatta present the awards.
Photo Gallery
Friends having a festive time at the Holiday Party.
Roger Hoffman sharing his Christmas list with Santa
while his friends patiently wait for their turn.
Mary Cosentino setting up for a game of chess.
Who will win this dominoes match...
Lisa Steinbis, Mark Clausen or Roger Scott?
Mary Cosentino and Sean Weisser dancing to a favorite song
at the Valentine’s Day Dance.
Roxanne Wenzel and Duke Lewis “rocking out” at the Valentine’s Dance.
Changes to
Aktion Club
Aktion Club is going
to make some changes
in the near future. First
will be the meeting
time, starting in April,
Aktion Club will meet
on the second Tuesday of
each month from 2:453:30pm in the workshop
lunch room. The second change will be that members are expected
to do 15 service hours each year. Service hours will include attending
Aktion Club and Interclub meetings, volunteering at different
events that will be offered throughout the year and helping out with
fundraising opportunities. There will be weekly opportunities to
volunteer such as: Meals on Wheels, Electronics Recycling, Pancake
Breakfasts, Biking for Beanzie, Peanut Day and other Kiwanis
opportunities. Additionally, there will also be an officers meeting held
on the third Tuesday of each month from 2:30-3:30pm. This meeting
will involve planning the next Aktion Club meeting and future
volunteer and fundraising opportunities. We are very excited about
these changes. We look forward to making Aktion Club a more
hands on club that is a vital part of the community!
Opportunity House/KSRA Swim
Coaches Take the Polar Plunge
for Special Olympics
On March 1st Jeremy Stine and his staff at Iddy Biddy Pool School
took in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Illinois, raising $4,970.
For the past 8 years, Stine has coached the Special Olympics Swim
Team for Opportunity House/KSRA. Stine and his staff volunteer
every Sunday, free of charge, to coach 25 great athletes, some who
have qualified downstate.
Plunge team Iddy Biddy took first place for costume for the seventh
year in a row. They also took home another first place for most
donations for a small team! We are very grateful to Coach Jeremy
and his team for the years of dedication to our Special Olympics
swim team.
Parents with Promise
In November of 2013 we began another collaboration with the local
organization, Parents with Promise which will continue over the
next several months. The current topic focuses on Bullying. Bullying?
Yes. Many adults with developmental disabilities still experience
episodes of exclusion, ridicule, and bullying. The key to prevention is
education. Teaching individuals who may be perpetrators, victims or
bystanders how to Communicate, Stay positive and Inform someone
(CSI) is the key to staying safe. The 5 week course is taught by
Dahlia Roman and Lynn Jorgenson from Parents with Promise, and
will have educated over 65 clients enrolled in Opportunity House
Day Programs by the end of Spring 2014. Financial support for this
program comes from a grant by The DeKalb County Community
Mental Health Board.
Team Iddy Biddy prepare for the plunge!
Client Corner
Amy Duitsman, a NIU student, has been volunteering at OH since
September. She comes in two days a month to teach an art class to
the clients in work services. All the clients that have been in her
classes, love showing off their art work that they completed. Recently
they painted reusable bags, with many drawing pictures of spring.
Mary Titus, Libby Weaver, Connie Ordonez, Liz Harding,
Sandra Walker, and Amy Duitsman.
Opportunity House Donors
Please remember Opportunity House in your estate planning!!
A. Forrest Troyer
Ali Rosenow
Beverly Danekas
Bret Schyvincht
Dale & Leanne Vesta
David & Suzanne Juday
Frank & Marilyn Bazeli
Gordon & Shirley Cummings
Greg & Luan Olson
The Israel of God’s Church
James & Kathy Hendricks
James & Kelly Rhodes
John & Cheryl Countryman
John Honiotes
Larry Wilson
M & H Dairy Dogs Inc.
M. Nadine Zimmerman
Mark & Eileen Hoesly
Materials Engineering Inc.
Nancy Hedberg
Paul & Nancy McMenamin
Phyllis Riippi
Raymond Hott
Richard & Barbara Sweetman
Riverside Marathon
Robert & Allison Klotz
Robert & Jeanette Murphy
Roger & Caryl Steimel
Ronald & Nancy Proesel
St. Geroge Greek Orthodox Church
Stephen & Melinda Chaney
Tom & Karen Matya
Tom & Louise Hoffman
Tony Stahl
United Methodist Women of Sycamore
William & Catherine Durako
In honor of Tim Sitowski
Kenneth & Mary Ellen Hickey
In memory of Jack Mullis
Betty & Paul Mullis
In honor of Eileen Poorten
Kevin Poorten
In memory of Shelli Holub
Geneva Community High School
In honor of Adam Nimerfroh
Mark Nimerfroh
In memory of Katherine Reding
Jack Reding
In honor of Mooseheart
Sycamore Moose Lodge #1506
In memory of Norma Goodman
Jill Pigott
Institute Day
All OH Day Programs Closed
Friday, March 28th
Good Friday Holiday
(Opportunity House Closed)
Friday, April 18th
Board Meeting
357 N. California St. Sycamore
Thursday, April 24th at 4:30 pm
Band Together Fundraiser for
Opportunity House/Kishwaukee
SRA Special Olympics
Blumen Gardens, Sycamore
Friday, May 9th
from 6:00-11:00 pm
Memorial Day Holiday
(Opportunity House Closed)
Monday, May 26th
In memory of Shelli Holub
John & Ruth Loebach
In memory of Ethel Jordal & honor of Marcia Jordal
Karen DiFiore
This past quarter, Opportunity House received a grant from the DeKalb County Community
Mental Health Board to have the lighting at 202 Lucas Street upgraded to energy-efficient lighting
through ComEd’s Smart Ideas for Your Business® program. According to calculations, Opportunity
House will see an energy cost savings of $5,695 per year from the upgrade. Opportunity House is
endeavoring to reduce energy costs so funds saved can be used in our programs. We are grateful to
the DCCMHB for covering the portion of the upgrade that would have been OH’s responsibility
to pay, and allowing us to take advantage of this cost-saving program.
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Non-Profit Organization
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May 9th, 2014
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